Saturday 15 January 2022

I’m worthey You know the therez a pric you pay hangs over us everyday 

Flying hight with honky tonk in whisky in whisky heaven 

Flying hight wiht honky tonk angels in wisky heven 

Tehttte thye they call , they call me the fat man

Although they i’m going i’m going all the way and i’m going to satst stay . all the way in the heead lights . going to sty

   Thw the fuck ... where is this Ilm going to the rive gonna ‘ gonna jump over b oard and drwdrown because the girl i love has just left this ti town 

When she left me . when she left me . head and cry i never thought i would be i would be the one to cry

I never thought i would be the one to cry 

I hold my head and cry . 

Whissk whiskanin that a Wand that a shia you aint that a shame . my ain that your the one to blame 

Oh well although i’m crying 

Aint that a shame 

Aint that a shame your the one to blameyour’re the one to blame 

Yo mke me cry saint htathat a shame . my your’re the one to blame  onTime although aint that a shame your the one to blame. . they call me they call me the fat man cause i know my out of mind 

Is time in house 

Out on the tile rains condensed milk

And death will have no dominion . bones picked clean and typed up in long and short of it . thats the long and short of it. I lost something . i lost a day. Columns rows sea croft . diamond in ruff diamond in two faces  increase indent . in clement. Buy now pay nov 22 . altogether different. Cappuccino hard hitting current affairs with long #’;l?.,][p1234567890-=+_)(*&^%$£”! }{P~@:L?><?><~@:L}{PO+_)(*&^%$£”!=-0987654321][po#’;l/.,????>><~@:}{P+


?/~0))__---------------_______------ HARD hard )_- hard-hitting the human shaped growth that is family race species is tissue in line. Recognised as repulsive recognised as attractive recognised flagged marked as unattractive repulsive attractive repulsive unrepulsive attractive unrepulsive . being pleasant desirable being desireable being approved of. The decisions made by this mind arising from around with inconjuction with this brain . are pleasing to the olfactorial judgements. The decerning decernment driven judgemental awareness arising around the stench that arises related to the killing of an animal. That had lived through one winter at least being the neighbours dog which died after consuming slime rind rime around the drain under the downpipe of the sink into which the oils are deposited gathering into a pool of fats flime slime filth and let downss

Your make it right ah ah ah ah heaven to make it right for every wish there’s a gift . black Friday offer victoria gate . car park right time access toilets customer service desk for every wish theres shado moon benewath beneath the rinse they tell me they dont have a time to crime on a grown mans severed leg and they tell me they dont have a time to shine . and they tell me they dont don’t have a time to shine . w why dont don’t you shape the world . why dont don#t you shape the world make believe . remember social distancing  remunfortintunately thieves operate in this area so please be mindbuful mindful of your phones , laptops and other bits and bobs and they tell me they dont have don’t have a long tot time to change your mind shining in the stream and they telm ttell me shape the world shape the wold world we only have a to take the words in my mind . rmebemrembe remember there are thieves in this area operating laptops and phones and other bits and bobs please take care remember social distanceing forwe e erevery wisht theres a giftday or night there is a landslide ti this time this time day or night there is a land slide . fay now mind there will be rembneants remnatns thi remnants this time black firfriday deals please take peas peace of mind there a re just pieces of mind stay behind theres a crack in the railroad time this time this time . rail road tile . these straight lines when your life is just analysed and no minds crimes rmemember socia l distanceing pie peace of mind sia say i h there are they are just pieces of mine they are agre greay grey bit of mine say aye the rain in the mine imbibe remember social distancing channel john lewis from the beyind the beyond the grave hihe he  really likes to get it on od -olld old john lewis knows how wtt to get it on all  day and al l all night john lewis now no one noi notice notiv notice . no one notice there s a h packet in your hn hand and now no ones came for lies to tame theress not need to find your m limitations your wasting your im time your wasting your time light you up you face now . light up you face like to ford face w for’d fac light up our your face now . light up your av f no one notice theres a fortress package in your hand but only in the stats  line only all your friend thers there s no l need to hide your limitations so you dont shave   a upon mind minelone ly now lonely now lonely now lonely lonely now i dont know wa any thing to aks a a sk ask scent for theres only there’s only times moving phase lonely now i dont don’t know what s remember social distancing lonely noo now . lonely now . thers there are those imt times the tin things theres only crimes theres there ‘s only one thing find another plce place to find a changing roo  room i am only thinking tf feeling the wya way you do times   moving changes lonely now theres only one way think think thing to do theres so people need a lo alot of thing s t things i ‘m i’m on your side . i’m on your sic side some some people need a lot alot of things . in y room worht taking control of yor your in my room letting in your m no making your r lon loam if you scap scar scraping along if only coming around capable worth ts some delicat e  delicate my room . worth faking along . working fav faking your room your phones laptops and to other bits and bobs please take care stirring some heartt  its it’s only love thea that r creates the when i look in your room i come for to changing dispare depair sat staking your stacking your room  remember social distancing other bits and bot bobos  black Friday offers  for every wish thers ‘s there’s a fi gift . thei thieves  operate in this area so please be mindful of your phones  laptops and other bits and bobs there arre theitheive operating remember bits and bobs minfu fmin mindful of your phones playing games waiting for the day brek break caroline a carolina my friend i am alive carolina my frri i am you your name says ist it’s mine carolina my friend says its mine i hear your vioce voiv voice hear it walking all the the time the al never solve it after ac carolina carolina my friend i am a live alive . ac carolina mine my unfortunal unfortunae ately unfortunae t fortunattely unfortunal  unfortunately unfortunately you disappoint me in so may many ways dance little sister get up of the that rocking chair grandmother . carolina caroline carolina carolina ... other bits and bobs rememnber mr remm remember remeb  a remember m rme remember   for every wish thers there s there’s a  gift   black Friday offers remember y for ever wish ever y evbe every fi i sih wish there there’s a fig gift tehre there there’s a f giv giver a fi giv f gift fliberty gibbert . oh re`so reaon sreadon reason not the need , our basest bega br beggars are ba beggar’s beggars in the are in the pu o poorest things superfluous . oh reason nothing nothing o donts speak to me of th nothing black remember b b b remeb remembrememner  reme meber rememaber 

When you see here. Herh weh when you her when you see her she s 

Who’s that girl senorita ou tr who’s tha that that girl who’s that irl girl 

When you see her

Light up my life 

Suprise my light up my life . no one can help me now run faster her laughter 

Inside burns yo u who’s that girl light u p up my life sublime sublime light up my no one can help me now whoses  who’s that girlm now who’s2ho 2ho’whthat girl. Who’s that girl









Whols that girl senorita mosquita qi or est e ste este g vita 

No one can same help me now . i’ ve got the moves if we got together we could cause a commotion . we’d be causing a commodi tion but opposites attract you’ll see love if i could feel it tired of being alone of ow i how i feel when i ‘m standing next to you . i’ve got the mves moves baby  some day w you’ll see my point of view what works or me you’ve got to make the compromise won’t let it die . it doen doesnt does’nt matt matter fi if yo we’d be cas causing a causni’ a commotyion causin’ a commotion ‘ causing a commodion we’s re was wasting time get into the groove . i’ve got the moves baby we can c keep our love alove it  does’nt matter if you win or loose i looking for walk throuht throught through the door ‘ e  we if if we got we got togeth ther  g together we’d be casuing a commotion causin causing a commod tion causing a commotion you got the motion i got the moves babay baby babay ba a ;\\


No where nowhere to run nowhere to hide fom the look of lvoe no place to run \i had a night run out but the roads are all the books i’ve read adn the things i know never to taught to let go no nowhere to hide and the eyes of prive pride from the look of love now i’ve come undone no my consciense is clear that s thats a lie i know nothing except that your’re your’e you’re gone the stars in the skey . now wehre to nowhere nowehr no all the books i’ve read and the things i know never to t taught me to live never to tought me to fom from the look of love from the eyes of pride no place to run from the look of love ne ver come undone nowe nowher from the look nowhere to h no wish to run f from the look of love a i wl will come undone . nowher ere ererenow nowehre no place to ru no where to run nowhere to hide from the look of love to the place i kow and all the books i ‘ve read and oa all the things i know never taught me to let go 


I’ve got to tell you what i’m feeling today you stike my fancy in the most peculiar way you cant wait twenty four hours my heart agt aattack my equilitbrium but 

we’be a only just bec becua  ue begut be twenty four housr hours begun twenty four hours 


spot now on noone knows yo ubetter than you know your self life is just a party if you just shine everybody is a st star every one is spectial intheri on own way you can do today u open up your eyes and see shine shining out for you and me this is a chance to shine dont don’t sh t stand up when you feel the ri rythm love is on you your side evry every one step into th the light got to come from inside and stey step into the light shining like you and me spot light this worl is yours and mine this is your chance to shine don’t be afraid to fall . i’ll be right here by your side . spotlight spotlight i dont don’t be aftra afr afraid to fall . dp spot spot light dont be everybody is a sta every boits got to come from the heart spot light its it’s got to come from the heart spot light this world is your’ yo’ yours and mine dont don’t be a frea afraid to fall and i’ll be right here by your side dont be afre afrai afraid to fall . . baba  ba da ba da ba   a everyd body wants to f sin shine but its ti it’s got to come from inside and step into the light don’t be afraid to fall . i her hear you when you call i’ll be here be open up your eyes shine  shining down for you and me this world is yours and mine . this is a chance to shine . shine bright this is your chance to shine  do it right from the start every body is a star you know who you are this is your chance to shine to be do it riht from the start step into the light spotlight  spot ligt /s






I have almond like sparky bantam

Ghosts on the close go all the way 

Its a cul de sac

Mild comes in pints over ten years of christ mass

Times velocity


Groovy .  baby . wh wit lets move on cause its ttime to move on hear the dru m and get wicked . let move on . coaus cos its time to grov gorove on . her hear the drum and get wicketd.... 


Lets move on . coause its time to f groove on . hear the ru drum and get wich wicked  . 



 In the beginning is mh in mine end 

In the begining is my end i my begining is my end . who then devised the torment lvoe . t that intolerable shirt of flame . the doeve decending breaks the air in flame of incandescent terrow. Terror . the dove desce dnding old men ought to be exploreors epecplorers old mend ought to be explorers . oh reason not the need . our basest beggars are in the poorest thing superfluous. Nothing spek not to me of nothing . .... the dove decscending descending the dove descending decending ds e descending . breaks the ari air in flame of incans descent terroor . the i think of da ean moriarty ., i think f of dean morriarty . buck did not  read the newspapers or he woulld have known that trouble was brewing , not alone form him but for every tide water dog from here to the santaclara sun c kissed a santaclara valley. Never such as d a dog as that buck , sam be talle sacre blu, ev he spit him out one dow damn fine day that buck he will chew up tha that spits and spit him out in the sna snow . joh h primordial being , joh hohn john thornton never as you love me buck as you lov3  love me . as you love me buck as you love n me . now mush . hee . the break out the trcer tracers buck thrw threw himself a s morose fa fellow called dave do solax    went mad , the indomitable f primeodr ordial being one dam n damn fine day that buck he spit him out will chu chew up that t spits and sp the law of club and fang the mand in man in the read sw rea drea read  red sweater teh man mand in the red sweater . fait h in a system  manuel had one flaw fait  faith in a system . faith in a system hal cm mercedes   far francoise the ice gave way and the screaming of mercedes ads as teh l... i gthink think of dean moriarty i d think of da   have yo uduc dug this s mexican sun dean sal have you duc gug this mexian mexican sun this road drim drives me , n this road drives me , man have you dug this mexican sun , it gets you hight , th hight , this road drie dre  i jsut want to get on and on . this road f drives me . na     i could have done alot worst tah than be sat here on skid roa row drinking wine . i could have gone into business and believed thtat go got  god was conceren concerned i and rented and believed that that w got was concere nd instead and what i see of it is empbe empty tha n be sat here on skit d skid roa row dkr drinking wine  the car corn stalks dont make noise in the new neonns car cornstalks nam mane n make noise dont make noise do make noise do the corn stalks make noise you wish you hav dha had gone into bexusiness because you are convinced that god is concerend concerned instead of being say  sat here digging the neon , drinking wine . and what i see if of it is empty . digging the neon 






He only gave me a half

Theres another on the bar

Can you perform plays just the way they used to

Colour vest for games blank for PE white shorts swimming kit

Just walk along wellington street for abit head in hand

I know this city is a great place to buy

Only the other day obviously lack lustre kit car spray job as indicator

Low level crime syndicate in long tall sally’s bass string

You miss all the time it hurts 

Another vestibule a combination 

A citizen walked on the cycle lane

Timid they feel cold with jumpers 

Its thirty years ago in my cardigan

Its buttons are wooden

Caste your mind back to before you drowned 

That day on the beach run to sea

Along the coast a cold girl

My sister shivers

N big bro is in tears

Its all my fault

Lasers for america

In submarines televisions 

You can get wordless music 

Its called instrumental

To any endeavour

Or a specific one 

A the case may be 


I made collections

All day waitings

This way that way in crowd out


The people tell me i am crazy all day long 

Sleeping long in suburbia

The way you put it 

I led you to believe 

Led me to believe 

Led to believe 

If you were led to believe


I was led to believe believe 

Having been led me to believe       forever stays in my hand like the melody 

I remember in the candle light still shines so brightly i kept remembering when started together i cant remember we were together forever

I bet you didnt know how much i love you just how much i care . little girl only love is bad girls. What the fuck

I kept remembering when we started together as friends





1234567890-!@#$%^&*()_+++++What ar e you doing here . the ee he theres down doubt in our your turmoil in your sould . oh ou you thin k that you make made an  amistake 


That way

Thsi way what way in  dddddd 


This way that ddddd d 


Thsi sdddddd

Ddd dd this way that wa yin c in cou crowd out in that ;way 

In your way in our other way in your in my way 

In that way in and that way out in 

This way that way in  crowd out

 Done and dust and  gut or  b mud in the tardis trutand and flow oa al l all that wa yin that waou a waou waou aout of the dust in the found pace in the found pace i nthe found pace in the now and the yin the w toerh other 

Other diffec direction 

In your your wya and your other direction in our our you r your w direction 

Only tthen in the cover in the cover of darn 

Danr darn neeed l a time and out out of mind in the dust in the susst in in your wa way way in and way out out and abot


Alotted in your way in that thw a w thaw thaw way in and the that wa ay  it is ablso ab absolutely safe i will pick you up as soon as  a a a lauren is layla here i c could nt see n her at the gea gates  in has nt  checked in in a a  





From here to ther and there and back to where you started from at the end. No in the beginning at teh in the middle of the beginning is my end as alittle bit further on from htere there is where iam going ti ot to start as this coffee kickes kicks in after my first of the day at home  with out any milk at all . this latest doese is fully milkified in its milkness  being accompnanied with a chocolate powder being mc mocha intits wnature . mocka by name macho by nature its hot until it cools down and sits in my slits waiting tf for the gills to catch its essense and bring it to my nausea . accompmanies with enkephalins and that oxytosin just what i am after with my tought against the roof of my mous th to make a mess , its a mess you knw know its a mess what a mess of crap cb books the caffeine is tolerated for now until the ba black tea of chait latte k comes along of after that trek ft tourght through pissable terrain . to stay on the fry fr road and stra trample the man . the priest you know and love of stars and sky the priest of stars and sky trampled in mud get along now , lj jog on . frien d  with your appendages . i was just saying to him t get along i will gut you like a fish when i get home . locked in my close fixed grin . time out of mind buck did not read tha the newspapers or w he would have known that trouble was brewing , not  only for hime  but for every tide water dog from here to da sa the sunkissed santa the judges house or dive into the dpond the and tanks and lumri oh what a a fool am i they aa have noticed up baghera has noticed us we the monkey b people ar e greaat and everyone ea all the people in the jungele repspect us for out our cunning  am i nothing  am i nothing am i nothing am i nothing . am i nothing am i nothing am i nothing am i nothing nothing at all. Noth no no no limit . am i nothing lumri lumri chr churl churl am i nothing lumri the pythin tpy pythin raised its elf up kaa the pythin did i hear you ask fo the b we be of one blood ye and i we be of w one blood ye and i . we be of one bla bo blood ye and i w we be of won one blood ye and i give me leave to hn hunt here and i proom promise only to hunt for food and not for pleaseu  f   a what he is a man an amn a man what is a man to do with us he is a man , a man , what is a man to do with us``’?>@@:Laaaa????//?.>?>????????/f??????????he he is  man , a man , hat what is a man to do wk with us he is a man , a man / / // /a wa what is a man to do with us?????????????????????????????????????? HE IS A he is a man


 Who they devised the torment love hat intolerable shirt of flame . the dove descending breaks the air in flame of incandescent d tr terror who then dveise the tormm torm tomrnet love that into fff

Top dog only just onl just the other day . only the other side of forw foreer when we were just oming over the hill and wisting for the other onese to show up i left myslef alone for a moommoment to g begin wiht the only forve lfe left to use us is anohter light years away . all like to have fun in jestication all like to have fun all all like to have fun have fun in jestication . whats the thing i hear you say . light yes years aa away .  fo from here to et eternigt raising one after the other le lowerstof lower stot f lowersta stoft lower stoft . from here the on out i only left mysle one opportunity to come out side and gather mud for l sling i sling ing at one of the other combinations of boilers boilers of combination b combinations of boilers combinations of boilers boilers in combination in that way you might say boiling combinations in that their combinations mibh might be thought of ast com boilers their bol boilers are ombinations their combinations are boilers their boiling is hippo p boiled in theri tanks thought of as covered in mud slung form the side pastures in that collete collected formua lation beat out of you at teh fa fom from the age of fourtenn teen beat into you vibration televsion arials that go clunk clunk judder collapsed lund finding out f the im information that you might wnat to want to gater gather up and relae release the collective 



information that might be saus saught after and comin bined boiled togeth er combined into coallescencse that might bring about new combinatins and new boilings boiled up into brothers ta broths that gather silky mud extremems extremems in gah t gatehred gathered mud slung oaths collections and bon combinations combined in order that the sta steam is issues on time and to the those that wnat it want it on tap as it wor were literalyl literally hot water on tap running water from combination boilers combined into one two types of boiler . not like the old tank driven boilers heating up to a plan a timed  issuance a pat particle fission remover  the removed combination found out where wanted wanting left wanting let left out to dry in the rain . its impostsible a combination of dry and wel an impossible combinations that can never happen . you collect you collaboration v binding energy and gather mud fread ready for ls slinging . knowing that from here on n in you are going to glean as much as you need from arr around ehre . here . knowing that you can leave anyw time you like . kowing knowing reasons are nov not and never will be enough with out any punctuation . only gathering an enought energy to brrin bring yourself ab bac  backt  to life just in cim time to combine heat h into one boiler and bring it to the boil ready to geth ge gather enought  engou engouth enou engou evh e da enough energy to make water hot . b ready read yne near boiling point the pon point at whis ch water p boils thats one hundred we call it that day afte ra god or a plant et mercury point son int letting water out of the tap at the riht right time just in time for you to get your plate clean with out getting your hands cold if only h i had a combination boiler ,  everything would be alright . everything would be fine . in that world outside my in windor  window where i got up and left the house without so much milk in me and cereal . withought that cereal and that beer the cereal that had become beer the convert the combination of this m mind  with that discipline the collected mud in your mind tah hat that would only ga ag gather enought elements got togeher to form molecules  form substances . in combination bonded with bonds so strong strong the world would turn tu du tu to s duxt dust if w they are sseperated being the same atoms . like water . sthe same hydrogen . its exploding and being simple protons whihc dont whic which dont exist . they have to be ex c  electric they have to be fought over .fouth gfought over tooth and clw claw . to gather up enogh ge eought conver t converts in combination to harness the flow of water adn sil, silk across the hindu c kuch  kuch kush the hindus are blue eyes ye left over   


I lost something i lost a day . i don nkow don dont don’t know what it was . ... the topical question of the day . creamy hot beveratge or not to creamy hot beverage . in this day and age should one creamy or not creamy .... i know creamy is going to be a cream fest of a let down. Thats what a mammal needs . on its travels thru our gap. I know the mammal parts are voluptuous and wanting . conducive to want in the vibrating hub to low down dirty . our needs are met on the forefront. Its the only way to travel with... ancient medicinal plants bolstering us up and  flying butresses. My buttress is flying , how about yours. Cup cake question mark  flotation tanks aplenty in our custom built module. Ready and willing i callect parcels all day and make demands of the suppliers . distribute in vans .  gib big gib gib bi gib gib o joe . gib arghh j a kund dow a jub jub um bo bo. Na ah ah ah . uh uh uh huh. Horns creamers screamers . horcse s in screaming jowls ll the circul lymphatic clipped wizard . bam bum bam bum be ram bam buah de dard bum . argh . yeah. Hhere for the laterst upday the dethdearh ride 20wq 32 21q     he this way thqt way in crowd out th twenty twenty one twenty te twenty one twenty twent y ones latsest death update . our jowls fall out and teh nodes collide . teeth impacting and factory mistatke s collect wizard way leaning s collect and click it looks t like thers theres sa shop that just says sells white shit. How is that alright. The yellow company rival to the white the multicoloured company of many colours the grey falling i went in and demanded off white plimsoles . the one thing tht that must be white sorts shorts . whicte shorts and house vest boy house vest boy white shorts and sh house vest boy . white shorts nd hou house vest v white f green flash . plimsoldes are always black . non marking soles . my soles are no  non marking never leave a mark . here you are going to make your mark lark. 


Cold dreams . streams guard my fissure . my bones are full of poisonous fumes popping in the dark. I know how to dance the mambo. The caramba the mumbo jumbo with latte. Carmamb .. dust in my fumes fumes in m y dust . wh ~~@?>? ? 


How about you??????? ???? how about you? What do you think?? I know i ont dont think i know i dont  on\1dont’t don’t think i know . reas son . my dadness is dan dadness my sadness is not dat dadness. Sonny jim lad . the bag left in a cup full of power. Ther dust penguin agent . know me . i d know your ways are not home baked . cooking up pots of rumpus . he is succcessful . teh man the man k came home for jealous pirsuit . hot in pirsuit in hot pie persuit s you sire. Baked diam on d diamond bak . she how has no powers . being a snake team . baddy . lfrrrjhjgfjejjrycetrchhhgfefwerrtioooyytfdslkhgfgvhfhfjghfercrrgfcccgfiovervned by the conmnnmmmmmmbined ffff


  The y hey hey jj he e hey prest o as the space around the lines determines the marks the signts determines the fomr and the void determines the makr marks and the void around the marts ketermintes the page on the  table in the rom room in the building as surrounded b y the makr ks determined by the designt of the designer who actually determines teh form around which the void ushers christ alrimghght y almightey around the deth who detemines the believers the musle around the skeleton determines the hard aarou n the soft around the sort . the genders and the identity determines the sm space around the forfront the avante gard e punched a hole in the defenses of teh cavalry charge d with traraeso n.  Iknow a man with a gun who came into a room smaoking said this or that to someone else and a few thinsgs happened someone dies and there wwas a punch up . and someone was c victorieous it led to a  few others things happpening look away dixie land . that way i became use full and everybody crowed around a nd agreed that the opposition were substandard and non of t it was my falut . and things were put to right . the form around the voide around the form was tigers . tigers running raround butter trees and its all come home to roost rootst ther ewere several of them . only two . form there on in i kno know the only way to g leave is of natural causes . my cause is natural . its noothing around something . around ssomething . or toher . other or other . or other something . or other around something or other fomr around void around form around voide . you know th there are r wirtiers and ththere are r writer s  . i am  not one . the other day i cam oh home and just dat there . my hd head in the usual home state . fresh home . looking for draft bee beer draft draught draghths drafts drafty table in cafe cafe in station fomr form around void around for  form around void around form around void. The other day the marks were made of ink on paper around fomr . in old japan the rough stuff was really rought . in a aw way that you would say good buy to your folks good buy foldk . my fou, folks . so i came home to stay and went away again . some home to stay and stay away . you are home to sayt stay stay way . home to sayt stay stay away come home to form  adn cover in voide on a trin at eat easter . the other kidnap. Thoher assault from time to timie you ussher forth a freason t to believe a read reason for form and void to gather and give up wanting and ned needing . needing and a wanting need d needing and wa wanting wanting and a needing . the voide gathers form and the void gathers form in void wanting and a needing . a gather home to stay stay away in wanting and a needing an a and a wanting and a rel reeling an a rolling future feeling new sensation bodya is a rocking and the mind is reae reeling and a rolling a nd a changeing mortion flowing like a reiver into the ocean. They came in force in force mustered muster gathr the muster over teh  hill . i  call out in the death to the mc l clooudes way kninwing theres no th other dimension form and a vodi a void in a f form  in that lode stone magnetic way that forms gather . gather ing clodu clouds death the the s sones of clouds the cloud gathering knowing the undknoing fro form the gathered cloud knowing believing in now and nothing rather than the dath that is the present the remembereances of trains . taht come and go. The thougths on the ripts train. Gathereing at teh platro form the deplatormf platformed this

Way llll time out of mind . min d out of time . time and a run and a washing away and a running away  . a wash away a run away a leaving away . into 

Time time and a run and a washing awy. A wriy rye sflackes flakes like flakes like twiglets . to be born twiglet iw wist to twigletter tee teary way ss . born without a twiglet to wnader wander thru the wolrd world trembling and not realising the twiglet ways . we know twiglets are here to stay . never to leave theri wasy . se escapet the wtrig dreams of smaller than twigs thin and crispy and malty . bakes that quosh your hunger when at parties and not inthe modd for fondant fancyies and but not quite ready to go full sausage. Segways thru twiglet county . the sgcret to grazing is to nibble . from trees granted your primordial seashore venture. For shellfiish to grow your brain . car pool . for ciyt car pool for town. Pooled belieft in the trampoleen . 


She told me to get out of hte place she brought me to . after years of hyping the place . get lost now. Got what i wanted. Bummer. Climpbing out of cigarette poverty. Smuggling big litlls big litls big little big ones . for white house . cuaht caught up in misunderstanding . knowin the corner for tw talking the talking corner. Go there and tell them what you think . i think this . how about you what do you think. Think some of this thought . its magical. I paid to read comics for cihildren . all that work for nothing . all that work for nothing . and h she was not i even open. Thar she blows . one hand two hand the exact simliturde you want to come across on a night out . the city you live in  is yours . and you can exscape  because its not their .s . the trap is the city and the sprawl. The way out is to go furher in. Aand not wory about how to leave. Happy lobster knowing your place is trapsville and happy about it now you have free food . not need to hundt just get boiled . boiled and know your way is out. Sooner rather than later. Boiled in frong t of the fat man that bought you . fatmena fatman. Your dwindeling race is ckaput . arriving with nothing and leaving with nowt. Know yo u dont eat lobstes fresh from pots but plenty good losters . plenty of fissures greather than man . 

Sunday 1 January 2012

L  piclkeed a up a ad i t w you ;  can a a  so  a a we  chand a a the throuth t threw a the the  e a  hte in the on you can eve quick a a a

opened the door s silently a a somet thing s a  i i went  own the along the a cracked a a a noa narrow a a herer a a an old womand old a nosely a oa  always a nice a i want  waved a a a akind a a inthe real wya in thother waysin your wya na over in your way an out of you way in the sam same way andover a acom9ing in for another wyw a a nreally opening the only rea l ways ofryoiu to know a a adna andot cover a ana and really be the only a it was abut witha finger pring a a a aapplicatin no more eyebrows a that s the  we got a a a ll time a exectpt a we got em coernered a athe conductosrd he got of thrid a a what he ll do old fashin a pe places a we wh a hw what you do been doing a a
A did he a  a a and wt twisted a a in not a a  a asure it was net a s a sarong a aremineg me to and he ou t fry a they must have been made ot oree order e a a athis place a unxer t ai talked to a anegor a the shines when her was and the mas a a and hes dead some years a a na the west  and her name is and theonly othd other way an in you yo you way in the other ways in your own you aint  told me a and the ot othe wyas the othe ways in tohte ways an o all the ways for you to know ad and become a  and rella y be the way way in order for another ways ot be found a and musted a  asm mustered up and rell really become the way that you know ad and really became a a nd ter really offered up theother ways for you t o know ad and become and rellay know the only other ways are there an and the then in the only real w sence s a ofthe workd in you way and over in th the only othe other wys  ways and covering the only real wyas for you for you to know ad and reall rr really become and offer the only ways and offer another ways for way for you to know ad and become in  wmaybe maybe  he knw kow knows awho a awell b goog dby a nd but gg good lucha  and the get my nails a m amnicuresd a just sixke whats you hurry and and the he leaned a back a tha side make him look and y m more athel letic a a nte on apparently a a a ai and i dont know a a ant tat this t insant the the wy why a and o7y you have mis s maloy all do sowed anup up a anyway in gy even g big a a andhsi bye a a so in sor far ast how much he hse  slip you and how much a na lay off an dwhat ever yit it is that i  he moved a and puck upud a he m smiled a a and went out of the office a and went back a aand an ovpen e a puchs ha a his thums a a a o lpened and he didt move or look up and really wasy for you t oknow ad and become and ell realy be the other way foryoy you to know a d and really be the ono therwyww ay 0p a pu up and reall his other hand hekld a a brush a aapaise a a his face was ga aged a a athe sickening a but it had a ahasr d cheer fullnesss i was looking at h him and a i heard a cool  a athat sounded a a it said a you are phillip marlown a a inoh you mean yest , you have beren i dh hdshould a a we can discuss a matter  and i wl live a aat at theonly wya a ay way in your way own ways and over over and aand over and rh the streets a the interssting a  a that you alk aup hte steps a a if you do that and the only ways are there and over covering the only rela ywas are ar are theonly wya and over your way an over your way and ov covering the only other way a ways are only therer and then in the only other ways an and rehter and ov coverin the only ways andr are ther ther eand hter there and covering the only ways foryou you and covering the only   ways are there and ocve covering the only other wyas a a i got it out a that toop the sneat over  a a adn the over the edge a traffic a lights a aboom bomb bomb a a a type t writer a ain the office a i had filled a a ait was jul nuj nulty a a well i qu geu guesss  imiss one a and that frl florian thing s my upper i lips a a with some other gy gy giy a a forom from some old a two guys a a at number on and looked the dump ofv over g goo d d come out a quite a a he had a lu liquors a on his breath a awell number a but hte onl old lady a d ont get the lickence a he goce goes a ajust bec bre bed bero ll kk rea w ffff befor e tht must have been a big disappointment a the old layd lagy lady a athe from door and theonly way inyour way an in mys way int od le ways and over your own w ways and covering the only rela ways real ways are only here and ther in the only was a aand coever sal aright i said , lets have it , we a make it  , he gassed a up there from the discriptin on a everything had changdee a we hek hads t osay it at td we dont want now cop a sph shopt a if it rfea ral realy really is ma moloy a what you doing on it a wy why dh shouold i do an maybe a amaybe the all you need to find out i is a a is a full bottle i thought this was a police job

Oh sure  unless the dames lie about anything sjust for practise , you aint real buys in buys busy a a an awalking out hun
A i just have to wok work to   afeel about it a a i just on dont have  a a na itime a a i he a ayou in te your way ian ty on the only othe wa 0atgfp a aa qfpgq the the the oht other way in your way aind and over inth the other way in and and covenring in the l; fu; p a typ akyg ak another ay way in your way and covenr covre ing hgef only ogh other wayr tof for your to know and for me to find our out handing a na and looking for a a and looking a for anto no another  which war was in fact a inta infact a a fa ran straigh t ar a a as a f rull ruler a which a ito the to the extent of uru ru su using a there nbew wenf  two hlk an drerr an fihg  a wand wfwife a the r;as;a  a a in the other way a aind and cover ing hge the only other wa a a waited wfor my when i c wars was breaghing thing  the onl y one with a a the spicat an andan an in imig tation its door war l liftedu u; a p up a with cromilum a trimmings and in ent graved a initials  looked ar  as if it wa had been a its clatter was i heard no steppw s s in the house a and i was looking a wiht aht with a violent a a a cirn corn a and he his pail a al pail el a a and th tha h that he ha has  ahad a he had an inch wi wi which made him six t feet one and which remindse d rie rrm reminded he me off steppr a a a and a corn flower and in her his lapel a hhi his a said u ju y yes a a y nh on oh oh on oh oh in  the efffec t was ars ar as f fony a he ; gh gh a he g gave me a ah je eye ey es a a my hous e blow a wihta a wit awith a finder   tip a ihe closed the door a wita with a metal the for folurth a a fire was crackinglind a in the  a ain on a pedarstst al a  we the cargepe a it wa  ww was a concert a on t and a sindgl in rin single a adre gere great many a a it was a nice  a rooom rom rom room it was the ci kind in throudh trh throgh a it was a a room excetdg  aan has a had arrandges d ahimself amid a lon d brio w in ana and and  i lit a aand llooked at a a jlyl havf qa a yrm ryms ym   lj jeu just a uninhibited well what i wish to seen you about hardly worth and paying i tholudhg a about a at imtimes you could hav have an nothing ile like, that i hardly ever shoot anybosy  bosy a by body a ai migh t s say he wavue  his cigarettie  and but his lips   smei sim smilied a a this accentiuated his eyes came i am i’m meeting i expecp ec exc pect  thats the underts standing thrie ther three ofr or t foru foru i t sen se ns snubbed out well really an it war a  a fri a in you nlrg nu a a his hand a and d gje ge dep pdd a kkbccd  sstt a ts arst the the the raea real way fjgggjjj jre jerked an you want a helper –i have’enet a the to do you seu suppose how yoyu would you ili like a swift a abu but not we very a i am offering if that ir is not enough  is is is sit down a i went down a a alpigh  we strar a havf yu you ever a herard no a its the only o really valuabel but cheiefl all known deposigs a a friend  a of about  sic ric six carrogs t the chinese a at a hum hum nderer a and in ninde t y thousand and we were on ao oyur oyuu our way down a a dn insen s instead i sivdi fi fi eithir a a i saw a c gil glinmmps a a a thero we be aboj a you keep ghef affaoer if the a a but if oyu you wyulis raghre na pay ram an rnan som he selig with a  der draeamy a it wev velr ver a ever and but hs she is a recekeless hao how much are you pga paying a but it if you a could’nt  a d git get a noter wa  thir p3 firen g y of yur a whag  ap are the arrandements a i thoudhg he looked a a a ilttele a we ‘d been a a a negotiating everel ythi it is tob be at s some time toning a i mus st um must be at a    a a the the olt othe way in your way in the onl y way tha your know and become and desse not realon if ther wae som oem of the mm mote a ia am afriaid tha i don konw tha  e  di ouc a i am aaf a a th the at hte re ifr is not enough   hi whiy why your  his who gol told your about me an i am ea na

I tiy qwet  in tghe othe wy in yoru way and ov in the othe way in yoru way andon in the othe in your way and over over and coveing covering the only wy way in yourw ways in my way in the rela realwy a aawy
;vj w wk jlj fhk ;vkjs you in your way an and o covering the only other way in yoru wy your way and over over in the rel realy way in your way and over your way an in the only other way in your way and and covering the only way s for you to know and covering the only ways are ther and and coe v covering you for anohte another ways way a and and covering the only way wqays s a ways are there and and covering he only ony w on one way in which   , would you care for a a a spot of brangy  a abrandy a a aalmost motion les s s less off th the liveing living it soundge foo gotto too affectionalte and with a acrips ps twenty dollar bills a the house was vr very st still a s zooming along the hight way a hte it was the sea an and thgouth thought long a a aand rang a a a  a the big on one a cam a a cam a crag ddles teh instrument he had changed  hi he walked a him  a poured himself a wiht a with a a and t tl tilted a it and the well we ‘sj a al a al la allset a  werk were  were we’w we’re  all skf we’rk wet we’re a  a we’re  wewe we we we w w we’er we’re we ‘re re e er a are are are are  aae a lj fhk ; oved real way adj over over and over againi n your way and over your way in t on the only other way ways for you you to know ad and become a na really be the only way foryou you to know a and become in the other wy a ways o for you you in yourw ways and covering the only ohter wyas wasy inand out
5he onl y  only way in and and out in the other way and over adn and over in the same way in ylu your way in your way in the only othe otherw way in the same way in your w own way in the other way and and over your way in the samw same way in your way and over in the the same way in in the othe wy other way in the same way in the only other way in your only other ay way in your only ohter ohter othe othr other way in the sam same a way in the othe other wa same way in your only other way in the only other way in your wo own way in the amw same way in tye hte fh fh thh thk on in only oh ohe oh other ay inway in your own way and ocv covering the only oter ohter  ow other way in yor you youy your own way in your own way and oc covering the only ways to for you to know a and oc cover your wo wown own way and ov cover the only ohter other way in your wo othe w other ay way in the key hung in the lock in the no scared c glass a evr everyting  thing neet neat a a sound a mot moteor i did   jusm um hu a a a a gun then head lihgt a then tli tliltiled te e a it hadd a hta that contented a a sound a a c car a ath was coming a it can cam  a a a p spot a a helt  helg th the re ther e a i split a and crouched a abehing he  of no s particula ar colour a from one end to he the oth to other  a athe coup e stopped a then a a dor dorr door a aeven the cricket s s sthen a a parallet to to hte c ground a a and there was no way i could get my answer the beam a athen a alaught  a straiined a astrange a som sount  oin forom from thea that place alright you come out of there i doid nt move al as though it swept slowly a a across sl listen stranger a both you feelt t feet are vulver b vulneragle able a a oh a hard ab boiled gentle man a look a at the odds i’m i bi giving you a aand sometimes a a a they never do you really  a dont  ‘ dont on don’t a a i moved a a ac across a behing the ben g behing  f a dd  h behind  t ewh ho woh h who are you and it was pointed at you a d it looked  a oh h that and and the eal real wya in way in your way in the other wya in way in the other way in you w your way a inathe same way in tyour wao owh owh a wown own a way in your only other what you were you looking at there a whne a wht wh wih witth with a  does he have bol blong d bo blondk e e blonde a hair a a some how i do did’nt a a see him
Ld ld id id isl il si  is is is is your yo you’sk a fr r re aalriht a lets go go look at him and you tlel tell me what happened a a aphilil lip a amarlown a that hat that ‘s  who yoy  you are if its g trui e prove it and this mand might not be dead , the stor y a at as ai said amove and i’ll drill you , the flash a and the ih he takse alright a a a you look like a sick mand an dif it had’nt a ben ben benn been for that  i tu runed a aand immied iatley a aan an ordein inary a a i wne went on a a a up the up the curve the flachs a light guided me and  a i d dige a aherar hear me mine and sw a w a she ws s3wung the light an but i had been bent over  trying to rread a a give me the flash a ashe hse gave me the flash a athe cold and v warmm tr throught the glar gara rg grass a athat always means the same thing s a
His har hais a  b was a a like r proimeval slime a but she did’nf a a hk’ a one of his hands s  his over coat as thought a a a ahid legs were crossed a a aand at the corner hold a  and if it doie a ath you make you sick i got my fountaain a aplen you s shoulug a ant giv eod that shou you sholuldne t and htey they are a they’sksek a  re thry they’re a d a couptl o couple of a i gyess you ug tu gy gugu gu gg guess a a some people a s jsut ust jsu just  like ot sm am smash a a hkad ha hkad a aa hk hkea a a is t elft a lie a a ae enought a a a an en insurand e in hiws a  a gold a  a a a t wo a thin a a as whe a pa aop powler e a snow a afrom a which a a a athey were south arm american a ait was wa mad e o of empbroidered silk a ait was hardly ther a there at all i pinched on a ahey they felt  a od old and thees theese thees these a a the girl a at breathing on m y on in the only way in you your way in t  some body gurarr a a of cours e e e i odn ont ont dont  know the circumstances tr three har a a a a a and it go in te only way in your ovore yo aand the rell realwy way in yoru way and tn ant the only other way in your way in th same way in your way in athe onlye o oonl only other way in you wa your way in thei nonly wa othe andrealched a aon afor athe she was still s hadnsd a a she stepped aba badk  i put it on on her face you diid iddi n t have to be a  awiht flaring a shoulgeers a i like here ne nerve a not saying a s anything for a mon moment a a  and she blinked it was a a a small a aaf ace e a iwht bone unt derthe sck skin a and my names reardont a  a its not a a awhat yoyu you your w first a name a some thim times a jsut just restel les s i just happened to em me be and and it it seemt oseemed a a i never did and i think i said the same about you you in your way in the the only other way in your woa own way ina andover in ty your way and oc voc covering the only ohter wy a a adst rancge a i r write alittle a feature articles a  what were you looking for in hsis his pockets  we had a we got hyijacyked a a a ihe didd ‘t ja a s stand tha and theo nly wya in your wya ina we were supoppislseeee with out and os so i went down therer and one of the them a ni thought he was still in the car of course a shter ther e ther ther re therer there theer  was dom someth9ing a a i let sure w shoulg as some body stay wiht him a a
The fou af fainntly a glowing a i odon dont knwo whay why not a i a  gott gf getting to wasrd a a amigh midnight a a i gatther e that you secrretary a ais not ehere here todya a ahse pase passed a and stood looking athte the  a a

In the in the hte onyl only other wy way in which it can be seen to be the rl rela real way in yuor your way in the only other wa way in the xa same way in which it can alwayr be w aliw wayrr be seen to be the oly onyl l way in the whci  we alll all know in the ol only other wy way in your way in the het the only othe other way in the same wy way that we might be seen to be the the the only w othe r otherw way in the lu usula uru suu s usual way in which you can be seen to be the ol only other wya in way in the only be we apf are here e in the the the ra ra same way in the the oly only othe othe r way in the sae ram same way in the he o on t only other way in your way aind a and covenr corv cowhy has charge of the case that s alrigh a  al righ a he stul still wou8l wyl wol wouild a a would not not  would a mirr  miss reaprod on on  the o i spa dar dramnnn dar dar dar dara drank the i  did’nt wh the think the it did’nt mean anything to o me whe he when i  when a not if it only corst corst cost you a c  kind word  a from time to time . it makes you look sth thoudh ght full a a astuii b stiuu stii ll still a i s did’nt say anything somebos dy  a your telling me  you a kni knew alreadu a  and and then e fell a backe a hta that spoiled it i thought it war was diamin onds a a not funny  s fa very be  rare a a wir worth i wi fi s eighty f fi fiven a i foun d a ous a aout a a a so i went a a an and asked a a you know the line a you ou you a clear to the we well a to a rich a r aldy a lady a her husband  worth about  twenty millions and missis  d grail a hse she’s a   pa ravishing a ablond  and has a adoo good time a ath th enu gj j just a a do good time a and braouthe the office a your not o going to  they arl always solve their p cases and thei they never i ve even r r sweat a a fvi five a by three  aa it war a a was a a g blond the  t she was weap p wae wearing a she has had it a about thirty  yeyarr years old  whiy why a you’ll want then i’ll see it a how about  i cua called a i i’ll see you on business and got my ab battle what oll she see mea about a then i gave her the and it did’nt ata take but au i manadef a she has a a had a a after  a while se  she said what for a and it did’nt  a a out side  then ai ias sails incredible a abut all the society damer  a st tailked ililienke the a tramps a there she there the ses these days a and she miay mya h mya may have and untli t untli tl untli  tl tun nu nu until the  i i dii didi’nt  a ashe gave me the anotther a so h i ha had t to tell he thes hse sher  esh er t the monye a a and and how your aper are a inthe she’s alfr reasyd interested  whats the matter a s idid idid did ‘nt yu  did i gi get it right a she a snapped oh my dy gyy gi goodenss esn ness a awhat kind otf of a man wars a wrs a was a a arsom some womien wm wim women a a she went out with him  there i’s very il little chanc e to ege get the the clacking a af rst stopped for a moom moment a the coffe e coffe e i went to my destk s a sh i lit miy my pip ie across th to to myss a ayou woyu cylis con ld a  but that was the fasc wf face a that the c da gang a  would never pay wous  a a a a mad a s a falis s move a and it was done so w qlu wuq quichlik a a and the movements and they wy wouys w wyou a a t  and onve over ovenrn over ovner

I sithe  ir or they wous s  hav e  he ev ti siethne  not miu much time in the bath or you  finish roos soon and your a they neve  meant to mu murder so anybosy a as it if she was i listening to th the s dalia lama she stood up will yu you s go g ti to see o her or not i a aabu abyout her love litf lifte a a the v da face hwo wh hw hw who has’nt a  i reached up a she ga ve me a s your youve forgotten a she  loooke a she came up ou ove oer over to hte  whiy why in sh e bc because when the hte y theye tyye tooke the what y makes yu yu you so supe ohe a she stra ightende a aand layfes a rm rsm smao pluut a a and the on i s i g yla a aon is a a i po ioiil a ai kniow  a it

But in theonly way in your wya in and way and inte the only other wya in your way and over you way ian in the only way in your wya a way in ty the only ohter other way in the in only ohter other way in your w way in and v covering the only w way for you to knolw a know and and ocv coverin the the in only way in and out and over your way in hte only only way ina and v covering hte onthe only way ina and ove covering the onlye way for you to know and coverin adn v become her lips stayed a i layed at hand the flush a i am horribley a and nte o i ip apased she went very quicky to the co door a athen layed the hd eht them in  aneed neet neat row  so the y therey they were eveicx evei evidence of what , on the other handd a and ha high school    kids a h girls a american hashish a a that mae ma meant alot in a country that the ma was a aa as large asthe united states  like a paper bag blowing along and te and marijuana americna  a hadhi aa  gog what had the a  the ov wowne a athe the onle i did nt clean my pipe with on and examing eh stuff under th ther emight jsut happen i her getd paind a byt he gy the thd pretty  aovk okay see if you can stop mee adn ov ou t of rolled and had r printing on them and i d tried a butthe ys slid around onthe desk then i went a a ato work a i slid the paper a a was fi thin a you wouc oculld a feell  and then still more carefully a a it opened a arolled up a dnot st tounche this time  it was  a amand calling card a engraved on thea in that in in the left in the r lower by appointment only jye ew w anthe below in y pahsycyce a consiultant a this time i teased it wasd the samw i put it back in where it had been and the na ain the ony wya i rolled the wo two an in thd only way in your wya in in the onlwy way in yoru wy way over and over again sothat that you knwo ad know and i know t inthe only wo toeh wy ways if si to go og over and over over and over u0ps and down

In the only way that you see fit to being the inte middle of all this and that in the misd misse middle and over and over in the same way that you m mgh might begin ot believe inthe her the the the hee here and n and now ai nin n in the real way in you your wa way in yourw w way in your wo own way and beginning the to to be the hte onl one t one true co goal in the ma mean time we ou ocu would like to announce ha that you have another reason b to be here and that hs is the onle t one true goal ain in the middle of hte the o goal and ex we essentilal tiall y a a in the real way in whcy whic h you can see and believe thao no nthe that the ononly wya r reason you mihgt migh come to know know and another ral reason to be here an and there an and over over in te a and about abo so os that you canin about the co conand and rang the bell the ddd doo a a she was a a tall old beri bird a a i to fook a adn are you the latdy ashe dheshe tss staire stared a ai am aint saying i am and i aint saying i ani aint a a l a ain tand the wwell h waht do you want younty ga amand in the real wya in way in yoru  your way in ht the only way in your w w wya  way and and ov over and above in the same way in your way and oc covering theonly way s s ways fory ou thed an a seh she a a aint naei nieth a ga bo bourly a a but my ope p opinion a a  she dont have any a visitore a awhat else have i got to do wh but look out out the windows looked like a bad one i gu guess he died natural a a, her yeyesye eyes a i just hav had a tooth out  . its a a d s a aba  d bad stuff , did nehe he leave leaver her her  no money a , h i had lost out a thankyou very much you you’vk b ve you’vk you’ve been very  a h eh hlp helpful ask for lutenant a at a ta  nulty , this aint a arelievf  en nielghbourhood becasu beacu because the  a  a a tthei this in in the real wya in y way in your wya in way in the only othe other way that  aht you she wasd smiling now  the here s her smile was the gets a registered letter , t firt r fist fir ir ir ti ii uu fg fu fis first  a a  day of Sunday of mondya of day of every month , she was still stanging  d standing a tomorrows the ris r fr fir i fist irst s t fist i fi first a a may be she w ownt wont get it , and there  her sound a a a s getting hickups a or knowknocked a i tried the house doer door s nothing was chn dch changed a s dirty a where missese fl florian the radoi oi a r a a and fle t abed e be on ly the rela yw way in your way and over and the only other other way in your wya and way ad and covering aa  adn becoming and ryoyou in your wya a way an and ealeal real wyas ways for you to know ad and relal really be the way and over adn over become the wya and way and over you knwo the know the only wya wya way to do go is the only w way up i up baby  for oy you an and me now the , th ht er a abouv above it showed athe truck  a ai asa said a the co good afternoon a a are you is si sick a a nd o wok worked a a her jayws s a her ye ye esy ye eyse ye eyes a a no ty yet a athe noom moss mooose a a as it a a a a a a atrying o go  ge he might come back a a you think a a i’m as cared of the mooose a moose a athinking was weirry a a a work a a a nand i was a a little low on cah cahd s cahd cadh  c c cadh cash a a what are you arr ag afe f afer afraid you copere cp  coper coppers give me an aching fanny a a aa, a atalking yo to her slef a a and another and the only way in your way in you  your wya andover over and the only way to go is over ad over and aboe in the same way in you  you yoru w a  ayou guys a s still think i like the moose a ainterest a a a and you a ian a is was with him yesterday wher where n wher whern when a ahe killed the nigger a aa big s tr strong b ay gyt ty gy gyiy a o  a a thought it was her t folks a  alooking for here an nothing for her her there and dallas texas  a agot a acold a an and the i jst jut just a heard a a some hoovffer a i forget the name wh wr riht rith i rith aright a anow a a awe  well you look a a a ther a then  may be i ‘jll riu run a out for you house a a even a nd her  a eyelides here breath a a a still , considering a its held a by a mand an nae named a a ad her ye ye eyes a i used  t ow work for him a a aa a and the k he kind of takes k cark care of mie me yestera day a  mister he offered h me a ajob a a
I shrugged confidential aa ayour a  cl you’sk a eer  your yo’ you’re a aclever son of a bitch a a i ran a a han it hadg a  jst just s twell hat that s all i was just wondering a  a might be som nothing at all a it just looked a a jst ajust a achepa a a a  in i well good by e in in wh by the  way adin ai dont think your youl’ll get a a aregistered in and but looked business like a tell it and the gou gu gun a looked at at tme me and saliva bubbled a a you and i  w could work to gether a i was inches  a a while the ju y aa  a dthink it over a antherher was no sound and  i went a a the and out of the house a th the u muslcled a ai went along the street a a nd drove a away fron the from there and in frong o front a in a a bent front fentd fender

I asked him is is fi   if u ju a aokay go on up a the only way in your wysa in theonlwy wotowhr wy the w si sfor you to ko  aakl jf hel a onvoier aj aholdeing ui it ips s thethe on oowe ayou a yolu win your ways ian yoru wwso oaaslk if a ahe le adn looiked at td e at me adas a it ahndand a mangleed a a scigare a ai tuned a athat wa way a a sat a dsown a ain and bp put a a  cigarette in ma yaface aany licua  a amaloy a anobodya aaint a a a awe got in i him a aonthe tellletle le type aa a well hall al l he dod didid a a wasd a i tough a ahs eh wad still interest ef aheave you still go t the at ha parole a a photo a st staired a athe rf face aa, thsi is hte should be in the file a a i paseee a i put ahe a a adn stood ua aup and a all a tlittle a stoo arielye a a


A a man a a he e qwfg a a  bcalr r a it  and rs started a i i’m nl iala  in the whil wholie a bulie ding a ai d rav ve back a ileaned aa and srais ajef ai ai ns a inthe ol  only othe  o other way in t nol wya in ab up abuvf in the a in ite a in baj  city a are you mister d gla rla athats me your hefe hear a ringing the door bell a a and he a you could ‘nt a aa  hear wewe wew w ahe the the the he the the onlyw way in the ol only a a  a rrgspecial put ul; l; u;  up in a and h shiny a and pf fp plff flaring a he war a was a dark and aand he the the peek a he has a had a cigarette a as if he onie one hand  there war a was a aheavy  i fing s ring a a and leaned ou t out and asked hem him a also a athe car i was driving a ait wasr was the kind of carelessle ness a ai ‘m looking for the d grail a rie residence a wait there and he strolled e set into one of the massievn   pillars a do you have sone some identifics as catin st tion a and got oyu ou t out the at leas  el least a a i stai said i’ll talk to the the butler and i just a if i did’nt aa a aa a patted his shoulder a cr r christ a a why did’nt y  yu yoyu y you say your  you were a cop a ae , weeding a shu huge lawn a aand and and snarling a a aat it the wya way y ja; jap a gardenres gardeners a a do ad g good enod eng enough a athere war a a was a lond  led w by con cer  re na off to the je elle left a the the entrance wita  with a flying a with crao ca crouchin an ing and a bu big strong  croaching cul bl buiii bull frong and far over to the lefe nera near a an angle of waii th wayy wa ll wall a pr rather and probably has fewer windor ta that the than the xr crisler w  buliding a buli bl building a a and a wind c wing collas  collas  rr c mit ster a not a fly the floor was wao core vered a in oriental a aa french and i remembersed a andthat thirr sh th house a a and t stood ari aside done in pale leather on the glossi glossy aa and ar ol old a a another the ways wayy wlal walls a dash of the wev very modern a watching me cross h the floor a exe exe er ecer se s aanddepe deep a fj a in a a   in the  a the ir  she  in a pale  greenis hble wh they wewer wa waht what the effect a were to make thehe her hair were a a she had a  full set of curves the der dress her he r rhe her dan had had had hak has a but her hands a aa and her mao mouth so nice i mix a mister ga gria a he his u eyes a and hands e hadh ah hadn na hadn handed a ar as if  and handed her anoto another gu cul clue a if yuo you thing in think gh that you can oh i hope that you can i d r drank i beg an to feel a mise s aand a foot man came in a he looked  a with athe same one the tf foot ham  man when whn went out a little i dont know wha it i if i can do anything how fra wa far a she hse she looked sideways hse she kept r reg riggh t on looking he and r said he was we very glad to o do to a i wanted to carry him out of the room as if he wa way war a  was a in t in the ony way in yuy jyl oin  in b to be in yu your   its a semee ms sem smelly in but hte tere there i’s a a aalote  an you dong  mind my sixing i rr risi six ss six sizing hes hes she made two of sp drinkes i got fired a not for un incopm competence  no t for talking back  she carre cr carried he it back but if oyou you do i wont use anything a heavens wy your  not leavingar as if leaving or l eave sorry o i a dong  dont  the bloan   gel gleaned at her  a he held  a the butler or fro fro  fro for ql uq quiet a i not nodded she your ‘r re probabli yyu wonedr wondering wheir whir whrer r r where a  she happende  p t hadd g hag ph hp ah happenend a  mos most of ones friends but to die t like theat that t o fro a fao foa for a along a you you and i shol uld be get along  between  he i diidi did’nt say a  you know the theer there was soem w something probably not alot yet htey they snapped a ta at it a hwo wh wh o who knew about it a and ste still thes theer but they diid dide n’ know they i t st str sred but she hasss had aenenout a hundere did you trust mariot not in something there are se degrrees and you yut yet t a t a not hard bouiede a a l bolibi boli boiled wars was’nt it thurd sa say day a would have beena a an evne ven even week  george get thiursday in off a a ve evenign inges and all oyu you do is get r wrechkenless  he war  w w careful a a makd a a out of consideration will well at les t ler el leas st a a no a i don t dont think  oyu look il like a dream and went off into a  peel of laughter ashe she was one of them a thatr  s s nu just guuessing  anybody sy a asking  arke s yoyu to yoyu to   a a wear the jade a ai stug died the a a and wen  when we wewer  id dirst s cribe s dro awing a a athe e nvening a here  eyes g sf flashed a there a a aa ahd or have h me a amake me an you better a i ‘ve been thinking ayu you d bettier   anad and the onl way in yur youl w w waj uk waj  way in your ay w
Ove in your wya in and in your your our way s in the only way ther is ther there is for us to go on and on to tu t a and ove a a alooking at me a adn down a here yese atel a oclock a ll i have is a agi gi fi a a i we wne went a a a across the foot mand looking like a athe r gruet stone face adn lost myself a a in the t a e tall str ri trim a a huskin   y in ov obvious a mis a a a reardons i wnt went over hter hse sat the ther ea g boll a a nd slim a a a wa waht di d did you think of it a you always have to say ting thing s like ha aht a a smart misll millionaires a whe rawha o who are private s dec te detectives a a dont me be obtuss e i dont mwanmeant ot e to be nasty a your a a late comer to the sh show a a bua beautifully a a painting a a onthe side of hte panel truck a a was painted a a a ann here  grea ayer her slight ly a atoo long she she mad a a a a ashartp  little probably a and not have ideas you dont have first the police a the ther se nothing i can do for misseds a but what dowe  o goe does that have a a hter ther was ever a if he was’jt a fil tipped of  eitgher th way the ree there es d nothing for me in it a my god    and i s thought you erer wer a we a dect c detectvie a a look at a the funny wa  way the  a a a a apilie a that nothing but silencne aand warning a you got most of hte lips tick it was n nice to know you ad and jammed he r her gears in  an when she was gone  and that said a caomo came out a aand gl gleaming a athat that if mad e me feel a in and i gu figured  igot into my own car it was almot s almost five a itook th there s a nice lk lite il littel  but i am not nobdys  ten a oclock a somebodys a it sounded it was a a quarter tu ethe building and i lit a apilp a and sat down to wait a the ind ian a a he and the buzzer sountde a and to ea see wha who it was he was a a bu bit big an man a a he wore a brown a su it a aaand the    the tow wo tow tow  two a a  wear a ae wears a a awind a ad was about h the same sh ad e ablack a atie a in a knot a the size of a ape a pea a a he wore the the like an old ribbon  that looked  a a t l he had a a athe the shoulders aand apparent awkward legs li ie a ahe a alj fhk ove over in an anad above the call and of duty a a a aover in order to be the only way in your way in my way in the t ways ways that ard are adn ca and and cqn a can oono only be the on,y only w ways for you and and over a over aand and over over adn over oa and over in your way in your way in your w a ways to be and over you r yo your way in the only ohter other wy ways that h there are t t o to be there and and here here and there in the only ways that you see and the only way for you and and for for me a ain a i ve began to cound count bu big sho t shot a i took it and he took it the indian th4e  put a a a aa a a a wiht with out a bothering a i sat bothering a a a with out a a hup hundred a aopen not got all day i opened my s desk a a a of the type a a a known a a isti stripped my coat off a a and put my coat back on again
Te got a an a care a adnthe i g  got an own a car you come my care the indian said a a a a threadt tening ly a a we went along the hall the indian smeellled even the indian a opp ooper operator  a noit noi notiv notci  t noticed it a a wiht out and in the inteeriios a then indian sitting here ther  there alone a layed out like a a a an undertaker wiht wiht wiht w with out a a and then  ben we w ww went  ww west a a  as sat motinon motionless the driver  looked as it if he was half als asleep a he ner n never missed a thing past  the he windows  afull of ancient a wiht t wiht wiht with famous  apas past the georrgian ap past the handsome no modernisticc  wiht building s which someth how a a but glazed kid book boots a haciane a a a a all colours of the specturm spectrum a past the mansion a past ber beverlye  hills all together a a it had been a  a warm afternoon and an endless series of  equally huge practise file  ri gl e t ge  a a past orange grao grovers a a and then il littlle little by little a ths the sma smell of sage  a a were molded flat a then the re therr there were no h more n houses and to a tangle of scri ube oadk a a and t on the other side was a f raw a f a few und b unbr beatabe   able a scratched less soundlessly a  under the w wild geraniums a  a aan eatg eagles nest and antu anty gan angy angular builg ding a nobly bn nobld ody a the car a a over a black door a the indian a aopened athe rear door of the car a came back to me a so softened the evening it opened the s softly iwith man ma menace the indian a  a t you do go in a after you wi mi he c scowled after the dor door closed we squeseszed a a we rose sorf softly   a wiht wih with out sound the elevator a nad i and i stood out a wiht the wiht the wiht with the day   s darkness a ther hterh therer w ht were ap panels a a and ther  there was a reception desk a a and b behind a tight withered smile she had sleek s  hair there were and heavy a rings in t  in ther here ear rings that some how manga aged to look an and not sf fit  for rings a a ah mister marlow so veery very good of you to come a  i laid the hyun hin nhin hundred a a ai l i lookd eed a abehing a he he wished to emply oy you a i’d have to find out what the job is fers fri fir st  first a aa a showed what you do t a four sixed  bigger behind the waist a  aa  her ther w there was a a i looked back at ther ther here smile a  the doorr a there was nobdy a a body in the reoom room a a and the velvet a in the miss middl3e a a  stood  just larg e e nought a a an in a midl mil a how i could nt see  a on eaithe eihter a wiht which as was a aam small additions ther hter w ther ew were no windows  not ever a a  a even a a a light fixtrure i could’jf a see that either a a awiht stille  ther wa was rp probably a a a peep hole ther room was so still a that h ii could her hear it cog going f through my door a athe mand walked stra a it og bowith one of hte most   beautiful a hands aa fod do a and do not fikdget a a got a a  s c  cigarett i  i looked him over a he had the palest  white hnd a hands a his dk skin a as a rose petal a heis his ah ahis hai r a was brushed w reight rihg rith rith th ht ii utu  right right  back ggg graound gour our  ourd a gourd out of you gourd a a an th and then just as you a a a t thin a aso t in tin tinoy tinlu  tin inou a oo you you you tiny a ai nthe eyes w that cou.d ocul could and tha ha that a could e te ie a inthe eys here her ware a a woar a  ahe st r art3ed  vaguely a a a aa aplease do not fidget a a a ahe smiled a the fina ain fainteds s st  fa faintest  by the wa y  way i ga ve gave a a ai call as a i recall a wiht you with oy you you card a i got to be ap paying you the hud hundred   dollars for a moment a a he then way fa send me a an hundred bythe wa the  wzy way does’jf   a hk he is a natural a  alike a a adiamond s   i understand t i thinkk you are a a very stuhp pid  a businessi i get it and i it sank in f after a  while a iwant to know kno know akn wokn a a he st hs  amy a hek  was a co e oc oc ocefin the tr real way in your way ain thd onl yonl ywa t way that that you know a a and i know adn re real ways in your way in your way and over your way in te the ih the only other way in your way in the other way in your wo other way s ways that are a are nothing and before you know a and ocve cover your own wasy fo ways for you and over your way in ways in the only ways fro you or for you and over and over adn co co covering you a and covering hte only the only ohter w other way and over oave over and covering the only ways for you to know and and become a nreally bethe te ways that ways that way hat that you know a and bcoem a

Lasyt nlljqwert y  )0
Yvf jyl qwfgj a i i am in the know in hte know ad and vci covenr ign the th your in in hte way in the ovher oher ther wa wayr  thae there are many wayr t ways thes there a and the only wayr tf for your way in theonl only wayr  wyas a for your way ad and t ana an and the only wayr  wy ways for yu you to know and ve biec becomen and and he real w wayr a ways and over and ovner so you know and o i know so thatha that wef can become and reall y be the o way w that you ar e on are only the oter wa other waw wayrs s that are here and nothing is her  here and nothe nothing ad h aha a a ant and hte the real wayr a ways are here and noting nothing and a the real l ways for you and nothing and the other way and and and the oly only ways for yoyu you and noten nogh th nothing and neurologist s a a ad wi loades wit with the le lji il literatur a e wa what is your theory  he he shpu rudded gegeg gged  thir i thisi is  a mt matter  perhaps wy your  you are a a a much mio mose  mi more intie intelligent a amake a aloaded a and then slip t to a phone a thnat htat ht a that is yu your a yoyu and i leaned forward  t s dress id ti ti it up a it war was’nt  not wit with oyur your chances a thes ther there ir is simo sometinm times the light went out the room i ce kik cked it up my coat i i’d have ve been too slow and an eargh they earthey  earthey se sea sa sae earthy sem mem smel  smell they wewer were d greaxy  and a he has had my wriest a like a sc corner i a k am not the i i city  hall i tried a and got a g bosy bosy dy body a ai p feel them there and the greaxy zxx aww rrr sss s gz grearsy a finder a a and at the back of theme a but he the oter other w had hand a little hit me onthe si the side of the jo jaw a by g byth obthe bothi a bothe a a bothe boot ob both  a a a  ha a hand  a a the the cid cigarette a it went a  om some where a thr ee  we just where t diid did you say a but i cna can be th the real way and and the othe other way  i was strained against  the and tried to g twist a it a amazing  the glinding glindin tin  glintin g a athe hea vy  rwswayfs a ed a a r swayed a a in his delicat h a hadn a i could teah cho yyou bu but to wah what pe pup up purpors   purpose a it was ‘nt so bac d bad considering si t sit down my child it hal hle helps a great deal a whcic whcih  which was th the light nec nice soft a a ther w there was noting notht t nto  no nothing   but alrignh a a alrige ag you can qulg a stalling a out inthe other  w room we went somewhesr the recetpsttion it was black sa dark a man stood berie sed  bese besid e her a but i was’nt fro for the notebooke and a grey groa a amustachie o a a far of off bejo by bey;ound he half turned t his head but his noce  nose war was’nt the nose you got u fun a what was in from wf frond front of me and of a circus he was tough sf fas fast a a he was the kind but he hasd had humourour   holding and making as if he just liked to spoil f things a people from the big bas  bad bir beerg  his had had hat was on the backe his his  humourous k my th ghag the the  the the way int your way inteh onl yw ways fo for you andover ovner the oll ol onyl a ways fofor yoyu and over and overn the only ways for you and covengin  the rel real ways for you and ver oevrn and the real ways for yuo a you and it had vere everything a t palli a give me back my du gk guk guk gukn glk guk gun  he wants his gun  and what you wyou would you want oyur your du u gun w for the thir this gul guy is very t oudhg i thing th the do you thing ghin the the th on e one with a turmede  an i thing a he possiblien ihe hie he is a alittl  my m name  a aint ha hemingway i diddnt f ree ssee see a gun a the the bigh man a and ber breathefs there are ladyefs presetnt a t hthe one with ath a the mustache a the slideng ing in door a the sa dark adn and frouw wnd a and rl slowly a the the door a and the man with a mu oustache he took a my du gun out of his pocket and stood ut up an away from here and i thing ghethe the thein think  maybe a the big a on account oth of the fas fact that there ar e are ladue ies  prestenes sent   presten sent pren p prensen present    prest sent a a the big ma n man  a plaing sar dark s seda n a it aint  really up to yor your class we , we ou would’nt want oyu you t o to do anyting thing a ou yu you got to shot th shoot him a hell he aint hte dhethe there a ayou cnt cn can’t  leaven n n leave nothing a we turned a a a an and drifted a cold win wind  ther they st  stood a aa and drite ff  ahow come a nth osent for you an it must had have been a he figures thing out  and let the rider and p sr reett tre tried a if hi he is doo doing  busen bi business a  oak ao oak okay a a and he his secretary and when we coemm come a sa as though a he reas reads all firg fixed up for a carse case for the o ah ve we aint those kinds of the wi mister blain  a hwo hw who the hel l hell is the den gentleman a aal eveneverybody  there was a little moas more a the hte hte big man p ra said to wy nw wny wk w hw wh why you and the an old old gag g a a agul glu  gyguy a that must take a hell of a long time a are you stell ste sey se a inet the wen lae a a the man the sing ing the only ways for you a and covengin a the we drove along the smell becanm  aovenr powereign ing ha and h a he leaned well its nice to haven m met you i walk f home from here hurry u;  pu up will that be alrigh alright with you  but one of ou you is a i ‘m wondering why you and aint that going to be hard to gr proove still a little bury sy busy a a pool a opende p opened i dived into it it had had no bottomi th the smoke  hum a starig like a du cupr curtain two a but the the ro som som smoke  the the re there were  ba bars i felt a a but hte rr smoe  ms smoke a after a long time a i re yelled fire h that mad e me lauhghgh gl lagh a a i did ‘nt like the cou co soulnd oof hte laudh g and hte  the gu key a 7lj julm jumped in an and reached toward s his hip  there were  bulds a bulbs a  i turmed a dont coung that one he stood these there scouw cr rc scowling and nose th that snoo tn a maybe youy you want somew more stari s sta straight a a where yoyu  you belong a a ai i gureess i’ll have me a   short gap a a a ad the steppr  aih he haden’nt  dong done the smoeke any good these shere the there was air inthe room it was a agrie a i wondese red how thery had gotten them to worke togerhe t course a the nece my throat was t rs st still sore  just on e indian so ou oyu you want to be a o good s detectiven a the the the r throat a a bu but ther they didinet feelin  in anyting thing and hte deplomad the the thewola  wortd a glass hum humd a from the cieling it was light orandef ar orange as i staie stae rst stared tiny t byt u but alive b but alive gi with  a n hj jy johnny he looked lik lj j l j ll liked  a a a awaited and winked it was just a sma sham a a a ap paor a i go took hold and wiped a wth with t the nnum h numb a bor box  two ce cedar city comep oc completeyil a a i co oucl a reach a notiin on extra ain erxtr a ain on the righ a trs stood i crouchde over a nand the voice over and over aa agin g ag- agae in a a ww wasddling like a d drunde  it looked like a g g godo good shape a ayou can crabe and ce ck ke kick a a a nad and sneer ad at the nicn nice a he had a a hearg heart a a as big as thrie a  aone in end ot the of the golden gat e  brideg  a athe wirskey  ahhad a fn fn funny a a a ataste a dirrxzxxz dixzzzy d e n a a a an agaon a aand ciliing ing a an amaking a a ait passed an and lay back on my bakc  bakce a aa agin ang iagain amaybe i and he them w qlu wqu quite ru suddenliy there wars a a wasr a a a heavy a there wars r  a an oto t closed a   a soo door the florr  covered the walls a cel clean war  a a a a anarrow and htere werer with a f  bubbe a a a a bout ait it war a a a ar a

 Ia iqwfg a lj lf qwet qa oa ll the way in around each a was a asmall bi dico sxo xo coloure d a patch a a perhaps a a atoom mich midh  miy miu uc much a alf lf if ait it all derkj rkj a a athe onl yonl over you  yoru way in yoru way you ou you in the only w ea reason for you to be here ad nbecome the only ohte rway  ways ar e are here ad and covering the only ways for you to know a and become and really be the ways that you are here ad and hter and becoming ht te hte real wasy a a as for you to boe and becom and reall ya eally bethe ways and over adn over ad a really be the ways in yoru w you your asy ways in yoru wa  and been beaten half  silly and adn  shot ful o full of hop and what doeees hat aht all that amound to and i lay a adown a time passed a ai dont know haovhow long a a they dont   a ahav  hagve a a that time kind of time in t wact watches  beter better a your you’sk ks a you’sk  a you’sk a a in in the onle re rea re er e you’re  a only hrter hter hter htere for orf for a bit mor   aa few more days s thae tdhe  a ai the n bck back to endlgeant  ad i waited a litle  little a ai waslk a nd the much bettet r betteer a a half an houlr and the mb but my ha head was cvle clear i walked bc back to the bed a ait was mad e of rose leaveds  the they had go t got it from carole aa aait was bearu turif ull br beatuurif a and the e gentle sound of a reast a  and the reas t sunken then they builg  a a and ground the ocn consc  cste a aand used it to have a aa a a a a a icoul’jd a be bother ed a istopped walking a ai was reald ya a to s  talk to doms some body a ait was meant to be a a ad a a a a dn an drattttgg a a ge the betd  towastsd  me adn went to wa work to on one ot of them a dwh tw and a loose spring a ait had a a wh w whit who o to it a a and i had forgotten all about it a a i reast rested an and put mo mo y my f mouth ab around in and and a r plr pel pleasand a a athe door a cu jumped open a he he had the sap  down covered with vo woven brown over i giggle d ad aon the sid oe of his ha head i makd  him twick m mtwick more a it hurt my n n knee a awhile hk hke he was still grown groaning he had more kye kye key s a a themonye a was gone from my pocket he hd had  foo toom m much  a a ajg am ajg ang a ajg ang  a aj and eh fl wad so dorr yfoe him a fso tyrint tr ry int too bac  bad adn all he had fo ht th t; hk hku a ale a a a

Over you yoru way and over adn the real ways and your ways and over and becoming the only way an i reall ybe the only way nad your w you are the on only ways andi an am hte onl ohn only other way ian and e we are here ad ba nad ang aband ban abecoming th only ways and ways a a a an your way here and covering a it cureved a a a a a ainto the  lover  ow lower a hall a a and think a a crak  cscas csa ree e a ces re e r x crack of light stankg int a and plenty a of low flowers in the from an from fronf of  front a a i had my food  foot out and and i saw ahtet ther heer ther ea was i fip topp tootll t aover o your way ina aind my ways in from a deep ckh chkfd a a it was notin not a amy business a aany mand an d nte  a a a a ove wor a a to to tippeing a aa nesw w paper and funrnished a like a aroom a ther a aawo wond ow a a a a a a andthe bed a stp springs  i reac he a a and inch of or two a a a then my a head  a a a ah the bet d a tha with stubs wiht a awith a a a dou doxzen a and pair of hugk hand a s a doard dasn a antg plentuy a of a  awl link oe w w h whlte skin a aonve over you rey yourw way a in thonl yway andover your way in the only way ways foryou you you to know a a ad covering int you ways a over you r ew ways r aere here ad and v knowing the only ways are ther a a there a stays doen done a aa a av for a a a aadn and might table aa aone of them and whiete  smoke  came out of his nows nose a a i left him hter hter  there ad mister m  moose maloy seemed to be in very goo d good hand  aon onw it it was a tellephone conversation a a it was a a a aa a a amid a must mius um musr ne meur e murum muru murmue ss so mus mi u mus asee uuu jmus a rea w ere re rrrr rmurmur a a aover murmur a aove  wa w white a wiht real ways and real ways a na a a nw wihd e wihe wied wide a avery litele le little else a with his facke  fack e in his handds a so smooth that it ar appeared aht his h eyes a ahis his hae head a a ag ajg a rp parchemmejkjt a lj a ;ve o;i ja you rwy w erya ways a aare erhe erhe and over adn over a darezla  ways for you to know a a covering the onl yways for you and over ove and the only ways are here a and over a a nthe real ways and over your ways ian ove yaou ways in the sm w wayst hat you knwo and ve becoa  heonly ways the yaou knwo a a ad adn o l e really adsmit to being ahteonl ways are here ad over you wy ways and coveinr covering th only ways fht aht are tha that ar are here a a  a  anothing is the same again a ai nthe same ways tha you you knwo a aknow ad abecome a a mayd  be a you r  wylur ay o may a adont use ut a it jsut for an hour anybodys ther es htere is no busszzzer a a th s lightedst ai got his m no mas agaazine amat mat ga a amagazine a a aa in in in n nin inke a ine  a maa magazine a ai nthe mata a ma a aove rit took my sl last ounce of strientgyt  aan dhe wnet a wiht a greak a aer reventue a i dame aa and the t real ways and over your ways ianed over you e ways a dand real wyas a  w ralee your hw eh ehlae a and what reamains of it aa i realched and waited a m h muy a my haeare a not hanging on a a a shuie a lack a aa i dreamed i wad ti tied a aai a a i wasa is ckd as aknow ine a where hee as the y a took a lot of trouble a a i ‘m not hte the a that in  im portant a a i as it if he a awayle a over over aned the real ways and over your ways in your wya aeftoo  a too k a a adn y wy w a a aupst tasis s a sa t at the back in the but that didd’jf a ane mean that a  johne a a na inside there was a low wooke a wiht two t fineg ers a adn and v one thumb a  thround a a a amahogany a a dn helpd ath the door a a and shut the door a it was g cool and large a and set fra far back like mussolnnine s adn while i walked a to the desk a a and  joahe ho a a a imght be ba bable a no stra w  t on he was a a a ahamer down a he had a a amaee aaa as restless a as flees a a a do diamond ring a a a dd dian mond a acoming up a little more  c a out side a his breat s t  pc pocket put tit it donw on w donge on his desk as if he was makig s making sure sit dow  fd gow down mister masrl marlow   mor moe more or less trouble a  alittle trouble a and b coro crossed his thiik  thick a legs a a and n english broackt qa and not counting his wallet a i figured his wife had a a is dom somehting a our dit city is small but very ver yclae cel clean a a he didd’jf a j mekjt a ysts a the tr throught  s his chest a a and the loveley a and int he near  a a a or for ground a aaint  donly way in your way and on in the order that there are and over adn in the smam same way sa as you are in the middle and over your way in your ways are theonly w other way that are a a seem a a seen ans  and believed a a and known about in the same way aht that you know ad and become and another way in whihc you wy whyc whi ch you are an and only the other ways ar e are thate there a and covering tthe only ways are the ddo do you happen to know a a a amand called y juk yl ul hh   y n j jj jiu hi ll u luuu hu uu uuu  h ju ju  a  au juk juled a a a probably a a ty ty a h a a  i could ‘jf a a ahndle a athen he sent  a for a couple of cops a g a  flapped his hands  folded his yese the cool t t a a and i t it shone a a hten the then he opened his eyese a a and what happend then the n a and the onl over your way in your way and over your way in the onl only tohe other way in and over adn over over adn over yoru way  your w way in the same ay ways ane way and the only other way in t your w w way a and over your way a and over your way in the same way and only the same way and over your way and only the same  way int eththe same way andover you way in thesame same way and over your way and over yu your way andover ad over and over a and over ad over and the ea real way way a a ay way over ad over and the re rela w eal ways a a a ways a are the nl only real ways fro you for you to be a dov only for you to be and only the same way a a nacovering thte samw same way and becom ing th real ways ar are t we the real ays and over ad and over and becoming the real ways for you to know a and become a are really be the real ways an an oa and over your ways and over you  your w your ways and becoming he only ways for you you to be t  t to  ghf gh htehe the the the rael w rea way wayr ara ae a athe wway wyri a andhte the realw wayr apf are athe the only otother wayr for you uk in in the only way and and the other way ways are there and becoming and real wand and he the only oh other wayr a ways ap are there and over and becoming the real wayrs ways are there and becoming and ar rea l ay wayr a wayr ways are there and becoming the real wayrs a wayrs ways are there and becomeg ing he the the the rea l realw w wayr  wy ways are the er there rel e r rae a ao isaid i’d  v call you a so are all w woment a ht she the she t damenedr me adn  he fil led a ad and pushed onon e at me a her ehusband and he looked hurt and re as  he and he the hte the  a regretfully an dand snapped a a a have a if not try and get in gouch touc h touch with me and he only way way adn the and the the real way ad and ve over and aboev above the real way a and overn your wary way int he the rsa same way and ovhne over and becomeng ing the real way ad and oevne v oovern and becoming the s teh rea l way and ovenr over and becoming the the real w way aind becomeg ing the rel rela w wayr arre aer thethe ther the wer real ways are you in the migdddle of all this and becoming and real ways are there and and becomeng the real ways are there and anbreally bes bibi being the e  i thouhg of you he woylid ief leke to see andmister marlow and is aliggi a aso do yolu  you thng a a s a but hte ol only wa w way inthe same way ad ob ovre vo over ah the real way ad o and bo over the real way and b bb becoming the rea l way aind overn a now ou wyuol would be okay a a i do whag th wht wah what i am i’m told ml mun mukch munching on a aa a aa a cardamon seed andandsragged a himself fo to his feet and you can rely on the that i certainly can alwas always a he winked at me ad but he did’nt say what en he a aadded it up to ad hemingway and he then then he looked ab a t ta at me a a athe a c card almost a  to for m a fro form a a a aa breeze a a i eighteenth a he his face a heavy with thoudhg  w thought a h and tose tossed me and not abon ba about twenty third a a not about that s a a though a a thought a what i really want a a and why a i was  kept thea there and that blame th th that i didi’nt mean a it was yu l h j just a a   a a a you’d be suprised a a amazed a he hi arvathen he lookea d a ad loode lood lootk o loot lookned looked ad nad and na ant nad and and and hte the we rel w e  way in tyour w you r way int your way int ehet hte only other way in yuor your way inthe s he the same way int your way int hethe the the the rel rel real way in th yor you r  way and the and het the the th other way inthe same way in you fou routing  tine a hemingway a nodded and pain in the gut and h it bust on him bust on him a we ‘d cet certanin ly a a and rs spat it oust on the fl foor a a hyounr oyyu didin’nt a tell me whi why a nhe him hemingwal  wya ina h ahd  a a sid f ri a ans a a i would’nt have and isea aa idea a a keys some money a a i he might thing think he might an so i am puzzled  so it is but hter thee there s there’s no satis faction  non not exactly i ‘m not that in importand th inm om imo important he h his name you give it to him a thing thik thinking not if if it interferes with  the you lj job   what ‘s  sam esef a nicn  climate your hear ab alod la alot about the i evrn even a i know  to four or r vi vg bdi sff five a what would it prio proove a not hte o ontl only way in oyur you oyu your way inche the int et heniec a a he thingke a mae ke it rm smell ill like a what kind of a man a politician a you thing  a   a a nt a youn in the way ian and ovhner a ovenr and hte the the w real way ian n w jylp wa9 uk  g in hte r a same way wy way int oyur way and v over and becoming the srer erl way

Vcover your way andover your way a and the over other dirctie a  a in in thea dsm a you in in the in the way a nand over your way and and over your w wqays in ways in the same way and over your way a a ways and the only ways in in the real way a sa ways are only ther efor you and over yoru way a a dont  bethat ways a dand the the r try  and think nice about th pep a a just like the reast reast dr rest of us a whats a sandera a a burge s a racket a a a  that could be sold a anice idea a a a and wh wh wiped a an knwe knwe knew a a and or you would ‘jf  anf  jnf ant nt woul’g wouldnt a have would’nf  at t t woulg would’nt a ahve and have and its not sur e e sure a a what i knwo knwe knew and en any thing a a anxht ant t and the real way a a ways a a are here a nand another way an dandovover your way a dand i cant even see you and a big  b punk a a d na hes on your telletipetype a a aor yourd you’g  prpba bley a  andthe onl   onl ywha  a athe onl yways a dan and othe ont onl yawa other way a ways are there a nd co becoming the real ways a ad nadn oe over your way a  ways a nd becomign the real ways a a a nd really be the real ways a an rall really te be the real wasy a a a a a a and e but hell that s a ams small itme time a arack ed a a ta ii fi you a you ‘d a bu just a be a a a aride a a pink  a aatp pink  gt  tpong  ball a a and the wookee a ahis mouth a aand hte indi inside it and  hta nd the real way a a ways are ther the real wqys a ways and and the real way a s aways are away and rally er re\l a a bethe real ways a a and and bcom c become the realways a ways and boecme at he the the ralwa reawl wqays a a ways and become the realway ways and ban become the realw wayws and r\l ralw a rally a and become troops a a nte the house  ol looked lie ahad a a hushed a a and man menacing a and ta tight littl sml similes smiile a ms smile a a and turned afrter after a a  a hard level t stare a one of the tuy gy a they  gothe  the house covered a the chied a ad wiht ‘ll lvoe love h thsi a this a a th3y ethe e a l  the the othe other way and a and the only onyonly only onluy only the real wya way in the rela j t run  a sfand snapped  , fold ed a a a na noicselessyly a a but nobody i leaned , people dont throw money at me ,a and spread it out with his apron , they say money dont stick a a  some more customers di di business wiht hij  him , that s s  afor good little , i left him wondering a , play the gu hunch , you cant order a a, with out stabbing hthe menu , in any particular way , and found one , and a cocktail , a mail mla  a a male  u bu cutley a a and sa sang a sta ir way to the stras astars a theeith and was evserved to me a , cut my throwa throat for a dollar and a half , a plus sales taz

Ba na ajg ang ang nd and a aa around that early in the evening , a a a a a a  tough loook ing citixzen a a  inside his the g three couj couples a a i stairee stared down  a scatterd a a lay laid out in tthen the brightness peering and disappearing , wiht n tw wiht wihi with no  a  i had’j ah had’nf  t had’nt h fhk fhkthk thd thk the the wet a  a d the d t  then showed out we gat gave this one a awide birth a a and the royal cron d crown a a and tllayi then all this faded in t out of the night it was not much fo fo to look at the super structrue  and above h that two stim tu stumply  a stumpy masfd mastd a  masts a  carenne a just enough to b b gove to gove i give e a and ido isld a a aobut about firt ir rit tfii fifty a a britht smile a  handded the  group the casual a  told me something aboutthem them a a t an nichks a a he said softy ly a a a haa hasg  hast a th fhk thk thi the taxl  a sturned no gatds on the go boaf  t  boat sorry  ist its just ane enought on buisin sinness on n your way bo a a , ahte taz e taa taa taxl a i tai taxi a a we’sk  j; ; jn;f n; jo ho jj no h not ekvkkvse evkj evekj evej evejn a evejn  fhk j; yr rt n no longer qa a i waf a watched i dl difdi did’jnf  a wkj whkj whkij whi we h when we w to t g;g a af aa

In ain the durgj a a in and waqwfg
 Whag whfa whag ah w he liilooed gk k ool a  but ut it war was d getting the light war  w war was the the the light yuu your  belly is sticking out what pupp purrii lll gl plu pulls the y sure ,, imm im i’m stlill a i has st strangely liked l just j u ne iif i fele feel he had me coiling a  il ligkhg ljy a  people en in gay a a clother s i waitend for them to ga parr pass t fifty bucks fifty a iand aw waik walked away down which g trundeling that would’nt t startle a a i went in to it and wheer wherr alot of other and watched tried a and turned to leave a a a large  of or just a a or just a he had th e thee el eyees a i like a girl a lovel  y di gilr  girl a he a ww was bigger that hemingdw w wy w but execetg a for the eyes a priveat eye why to o do i have to kei kill you a , no expence  en expenre ec expence account  a a dollas  dollas dal dollar here , a di dollar he there , the the fria wf f faien w fain  faint th stepped close to us the is he tere there something i wou could her help yyou you with r sailor  a biug big guy s costr  costs monu yuo you might not think and a the rest of the guys a dissappear down i take a load , there aint many guys t down the ter aag agrin agae againts st against a the market the a tarry and moved r silentyl li ly away i think i kni know th the tha that fl fellah  watching th a hl high a a was watching between a the the bi wstrolling i stepped out w may i guseess you wieght for a am i gonna have to d ginpinche you sn osn ons oh hell , that s where i seen him , he u turned hte the tall on nothing a iwalked on slowly beyound  the beat and toop op toot , beyoned a and the barkers bi beyond and hte the sutt  suddenliy i walked aloms most alone the hot became t a fumbling glare th thir  thir thir sh thir the thir this would o i gotta go and get her and i had to stop and  a a he’s bo goot og goos good too , tof for bay city , i’m getting but it would f help alot te they got got  tommy guns and i went out  st ther sth tere there war  was a  a a wlo lo w i listened a night the failn pf faint a plane thee then far off and ce ey kept and the then after a while a i went  ars as cua caustious liy all set an d and sat bet side hemm hime but an angly onec once fom more t beo beyond onec  onec once more the ship reseeming to seeming to an an and the slow steas steady a a i ‘m scared stic ff ts stiff a and hte boat stayed inthes ht th in the same st p spo space , im i’m afrae id o yyou had me going the the for a minute , backe e eas east a a that all ou you want , who got all out o ot the of the oar are oregon . i . i .. .. .. i at at the end and what he said hats has had had  and ndand hte the thet realw way int which these ther r is no other way for yyou t t to ko knw know and b bc dbed become and the real w way aind and over and ve becomng an inm ing and and the real w way aind your way int hes same way and over the other way in th your wa y way ina andhet t andt t the other way s o fro for yoyu  you you inte same way a and the other ways are tezer there and coming the h e the real ways for ou oyu oy yoyu you you and e the only way and e te the the the the the teh te tehhte the the thethetenhteh teh then n the you nymmoom nyoom the mn ni yn nyoom  ofor th hat hta hat ht a that th they are topped by nu just a he could’nt be bothered  if there was anything a low w awuyef and they chande changed he his p racket is so he he might hand le a and he might not , figure th worke and its  a lauh gh a lagh lal gl lafd gffpf gh ghf laf kerarf why chakc chak chance it a would he have a man ke killed  woulg wylid wyou a whe

Yvfp oover a aover and hte the the the rel w realw w way and and hte ovh tothe ways inth th he the ra same way in oyuoru your way and ovher othe over the the wy

Qwet a over in yoru wy your way a and the only other wyas ways are there a and becomign the only ways f a for youand me and nothing h hat is needed and becoming he only wy rwal ways and over a over a voer and beoc coming hthe realw wasy and over your way and becomign the onl only other ways for you and voer over your ways and becoming theonly only w rsla srrkau ways and boc boc bde a and the when the cour rc crownd a a and the  crue w eve nth then it would be a d crew unloaded red hke hk hle helg his  if th they lefted t it a and the gotol w and co closed passed and the two hut e w as coyly a t wg gw getting a double a and they lok looked to hight the speed boat and the swell a aslapep smoth smoothly and s andthed  l slick and then end and read red r up upulled it tight a on the engine cowling hthe we t wet air a a theread a a leaned close to me a a dshe dhe she wr rides r foo too hight a h he put mo mo mim y my hand d on n hands on the wheel a rp probably on a at grkakdakk a one only the realw ways are nere here and hter and h ha a herer and then a nthe onl yr ways for youto know a and becomgn andrela  reall ybethe the bethe wa way a and over and become the only ways for you you to be and be real an and kno know so that we can both no know a and areally be the only other w other way ways aht a tha at aht are here and and r real wan over over a an and real wan the yellow an came red p8ut hish his lips from here a and from her e e becuse he ehy the y donw dont have no and cp ac cable a he they all got to siht a on and thewiht no cra rgraving on it and biut u but is a a yo uyou msut got real relative will you come back fast and got may a ai think and here handk the body saas if  i ‘m buil in keep the n money all i need is a  s sl silev silver a you paind me for he str sr r tir trip back i know you’sk a scared on e eonon oned way or another i fp followe d him over the r in to a long with the the sw shepp slick a a under a udn the slow a filled the air and blanketed th he turned to ward wt thero g a a we lok lookead a at a under a naked and read the a athe apaper under that had probablu a red a he a said ten t gnegentyo a an ant t r rh g thro threw a hke he put and bec began th thsi is going to husr hurt him om more ha that up above e they wont here a hear a thing ang  ahn ang ang angd andwe e went a a maybe you need a little help a , but either i do it a alone ho w how long will you be , an hour or less , then he nodded dor drop by that that g bingo  that open that might beu buy you dome something cold air rushed it seemd seemse seemed along way a a a a a a wiht  awith a alow voiced th th tthe the beam it beamed a rr from thetop theethere would be a perhaps tha ath cold a when someone body distantly a liek  over head a a amske aa few bitter star ed down ls slo slipped a hiding it with my sleave a noting nothing matterd  i placed it now and out of the light and fog enough mounted on a ahigh tripond two motion a en men a and their voisce a i listende  to he muttering sorry guests are not allowne i turned t not too quickly a ano si i stto a nthe the man followed me gently a a iguess ‘ i’m lost but hter there s a adoor  hi it had a with a chain a  we fine a a lively erier element i sald  som somedbody it was lot ol lower a you can see . it if f somebody  we’g like li i it skkm skkm llkiim a a vkso vks e a a veou a o;i u; uoo;i a lj ajg  a 0000

I i d spo a and and qwfppg a ovner ovner onver over ovoe t the tall one swore o i sia ais  a celi lic  the a tall on e tst stood p rooted a ith with oust any hury hurry a yoyur you’ll never geto  otff off the boat i have a loa layu ay i a a want to talk to brunedtt tu e e you’re qlu wu quite a a a a a  e a lad whn wen when a the il l i’ll looke in in tint into thri  thirs this the  we went at the bottom he opened it and looked bo pok cketing the gun a he sais i s said the es there was a a gulig ed a a it looked at het foa pf fare end a inthe migdl u the music faded  a man was bu buils dealing on thef fai a that the player who looked t pl poliet a in ls sautenden inthe the str ode towarsd is us thth the were well behe hind w from now on hte we’ll have t t to have a  a a lti little a a organisation a around he he we in here he as said we can talk a with ease  hund  he hug hung abi ba aboev the lower were half a dorzz en a dozen a h ther e awa wa a a a a with cigaretter  a with oppos itne endrs othe  of the bunks  with coliumns of figured  sthen then he stood up aa againt a and tig ckeled the the loab wi ow of one ear with it spending has had w given a and waved naturalyly a was narrow andbrainy thyeye weer ewere yellowish his dinner clother i though his pearl but that mihg might have been  one of the wel velvety  exploring en anything else a on on not now a , one of the gunner and pushed the gun arone ar ound well do i have to expil lan  an explain the other it war a  was a long a e a aand some wherr   down t below aloa almost a a a a  at the little a he did’nt try to he hide the the g glasses eguy;gltiona  e a at we lit up a epepfewq a g a egy;gltp pp tuy ian a a a a aa
 E a athe the egjysge a
He tooke on e one look a t at me a th ee egjtg egydgj gfpf pp  pp e egey yy ee egyption a on egyptian the i could egyptian a a not a minut e a egu g ge a a an en empire cna f fall in a minute a a em egyptian a a and he hte it alom almost a a his di st ri first fri if fist a a athe hae a
 It way swsa a
Th tn  ouv in the w al w yoyaun von  onvers in the sentrn  setnsens iensteinw yunf enr ienf yun yunf ien fhef hp ienf yljyl wjy jyl w ghf f wajpf a a waj uk jylp waj a a aaks vyfp jyl yvf as yvfp ask yvfp uk jylp waj a yvfp jyl waj aksyvfp jyl waj aks yvfp jyl a jyl p paj a yvfp jyl aks yvfp yvfp as aks jyl uk  jylp waj auk yvfp jy ujyl yl qwert you you w ay way in and oue out in your wya an an a and over and over you a way a and over and over and your way a a aa and becoming the only other ay ways an and r becoming he only way a aand over and over and becomign your way a and over you   youw way and becomgin theonly other way a dbecoming he olh only other way a and really be the only way a and over you way your way a and becoing the real ways a  nd over over your way a a ways a and becomgin the real ww ways for you ad and for me and over over and your ways a a ways an a an andmy ways an hide your simple a a a  a a soup spupoos sing why whoud harff after all i’m in an h nao another businesss  he wolr a if i he had a had mondy a i could be tu to hale hle hlee hell wiht it bu so how did you get on the bo boaf his f f a ain the  aaafter all a it was can be con dont aa adont a a if i tell you a d i realche a a ad turned a i t it over i wreote a afive workd a a br and read what i ahd had write t wrti writter in on is  it and you list a aha and hand me a a card hhter s no senes  fo fo to it a an co and come along the usual way then i know kne kne kne a hs his yellow yese a he m smiled a a an ht but hs he had  hd a a tha only the onl onl ywhte eothe w day wahe nyou and ov i a ain ayou ahn a a we go go hk put  a my hadnd a  antg t adn and told be t me to hold the boat a aprobably as slippery aa ad a  s as a ats t gsk t gswe aa over and ov ababoe in th  the same way in yoru way your wya and way and over your way in the only wa y way that light bounced o on the water then ther there was a heavy a faint a a trickled otu in out in to into the fog  aht that could ‘jf have been boldte ai left the whee l a it landed me paintin ing an a a lfi lifte d a a c rusted chain the yelo yellow light a a red put his letg legs a  against his he ear a a a in on the is htis this peiie piece of chees a a a something t that looks like shit it goes and the boad boat d deck while you all ike lub ul uluu luuli ul lu livk a  ul i a aand the onl ul u ulivk a u il live  a a tak the mon  l know a  one way of or wht a wk kw a ga came out of this and andwent  that was out ut out  filled athe iar a a a and blanketeed all other sound a through  around a aoc caor ner a who sat under a naked and read the naked with a a a black that had bp probably a aand red hi shorty a hows all the bambinao a nathrt over the opening a ared a ahe put him down a and began a a this is oging o go to going a aa guy a over opening up abo above he ou bound and gat g gagged a and we wn went along th to the ventilator a a good by a a maybe you nee a a  neeed a litte l a help but etih either a how long wiht you be a a and ou hour of    dott s  snf ythe i l fturn az a nad the oher other sy way in ku your way and over your way an d over over a aove he0o nonly wy wya in your way a andover in the same way that you have of being and becoming and reall ybeing atheo nl  and the only only w you ;ug a a and th ove other way an and over you r w way your way and ov become the rela way rea a a a helen  a   ght it was gott getting to be  a the t all a ohjne  one an d hi cliske athe a safely t athe tll one a a and i could hse ssse  you inyou way and over your you r way in your wayt an at the far end there was a in the middle a astair way we wwel a an iih heard a aman was deea l ed dealing a there where were not mor e more than the player was a an an elderly a two q7ui et a a  a ae and sw   a saw me a loooking at nothing they e were well beyond looking for cigarette  s sfrom now on  well we’ll be have to have a a little  aorganisation a ain here the two a a ou your you’sk  youi your your you’ere  your yoyou ouyou’er a yourel youl you’re a a a ant main you’e you’re and the th a gi big there wa a  was a a red leta le leather a a mall small bas si bas bar sitting htere ther htere were a lot of a dont done of on a al l a book keeping machink and tossed them to one side a and tickeled a a aa aand the over ad above he wa n was neither young nor old a a a gave him a ahal healthy and waved still more a a an his yees yese yesy y eyes a a not bagy a ato the insipidyity a a and  his clothese i thought his clothee he too looked at me a ahe had a a had has a gun that was probably not a fish9ing o firh shing  fishing rod a  aone of the ug gunners a a aand hte plcie plcn i pl picked up the well so do i have t o to expalin one of htem them it was ‘jf a fais a broken bu  by and somether where down ble below a drink a the gorilla misx mixke a his he did’jf a ahe placke on blakc citas a rt a  ae ey qy q a we t k ee et eguoyprflaj a a a;vjks o;ijs wa; lj w  you w over a ove you and my e me and iietleen a inthe with him was a a ant ant he rel realw  ways for you to know a a and becoming and reall y be the only way ad and over your way in your way an over over and bocbecome a a jsut as s w swlftl a ya a and yellow ye eyes a a  a a swu q quash em somethwe hwere wl el a a ao your wve been off the stagd th aht a no answere a aand the el rel wa yway a over your way a and over you wy your way an and voer over your way a and over your way aand over your way aandover your way aand over your then rolel on his back i nthi tis was nicke ot see some one s else get slapped for a change a here therer es  sit t still some th one  else a a in the only not looking ant at en any one a athe gorrilla and his partnes o orp opened a a an inner door a a alright a a and what do you want a a i’m a a privat e  detective a asho w mmw me you r your w  a rpic prlca vat e dick a aandth i’m investivgating a a ad onth4e blucff a a this murder   happens to be connected a and alruoug  tough tuy ty aty gy a gyi giy a ai assume you’ll come tot to that i told you a it was’jf a a fs  a marlow a  it was a

Ove on

Your way in lj fhk jqwerrtt ae qwfp

Yvf ocvner on in he he he het the the the the rel w  relw wy wya in ou your way in the s asamef way inthe same way in t oyur your w way inyou  yu oo o o your in hte r the same w  way in the same wya way in the besides if he has monyl lufe eey mon,ey a money a  i can’t to do anything for yuo yo yoyu you oyu youyou yu ouy you oyu oyun you oyuoyu oyuoyuoyuoo yu uoy yoyu uyo yoyu u yuoyu yuyuoyuyuyuyuyuyuuuyyouyouuyouuu uyoyou yoou you you you yuo u you you yu o you you youy   yu you  in she she the the the rm r s t samie same way in your way inh the same way and becomne th ethe real way and become the only way in oyur yor your way in your way and and become bc be a inhe the the same way in yur w your wa way and becomen the r ethe real way and becoem oher t other w that h that ht tht than the real way ad andbe becomee and and rela really be the same ar  as you and becoen a i ‘d a take a looke at tha that loading port a and then leaned the then things i r so s fodo d o  do do od do do in he the the the rela w e realw w ways for yuou you t oto be the only re real wya way iand and ebcomc bi  in the real way and oe over you your way and become the the the the r only other way and becoenm com bie a onel yoly a hte he said softly a aand a liggl tt little a oyu  you would’nt tell me how yoyu ouy you tf fonu found me and i no o i beile ieved oyuo onece a and one of the noce nicne   ne nice and no fo routhg hg rogu ht stuff a a i smoked and i finishd ta that adh a and washdn a the a  he the  he he a jfere ked his head a the yeilllow hte he oyu oyu winn a and i have one hundred and well yoyu you yo  cna cn can go backe a i have a few  contra tacts  i probabli yo yoy p probably sho8ul  should say thtn t thatn thand thanks fo th fro of for the e demonsta stration st demonstration a he bought he’s worried a and turned a ligh little a but i’m n hoping a red and lookse ed a at the beak red a stepped into him and alom almost a and sta straightened a a aar ars as sono a

Heker ehk fhk fhk fhk fhk hk lf q over you r our wao in qet qwerrt
Your wya in yowu you r way it was about a bwhehen i calle a a athe r graile a ith fought my way and   sound ed a an well primed a its a littel another stand up ad aher ovi voice cool he works a aas late sa as l fl kfku ft tku till teiuu ll ti teuuoo tlltell him t; t; o to a lj l o k a adhk  a ;vkj koyou yowu in in yoru way way in thsd he on ony only ohter way in hte the same way ian in in the sme smaw manner and callli nin the m major lable in t iwont have to berin bring my m jimmy a and of having and ls lest t me with e hte straing eand lay down on the bed a a i dragged myslefl which i had forgotten to od and walked a a and laid out glaasssse i’g bkjj  a savljt a at r rr a r tra a a thks hks j; n;thljs  uke a fhk ;eis  fhk wauus aa fhk d df hkd o;vie ;i a ooin inyo uyour way in your way a ywou in your way ain ai dm smeelled under  realdin  in usder the i climpbe d a a aup the ventilaor a  shaft  aaand guye s wiht machinge  u gunss a aand probabl y works t a  probably the nicest man i had ever had i was lost in spac e  i was a aguilg  edge a  aslapp hat taht went oer  iwas a pink e e head ed i was a a a saleep a a and my eyes a aon the cileleing a something moved gently a in in the fo room a then i turned my head and looke d at mooose maloey a a a a un gun in his hand a hsi his aa hat a puchyedd balc and his nots e sniddffed a a he came sorftle yove to he side of hte beie a ai make hte joint clean  a an he and h the real way in your way and over your way a and i am here an abocim a han aha some how gentle a a a he was g wearing a it ws a was burts t s burst a no but now large enoht n enought  enought enou engou eh enough a a for moose maloy a a and sat down in my s best easy chair and and arranged the gun  , he gu dig u gu du dug a a a acitas tgasekske a aove o your way ian aand over your way ian jsut r restgin i had a a hasg  day ain expecting somet one but he them a aif fh sh dhke dows a ao hoh jst just a adame a i’d rather talk o fo yo to you and and iads as if f i if wa fi fi ee irir i islsdjf ;alkj o ;vkjs yo uwon oin yoru wya in the only wo the way ain yoru way an ov coming under xieriisticle and boecimgin thonl yway a a ways and boecoming he only wrela wy eal realw wqays are wa re are there a any wasy fo way  s for you and cob becoming the onl ywya and real ways are ther a ther a nan there and and coing and coming and really be the same way and a and over adn bo becoming and ela really bethe sm same way and o ii am here a and oc covein cor ov coer ver ing the same way and over your way and o i am her a here and no now i am here and boc becoming a and e real ways a  a aer ther and over your wya in yoru wya your wya and a wan and over your wy way in the smw  was aw voer you w wyour way way in yoru way as s thr hte the onl other way in forom r fr rom  fo r a  herr  because they dont have now the crww e wx doubles a a adn drags athat t they all got to sight tn t  it o og goes a to the oa boat deck a a but is t s it s all yours a ayou must have er relaitives in a
I ought to make a agood  a f g  eu a handgle the  the you on dont wona want t me i am buying a  th take th money you paint  me for hte trip hhe hsi was warrm a ai know your scared, i ‘ll get over iiit one way of or another over hte oiron ove rer i nwith a we came out of this slick with oil a a a a it was hard to hold onto a a a and blakn keted a we ttuner a t wht through moungtans a ov f a sl imy how hwo how who sat on a with the aid ao aof a nd stleeel fir rimimed spectablce a  hi shorty a hows all the bambinos the in italisan read a hit him ont he anlg a abng bec gan to gt tear this is og oging to going to heusr hur t in up a above htey they wont here a a a hear a athink and put them in the sa a a asame f aplace a ai lookde a up an and saw nothing but blankeness i need a company of marines a but either  how long ei with wl will you be a , he a stareed at me and k nodded drob  a p  guy a ahe walked aaw away that open o loading port a a use it a a and the he a in the ocodl cold air a ait seemsee a a long way to ghe the top i pi al a canvaas  iwwwith a  low voiced hte the beam a a it can  cam e came from the  a a d there would be a lap bl lbab lbala a bu up ther e a a htere there an adistantly a ath like the fonl phony a a a over her head and likee the a  a few  stars staired dow na aa against my rig b i walked a athree si le ne the mutterein talk i placed it now bec betewwene enought light to shine in in a amachine gun a s ws swung a atw to men a and ther their  w vios   aquiet a v aoid a acp spoke clearly a a behind me and iturned a a not too quickly a ai spe sp ts stepped sideways his su shoes s s ilent i qu guess a not ckh chewed out of normal it wya has a spring lock on it we found a a livelyier a ahe was talking an awfully nolnlong long time it was lon lower thatn tnat thatn thatn than a mined if fom some iam ‘m sure you get hte itde l inhaled it s just dark a and full of a os sh d sod d  so she a never went oh homne  a and a  where she s could chant ge  her a nd and appearance , she came in a small car they’uu ll catch er her a aand the da is on the level a athey are up against a at wenty dollar s its going to be  all they have and a a aapst a life they  aor they w wo what about maloy a a a a i ‘d have know bu by the way how o did you know a ai dougn t t be if ieeven old lady athe onle that had velma valenty e a aa hse she may havfe knoing knw knowing that that thas t t ajst jsut getuessing and t about a jewwle a it ha had to be asking about ms it had to be a because you a did  become and the oter you ad over you and and over you in teh only way and your way in in thereal way and she i on dont thein think he know s a why wond t wont he tell , and stared ad a  staarr starred a ai hope she eng en enjoyed she was playing me and she did’nt want to kill me a but she probably a a could would have killed ad i bet is it’s funn  being a , as i suppose there usually is , i du supposk a e a a ano no not with here b bu u upu pull a ,a hse was a a afarraid of him a a and but he woud’juld a a ayeah a a i thing she  the ht thin k a a but you cant keep that sor sort of thing she au ;ig a oi o;oi the t  o;oi u o;i oou outhgh t out oit oi ought a a if it did’nf  maffs ttsk  so dhe dhe  aby way of as saying dh hello , what a world , over you r yourw w wya in she id gi it ig nored it a  i he wnaa went away an o fo mto to to to marry and he gave her everyt ihg ing thing  athat that money can buy a athat did’jf a agive t e ahtat htat he a a rather oflold mand  what the hell are ve we talknig bou aobut h about it f for a a of wha a he love  liek moose maloye lets  a a an you dodd a did’nt tell mme about the burbrunette a a or of the great a as solustion  such a a went a a  ant he oa l thing   lj fhk t real wy in you yourw way in thne the final solution the foin final problem is solved a a anresolved a a andrelal bcom becomes the only real way in which you mgi might be the only other way and o the only other w way that that you sc can see and become an reall y belive e inteh the eh only way hta that is and on the only waythat the ahta can be a a and  uher untouhced a t drink a ahe her eyes wide a a aso bea brave a a adn determined a and filles you wiht morphine what makes you os so w wonderful a a adn siad a thoughtfully a i’d love to be ck kissed  they would’jf nt  believe so ever w every a na and money a was’jf a higing one nig ght a a wiht a camera  eyes as rare a as a a; out to o y lin3e in the r rter p pink a pink a he wnet went  wback to head quarters a he looked at is ti it along time a aan got hold of hte and themanager got hosl hold of one of the door a he must have smaee smelled mar rigu a ana a becaus sturdiy hter htere w there wy we her o own eyesbowrows a alomstos as long there was a lot to think aby about a a a and the he had a a a agood eyee he did nt know a enought about living aa hi i though ar freiened jsut just hearing aboutit on it one ht r read radio i ner ive ven never hear a a u i supposed hter there ‘s a a lot in this sorry a th leets lets go thern then a ashe ew went over t o to him he stood up and held it for her  a asn ans dhot it there the three times she had a they got half way across the room but the second shot ht they caugh t ther her befor e w she hit the floor a , he talked when he could thats wy why  a unless , that at would a but i dont lik liek to think that a hs shot herslef  self kl clean throught hte heard th and you know something els e  not with here  a her look aha no t not and climbls  s and cu bulvlu vlut l uc cul t vulteures a   and the rela wya re rela  way ian in the on real way and over over your way in the only wohter w yw wyas that are and and cant become an an and really belive th the onlhy other w htins s a re there a a  aand becoming the rel wy real ways a a for you and i me and the other and over over over over over over voer over voer voer atain at aga a gain againt agint  ga a in the letter world a the way in the america na na night ntiem time orgye firs fix an aand drill  in your w bosa baot in the boag  baof a aob bao boat  boat baot  abo boat int he a same boat a , in my boa t a ainthe same old boat a ain your way boat in the oher other w boat in yoru wy  but pli efced a d nderill in your way in yoru w r you wa y out out in inth esme aw a n went out in  it was aa aaa acoold day a you oculd see a aloong along way in but not as fat a faar a a athelm a abut not a ad s fartr a aandtheonl othehr way a away in your wway in our way in the samw way in your wa y way in th ethe rela way and ov out  our way ways out and aobut about in thesmw same ww  way in your way a way out in the smw aw samw way in your way in the oth only ohte )00hef uk gqfwpg aj a ahfp hf a uk g in the the other wya way in your way in your way in in yo my waj uk yl jylp a ain the fe f a jyl waj uk  hf g fg gi a ghf yki yki in the the hte your wa y way int e the othe only other way way yn in teh oug yoyut a your way in out back in hte onyl only way that you cak ak cka a can see and believe and become and and really be the te the ya way that yur your  wa are and become and rela rael rea wwyy be the way tha oyu y your  ‘re a ad abecome the away that your w you wae are a and can be and rel a ral er really be the way tha your  wa are and b cn ac can become and rell really be the way that thezer e is ad calwwr can bea a and  il’ll b cal a a taxi a ad  a an a a his aappartment was rsm small and impersonal a aand he thandked mf mf som romef more it war was thea week after th thandk igivegin a th that something was teryr y ileen a na ont it wars a a bo boviour astarigghgens ut aup pa up up au up and wailk a a a i opens up a he went up to and shitfes to my cant and then ai fien ef a the r stepps and ouh houlr later a he sat for sd down a over a a very i has a a a a thw o who w  w two hunm  hundersreerde a dun jun ll a t he the the hundred and thatk thake  athat k thank yoyu na you na in  i put up iw with a t a ffe feeling a  that maybe a hat i girl a he mr rmil sili smiled a he i mare married a he her for my monye ye a a is sais h i has had to bo og go to my office if it war  was a a i called randy scar i’d ilik like a i ‘vne bo dog og t a got a i dont your keep oyur your wm mony ua and coaursd hg the the t at coien enag and t ahdt het the voice a a thir is ri silvia nen linen or a ai hear your  ve been a kind a nobosy reersssssmeme s to t ki know thew hwereh nhe is  ou you could has  have o foung  foundh him and she he humd  up a i hlr nlrg jrg jr jurs sg st just a a he thanked me ad th ethe kick a siil sli i silvia a  i coulg caught the hte rest of oit it a she’s the youknger a an wh and what sod odes  a it have no mental pictur to ice the champagne i hk knie knef  knew  i c wu wounl ld lets go t o to some w qal quuiest a he went they dong dont t a nand nothing else a down my street he’s coal called but in las veag gar  marol low and am made a sorg o sr r sort of bond becausfe if the gul y gyu guyg a i know your ri righ a a no a a you woyu la wylis a the strandeg er e ai hear g a a thriee tf from them tm then on  he went a he ke ner never a a would wang t want to drink  i glu guess your home life  i guless a silivia a and hte the the rel w rew a a aoi ia ovnern boring you and bo god knows a sorr wroons sooner a io ro or later he would hav have hb ahv a p told me and hte the hte the rel w relw er a aohe vohe onver a aaond aond and ao n and aond aond aon he looked a i like bars a nu just aftre a er  er eat atg afpt  i see fele feel sorry fo for silvia a mabyb bmamay ba aand isilv he kon know s it and and he haget esi ist a it a a an abutry  the two halves hy your h he you’re he hes her hurb husband a aahnd and yu oyu you wrapp on on e on mor eyou talke too s damn much a shot and white w tf face a d a a faced a a i didi’ng  th she see hime ad again he stood there a looking ad hte t the the the du gln gun a a automatic a your driven ing t i have a a a passport a aofr or a plain a pan a a aou woyus a he canm cmae  a h inthe other wya in oyur w jy a afrnte a ahe aend ou oi a iwensen ous  oe a onqwert a ove you wyouw way in th your wy in in the samw way in your wya in way in the the sm same w eal real way and the only other way in your way ana and the other way in your way and aand over you your way as aand te rla rale ways a and over you r ee ways in the smw asa w and therer are two thing s i muzt must not be told a two a a ta aif you have knowledte  i cant be todl a aobut hat a idont know h h3w listen  he said its ‘ a al labe  noon a anan about a the maid a aandwould hs see her a bet the maid a a oul woudl ae ventually a she ouw owuld din find a  asilveia a dead drunk a hat s that s how it would be a  lte tlet me let me im proveis e so you ‘v jk  been trying to call out  for some thime the time tiem itm tiem   an adn mad e acoulpe l of f phone calles a so xo do theee ehte et an a id tole i told he mse was sorry a  a    a a  e te ereeekekea;lkjd ;kjad ;lkjf a;lkjf aildjalijf

Li partke  the pli a one waz ta tall and a a tall grue  harie aowme womd a a and i saw the a a tla tal l tall womean a a aa awh this is wehre is say b good by a you dont own e me a athing i ‘d rather you had nt a clomi com moime  aabouar a a your you’sk a wront a a wrong about that it was two ocl’oclk a ayour’s kk noame man anme marlown a a a l i wont nw want to talk to oy you in the onl yw yway in the ohte only wy w in you w way our wwy www way out in the onley wy onlye way in your wy w way inin the only w way in our wy you out ou out and about in the samw  samw w d d a  same other way and and over over and boec become and become and trel real way in th your wya way ian the sqame w as sq samw samw same way in the only way ina and become and real ly be the re  real way way in the sam e saame way anedbecome and relal ybe the wayt in way in your ww way in your wa way in the swm same way ia and become and become a re ll really e be the same way and over your way andbecome and relal really be the same way out ad a and about a an relal rall really be the same way a and voer over a over ad become the realw  w ea reaway  aways and over over y ove and a over and o over a and boe over an and boer over oe voer and o aover oave a ain the reeal w way in th tthe same way a and become and relal reallwy be the same way and over yourwa ways in way in theonle onley onleyw wyain your w wyaa way and become and really be the same way and and ove over yourw w ways and become and really bethe s same way and become and relaly really abehte be the same way and over over over over and ba above ad and bce become a anre te eal realw wqays a e ways a nd become a el ealw realwlw  bethe same way an over over over and the de ae a aseems a her a was t put the cuffes back on ha make im him fitht a th my hadnd apa p started a to ot feele a you can talke his a had a a ew wnt aaround a a and i beant a iat ias a it an he moev mmovee d s fats  you got im informataion a ahow about a ah aif hw we had dome some of hte da a a aofficed a liske  il like a pioil i pli ilke a then hlel d aht phone out to a  out he took the phone a a sure a a and hell nobody a layed a laid a a finger on hism  him suspicion a a the da a takine e the a  cas e riri tht out roght rit ht ina ou otu ofr our hand a a a tall a nd the opened d a  hammer tis sit down  marlonw a an amy neame si a nsu a out may sepsense to you a in tye rel way in and oue ouer ayw

Lje lj lj qwet 0)iein in in  she she he het sthe hte the te thw way wy in your w a way in the the te non yw wyar your  wn here and become th the way ian the samf wya ian your w wang to wnt out on bail a a his already half gluilgj a iam a in a burinseng ies a wi whefn how otf enf i eree your ;; idlfr r jylp wkygh uk akj a a firg ut ghf ja caghc a cgteelp a aiil gha f aur ith cur  a th urm umrgdsf aii all over hte ocult ha the i dong th ith tih en your know veren y much aobaabout a a and no bosy a inter buriens a a anhund ena ren a dmyillian dollare na a an he ofen pnegenogne the h ethe hte thed dep ust  a until a fat man a a unta vaw waitden a ahis st mist st s st g rients sup rstairss a a contraing senca nthee t tieh tna sthting wayti na up a out risen s i puullled a and sat down a ahte a smell of whishe a semell a ath eah aen taein his fasens awenta but ah yby by the nam jam ayour in a you’re a in he t want a a verny  cyyi cool a statement a ah i gut ug gut tet t ten a ing  teg get a a youn thing a a ath ing sitting alonde a a oi’m not making any stant statement a on what s chargne   acressory oa after the fast c fact a  a gul a a a sha that hs a has as scare sover withnesses to what  a a s as ntidiagao a happende all for u fousr  ahd and hwo who came with him and but you have to cathc in cas catch him a nproove oyu you and o i staire stared a got off th pland and th and the then the a all a taii a man his spanish a b waxs was good a mand has d ad  hc charged a he ger erdeig isent end aoe nao iena aoien a oienaonvu nbut what hew hwe want a a plea  of second sed dergegre ameaadn ing a do i gud get a ado you oyu wi like it in ge jain a al a an a a he stared in he  were just a a a alite little a in arss ain the switched  a he i had to do something an turnd id int then he marched  i g just a a asighnd a he wront  s a a suf full contefessin on ion a aa i stood there and i went out with hime an in as it if someone has had just hig dii died a need a ried re ride a home hie he f found  th this cas e en interestfss me  or so thery they say  someon body’se ies    bleliegding a the do giel  s what abyut  ha what a abyut a he gaven me a a an amused a glance a all belong to hte same club a aarlosilong a down t comes  the lid the led ii  he gi gaven  the h your calling the th the you’re calling the hw whole thing a fix a , i thing y a kk think your  you’re calling hte  s theer was too much si s murder a too much brlutalith i dog go t oyus a i take a riaie nchen s he mcuse mus ht hat e vha a in the qwert

Ove over voer over and over and oe hee in there ad in th herer in the middle in the middle ian and oer over in themiddle in hyo your wya wayin the middle and becom e the way in your wy w way and and become and become the way htat he the ther esi and is and beocme a really bethe same way and andover and boecome becme th the way htere re hter eis and is and boecome become the onlye onley ohter wya a a ways a nd beocme a ad a ahe stoou a a and piclked up hte mail i had invested a aa  and invedsed a there  husne an dfive hudnr e r  a at the same time a  ht glad to here a hear thatyou’sk a in book  swhy would hi a a i he’d have a aa afhel of a time  tlel telling int me the he in thge sme way ian and over jove ove yoru wy wya in the youre wys ina in and ibe ing ohatlkj   e8ij gho jal a all theis ins thtins inthourt our way in th same way ian our wya ina yrou wya wyowuay w in gtfh ourr our way ina yourw y wyw yw in th sme hte the same wasy a jay in the same wy wwin in ayoru our wyas inthe sothother wyw otherw yaws a inthe sme  w muhc a ahwat abotu a tu ainyour wuyw ijn yoru w ogt8ij cheespa a u emaother ina  and yoru w sold a ot ot o he maand flickded a hiem a aknow hwou who i am a ayou ober bpo operalte a onthe stria alevery hwer athe best the food aht ebests ffo fo ao do o sgto aand thell tdsl me what you want a nd ahte onle yway w onlw yway an aohe wwe’sj s j blise us wiht ath ocle a nd hte on oeyw yowu wwo way in the othe wya ina nd beo me hte onew smeaj ewy the we we all wandt jt be as acane tja jds can se e the way out ao f theis mese s hwj ewjre alkjre in the sme wya aw aj wlekj  neej wkneed t bke vet be teh an lest a a alone to make out r our w way find our way in  ind esleer ot fh drewmae e in find eht e way an dmway am kmake our our way in the sd3esler t of for our f dreames thene nese s hus marrias his botteom ahd she getj ahe the on over in the same wya in you w w ou w w athe murdered a a and and he was dead if terry tl lenox a athere was no reasongt a athe a sa daea adead a a mand is hte best fall guy a a a and the oth onl are you marlow a a ga a guy wants to see you a ahe ai steppedin inside a a and i had infv invested a a a and three gd days ia and i coulddnf te eve ngive in himn  his his five hundred buck s a but if you do and need hel wy why ou would i ahte the mans  dead a perhaps  you have’jf a been told hte full don convfession , i am afreaid  i have no time for a a a a abu gyoog a he hung up a a when i got up to open the communicatinon a dor f door to my room an anad the moustach  wh what can i do for you hke leaned and acroos the the d face , know ho how how i who i am  . , every ther e where i go i a the best hotle    ws suit3e   a h  his  li a ainthe other other wy in way in your way in your way and and over in the ma same way and the oother other way an an   m me and the other way in your wwy way inthe othe other w way and i know the onl yway is herhere a there a and over in the s samw ww way sawm e way hther he ther eis and over ad over ad and the real wyas a ways aare are there ad and ehre herre a a  an and becoming h and t r really be the samw  samw  w samw  same  way way out a a and about in the same  way and so then he gets  dead what o do you want be me to do about it a and the lenox a case is de dead even i if the len  he did’jnf a nt nt do iddi a aand o er reached for you forgeot this and and i hit him as hard  a adn the ovhother wya an wy way and the rela w ere real way in the other wya and way nad your way ai nin the w same way in the sm same way in your wys way andover over i wnet  a a and dspent  s a quite a a alittle itme time wondering after that nothing happened a a a a awa was that a  a and he had been caused a a late a a aan i was talking to a a man a aa hat that hs  he was a a representative and woudl  would i meant meet him at a  bar a a he thin thanked m e a me a and the h ther er re  re rea  real way in your way an and over and over a a inthe real way a aways ther are and owv over your way a ways an an i am sitting a in side there s a  mail box a ahes going to mail  beof f before theres a a swarthy character outsi de a i wnat you to have the a fr for a pretty decne e c decent guy a athe main thing a a athe father a i had written a a a i feell a little sick and more hta that a alittle scared a and a afa after that a and od so good by a a a i  knowck know koc knocn knock at that the door a a nd other wy  wyis wisy  aa and a portar r fr pr p0 portrain of madia son a i look at it fr or for a very long time aa a end of side one and and hte rel re a real wy way in whcih whihc you can see a naba dn becl belived a a and the letteing letting a a her har hair a a aher eyes were corn flour blue aad and remote a a and clear i am ii i’m dh shocking ly a a late he mad a a a asi gnal to the waiter a one of  our mors most in om imprl  importanf  a t  a what soer sor t t of hting a thing a a and the rel  reawl w reawl wqya in your wy wya an way and over adn over over ad and over and over adn above in thd s same way in your w wya in wya in wya way in your wayi nthe samw way and over over over a a nabo and above in the sm samw way same way in your w way in th other ways athe athat therer are aa andbeiliive d belive a beliven a believe and and become a and really be hte sam w hte the same way and become th the way in your w you’s  re you’re are the best ways a anz i am the best other wy wya she said like the st tuff  they use to  a link tha summer cloudgd a  with a a your decideing a to o too soon a ather was and engraved card a te wr rtrw rtwelve for t yseven  it was exculisirve a th nest next a when i opened th door a i know i should a a ha anhave a come a to bo bother you a ausre she cam a came in a and sa t lats last time anyon3e  drank a cup of coffe e wih wiht with me and know  kne w ht the lesuw but is he’s dead adn its done t wiht a

Yoces on het het the way in the the rs samf way in wya in your way and and becomem the same dand vo ovenr and ovner and become the best and and relal real wyy belienve a nin the same way and become the only other wya int hwhich etheste can bes sevenral wayr in h whih yuo migh b come to believe to ther htat thethe ther ethere are mosie thatn  that n one or gwo two ways ot doing the same thing a and becomng ing a believing and relal bethe the othe only other wyas wys hta htat htat htat ht taht hat that there w are and she so p so op p a and hte lek likely a that brings up the qlu qufertstion a she looked purzzled a okay a i’ll tru t rt sr try to find yoyu’ll have t a noam a all i hae have a i do not ha ilek ll like you o doctor a a so i called up the mands  name a so  ia nthe the in the his office i’d like to look he went out a and came just wht what to w do we wnt wand  wnt  watn nt want a a is a jingo a mentioning thrie thriee ths there thethe the ter three and the three and t a mention a ahe’s here and becour aused a a bes ebe a eb eb  ovne  a a yki jw in inin the ws a same way in yun beyound the t  in porounte the the wya in wy in wy  way in your way in the same way int oyur our yoyur wya ina way in the same way iand and b can become the only other way and e really be the the same wqay a way and become and rell really be the only other ways th that ar  remain a are letf ele letft let l left a a a to becomn becoem the s way that yu you like to here a heas her hea r  t ha heare  heas her her he r hear her hear hear a a a a  her ad hear ad and bnanand earl a a to stop that at onece once and what’s bo going on here an im am  doctor a a  a f go int he houres i thoghg a h you has a a had a aman called  wade staying with oyu you and hte the the gujy j gu gy guys’s a a wino aa itrs in hte gpf file a we o do bog got a file a aon what we call the bar wrfes windor swff ff doc ctor  and he win windor  wr s ajusst  just  what do wabother s you a ealt a ano nl loneeg es with us a a its beena ca sacrifice a so u i sold a good bju a i appreciat e your sisj sumy smy sympathiy a i dromve back along a parked out of so fi sight  i heard a acreaking a hn noics the the care went back along the dag gate was fastend s feeling like a short pieve ce pirece of ts string a aas as i po opened a he stel stel steye  a mean anything to you would yoyu  recognice the an man in the cowbou   a  athats wonderful  do  it could be wetting  tie wettenr that a kitten drownde  cit kidten a a abecog a ai tokok  inand a pf flash liked a a a and brass nibbpppeles a  athe gates wewe wefew wfe were stleeel il lio lokeed locked a it wa s  lighted up and other showed likg  and t he then i knwi  earl a a war a and brough a  a ryder he stood there a and lke like a an actor a ai moverd around i reached a window a man la y flat on the de bet    heis and he he the relw the  the man onthe bed a a at th o doctor a how are you feeling come coem m mister a i need fr fic five thousand so dollar s also you hav have  betrya ayef s my co conet fidence a you’ll wriet  ah me a   check a a doctor a stood up den gently a ai has a a aover a i fired throgh th eopen  window  deg get w rid ot hte t henow a andi r said just a stage money a he td dide is  quit a mitabli a ai nhe a he mad then h he staret a sorry a in its alrigh a a he went out ot he totf of hte room a do you thing hehe was talking about  a athe  i’ll help hiem himem a aand all they so do is kicke me inthe teeht  a the teethin he pulled u up ci close he i heasde es a and after a climb a t he hasd a over in philipp  marlow  anre aare yu you the gyuguy that was mixesd up iwwith  m lennox a ao oac oake ay oak okay youw  r your  wa wye fuf in in hte rel w way in oyur wa wya in teh hte ony w other way in hte same way inyou your wyas and become the only other way ina and reall y belekik a inthe ohe t wyas a a he turmed he it opened a a i started a i saw a ai linen a standing i oudhg to hav e  canl lcll a you but i ou shoulgd  be in berd a so you knew silbbivia a en lennoxx  i kniw w who she was a he said a isse a a a and see ad if f i leave you with thir a a dn athes she didens puttl  oyur  rell self away super ruff ai hav f bffn a sur fe fe  an a the the on y wya wya in youns yu wya in yowu in  he wfss stulli bealike a a in how can you be so sure a a a wi i wave a a three days  later a afor a s drink a th hte next fev evneing ing againt st a may my better judgement i sat theer ther there for a whien  an and i t remieng  de me adhnaht i tit  was y ljust about hte righ c kind of saj a a i alomst  her a a th aon the bar trs stolo a awoman ahs hes has a a di nfine a i a sat dow n a two athe woman a aso so  you fuw few a  apeople  do that around here a the ab bar  in the  he the woman loooked ad at there her  a  onw  glass a a in perhaps i knew a a  ai a inhime a  ju yy yess  a amy ma names a amarlow a a aa ani saisd a a lki a a ilik ean t itf if what i hear a is true perhaps a  you could  tell ma n me a ahe has a a had a a gul a a and he the he t wya in yu in he other wya in wya in wy way in the same way ian in the other way ina and covern the other way as a a aa a and be the rel w relw w wayrs a dn bic com a in nhet othe wya ins and becomes iam sorry i amd beginnign to think and a  she st tasted a dont youn o thing  it its bets the way it is a  in the rel w erlw w s ian in  ssl a a oi ithog a

Lv ;vjk you in your w way in th the only wo othe wya way ther is fo be to  be come the only way in and out in the smw sam3w way hat that hter e there is and ov only ther ethere an and become the way there is and become and and rell e really beht the way and over your way and become the only way and over over ao voer and relal re be th same way and become and relal yreally bethe same way a and oer over an and voer over adn over and become theonly wya ways outa and about in yourw w way and become and really be the same an and no different adn bec believe th onl onl ywa way out is the way around and be an around a a aback again in the same way a w ther ther ether always is in the smw w samw ww way you like to belive  in in th he behive a a nd oyy ouy you you dont live around her od here do you , do you happen a ot to ahahave ahad e good night again mister marlow na a a a ai got htte licken  a and the rel w o cori  a nadth a mand a took one look a a at how many a time s a aha i got to tel y a teel yo u that a and the on what i tell you a th in he said a ad and i adkeed a he looked at me en emptly a a anything al tal ta a al la ahe it was nt a sad beigh a a the mix mexiaca a the pro a a  marlow a a h yo you kept on the pno hone a ayou phone a ai am so glad you could come roder  a h i aw was half way afcross the rrooroo a a this is my husband hs dh dh a and alone a ain the edward is always a dir tired a a and the imster awantd to see me and i followed me and she opened a i could ese see me and a bb boi big a a wood ddesks a a good of you to come aa n and the he stod  a and t ah ows the work going  ina in the onl yw way in anlong the way ian a in i got to go in out hter  there an what do you want to see me about a ah and hte  ou r youwr w e been running away from something a a ll a the whie  twelve best seler  sellers a i ahve a lovely wife whao who l9ved me a lets have adrink a a a nothing here cud chump a alets of go outsde a aand peolep a kno kock nknock it off but dont tak e it out on a crown he was du suddenly claum sc cla calm a i dont want t obe dangerous try ot it wf ror thr re months i have to know a aobut how hwo a  i htink its about mwe on the way ot ht ther bak e a we came  a i hae  have osme some thing to say ot ou a d , he . a  and i think your  are a little a  dhe quoted a aon e ad and swin a it had astop acrin like a ada dame a fool a ai shall not wonder we’sk a leaving a a aa we are a a there was nothing anad went over a  d disappear ed the houe shouse i wnet to the french a and strecht a out on the and wondered a a what the hell i was doing there a and lay out oan the i hate pepople a he had played hat htat as same cscent so you wnat wont be persuade if he could finsih hei his book he thinks he had a ahad a a ds sdc ds skcf  sk a a happened when he wasy s was s drunk a a dand the o love with his wife a a athat ou could o go th the other way an and reached the other way an  afor another bottel asince we ‘sk a b rt groping aabour roua a in how a won a lj hk othe ohte way in your way the the way in you way in th the only other way in the samwe a same way in your ww way in the other  wqya way a in and above the rela a way in your w yw  yw wya in the othe way in which you might bc come to beil ibled a me and psycho ctgeopgraphy a a moved on from theis his s become a a asomething much more a important and and in engageed a a aa  so i ten xd   t a with a t the t frecnd aand lreally coming live a awhat b brings it back to lf life e a  the glamour a a and travel a aand what ths that means a aordingarry a ahave ba gained a i think that htere ther is is another many people a fell a a a a sence a aasense that many people a ano wonder a seardhing a searching a a for connections usuin su usiing a aalso going wh way beyond it ad a also gr turning a aif paris that golden age of sph phs sp psycho gepography a a astrted a a no t not wiht politicks a the comming new way wayve a the guardian a a and t just because t i was travelling a a a what was pretty much a thesse great immense es seemed to connect a so combining a it aned wht is what it was like with spectula r spectula lu ulariont had some kind of infulluenced  aand it was only a ya ears a later that i droppedc the  term a  t  seemed ver vf very appropeia ria te t othat that terir itror a  a acgraphict aa only as a pah sy cho a geograph a a a inthd only wy in your wy wya in and out an and around th hi nthd onl yw wya in wya way in a nabecome th onl yway in you w wya in out our way in yolur w youw ywou way in th lnonly ohter way ways and becoming and believeing a ath concpe t  laylintes or lines of force a that i dont re aly a i cam  e came at th it a a a t i grew  up in the  aa  i rather laos lost that a a inthe walking a a and t liuminal a s trange hing tere land a a fade int oa a the xu coulnt ry a side a the gisile a of gradne a a anahhahving a ano real aquaintanc3e wi th the superstur ructisu e th see  places a wiht a a a a a asynclair a a mostly donte aradial walks  a out our f in ot thee hindt e  a a  bipsplise a the appprehent hte s tt a a a  inthed only way in your wy way in out and ba about in the same way in your way in tye onl the only way in th only ohter w other  way in your way in the smae  samw  same way in your way an and become  and really ate bethe same way and and become a in our your w way in ou a out in thed same way in your wy way in sphsy s chol gepographers a  a apsy cho geopghateapeher a awriting a a edege land a eg  ao outside the broad walk a aas centre  going on a walk a a going aon a aderive a a k i know precieseesl a a where we are going a aare you a pshycho geopgrapher a aclly call yourslef a aincline toward a a  t deep topographers  he the the y think thae they aree my froeendined a a what might pass as being t the dullest of  a a suberurbian a a what could be taken as the northt notht a ain in my book of the smae w sme  in ordere to shom you w you shoe  wy w sheow  ayou wht  diepitte t thd notht a a noth rh notrh  a in the onl wy wya in ou your w way in the only w way in your wy way in and out and coming and become and telal eall ra really be the same way ian and deep topograhy phyy a a a walking a a na in the late te eithgeh t  in coulud a not find any reference to athe  a turned to and in order t to find a a a  or that is it was been about a a a aain have e a  i put it to my self a as a writee a athat s the smae w sort ofo of thing a aitry to do a  aove and boe  aov voa aboe ve a ain ew thc a  ain theonly way ina your wyw way in out and become the only other way and boecine  c ge  climbing a  about a mile now a justa abaout about a are a ao a or of of of of green belf a a x exact moment a the pavement a a on this side of hte road a a the de edge of london a ai t it looks like it a aits a areally sexciting a aa  ain the night ini nan ain th only wya wyw w   on on the othe way w normalscy the the idently a a placeds  a i9nte othe way in your way way in and outand lvejk lj rthke ;the w way in your w way in our way in the onlw y00
In in the w raqwfjg a a r qwfjg a a a arr samf waj uk way in the only way thath theare therr terer is t to be and believe and become adn ra ral rewy a yn astart a a and bh the chmemical  pa rt a in ledo  go  nal a l lalns ath t transgressive a one a oyur ouyr next turm  t says quiet clearly  a t no entry  inin the only way in ylp in the on yk ylp w onur our way in and jy yyour way oyut since y yy oyur know that there are som many other way s  to go and v b b bce ecome a rnd be fer a fre la ways to fof for you and for me ad  band becoem a and biefe f in senl fo ncon ocnesefessed a semi c praacticayl pl l purposese a the dgravitainon al a en a puull that is a a loooking a for some  n homem  town  a looking a from the plaes  that y i know e knew a ahor  ghum humand a a plu ubiuc a ardis st s a study a how peaopeles  en sence it of identigy  amap the movement ss oof an office workesr p p alogorylgh a first  stleft a asecond righ at tofoollow at freess  you from t ath htat  that si dic deciseon  r situateon a ion a a theorey  ao oyur ouyr    chain a of office a  very much on hte le ft a th t hteir  critiques a conserpvationsiist a a thay thye  they a want a a sisi idi did ‘net  nt  want to have na anything to so do with us   and significant events  ven nese neves  n n nevere a been in a oven rcoming a the  enemies if of hte human rr spirit a a and s rposis  pua a agg grownth a wel bing ginsing a atsssf ff d aovne ao n in at tahe  a univeristy a a at inventin on in ain ana attemp t t  to do witha science r a lie to desctceto r iwitha gps unit a a adown loas a ad this wa ra ssa map i n he in het othe  r wya yw way in yor w your wa y way in and out oyu in the smaef w samf w wy wya in your way ain in hte same wya in wy way ai n in the other way in your way inad and to become the othe w wyrrs ways and become other wh that the that n thatn t than the the othe w way aind become the only wo other way and b and and e b b bso bse beocom cmes th the the other way way in and ouy oyu out and become and really believe ha the real way and and become thea ol ol only othe w way ina and ous an ous a ouu l in the oney way in and out and become and rell raelw a othe way a way in and ouyt oyut a a i would not know a d s rell al w i rfpfeall love it ad how a  sstart to appear a aif five a asadvetr tis eing a p bpar ahow we feel a she th onec a a  want s t s  us to be abel to a slive a p;iwer ful a  a asand adandger our area a ai sedifetin eat a awhat is g a con  con t t en plating a dog ign in  a int o  o na sensi timentality a be aware a that that is a pit fual fall a a was not  nt in untiu a long usr urdban bwaiekes a i ferr ef errss esen se essentiall ya a fevef fven even a if the the woarl  a at ad the aboandoned a  personally a a filter fes a out a a a a in the tl leitttl e in t ine rt a and adn and and a dn and do gone a aleret a the wa qlau qualities a a a aof of real  de geograj; hy a ai n he ti inthe geology  in heo inthe other wya in your w way in the the the real w way in th only way ad and b an aanb become aond rel w rel w othe  over a a and bico bi e comef a and biel ieves a a na went  across london  there is a chain of r p raocf rockes a when wheri in in a grlal glass case a at a particular   kin d of c dpga gpa d granite a th the rea er a aof of g r php ghp a ino nthe on hte por poroprogjevsct a a aoin on ly way in wavfe a a the email s that oar are from a tent h thousand the numerour  ss in endlesssle y dooin giogoing a a on t nauil a down a a going  tof for a walk a just in your heas a a d th shs hte hes  walking wit th with attitud e a anext week  we go in search of th ex nec next week a ahte oly  onlyw w way in adn and ous out n in the other wyw way in t hte ohe only other way ian your way iand and become the othe w way in the other way aind and ve de becomen the hte ohe othe wya w way out in hte ol only  othe w way in and out aond becom  s he the ohe ovhes t wya in wy  way in the your way ad  and ce  becomen the on on lwy wyw wyain iand in and out ai nt yunr nov ovner a over and aovenr over an oven a a onve gloves a ari irish a  indepent dieces  the tenetment  dwellers a  write about the herouee s not frome the perspecticets thea they display a hero ses a wi vit viived i emoving a a nd intense and om compeliing a t the plow and hte stars a abu sh aw w  o  aaaow casy fey a  ovens onves aond ovens in the your way ad bc ocome the othes wy other wya in wya i wya way in ad oout ad nabout in the samef w way theshe are  man9y otne t othe wys a for yoyur in th ethe rel rla w a way iin in ad anad ou t out in and aboyut in the rsam same way that yu yu you cna sc cn can see and and believe thath that there ther thire are many ways wh in h wi which we can ss see and believe that from now to until then theas hes  a in the in the othe wy ovenr and ovner and v c bsc bse become thath theaer and and bet thenr ther e and bil lb e liev s that there are  many sd different way s in which we cna can ree see and beleevies ha that there aremn many ways to be here ad b an  aand become and leave and leave only wee welll a lone and anb becom e other wyas wyas and and rela  ral rla w wayr a a sadn be the best ad ad and come tt to know ad b coeim a the the t wya thatway way out ad nand become the the onl yn only way that you can te be and believe and come to know that from th th ths the start ther these  teh thees e  can only be one way and ona no othe ot othe r other a an d fo from t h now on t unug il you know a a and he knew  it a  a under the ;u puii puii pi piuu ll;w a ahe dog gog  got up and but i on done thein think a you ka had the k nerve a she could ‘nt  tae ke take the gul  gun away from youy  hat hthat hat thats enough a a i’m nust just    eniough a ai mihgg g call the police a ah lt its alright aa i he woant wont do won’nd won’t   do it a again a did you do what i ask ed yoyu , what did yo  you k mean a a aa a  youy you and the the real way in which there are many ways and boc bcs bsi mb e becoming th th on the only torh w other ways that can be ssee seen and bline de believe da a the point is why he lay bia c back a ad and and depla flated but thath there was nu just a un jun i enothg i said i always knew evnen even after ten years a shiu shut thue the s door a i shook ht th th the  door a her mouth came up to be ke kissed a as k k nac k tan n nae naked a she thar trach sh thrashed and moaned a i jerked i got it open and a te i went  w back to the door and shut it a i went down strai t stairs th w th the whisky   whicskey that was tha la the las  last a incident of which i  took an y any pri prev cies  notice a en end of ri side two a ai po iop y i p ly y opened i plieed across i reached fro for my c gj glass  whats tha use a so u put i whin when i looked up wh the boss is okay oak a okau a i g take t care othe of the boss on how much on the sid e you di gieve give me a couple of hundred a j j just come dont come aar aroenn around hne heer here no more as o i crao crossed  i put i my du gum  gm gum  a gun a i walked over closer to her she has wiht so with some kind i got so g sd drunek i am o u i i i’m leaving a he put it un in his derck deske a i dont know how to thane ath thakn thanek youn  some one i usue used to kenwo know tha ts ta that that that she loew lowered  a he her ue eyes a ona aond and only c part of oi it com came out of a bottle a a ohe tha hat htat th that was mild  t last night that was she sais  said was a a beastley beastly thing t t to say to me , nec min nice a a all a gul  guy wa like  canl callled a amarlow a aw wanted a a this is il linda lorn a a ai’ll be thaete that there a al  i i wars was a slow a she b dav gave the office a want to see , i spun a and opened it in front of here a he had on one a dide ded idd id i did he give and would  ais is that yw why your  your w are a and mentioned a no noam names and involev evr a i put my mum mym money a a a   a wy oyu  yoyu your es  not a loore wo wonma wom and i have a ac car down strai ts s stairs that old wa man  i dont don’t w canl call him that  a t stopped the caddy in front of tha en entrance a am m my fathier does ‘nt like to be ck kep t  waiting that , that could’nt  be  a a a amore  thatn more a there was ri silien ence sri rili rs silence a   ghs gh the at htat that  a who is knio know n t omy a s dou a daughter a  i did’nt make a const tract a with geoff wad e a fouthr rgh  a was at the correct and a i did’nt nad have ad and there na then a a sixth  and the seventh a when i got out andt a warned a a how terry a hs a ahd a a had a a a sureli sureyi li surlely a a surely  a  he the next a itf if i do o  got you mad a  when i am you will not have th to arke sa s aske a yun a all i won a want a a it is w quite a one of my do darudaudhghg hfpf a he he he w shot her wit with a aterr y  killed his witf wife a  i told him to dir dir id disape p appear  i war was glad a can yu you understand a a sur e r rus sure  a of course a a what  goes on  wt from here a the porew o gowe  a c and cant affor d a ideals a  to a lack a of par ckagess the stuff of the guy a a had hat ed ve ever ty gh thing a you wrote yoyur  your w dauthg ghtes ar   would   blow your priveaccy a havil a  ht hte the way in th iother wya in oyu ooyur way in the other way in your way in hte summon and cover a ‘li aheld out his hand a a
Dont be a star rander ath a grip wi like aa pipe a wpen rench a a i aweek went by a
 And hte th then a the other wya in way int he t other way in your way and vo ovenr and aboenv  the call of dus ty a  a a and and and cover a a ad bilei a a t r aonl  on9y w onyl w only way in and aouv a in th othe  aoven an overn a a

Hker wqert  qer t qwer qwerty a a a nd he was wearing a anext time i dae saew  saw ih him a ad andgf we hung up and i thought about a it w w while look a ai hear ad a somehting a  a a fellow a you chekc hks hk hld  his  war a e recs; ;s old  osg a aa hks w o vks ;vhk on in your way  w ou ou your w way in the othe way in hte ot other ww wy a all i sa akd  ked a a wa is about his service a recost s wht sid waht what did mister money a aand he also a a wou hwo who looked a crossed   ces cross eyeed aat me a a nd when i ari arrived a ahe l led that way in ot to into his stucd g book a apointeing ai n ing in the a a he leaned a a aa siad a a ai tried to shoot myself a a a a dlunch  a in halfe aaan an hour a a in theohte oteh over and over and above a in the ma mean time aa meantine  e time a a meantime a a nd olka a olk olka a a ai nth in the other way wa way out hter ther ad ther there a wand become and reall y be the way that you knwo know a and become a a and he unfl folded a he er refoldg a agdk a ai lked a aaesxp pecially ahte part about the a  a goog man a godd oddo doot t ain mot a aoove over o in the smw  same wa way in yoru way your w way in a in and out out a in the s s sawm  w way ain your way a a and covering ayour way and over your w way in the over other way ad and become and be that ereal way and become the other way in your3ws way in your3w wya way in and out and beome   become the otherw way in otherwise the other ways a are are thae there ad and and become and really be the esam same way and aover over ad over a a a would have s finished me in several a ways a a a aguy a a  that got the cride edit for the job seemsed e d fo me me a a wl alot leess  ssorr ybos no whishke ya i go now a this my day off

 Sorr ya so i guet gwt it  ait my self a aa
Over over and above a

Ioujc ocul  cou a a l f a i t  be aaisee nothin a ga againt s t a a asuixced a a a nothing ab againts s a you want to blow a ayou know knwoe knew wehre wherwe the the gun was okay you i ‘ll be home  a all morning a a it was ll all be fis s anad not stod a a athey had a ah a cnad aalright a start from the beginner a the truth a abut nothing a a an ot not quite al complete a you wnee went into a a what where were you d go doing a in here hter ether ther ether e e  is suggest you were in thd ther  e e you wnt went a a balles se ee went a aa a an out a ainthe other w wqays in wqays in ways in your w wqasy way and cover ad and really bet the other way up aana and down a become and  real way a and over a and ovoe over ad  abecome ad real way a ways are there and and become a areal w realwlw w be the wa way and rel really be the way in yourw wqay a w way and and no other come back in the morning we’ll l have it typed a by then a i wnt wne went a home adn and went to bed a aove ovk a the oc ocodranr a h haendledd here wit here wiht wv vlev e wet he was in the offic e  aintwenty a miniete nothing else a i guess s i am and and old cop i t dont like that hi he left no note drunk on ro s or sover b sober a just when the noixs what diffeenrende a a to make the a a a wife  or forget her od dorr doro doore keys a so she know kne we e w iwas htether befoe  supposeed  shk hs dhk dhk a alookes a acrosssssssssss lollk a gets it a waits a a fr the for the spee ad aa and waits a afor you to po open it a a dhs s dhe wanted a a to slow th plenty a a nice kkkkkkkkkk apo rope prloeoer ty  property a  he ehl hke e a just spectulating a you were pretty helpufu a and you did’nf  a a a ajm amn mank a a make a adime a you ge ot ot  to got a sence s sended a you tin thing ka a your w k cut e e di bid a a but you a ai knwo a iddeaie a ad jo8int on the stripp a hello dchiedff a been keeping your nose cleean  also th  the othedr n arft adfter noon all i a want is a littel information never heard of him  pau a mar ston a never heard o f him a tery he never severved a in the armed forces as a you and a paul a a ain the bir brite ish a you strire up that stru stirrr a ai  a ai ‘jll o go alwong ait a ha;pppened noverember a nineteen a fourty a two w beat up in from  front of his own house a ahe hung a and it was just as menendexz a seriously a but no not critically  injusrred a xont dont killl a cop

And the loooked at his wathcin a a a  he we looked at each other in silence the to door opened almost at once i leaned candfy  came out snarling a a a a kanc a a adi it was here bo voice a she was stangind a she looked like a a i dig jt realise a  that spencer a ahe wanted to see you a its on the deslke in spec spencer sturdy a well i ws see youre wearing your ep pendant again a aspence a nd put a athikdc tile a ont could i look at it a little  co closer the artists s rif;els theam amand who gamve it t fo me a he was in love siw wiht him a and ou were in love withe him a i guesee a you the wlild wild a a ia i’m quoting you , his name was nothing like yours a i heald the held a the pendatnt a over you didid’jf a  eix ixtist e there must be some mistake aa a thas  thats one ways of putting it a a ainve e i ou boudght a would an explanations  would but hn not the first a and hi it happend in th ninttinnne a   and the real wawy a in thins  s get  consuft use in in ones  memory a this a a is a ac ber certified a a a and i lean sancos a ai a t a a t t but hse wasy deat a reoger knowe ew nothing about it a a spencer perhaps i was  lost in a graea aspencer a a mer ot  a our ot fht batdge mister marlow maks  s e a gi big thing  ou tou of gr trivffless e and you never saw  apaul a a mastsnon in in again a all comand a od prisoners torture and a names lesss death you r your w  a horrivle  mand supp9oste is it so strange that  is athat i would try to buk build a another mre merm memrory a abuc because a she married him a when all i know kne w knew was his ma name a corredts  some boyd a a knwo a a after the wasr a a a masrts  priet s common a how many a a adhai had it wall all around me a end of side three a a at last i lookeed a a at eileen a a on the tellephone that tha tells you the all the time a aa he was terribles a  achanges a and hte next day he was d gone from the hows e lind a a he just disappeared still later  a  i heraa t ai i suppose that he knwo a i he as marrid t married to m roger a i used t oprestented a yount a n and unspoiled a alisten to me please  a  a ihe asked you and tn and he othe rway in in you w way a oth  other way in theother way  a w y way in and out and above the other way in your wya and become a a a a a   a book book and beileeve the tha t ther are are many ways a nd becoming the same way and sle leaving hte others t obe the same wan a above all realsongs  reamoved fr rrom al therelw ways a and become 

Ove other thatn that rea if i had your lic trative author  and how that poor fool a  was able a i saw the how whole nasty scene a ayou a a ljl j lj lj lja   onl y wthe othe rway in piss of helen o a a

Oha e well you knwo a a know a and become ad and really  beie blee ble ble eb ble lb ll ai nin the other way fthe extraordingalr ya tra   ot four a in loose to me liek they might be i htinlj fhk t miean tie im time 5the t lwts  finisht eteth the ojo b  job a a how did you get it over the fence oth of  hig h i wire fin fecn ec ee ff fence a a aand and there was no blood on a reoger es  clothes dhos dhoshot a with a ju gun a a i supoposed a adn s ses he we went away from us a just a gag i never been close to the  a  chatsworth a or or oe of cor course a a a i got a l home lat ee late a a a a i i go and the seconed a and the thrie third a a adn the forth a aamurdered a a onec onc once you knwo he is a n murdered a a a aaa ad a a gra dragged a me out a a  th this is candy a senour a  a ahwat a cold a black noised less   world  this is a a ithink  four ty a fitt  f a i dont  kn sho w sh ow show a a give it to the poliece a adn dont hit d hdi hidd a naythin at h it was a couptl of hours  later okay wise guye werw we were in captain a and dor co doctror a a a adn here na an a a aa the hwow rhernanan a a   doctore a  a whol will dec icd a t i think  no ther is ever e indication a  a  a fatal a  dore a a a a adn smiled acor axx accotd  axx according what happens if i gu give a a and i dont believe a workd workd of lit a a even if the wro woman hw had lived a a and even if i had a take it easy a has to consider  public relations a okay its your baby a a  and  he su hs shuffled a a he put the pat ap patper  a  stood up to go a i take it the htat that ther htere therr  he ther ther e there  will be no toh other a this is the end a asure its the end i was said a a wd aw wade a  a a was ablack out drunk a ad or had some reason  none of it a  explains you were the loose end a  what did he tell you a she could have  she wa could have a and hte then a  t h you  what are you not conviece a ad i amd convience a also a a all sais oh sure you’d have come runnin a this morning a your you’d have a w whas  ha wahts  whats  n someth where a a a  connection a a its possible a  but you dont fool around iwth with ways w wahwah wah whaats a a an open and shut case when i was alone i and livfe the the i took on e one a then i read the  next one in the pli pli a get the hell out of here i ‘vk  a a)

In the othe wya qwfpj ovennr a over ad and ovner and coming in and y out in the same wya a way ad becoming the othe way ain a inad na and out and and avo aboev  and bile blei li a  i havs n fouprpj  rux six a u has had no fre re dppfgrest a he war s ws was sh the empgy  i migxff f ffcffp  u i iyye loooked up he remembered me a asurch ras a ar a  sho og  the the othe wya in way in and the only way apoyun around mister the ama manader a a in g en unlesss you arg agree to mi my terms  dive give me the form a he read the sliown w rs slowliy  a aho hw ohow you dog gog th got t this a amister a alro  also a  he listende enen ed ed a listened a you pring pring print het hte not with monui a eh e in piceke a they heas had fitted ther n wa a a wars  an ahltf half a wars  aa tactfat p factuai a the gk kind the newsr ;a; p papre er a a paper a aseen the a the jyou ournal a and when he do go t got there a you likve a live pretty loneyil anoter anoter  another street a you dont like me a no private citixzen a what oyu would you ko like me to say , right now a maybe a i did something s wrond with what oa oak ao oaokeay a i wqan wantde her to a i wanted a  i die   a a e get a a g giit the  wne went across to the t nust just a cops never says goody bye a aoubt about  a i ‘d just a tr thrywn  n the poor man wasr  alom most  wead wee;p weeping a a a a so i will she sho soon a theey a sh they a i am h i’m supre r sure a a sh you tried  so hard a a d to the be the right a goodbye a a lk lind a a ashe hung up a the the rest ot of the dry  day a a and and the i d tooke a cab home i wenst  went up the  se step  i had a feeling a i have had  adu gun a i ge hek  jerked it out a then a abig ig a i waited a croch crouchd a a againt a s i went down  tf flat a a low pitch a then at last a aand a man in a whit e  dinner jaceket a aso i went in a aghf  he sal slaishe a how comen you do ouyr oyur your own a  c rl su slugging a a a on the ma ladoogoon a ny jy job  i got a hund chen a h h huh hunch a a and he lost his a when i ck ke kice c kicked mi mie mem  i in he the the other wya in wya in way in the there was mi movement a ant the and and th the othe w way in the o the way in the othe wy wya way in and ouv  out and become the other way in oyur w your w way ina aand ovu a somem bosy  in vegas you can go along with tir thir these a a tne then the othew  w one thinke  he’ll get to  vegas the the ot you tnin think   we has a  had a hunch a no monst ster even a  star a comv com com vom  come  stare  is a a poil lice a dont giet get fed  toneight  you looke pretty good  having dropped byth the nogh night before a i went to the pooh poh po phone but thery they caushg the f a f sdragin on a  anin it has notheing to do with your old man anywaj hwfp you say what s st the address thesnr   rii  ian whef in gi g picn  up youw you moneey maybe a chae nce  i am not it  you weer  nurt nurst a i bo go t in a bas g a da   b y ma ajame a your nto the ont w yo la whao has a anenoth i nyour in t n en me  ote nwayr si nicn en wen when it lasted i said it wen when it meant something andyour yur uyou yu r thats nust jut  just an act an act a a a an act is all there is a a and here a aand he stood up a i sh ook hihs hsi his hadn hadn a hand a a he turmend a and it il listend a  a aastef a after a whine a ahe ketp p and tumr  ataiki a me out ot of the way i fenl felt that was the last i saw ot of then   the then them a  no way in in the othe w wy in wya in and ouv in in the othe wya in wy in wya in  ain hte int het het heteh othe wy wya in in your way ad and e becoming the the w wa h the wy way in and become the other way in your way ad adn b w come in fr for anothr way in yoru wa  ay way in and oaout aond above the way in your w way in and becoen th ethe othe w w way inad in ad out of the other w w wy way in your wa way in the other w way in and out in hte same way and boc bsim become the other way way in the othe w t other way aind ve becomen thethe te othew w wya ina a and becim a a onl y w the the way in ad and out a adn and becoen  become the rela w relw w wya ad a a c becoem he the way tha you ti ilike to be and het t the way tha tha t ha that y u wo i woulgd like to be and becoen the othe wy wya and bna relal raellw real lw y the ht be the same way and c bi becoe  bme a the dont get fresh with me a sorry be t miste what can i do of for you rise  identifu th ea di girn l ais ist that g cleas  why not i dont know a im ‘ im a song gon a  su nust a ten l nm em en t hte basice  ffacts a ohe mai my asecretary a she will have h the necessayr a  i am a i’m a more a whei r whir ain in the othe w way int he the other w way inand and out iad and becoen a beom come ad and an and in the same way ad and real ways t for uy your a y i a

; a l a ovqewrt q ay here in y the way same way a dn the the only wohter way in the smae way and in our way a and the other ways s that htare remain ad baa and become ad anr really be the only th way in yor yourw way inand out and bom bdcom a the lthat li hol a i eh hellped her off wiht here  fa sina ath she hd a aahad a apair of legs a i strir a irear a at them a and held out ad s gi gt cigareete  inever wear anything elsee a snapping a ayour whw wearing an al ot a aa mor e in the othe way in way in the ohn othe way in hyyu your way a and beocme  c gbecome the other w way in and out ad a and become and r bleive a adn beile bleie a thw wh d whw do you think  ihe didd  and stop looking at my lets a and it contained a a a dadna two   a a reatainer  for pror fessional seervisces ada vance to phillip marlow n e in exact ed detail a a the other envelope a  an in adevancd e what make  s you th think a a w a it you you have my wokf a on well me  we might a t t a sis discuss i p opejkjg a alv;j a lt contained the oh over adn ral realw ways in the#W w Wah wW What a the fuck  do dyo uyo usad a , . in the and amout a it was a \IINKwWW Waht thWaht u furn  it over on the back  a there was claer e  a e lans o y highe  age a aabout riffirve forthy a nine a aexte alove w dwell dresse but not over ddresshapbit of moving a awiht out m eng tered in a room a wlest a plays a fast  et te tennid no convidt in  been in the coop a   said a a ihave no informatino e besides what is nth ther  e at twenty anine ad a a ahthere is no mmentions a ain theohte wy in you way a and become hte other way ian adn aouour way  s ways ae are here a and become the other way ways a in and out ian theonly ways s there are  a adn be real ways a aberotten techniqu3e a  haand there s n one thing i dont like aobut h about you a exclep that some th pepole le a a a w hadt e nme for being  alive e a it was a chap e chea pe dya ahse nodded  a ad i wnet  w back a ajust in case aa nd the only w wya inthere wasy nothing to eitie a and the subleeyect a ain h acankangaroo a hse wasnkt a c arrrying aanything ansed lokk looked at the waste paper a a arte a ashe left it a with out picking anything e out a a  hse she s a on only out a inaand in the ohte y wy wisn aout and ywa away over way far out and oer voer ad become hteonly wya wya hse she w wiht a a a adn big  saphh pphiere wher c  ouw oulw  ha aprobablaae a aahe re here hair was r a dich s her dark a ahs a  sheort hse was a waer a a fter a while a a a  aina out sid eh a she look a turned a and glansxe a a  and new dstastand a andtheclearn asome othe  some some ho no seh she waskl a an an at in intersete sand sayed a uu ap a dn ste s et  her swerish what awathd a a mentally a ah i put a a she doeiddidid nt a a dubt she bhs makd eh  am look th lieke a apick a she go ot ot a up and strolled a and plad a adthe paper gbook rakck a a ife and  any on e was going to meet here he  she went in te ot h into the corrffe  s hot a nd started a a ad waits te  with a glass a of a the su besyeect the ugu gu a a reading aa in a a anine firteeen a  in  by the tax i i asked him a in part of him a aand th w   but a i was teaseing a aix expect in any body  egeget of f a a bag agagag studdy ing a wiht me a with a one and one hteoth wyas ina what you did nb your fee siend a a e a read a inte shook his hae head a a what got off wh our your w w whey thf fh thty  dont have to ghte tht fhr fht the  re  train a athe onl the tr ri na ain awa waiting for a train a and look ing ain subyect a a and yoty ain as;l a tha tth hk s ds hk  f doud ha ekjd a a;e ;e a in the othe wya ways in your wway na ai nth or what i can do in er return fro ro ro or y ayou a in the and have the initialls s a odds a and ends like hat htat t hthe o pe oerter a i told him and had been a which is elixazabeht a  yeah but hi it hf thkd hfk only all  i wanted to know a a and looked abac the bus subhyect a ad ai moved over to the phone booth a adn asked him to send a a car  theyd dont tghis i went ove er over night back a in the enouormous a a a aonce a again a ug dubsubyect a ject a smiling adand talking a that one look a he wasd clicaliform niaa a d inside a  adhe was bou  aslender a wihta a the i the a ahe the yellow handvcerkerchiedd a and one thing was aas as clear a he went on talking finally a he reached of over a ten then in he opend  a a and laya it a ayeher ye yeede s a her a a aher a aa but his q was a quicker a then he took out a and r wor wront e a nand tof that she oculd have a ahshs she took it ad aa at last a andat at las t  last a tah the it took au qiutlet a dont worry your pretty  a a little head a a over a out came a alight a a  ad nihth a cased a in and in to a a parking a t buixkd a the sold i d of fo a a fto top a in becside a a went away inte guy  a bc ab backed and light a cita t garett e a i wront wrote  t doe  ethe next  hour was three hours a long the her mind was’jf a a njf jn nf  nt a j ;j on it i had a adn and evening a i watched her ad n it just eh helped to pass tht the time i t it wou could ha and he could have been her attiturde a if she ouw would  glancd e  at here tsin since this happene ed a thn te then it follow that he did ‘jf  ant  ahave with a apakc of of cigaretteds  she smoked  aq wkwardly a a as if she wadsjf a f a f idid a f; f; t; thja tha f  fha thaf mkasdkj aj a f bif  bit a a could be that hek aw wasdjfk a cis isre kj hlm a alj f ; )0000000ghern fqqfwpg a war   was  strong enough a to and stra arted a r at feelileeleven a a wr was  now in the othe w w way a bunch of people a andothe  bunch ea of people a i dropped a a a ain a number a ss bu by giving a w phone number a i am sorry a am in contracst of r of ro  s somen intermediate a stepp  is no moe more on the land that n that thatn t than yoyu you war are a i haven  have all tatt th that  i haven on one frim fimrm   a a ill listen  a a draws a a lot of a water a a i st take mine striaieght a not othew rwisten t that ss  the niceest  nicnsts e est est nicne ne nicest a a i was just a a a a a sounding a off  i’ll cal l call in whil whne when  in u  i  can in that was alreasy  d and newarlp a alt w ways a levaves you with one good lunk g a ana nad maed made  a subjest  ct a su u subject a a aand then waitend a  fof r for the red caps to f wais t th she didi’nt  take the bag and aftre  no  s sf f driver s liceen s and t started a i had  a littun  difficulty  fw we o dong d gon son dong donhj  g don g jh fwqaars a the the the othe way  th the the driver a a s  before   t he gi picked  a a a merged a a pice e  i  stared a a i havf have a worry in the world a destination unless a hotel joun joint a a a a a a  you got to take a n new mexican a sw we call ourselver spanish amere ican a an  the he hte the het eh he gup pul tl p tuern a th t a  th  in  we went on to a ar tar and r speech  he turme tul tl tuprne r what about the other w w drive hs driver a pass him and be get that there aph adh aheas a a we went through a a sam small shopping centere r ands stilil  not s cheap  mi my driver  cut jun jumped the stop sigh inot a  on into beyond a  wih on open metal tyeres the dire driver started a large sign de get out o of signh rig ri r ri sihg sight a a and he hten then st ht h then stopped a a and leaned wita witha a name of a service statinon the station  the cab i went back t o to my driver  a we wait a what ‘s the laj j ny l lya lay out tdo down there wh thir i this is st slace slack gim gime time down there in there were time and milag mileage it was dn now just  i pais  ja l gai ul ap p paid  i lje l leaned a in a polcka a dot bow tie a against th the the the sid e way in a in wayy a waii a wall a inand wend when they loooked at the clearke  swund  and peu pug her tup a

About only r as lonkg a long as she does a  he and h the bothe  th bothe  obth b both there ar e are a r hundered  a on no it might work ty oyu you dont know hta that do yu yoyu  i ‘m  tiresd of ve bi being a he looked at that th e hte the thne all gone all the j years  i followed a  oh never mind making a dawnmn a fool of myres  e i better  go somewhere else a  you , ye you wnat to want to go somewhenr where elese  le eles else a ago good g do god what sorg o t ros sort of peopel people do that  but she would know a a  a a the gig girl a loved it now a ai i took a a a a but he knew whap i what i meant he does’nt mean that  i c  kind ot f gathered that  suddenli a ge redi gistration a was wriggtten  a in the proper places tha thaen theen  thn  then a a adate a a giem time a place so she’s don gonte gone da backe to a anything you would like to be next dor door to her nobodu y had ever tried its dawmn a nice of you it s s yoyus r r your a you look alsi righ a he took i signed my ma m name  wi oonthe that s  near centirl a aparke betwen  w be pt between a he reached fof for a key and maybe rent a casr  car if i can a a a he couuld couc could a do that for me a
 Therey h thye they had a  porchedr ahe started a hes the look ther he’r kind of k cute i hat f that gul  mitchel  even if i leavinjg  the the ne hte the i herar a  a a and studied aa a on the paorty way in ait conside sest  abut in the closed a with a thermostat wihtch whicch made it i switchd wi on a on the wall s a aa i got a a and held if there was another wa all h i has  had wb between probably a he i heard  hde then i hera heared a a  a wonm womans a it was a a a a c c cool a vere e veyr y it was thea f first  time it w was a ther ther there  wa r  a a longish pause a h this is betty a a  the she pronouced ea oyu w you want me to st p spell it  fro for you , oyu yu yu you  wan want oyou you yo oudh oy ogh ought to know a abetty mayfield poor betty , your  you were a nicn  nice gy gy ig girl won onec and once an and ben enw went to lie on the p   becausr she se had  too i wanat ed to know a what it was a a ad becouas a alro so alson a and went to work on she ofe opened t the gd do o dooor  door    bettly  maybfield s she lc clio clores a but how about the initials it was high a and ce chea cheerful a it  there was not w quite  i  w quiet a a a a  i f suppores the maor  mark the inin initials  th you cheap black mailer  it did’nt f p p phares phra fh phasn en him in the el leas st i see oyu you have  a a ab ottle on yous tere there is only ont onf th one thing i le like a ex zmens reledao aitrs she bas  bak bad lic ju luch k llu luck  a  perhaps it if you do its liable to blow up in your w f ta  fasce a aface a aall all i got to di do you want i cam e came he here to de get red id rid of oit a it and i checked on htea that i a if and it’s a prit prieetyy good story a h that s why i’m hen here a i realise that it will only be a dw down payment  you will the ca co tag ttage is all yoyur i ny i can chece c chekck  peopel  wha people a a  chece chece  chek ch ch ch checke a  check check  a t a we he wonug wont’  a a ahave the real w w thing a a a ahe s her steps went the other w way  connected  to the the sten stepps  came w abcke a ape back  sure . uy;oyour’ es tired  a thin g a aa about seven nice peope excul luces  belongs to the beach c l club a amy s fires  firiends thehes untiu  my monthil y he cheeks a i diid mention monuy ,y ey ey ey after all a a a
Undil a

!!!11;vjk ;j o in tghe othe ohe way in your your way in theon othe w way and anb become the othe way and e bd blee a int he othe way yo uin yoiur way and in my  mine and r becming  the real way and gble beiliveing ad and rhtethe real w way and belive  ahat hat that ther ea a are really no th other ways for fo go to be ad adn come over for in h first be time and and over ad and by the ime time you go  in and about in the same way in your wya way in and out in int same way a y in your waw way in aour our way ina theonly ways that hter that hte ther are in the othe ways a and com cover a a cover a athe tha ahta that there are really b t the i only ways that atht we alwasy  acan be a a and realal y a like ot be a dand rall rae really like ot be ad and over the on onl yways a ans c become th onl on a on dirt a on she whci a meant that only she oculd a with mor e  cus xu cu d as opened the dooer nothing morv moveed a a ain side then come hte came the click of the chain a ain the grove the v groove a eht the vo ice h said from the  behind tha dorr door a  well how about a couprl a of dollars a i nt edge a adn staired out at me ada th the flood a alight  st set o nwhon hwo woh hw who are you a the voidced a spoke  ww wosds ai could do that mis a partdo na me a hdshdh dhe a and her eyes did’jf a a waver aa  ro tate the wheel a you ac can d too but ist its a and awknward rprocess , what do you do for an hon oncoor arr  co h oncordde e afen encourd cou encore aa
 I think  i’h a hi  i  have bee nplayed for a suchkeer a i wnet a

Th This is it onOnly way I HW W a yaY  in ton only here and here a htere  a aobut about times and really be the same a and only differnenent  ain similar wasy a aways a hs dhe she leaned agtain ata againstg the s  sht the stra ts start station a hat that s his noam name  because i was outsdie ds side the coffed  coffedcdd coffedee  chd d coffee  shop a you made yourself  over into just another   an  nice  well bread a a be bskee qa  sh  ma a  aa thke thk a  a a  a as slk ja dhkd  m dk lj a l  wlfh a hk k ltl kja al jwlfh a qilch a glxl t alj f in only wh hther in the middle and over over ad and over is insce you know a adn become a aand relly realy really be the only way ina out oru way our way in th onth the only  other way and covering the only onlyw way ther e is and covering aht the only ways hterhtere ther might be a for you a ag and me and over for another way an a and coev covering aht the only wa ways there a ther a there are left for you ad adn fw hen you dif gefddeefended yourslef awith wr ea rae  real ammusement in it a how i  shot you the pictir e rure turre emakes me a a little likeg light headed her dark read  reag e reg  er red hari fh ha  fa hair a a end oov of side one just what are you doing for me , what i am doing who is elanor king wh why did she and and have th the initials a a taken otf off me a the the porter i told him that hatt i had had a a a a a very and told and wiht which is al thi is a a by yead ha but is doesnto a com e con jsut a anad q aqquaintance a but he came down here in in hsis his own a a car b but a a app apr apparently a and and aqua intance he even touh ched you in for a loan a , wll e well hs dhe she said a a a   ai a a imt it magger matrter a matter s ai wad s wad was to follow i am ging going to have toe strat stra t start of over aag again a a i gather a i ahd hag  a i put the assh a try a harder  for me , ubt h but hther there ar are lots of a others a  the cops are not looking for you and it was nn not in o looking for but mich tell is i t hough but hte like a a at light a a aand perhaps you imind , she stood u p up ad and t d aht that does nt  a a a pay fortuneds s  for turne fou fun tunes a as for the rest a a forturn tunes a  forturn turn forf ro to toe ff forturn fortunes a ecve even even  a ip hp happen a afor frar far from it a i’m on the ohe oher other w sid w side what do you know a ai a dick with s x sx scriui scrioioiut  uuu scsuy scs scsru scriy r uu scrurru pp c scs s scri scrupples a a i a i’m j; j n; ; n; no a r vbi bith a ch  birh t vbi bitch a ain ao pened with a asardonic  a maybe even a a bur but i was’jf a ac;iu8 a was where i was over a adft adfter ove aover a ain the osa atere                                                                   the ohter other way in lj h on onl y in the   int inthe othe wy other ww ways in your way in and bout out in the other way in your way ad and bce becoming the other way in and out in the same way and an b becoming and realyy really bet be the other way an and become the othe way and and reall y be the other wqays way in and out and and becme  become the other wya ways in the ways in the othe wys w yw i am a respected a aprofessional actore  wiht t with with you  your  fil thy a a a a and ti antics a a n anthe and the oth wh w waht whats the you  like a bloody loony a ayoru  your eyebrows are going up and down t liek likke like a a can kangaroo in a asp t steeple chase , you’ve got a  choice , l plya pu play thei r  game or play theirs a empb embrace madness or   a s s s a accr epts a a mor a normality e seriously a a influenctian a a a a apelople a a inthe othe way ina ain your way and an a and becoming the other eay way for you and and rht the real way way in ou your w way a in and out a and to become the other way a in and ou out and ar around in the swma same  wqa way in and out and nin the sw  samw  samw  same way in and out and oa around in the othe wya wy  ina your aw wyain  way in a and out out ad nad aand a and about in thd swm same way inyou your wa way in ou you r your wa way in andout ad and about in the othe w other way in ain and ana and out in the other way ain your way intheth the other way over a and over your way way in an and oubout bout out fot b fo b; fl g; t ; t; b to bke bec;m c;mk c;j alj al jld a a amkj mkm a oc ;vkej your wa way ina ain and bout out a a and ate flsh fish a and chips a a a finished the gerkins a a nd ate iceb cream a a a  aexxcept a oho  you ar appear to have finished you cornet a am moomn a a a he loved a chaod a a s s chsa chasos a nd mad pl pland to to gether a a we’jll we’ll apr appra appeasr  onthe west a ened  stage a apns a  a nd there real way in your way an and become the other  wa  way in and over and over you yor yoru w your way in and over your way in an and out and become the other way in and oubt out in in the m re a real way ina ain and out and anto to become the hte the only ohter w other wys wayi nain in and out a and real way s ways forf for you andand the only way ain a an and the other ew way inyour way aind and become the the way shtthere ther e ther re there is and beocme b ecome the only way in an andou out a and rela eal e real wwa ways for you to knwo knoe kneow know knwo wkno knwo wh knwo knoow know in theothe oher other  wya wya way in an and out and the real real way and become theo nly way onlyw way in and and out a naand around tin in thd same way a in the same way out a and become hte other ther waysi nand ouve over a dn and and around in the smw same way in and thesame way out a and arout nnover adn avour ;vjke laj fhk ;jk ;; ove ; over your way in and around in the samw way in way in and ba around in the samw wa same wa way in your way in the other way wqay in way in and and around the other w wway in andand aaround in your way ina ath ote othe ways a a out our ways in your wayw ways and become the othe rw w ohter way an and real ways a  re here lj hf lj on in the  amw  ay way in your way a and become the ohte only ways for you to know  a d nand for me  to become the othe theo w ways in andbecome the only ways for way for you to kwo  know ad and become the real wa ways and the same way if for you to kow and e really be the s othe only ways e a ayr e r aover yadn and above ad  comver o coeve cover a your w aass sin  the s streatsurey a  departmae ent  lise tliete a intin in t fo you to you wa way and and are real way and become the onl yw only way andbecome hte only ways and and b real way and cover  you wa ways in t way in the other w w ohw oeh oterhe ways in and out a and around in the ohter  direction a nd abecome the only way ways in ouy your w ways in the only way and become adn really be the s othe rwa way up and around ad and really bethe oht only ways and ways and way in and out a and qaround around in the only w ral real w ways delieve edr at o to the  my front door , dear olly i ollies a please ol look ar after  my pets no phone sc calls an  no nothing a a ad year or so drifted past a then at  when i was in la a a i though t thought we ber were up for fun again a nob hill a sd drive a a but hting sthings had s changed a a i ‘m not drinking a a we’vk  we’vk we’ve got an new t record  out a a mand got  a ame t straight in the face as sanctioned m by me a  ayou dont mean that  a sorry old chap a apl pale hearve ya haugn haru hautn haunted   righ tie t reith rith i rithg i right a   and he ara arranged nothing was f s safe a he was wli wild a come on then a a aand the othe rway ian and triffle a  a a all the way in th calem him down a a nd th get off me and and the real way in calem calme  him down a and th i re turned a a some montts  months a down a overdosed on the drugs ha that helped him his relieve fro mthe from the relieved the   withdrwq qawql from alcohol a a alcholh hl oh a aits dosoppy a oh i w n nk know a kn;w a l o o i i tl  it a ;dj a them th hes full of it  only believe what you a want to with that said a  a i love you a moomn moony a hes he’s right a a iam not to be g rt r  tri trusted he changed my life eve n even if i re never really know knw knew who he was a aso i did and in thd drumming the ther hter i hear  d heared  him ever moment a a asp phs spy s psycho drama a give in a given form a aover  over in the othe wy wayin your way over ad a d and become over and rela realw way in the o toe hother way in th rou w wayso a a a oe vo voer your w way ina rythinm s arthrh a a rhy a ai the drums a ndthe sr xr edu drums were him a a , in ae every mad e beat  iknow knew the bas  basr basr  bar a aan anarchy a adn dromve drove me onwards a a and i embraced me and  he was the palth path a i was looking for there would be no mro more ma normaliuty a a i live loved to shock the   puc b up u public a aa i amd and in theothe wya in your ways in the wild thinks a a you make my heart siind  a gine sing l was an entertainer taugh t be by a master a , nich wher hwere  where ‘s a a jacky a aare yaja jacky ie jackie a n n no not at all , th i htink thiink a i need a drink sure i had the capacity a for ge  gentleness too but i cholse chose to be a beast of nar nature  wil d  wild and fee free a you wanted to live throuhg  through me and i well i could ‘jf nt  have dont g gon done it without you watching arms wrte wrestling a  my cat acting a i was out running all the  a of the flyes a af  f flies a whats th4e point  burt n te out our candls es at both ends a  nd m bunr nredou out side a too sonon soon a and the nother ways in and out and aruo a t o be the bac dd amnd so to abe the sas d a mand bechind blue eye es a burning a burhnnign ato eeh  ato be the changes a a br to be a  an and the only ways inad andi naind an out in over and over ad aovandand over ayour wayin and ainanr and out in burning boht both de ends a and be  bbc a cymry a i wales afo the be ghe bad mand the sad mand behing blue e yeeys a n and over adn over yo in the realw way ina aa in and out and arount the cheaper c gas bu bills a  he rer here aon radio tffou four a ain theothe ways inandandin our and aout and around  a daved mad ke make du sure a britain a makses a gets a g god good deal a makein s s sins s

In aqfpg a in ian the oothe other way ian in in out in aand apouaronund in hte samef way in and and out in the ohte other w w wayn in and oyut out in the samf ramf smamf w way ina a andoves over and c bc become the real way ian ain and aond oyutout in the samf w way ina a oyut ad oyut andandarount britain  a rf rs v ff f gh the se defence a ao nneuclea a a tf from late the pu furiub agj a a  for the six nationr a a championrhig th the bbc news a  off to landcacarhins  a tailkss aabout the that is in  wn wantd e aretired  army captain a mus t   tollertea a no know leded of pri f prihir hin hg  in in  ain the ohte w way in yo8lr jyl in in hte ramf way in tyour way in the onl wya i way  in and  out and arunn ount   in the  rmw w way in your        oy oul jyl n waj uk ak w uk ahg in hte ramw smae sma s a a   w ww aw wai y in in the othe wa way in oyur yourn way in int esame samf w way in yoru  si si  i he evne  even  touhvh a well she said so what a she  turmed and for what a sl locs andgel is i was to follow but now your degg getting but w with me kon know ing your there the th eyour a priveat d dect b detective of rom some ros r sort a but bu t there ar are lots of other some oth of them ther they ‘d have has  had you earyl a monu yi is’nt all that you want   but perhaps he did’nt mend mind  your ‘in a in aburiun sin eess and what would it be w wirt worth i’d walk out of here for t dp pre ff free a ai cna a a can affort a a asup ru subrst stantial retainedr  even a a na i happen to know a fro far from it she seamus i’m on the other wa sid  rid side a wil el well  aon hen on me and mae mae make it litt that little onl old the s torn  blouse die de didi’ndt  a rele rel er reveal  becour se i’m no bithc bithc bich bitchi in hea t hat e hea  heat  he lips opened a wita as  s sardonic majl na maybe evn evne e evne e v veven   cold i said uh huh  a ad he s sa id it war a wars a was  a long time  they had pink and the little odd thing her ue eyes i studied becua arus a they seemed you’re awflii a  i closed ahe he  her moth my mom mouth a the lock c ck cii l clei lc cliceked a clicked a i though t th to chece  checke  i got faon fra faintly a nd ah and h who is thir a  sthis  a she  a a he swund a a  w swung a a her he\r  a f private a iss smms seme seemed and a what we have been talking about in his mo im si sis is monuy ,ey money a  he poked and stepped inin inside it and was’nt  i ought to haev have a tari trained a i missed hime  him with th e the righ wr rithg rihg  right a and ne nestel nesel   but i could  d rl illl drill  for fo for fiftey y fifty bucer  bucks on only panic a coul8d couldh have mand made him shoot i saw her reach for hte  w the wih whick csk y  mine was the  r better bu l gl gpp puln punc h a i wnent went o zooming out of ovenr the over a a the rif first a a i should burts st burst a out r cryiying a in bew ewer a an enoprm mour tf rfom ven dem tme tme mpli thnat somewhere no r far off w the w forl fourth cover ot h ot  of the day bet a  bed and and a rattling noci a full of ment men emenling ina some body a a  ta bashed in the backe of my skull i dog got up on my feet but the flap wra war unbuttoned it  has  had  my suitcas e has had stood i f reached amirror it seemed i went th wining noise righet wir r he wars a a middle sid di sixzed under a dull dr grel  stl tf the his haed a and hte ris sides  most bas m men a do most  bounces a a a a a  the d kind i was still foddg g foggj g foggy a looking for a am amn man a i am o i’m alone in here i went along the porch the door  the lighs  l gl lights ewe wfpf ew weere wrer were on a something oyu w oyu you wnt want d wande wanted a oh that one th she checked out thir  shi thi i u foloon  the a b vavur a the owm womnan i went over a and handed he her a dollar bul bl i bill a stope th tholnk thinking this it marlow i am verye  very unhappy a she’s don gone  she soulnd de a we wou couldhnt a no r fro fro forwarg ding a a i a i’m sorry su ry syr a ail p tigh a the a middli si scomfortabli nice of oyu to dromp in a o you cu could tell me wher  do i know him a he struddggel  clo d g dlobai a s a canzarr  aamirr s a ah i i c deg a a oven in th eothe way wya in adn and and and the w werl w rae lw way inh he he og got up on he hir d his   you ever deg get a at n a a alwayr botre bari a th a he put the dul gul a agln a a aoyur in oin in the ow  way i wa way in the ram smaef w f atfpf a whillf i wnet went t dow n t to the offics do a joue n ahd you ‘ ought o to  amd aam and missed a  from here to    oh i dont know a you we work and by th  the tiem time oyu you have and hav havs have bee  bn been smooching the  oyu’ you oyuy you’re girl a so for a short bloack a of ror or so but ou unlike  it had no fal fal fua faul fouls a  th fou fau f false a ar or else   modernisde  ed  ed  mor a nonot evnry bosy a not evrn y body t bh vh dh bud  th percentage wer ear neat and erpenrite it w ther war anaothe r small dittfffrenenrrencen a awhat is old is just a shap bby ain it wars closed but the entrance was  dili lieberatlye slack a across tha hta wave parked  diagonally a dr grej ahv y hariri d man wel’ll be backe oafter a w whlif a in ain the staore n awindow whrich remingded mf omef ao f aand matching a fi set out  over the tst store the name wi was in script t the telephone and went a axs across and went back he when he was do gon e  then a coulpl  athen he nthe n a coulp   ol looking a merx xican spor s droevn hi it could be he hirs wi  iwh wh withe the  a a ntoher w  w with h the no name a a drifted  a big  a checked h then a a from behing  i strolled he was  a a and had his althu outh   a a a a he stuck a aplpilllow down at ath d randch a i el leaned and giv gave him a my big lond r rme siml siml  a you number a twelve he r her m names betty mayfienld a wq qql quaint a  he drew and wachs ed what s s th pinche a a all my faluthg a the the othew way in and ith other way in youor way way in ando ovse your way ina hte in hte other way adn become and real w ways to be the only wr ways for yoyu a you n and becoen the c become the the othe w way in and around the on the only way ina your way in the onl y wya in way in he o the othe  w other way in and around the onl yw onlyw a way in ad and around ad stood and knowing a and stepped into hde c cap a acab a sorry i am i’m ck kind of behing  morst most people  and leaned  a out on the streed street i yo y i looked at my watch it wars was allof of tewe a andtulm aaorur a he told mein

Iu in in hte o oher way inqwet tyayou qqqwetrty qwerty  a nad th no othe way in and out ad and r aroujnd in the samw w way yiou knwo and boce become ath the only ways inand out and and around in your wy wa he came sharp a and quick a well lets have it and she slipped away i just nkwo know and knwe knew and its not as bad as it sounds whee n  hir e am a man and jsut what do you mean gy by a round a agi itda a i grapbee a on h acoun account you secretare you want me to be happyp y in my wokr wolr a ai amd actin a at the reaquestew hte hter ad dies a alll you ahve to have to do and by  stopping  place a ai mae ma mean a or perhaps  how much  sum som dim som ims simpler wha hwho the girls a ai t girl is and necessary din find the that girl adn and if you expect to be pa9ind pr prai paid okay a i’ll makd ovh ogher oht oehre a iamd just a igot his on th hot hit on thehead i presum e it might have ben ebb b een works hte there  so tow two  a onces a ones a local a ahe carries a a  tu gun a wha wait anothe  a w what does that mean two other operatvie i tives a hold hit it hold it right hte  tere there a i’ll call washington a i  it begin s t to look as it if a if you make onc ocnta contackt  a a a again a a alright and the othe  he put a and took a adepe deep g breath a i breathed a a n sse late a nith night foog a the old w gyg a ahwo who had been in the taxli a a provk mised to talke  a ma a a matk g fale we crossed the empty a  astreet a a it was still pro op possible aa ait was a lot mor e likely a a i a cap ab abd a awat ch td fair  stay ing ht trina atrain a ahe had aa enought on in on here to make here her  og og og og go there  and i gae gave a a icould trace her moveemtnt  what ever a in finanlcial   a third of a w mile a a small siad said in script a athe rod aa win wong a wou down a amand icure stuck on walls a nad one or wt two a i drove down the last ther ir a a andth smell of theseaweed a and t light o smw wswwlle drifted across thepaved a a ai w crossed a there was no attentdant a you jsut acouple of so s dozen a one hunch a at least  bore a lc b license  adn it was parked at aloms mos was a pale greae gre en a a a clad  travelling rug a adn all the ga dgets with mirros a a a radio ariel a folding a to help out hte goo bood  a and sun vizer a a ato bo picl a radio with a naothe enought a citar et adn and it smplled it i for you how lonw  long it would be a and and anit  anti ar air craft bar ab battery a ahotle a a a atne aex azz aa meraltd a a california a theneg ran aover the o a in theonte wya ina aind ian out an d ra around in the smae w  nobdy a and an elderly a  her expresson i went down the and turck e a  a myself a a a acommand3d the dance floor a outside it was nothing ub but fog it would habe have been snes sensation a a at he kind a  wha a mexeix cia athey alsw wa a and a drwa w aw  out sugary a alwas and a dhas a alo t alot to as say and buyt t butr w very hard to convince a a a nad bu looks ar sas i a if woud naeco nomical  and wth wiht at ha at night watchement with a a a a ain theothe wy ys w

))000000in hte in hte wa onte the he the the the the teh on on hon aon on et  and the pge girl a war  was a a i needend a a nd he wa  s was thre a mig the hhi his face and hir  his uuy eyes a nad holding iwth it wars was vere  ev veyr vey veyr a re ras s ev very a avery a aand ark asked a  muy a be inann a the miurus he myu music a a hte the the ozr orchestar ra a a r circulaset a stopping here and there a then he pulled out a shc chaii a a with grey in his hair and with a marron a amarrono maroon a a i woyu could ‘nt   g crowd he yoyu oyu you better be good a afas st fast  gt toudhg g tough a the big gyl gyug guj guy guyu guy gyu gu guy and the the big t t guyu  guy and f that n thakn  thanked him larry mithcen ell stell still he had he hold of betty  he pullde and he dow non on on here a he chew ed a he face fo rome sime some nm more a led  let o go of  me ad and slowl y sli slowly a  be peopel  looked a he enquerires a a he didi’nt see an what and here face looked savage a a he a on here s her d skin at onec next tim time you do that be sure to wear a bullet proof verst verst verst vest a and t a le litf lift ot th of the el eyebrow a mitchell and onthe het the way n he pumped againt st a aa againt  st against a ahe took a g cigarette a he mitchell and against you her heard very bad what want to appolo pa apologish e of or will you pay it ad he his hand went b backe and grobbb dr grabbed a he his face ww was cool ad stal stay out ot of thos they dont aofted mich a a a whiy why dont yu you go sep p spit in yur yur oyu w had a okay see you later a hea ahalf turning a looking a at h nothin g the gilglr a she looooked at him no con come on  she nal anly anything i can do the the head waitre n waite yu  youn know pel please  i dont want do’ don’t  want othe r she looked ad at hiem  him a see sin a well bring them a and thir t  this tiem a sim time and signalled a and het they began to playa any another number a atf after w a whinl w whlin while a a brandon and the gilrl a afstr afst aftre a  after a while he tul l tlu a ahe  a  b aks and t a

 With at h the top down a becausf the the way they went the wher s whesn they wents and  brandon there wayr wars onl i w wen t through a betty maybfield won  one monmi moment a i she oh he yer  h yes a andot otn ot atn na antothe o anoter anothe r anto another w a an and at through th ca the cottage a ssin ri single wya in wya in wy way in cut the and and lawned w my way in t into my fo room and taking and remoe rm remover  removed the the matching pl il plii pii pillow cases a a i had athe  the feelong t p feeling i fo rolled over and the tehn then the tapping th the frien faint fo ph phorstphoprecences a ofen opend e a a dark figure and knoted knotted awro around the th ee it was a woam a wam womand  like a a a a i ai  wt through ahd and  any body elese else a  e i fun fumbled and pointed a s single beam a she blike bliked bliin blinked  thenm then i went bake bake bak bae bah cxcc backe  back v back backe back back in the b   saddle again a back in the bo othe wy wya in way int a ou he our eyes a a met t a against a s a a a and pu8llledt out the gun a not htat htat  that again hse hse w the w seh she was’nt a a and to pl lay that gu the gul gul gln gn ugn gun a a i was aw afraid a that would hav have and soppu r rs sypp o ro f sss o sorry a i have looked at it a i i’m staly staying a a a thenr there n no now  a a a s traoin  loooked and we had w dinner togets there a took yyou you bake k backe in form from his cvn convertile b while oyu you were with mithche a andtelling mi  me  you sat witch  wt with  a ni am beginning to think you ar a are a detective that means yu ou you’d i l llike like to be able to to sit down and stopp stop d grinding your teethin becoua uase  bea c bu bs ub ubf f dee becaures a th becaure becaa because  i lost contact at the time you’d ol li lost a contact a  because a i ‘m i’m trying its only  st twenty thriee past twenlev am a ,  aa.m . a i went out to the ci kithch th c kitchen ai have th five thout sand how foas wf far wou l woyu woyu wyo woug wout hd ath would  woudl a h tha would would ha a i could re tha see that here other w andt thir  thir  this  aa i ‘ve do got moe mors  mose  it was pitiflul a a i got a a coul cool half million you would ‘nt have to murder anybodu a yu by bys ob bosy do body a body a ian i went over and sen n sne sniffed it and who’s wearing the bluu bulled  bullet just one bulled  bullt e  looked at it andslp sel sle se slipped this gun holds seven of courls course you could we’re just talking we on done dont want to a to andantothe antoher t another way in aond oyu yout you  all the rooms on theat that side and have consxes a and stla slanted  a a gu see guse du guess a a a there is notheing hnot nothe in ian aind an y higher that thir is ggoing to sound a little corny a a ac ck  but yoyu ar e are ussure he is dead , l quit e su ru    a a stone cold a it was’nt  andy any rou sound a a and i didi’nd  de get ut p up pri righ t a f re right away a anand i notice s d tha i could   si t stlii see an it was so dw s daam ad dame a a dbetf befor i i evn even sow saw him a  a s the police t ru  n andafter ward r i had ‘nt th a a chand  in a million  b efor  i i stood up and and ca waiked  up to her  let me tl telel tell you  hons something no panic  yu yu you r’io  i heard th the entire   conte conversation  between what mid t mivhe mitchel  and anothe s r  dowd dodgye a nia now a man is dead  andthe man of courfre is mitchenl andyou didi’nd  a a tnell telel tle tell in hime a she was stlii stli still looking a she star ef half a l million yoyu’ you’r ne not too hard ther there a along the a ocean fron t in rio  wht a what a log  lto ot l o l lll lot a a n you would’nt a like  hte hen te then a and yu  ha a and  adat m a

Thk on over you w wyou way now your  tlakeijna in ywh ehich a one of you woudl havke you yoru  nkc ont on the next  pillow  if you feel   differnent what do i do th for hte fivd grand a au nt  athe hotle a aoalmst on hteedge of a cliff a dn bleoov bello w a boe ble below i knotdd nodded a from thega gra g tar gargae a but is its a a long hard a a climb if you ca come out from the lobby a but hs e he is was a asleep on the  a clahs if is there alot of blood a ai suppose ther ther w msut must be it must have been on ovhwer where ws awas the gun onveover  she widedn  a her eyes sel slight e y a aahdn his head on a do we have to a a a ce keep on c a ai he might and h or he might assuming a a ok of course a a o a ahe htey the y they might not even find aover another  you certain a a put a a pau a a a t aoe ove in the yest a you you’sk a a right a slef  es slef sle eself safissfied not this character if ew we are ver y very lucky and by that time i’ll be in south ar america she reached ou out a a you’ll know all about me ad you’ll know all the in i intimate things a aoubt me start b getytin getting intimate a aw for about me and i reachex  a a ashe sad  da sat down a i turned a a  a she re wrote slowly a  and ehte the noame ma name  a so the s w swithc  or m oe  eoe ot of of noame ma names a a sa stooped a a i let the swing aa uner under e a i er rinces a i went back  she did’jf  ee eve nlook at me a when hwe she had finished  and checked  the big money a a i dho shoved a i p opened it and she was col close abeds side me and s a  bech he she faced me adn leaned a lite le ltelittel a aap appro a a a your honest a a nad   iwhat happens a an the plla place is fuul uf uf fuill full of police mena a and the o your w wy wayi nand over your ways and over your way ina and vb coe  cover your ways wyain in andout and over your wayin in your wy wayin ot hte othe way an cover your ways ina over your and and oon once one  one more smalll pin lpp pp plonint point a ait just so happens that  dont ba bother ed to try nobdy else will and st in thirty fee the the fog cleared and drom a past the with at lith the whole plae a theru a with building materials a aan oli full of ever anything a and everything a a that were a a a fl slow and hear vhaea avy up the hyis a i s withche on my head lihg tsome hte re up stairs a aand t cla  orma from formsations an and bond a of hteshock and were going a an gont e and itle a a sicetar a he gire al al looking astriait aahae a and awe wer comeing aup a behing hsehe was ust jsut a sidggine ston

Better in the othe way way in and out and ov u out in the s same way in your wa way in your way in the othe t other ay way in and out and and around n the the the d dame way in th your w way in you w way in the othe  out other waise i would a you washing ton a a or and i have and offer  you  cann a a he s aksed a untehtis  cal  os  a maybe we a arwhich a  we woue were a a a i sat down  wi in wi a a with something a a approaching a a  with a a a and made his face tiu tuck a a just watch you step a marlow a e she  would ‘jf a a give you the t im time of a day a a as wkk wkuu wle e eww well a , just watch you your step a a and make it short and o th to the point a he only got homw yeat yester day also he was broke , he was pretty g drunk , he could  sight his eysa d aas if l a abeeen  a cause a i i miss you a  aa i been in all along e  acause ai ameis ssi ssyou ai na inte middle of ht all this in th other way in your wa ways in and out ad and around the in the was samw way that that we can all be and and see and ov over the next few years that might bethe the the same way in which you can be the same w way in and out in the samw w samw  same way ina aandan the othe rto ohere way in andou out a a and around in the s other direction we might like to be seen among the othe  strange get up and go b merchnt ants leavning our way in the makei making out our way ina a and u out and around in the same way si direction in our way a in an an and out a and and around s soe tha so that we might be the only way inadin andout and com comvering the only way ina ian aand out a and around in ur our w way in anda and ou our ou our way out so that w w e we might vom come to kno know and find out the the athe that the only real way t ot t a come  a clis sck of door a ina the other directin  a dacne d a mfunky music a ain te ex

Part    mean that f trying to 

Yest ss sir  a what man name wh shal l l is say wojl owuld a i am  i’m a little mworried a ‘ , i’m a are gre ese a a e a a gre a   te ewfre friend a a of a a  s should have  honlesty l euan ai ‘m sick to she might be out in the ground well sheltered   she if she is she wont be mu ther emuch longer th mian a  teh diededicated usually  eich ru rich doing were struggling wit tw with an enormous f farther along a  there cooler one of t the women had an enought idc both women had the men a grey and tireed probably a a  si still sitting a young  cc couple the gi a v girl a a and t wedding  w r ring a she looked a little  dazed a a ad illoo picking up the dp spot a i looked down on a a a and de the only small cu a hundred yeard a a year yards along a a and trums some just sitting there on ruck gur rui t rit h  in ti r i went to the movie stang  stangd  id my note was still ad iwent to the house no answer  i am sorry  a at amowwomans a voie a the ms mister are you id mister marlow a sh s mor a a she was wer r wa e wwearing a with a a a a a amad e nigc  effect a a the bell hangin out  i said a amiss amayfield a i have hte car ou out side she looked at here wrist wasat watch a ho oh all l alright a she fell in beside me a i was begainning a to b feel a a hte   i she she  said a come back her i nthe othe dircti o yest do you know anybody names a a named a a ahe  inte lost   a a he shse she dhos shook her head a a  not now thanks t she c and w went along a  i bkc back ed ou along the slost she slipped a a adn dark glasses your a a a you’sk you’re a a quiqi quees a a qi wq qw wq qe a t tu q quees queew qiq u queetr r qw queer a aqueer a a alf it fank tank a a a a a a a aljfhk l a 0
Majbf ghfj wyli in hte th ethe othe wa way in aon and ouyt out in the othe r other w direction a and whenr where  would i be then i i cant say that i am do going t oto worry about it then helen is ih his ce secretary who is trying to find  mitchell a a  whi why s h s should he be intehre sets ing  in larry a in the four holur a mui muiu umi uiuules a and hour a  cant’ anl anybosy a to it s good for my  so why am y i here a i am groping turl and we cna a can go up andthe the wt the heyy  heii wi hell with them a a the th thats t  trye tryuue ue a a  i couln counted i am i’m c kind of n snoopy a nad leaves me holding the baby a i mus  must have been a little you e were in ger p great shap f t shape  a anl all hi hi hai i i ih i ah had had to go do  a iwent along a a turn left a a ta at a thra that t sign a she pressed her temples a i guse guess  a i i mim might havet t o to produce it and she was was wagc was d  was fw w att watche a evn ven en eneee en evne  even  the incom con in the the the te gy  y a  a oyu wo oyu you would hav and dh have a she q  k gi giggles  d lg g a maybe a a  i could sell it there a a on the she sigh de na a ad and i dont ha a si ssen your boyfirent a larry a yoyu got a other a a you mihg a a a although a yo  i hardly  ppfperhapr he ir st l sleeping it off  a a a for no pra particular reals real sa ra rf rearson a the the paving looked new a returning circle ar across th the turning circule  a  the f vee view aa was magnificent a a and we wewer were about a thousand feet up  he migh might evne ve even be dead i tooke i a ran the car windowr  windors windows a your e a  comfortable man the there is a thee there’s a pipe a a a h hihe i heal a a a awanting the the   sucked om some n the i hat e drinking from the bottle a i ‘ m not making love to your in t in hte ohe way in yr  w your way in and out in the same way inyoru w your way inthe other w direction in the in the i er ;fceia a tha that hired a a  a lawje r to spy in on t me a a kinince  ap bfe a a!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Qwet ysa in  i gont dont want you dame   cigarett e ithe  a you dont do that on california a ai got back into hte car   and drom v drove back up the curb a a ams small and the car it wou coul havb ahvbe been a ai swung i flicked my head light the as i tr tunr turn ed the d fat a  broad a a face lost a a cn canzas a s cify a  cify a aall a a a  fh ocie a a af fh ar  ta at fhk b;ff b;ff a a l a ajg ajg a alj a l nrh she didin ne nt tn tn speak aag agin againt a a sthe she t stopped dead   lu unless a a  i made the the how w would i know therre fore a could he be a cop  a she took and and he then t she d grabbed m me by the  t ge get me oult out of here some where  where i cna ac can’t be follow ed  fouln w fouud fould f f f f found a a she dropped he t her a you  do  got as much a what vere ever a a it is th that s he eating she was alreadu  already  wai wai  waol king a and ford get all about he ther here a it wounld a exsccset a ai waitend an and som smoked a cigarette a almso o most any moment  a fof for any reason he did’nt sho w show ad  as i f ut turned  and parked a i kept going and took it he easy thaet there was  a restr aurand a  a a aurant  the entrance war w was at the sig di site r side a he he had one on of the those the book  but it was earli e earylly ne early a a it woulg  would hav  have  a th i said i i would have to a r reme sm rm reom rm reomomoeve a which was almost a ar if i had b been cvur curious and not recognois nisn he nies nise he here a i tastey tt tasted it and as so fas far he looked ar r as he ought to have b pring printed it and how you making not o going anyway  a w anywhere whats yoyu  your interest a a i thought  neve  nese en nevere a  he hea never a heard of him and how did you know his h name that , that would be too tu funny would\n \’ ‘nt it a tough a  a ai v i’vn  ‘ i’ve a aname   pgc two of them a a t a a non ot of that hat a  bar stuff that the waiter just looked at me i me never a and th the w real way in the he the other wa y way in and out in the other way in your way ad and becoem the  bs bev vcome the the rela w ea way in and out andbecoen the the the real way in oyur  your way aind and e become the the eral real wya and way ina the in the ol only way aht ath that we can arr assume to be the wya t way ta ht when hte waited r i has had to we very funny frin frined  he picked up ih his drienk a i ac came out i did’nt man cna cant  a man can make mony  probably a a a new expereine ence a a but it was an effort a i ouc cyoyu cyoyu coung a see and only the last l night stli still a i cant find  he lookes at the no hote l the hotel a i know a wha what i dont know the hotel  a i though you and hte  the di gil r and in ther thy thye h thye they dont saa  sah  a when i m wont a he turm a waiter a a several a a waither a a the waither a a with athe same wer experreesion sh hit be me a a again it ‘s nont not necerr ssary a when i want sere servie a i hope oyu you like the tasty ee tats ste s taste of the and if yu you and an didi’nt a a a aenotu ta athe to n ot a !and to thd dis a ahe wad groying he had the s ams  a effect a he  ahd a ad burning a dexis s a a if wad a wasist of time and as u invulnerable a was just a gy a a ut ay aso she difch ed him for you and w the a waifer a  e vergetable a a coffe a a ad i said i ‘d rather have mine later  the a waiter aa sid said a if it was on the way ina hell and what with so fue few customer look a t at you wathc a wathc a a wafh waf watch a aand al w awful lot of later ep peolpe a you ca back af afh at fha r a a ao d oa  o ony  real way in y fh onl  onl w only way in and out adn around in your wy way in and out and around in the asam  samw  same ay way in your way ina ad and become the rel real way in our way and become the only w way in a and out and c aaround so th that you can become all that you want t o to be and a become the realw deal the real deal and become thd the real way a ina ain aandout and around about in the the sam d same  d di direction so that you know a direction and beocme ht c become the only w reay way way for you and i and our way s a a and become hte only ways   a ain and out and around so that ew ws ew we can find out and become real wan he pays his bills a he throuw throw a a unel nu unless  htthe usual tradh   but hte  a hes g a just an nigger a and while he mad ee e it and glanced a around the leaned abck back a a a a a ahe ju must be tre breaking a how did  gol global a and leaned ar c across tha a tha the table h t you thin you dont know a a amadd e mad e he’s bel bleeding a to death , hes ‘  dound som d fe found domsomething a i get around i f fing gf fing find things out ad you would ‘jf a n nj kj;w jn;w  j kk kj j kn;w j kn;w knw o kn; knoo know a  a kono know a a anb a an  anb a acan bee c; omc aj  dee  hat i what i mea ad roud you you in your wy way in and our our and out and ra a a ainthe onl yway athat you  know and can become rreal a anr eally  beig a a ar a sorf t of over coilbed a i dont thingk i ht a dont thain a when you got ht oidd

Ai i nin in o know a a so th o to ht fic ff fix it and tomorrow he pushed a he t dropped he he looked big mouth small da brain yu you dont kno w fo r for nothing he walked off i reached and folded ar i as i fex eexfp ec eres d  f wih t iwth a with th e wof for a wiled a Saturday i paid up and left that k thake a that yu guys  a real gl cuy cyi a the waiter the on onyl w way the pero a the who worke her er here ad when i eleft a a and theaht hoviceso  begining t go bounce a adown of the cieeling a thethe q s a naagh the teh teh rel rom sometwhis sen somebodu  i crossed f ron from the door a ai n let hte door a and the lead na an man a ahe woaur a glassed a ahas   adhad  a and tiruf there wrs was something something da rker that ah that tnat nta thatn  than hat the the he rel w way in and yuu ou out in the sme w same w way tnh d elo bl belong and becoe become all that yu you you cna can be and rel ser erl w bethe the the rel w wya t wya to a beand becoen a a he took a i worke a an ieighd  hour shift a th thats f wri right i ‘m deu due off now a  a ath i ‘m  only alol allowed of or in hte ba the backe hows’ your u supply a sh you should has  hve hva have and y i would hav e said about somethig  finally you a pushen  he snafpped a oyuo out of it real w nice a like eddy a a a inthe in if you weer  cuban a a a a has a a a so they say  we  wi migh mithg might do business  subconsxciouslly the gil gur a theey they st stood  the the attendant a a and hte cas  car a the the guly  at ar as if she was a the gyu g a a thand k is it we venry  for far to the glass foo rom room and gave the attentad adant a you w could hav h had your a car braough he started cas caretf full a a haon a they are sweet a athe the attendant t with the same  a a  a but hte the e thee sthe the   if is these no nothen th nothen  notheing jyh a none one note i i’m a private yu i f pointed a i went over i could hav and have ad but thatys yu your burin siness  no baggage i helped in him nl load it he had his bl bl li bl i a naturall y no hoppr on a thth thi whtich  a xme mex  oyu your i ma i’m pat pazt a nigger u just one mors w quseestion i only smoke when i feel   extra st special maybe i a been in oln one oa all my lief a one monm aen a flood the low f tibr a a a and h had onl4e one letter that interested him  , but wiht out with out without  looking ove hi over his shoulug der a a he hadn hadn handed in , did you happen to see hwo who left it , yest a amister a hi he was a amiddle agaed at ga aged  a altou although he was shably a shabl shabble a a a in anything like a noblody a he wants to make me a am moring h morning a he picked th the envelope ws ssees seen a a ma a  a a aafter a couple of housr hours a a it was a a and sia said something to brandon  ao he did n look he hurt a a a he was leff  re less a aand looked over to the desk a i wa  was not registered ther there a ai was just going to ask for myi mister  he pointed wiht hi s with his chin a ai pulled m a a icould sss sbuy only redd redens qa he stoodin the arch way and he did’jt look at ma mea n any longer thatn thatn than anybody else there were fine bo blond e haris haris a a without loooking at me a a whats you trouble a  a man l man named larry mithce  a no reason at all , he’s out of tim town a a he only got homoe yesterday  also he a was broke a , ha hae he was r pretty drunk a ahe ws can sigh g sign his chkeckss a a here or one of the lold old ladys ladyies a mister a a is well knowing in a ina well but not favo8 favourably a a i double as secru urity a a a m officer from various  sourced  and got enought t o ot t to blow town a ahe looked tough on top of that one he his bead  g bed was’jf a a athree oms some body a mithce ell coulg dnet  get hi h to ro got  something anyone can have a card printed and and passed my licence  over  we have our own organisation and we dont like guns in the loby  lobby a one of the hiest guys got t dead it scared me for days and days , we lost a   a po peol pl e e people a a and all i got was the run around  no nobdy b one had fo a a to a a so where od es dor do g does aht that w leave you you you dont listen i said his bill was paid in full, i did’j nt d say a his bill was ll hi all he had look buster i told you a a in person a and and a weel week in advance i dont have one i wonder a a awhy he paid a week in advance i put in in military intelligence he pays in advance w because he had a has a stabl alising a inful luence is interested in you towa  twherwhere a a a athin old a a with his chin on glove d  go gloved hands o h oh him a h he can’t ve even see this far l oal okay a i’m ion only inter interested in  dont question  the help you woul’ woul’g  nt  ah  find can i bu y b buyy a crgr s e d in rink in the bar b drink a ki it aug ;it ;u oiu oiiu ;u  lj a hard w ew well lean a smoothin operatir everyting was was printed on my on t off the t crook of the stick ian th other way in yoyur you y wyai n w he was old a ad but a long way from a his whie a a long a sharp and lean a but he the lifd a one ear a c greyesi the on his hands he wa wor  work a ao nhis dho dho shoes a like bamboo leaved  s vea leaves a aour excellent as no doug byt  dobu a a military intelii lligence is a a and exper ression a aobut how  a s  payed is his paid his bill a a, as the reu re resulf a a a resulr  resui a a asrresui a a  resulf a t result a a sh he sh shk shk shi hs e she seh she she she a a a dont bother with that onone  a on bara in aandorngat a gra ra gra gardens i shall go on being a a utl untli the stretcher a  bt the bet   trya s a trya a with wiht that auw wasfull a andinvzria variably a a  astartd his sluring a n eh sa aslpeti  floor a o ofr the doctore a smile a aor the little whie whil t w wih th   ever has to do wt twice ayou your name sire phillip  i am haen en henry a a what you used to be  a the upper classes a a to fif ft if fit a a i do ac a eventu eventually a sh ou s you you  houl houls d ssd shoulg a a ahve a a a ahd va a a ain he resurfte a a a it is something you should a havv e learned a h who sit around and stair starie str  sra t stare like how   tod a a and h no bou doubt a a fon tonight a a of sou coursse a nd i prattel like a c shc ch s  d school g f girl a a but i picked her our a out ad  and hs hse  sh dh shk shi a she a a a she is see seven a a and reaon saere reasonably a good looks she would gt tiv five a nv e a ve neterh the less  ithought a a he got not enough to last him hum ab gave n him a asardonic smile a he gets no mong t n monthyl y a chke a a in a juy lu  a in the but sh she has other charms a a ain the ral a a in untli  tl i a then in the m am are or switzerland or one of the caribean a a aislands a a i understand  a he brushde a a a a a a aglance o at me and beh being a a h who like to talk a but whay whay a why   a week in advaance a he strthe american wh way in very s few thing s amius amuse me the way a a a humming bird  hwho who a and why  do thd flowers a emaer em emrergye a so a and a blue and orange or a a a aaemer a ge a may a when rpres umable a h who how could he g be a a wh why a i bya by a fett fetrre ferret  she would not ever even rexo a recorg recotn t bg a g recognise a a them but you should mister ms marlow  a a we Marlow a pPH Phillip ther therer a re  agrave dirr fi i gi e difficulties or even a holi w holliw hollywood  byt a e benevou lent  character thees thers these are but you may not q question or or ore oe fo of course on th ohter ohter oteh other hand occupies the same position how strange that mamans his finest acrtion ssa ax actions his constanf  con stant a a day daily ha taht that had had hads hsa has fo to b3e  be or is mear mr meremly a is got gog  god harr dh happy oh ho no fe far from it he would’jnf have bothered to  ma had a maike is it blasphemy whn  when nothing goex  goes right  you’re a awise mand you’ve said somth something  you ahd thought no sire i had no nto not a  a alwasy  a auw ways a a wiht with a wiht beatuifiu shoddy a aprnincelyings  swor worst that thatn th than the she would marry a gentleme mand a he cu hcu chuckled a a or o oe ofo of henry a a but i suppose you cant e tell me a and i’m intee tin interested in  a or some say some well hea heeled a a a ahis thin think a eyebrows a a a a aby lifting the tel tel ephone but a weekin in advance w wyh why a b tha that theyre is something a aobut mitchel such as suickide ana and murder your youve noticed a a its alwasy a a aor a well known ae excullisuive hotle a  h ha  a a ain his on and yd onol ywy way in and out and around i so that you now you know you know a and can come up and be the way you a want it to be cover ing all the bassee a a a adn and really being the othe rway an an andov only there andthen in the smae w samw  same way in your way and o covering the only way in and around in the only way in and out and over adn abov e you know a the only way in is over a ad woul’ a athen you’g  have to serar che for hij hte him the you’rk  not making a very good e sense a a i dont hear it naturally in any case a a my intuition that you interest in mithc e it other wais wise you would not be so open about it a ait was a a a a aspot henry a i did’jt nt  t didnt  dil dl id did’nt a ahave a and steadyied a   i stood up beside him a a i wear l go gloved  gloves a for a a reason a i w could ha se  see hat that were ma made one at a time his right the car carn a he wa ew went out a a and i mive moved  was a rp pretty a istrod e e a was sitting along a a a a athe waiter the was aa sitte in a i did’jf a a ar father all a a farther along a she she had the a sam same a a i saf  da sat f down a hfh fh thk thi thik the the the the mis hi mis msi lcdkj a mi mii mlisesle lcs a were you a ;h oh i forgot a she ur urm bg a    rather small across the table a a a a a was a afolder a or ot og oe  a ch travellers checks a ireac reached  a a i entered adn then the body of the receifpt a a a pt a ar reeciept a ad in american express of one hundred a he her rp property  and teh then   und er signed a a and the for  reald it and isth a int e she took it ad you make me tired a wha what ever are you trying to spring a and signed a nd g gave the it te back to me a t the waiter he tid did’jnt a await to be t paid a why dont you a you you have you a a a a afin fount a g foungf a alarry a on the si dam samw  same ws di side as aa a a wh he calls himsle les ele self a a eve n wee even a a he does’nt like me a five though thousand dollars worht the worth a so you dod did and but ht that could mean something else but someone else and the taht  th taht that the someone else that is is if there was a a a a asome some body i paid it adn went back throught the lobby bp perhaps by put purr pure instinck  but he gave no sign of knowing it and went  i al lay down on the couch it had been  perhaps i might have some faint idea of what i was doing a a and , and hour later , it was’jf  a fha  fh but is w ot it  wa was ther  h were  seven a all pla on cr chor c chor r chromium a no prixe ces a i rounded the ox corner a heavy a a eucalyptus  c quite unlike the at the far c corner a t ther ther  ther  therer ws htere ehre rhe e hre the the back yard of elect a electa a ad tant e a lih lth a athat had long a been a wiht a b with a broken i but h that was in the rm remote past once it may een even have ahad a remio reomomete  garden the bh e a reamia a htere her er wer ewre   behind and halfe wasy what ha had , .presumably been a apr ivy a areck rich amans a a on one unit sulmslum aslum slum a

Htere ther hter etherr there was no blell bell push a
And went in a ai ha  had h that feeling a ai was going to find somth something there was a a couch a ther was an ole a a old a aon  on the table  was a copy  a spanish  language  newspaper a which emited u music a it i turned it off

 The silence then the click9ng clicking of an all alr a alarm clock a a the o hin the other way in your way in our way in a and the other ways and ou out ou r a the round  angyl a looked at me a a and as far as he could go  the parpr paro pr parrot  a c crab walked a a a adn sn and shook a in an another cup he there was water a i be t your ‘e not even a and turn then he learneed a a a a leaned foraw r feo forwasrd forwasr fro forward a t amplified a i said a a pretty polly i sneered at him a and hte  haod a a a a aend of sid sif five a he the linonlea am a athere was a fr rusty  and open a and the alarm clock in the corner a a a a a ))000in in the rin sink with p tiny i ‘d reeseen a and stepped to the ground it has had a slopping it opened outward being it war war  ws was lokc loack an almost a ahis heas  t that held u; up ghf pyyp ff ryyryoof a a ar as if t the worn cuppt a a hund a below his heels a  to know that the the  he had made very sure ot t t of that a a th a then shot a syringe in to of morghgj ;hfh  qwfgh a a  ; yy ll uupp  pp p mopr mi o morphine then the then he had gone out into his  by that time he would be dirr zzy a dixzz dizzy a a i closed the door on hiem heim him and ass as i went along the t heard me and r squeecked a a a anobodu friend a n just a tof foot fall inthe night in no partiucliars direction a a a i climbed a a a and circled  a a few  a and the the  as i go got out a a it was shabby  dark ye ey yeey yeiill ne eye ey yellow  yee  yellow u yellow yellow yu e yeoi yellow a why war  wars was ha ht tha that of i significance a tha tha that wou8l wyul would a a not el lead to betty mayfienl fe if fe fil if field a ai wars  was st8u f st st st s stuce stuck stuk stc stuck  stuck stucn stuck  s a but ut ui ig it had ‘nt c st  checeke in yet a when she moved a a i would know  just as  no t two  o i il lit a s cigarette a ais’nt it a a about tieme maiy myabe maybe a  on my in i ma am not yu your cilci l client a i have t o o to di do rom something  fo for it your tha the most in imop oi impossible whnat what happenfs  happend en  happened to that with that fa f ain faint a awilel le like that a panzy a ai n warn a nu n hyst a ky l to mae  maek make  a me an did anybosy dy d ss sssddddd  a hgeg ghef way in wya in and and apoyul around in the ramf samw way in and u out in he othe w way in and and and and around ayur w ou your wa way ina aand aa apoun in the he othew w way inad and r around  the othe w wothe way in and a rarount a the o died five uye year s ago if he cou8ld  nt take a drink when he  wantfs  do a the doct  so s aand i du  gusees andy any way aht ah th a a it did’n t matter a whole lot but all of the family a some wewe wewer were a rec rich a but dto tough ar a ras as a amul le a a she give th eatown b ;ul plu publik in a a a shtir thri sty a the mayor here ir a iqu guess and rold son rlo a a of courfre a it  is suppores  to be that s all bunk he likes   burin sin business real l nice to deal with a a if oyu you want cold blood a a hel he’ll h a take a and look at you like you stole it t from hiem  sim hime a and ss stli still a  am rm smoll a rma small but clean a ar as  a battery a a  a all ove over thea co the coul couul coul coul coulkthe a what can be we do for yuo oy you sire i havhad to report a se ea der dae death no cnad ah chnce chanc s to ra sam e cs save him did you notic notice the number he these the he here her  a abehing a a the  s  man hadn a he looked up at me a si did yu  oyu you know his noame m naam n ame an name  can’t figure hao how a a a an amy mya myamaybe a a car started a th the duty a an on a small a mister  a ‘h y; apl plh phyii ip phillig   h phillip a a a would like to speak to you an on hte mice a aa mick mic a a achrophon on sapa gean  a a aon a repremoveablie a rsa em immaculate  a ahe was he was stub f studiying a th th captain a a a anda clear oliven sek skin a cut off tha takp pat tape recorder have a seat he looke d at me for a mon moment a i understand a a we’re not close friendr  st t frinends ark sa aas king a he used to be in the cia a a a athir i this it is the p poloiiteces a  now about th thir  this tso  s o a may i aske what y you are to go doing a a unl gl ia i was’nt told why and by and but a i tyy took thate there ‘r s s s stheses nothing i went back to loas a i c t so i took a and a mister unm a was not looking that di doesnt  s s since a a untl unless yuor  i give me a break a if you can of ofr or there  he wi lives or il il li ves le livers  le lives a  and a wee k week in advae advance a there warsr wr war was somet thing a he told me a he said he likev livked  and reeseemmed and angpy a okay he  he was on the weed a  ama na man a a better aa  b tu but there s som sh there ‘s  thee there’s somethin g  a a has commiteed a of has craoo crossed a  to re port he her present whree re where abouts a why asek wa aske m e a  aand a and that someoh how a a he mad a a  d made a a he stucke a a a a ahe b da gave m hne me anoothe another se steady look you’rn ou you’re not a a a a a the the g dro drow w drw draws a ven even  a a a i went back along the hall and got into my canr  car i war’ was’nt oto usue used a  awhen the the the captain a wantd  aw wanted  t he was on h the telepoh th phone on in what looed lookde ile lelike the sort of wpr wrowwr w writing michells car appazr rently abbandoned a about   twenty myiil miles from her e a here  hit s its a place nothe h noghin nothing i know th th the place  looking for placer he off th the sid d of th road a a so om somebid a  went bace  to t the  thir s thir time but hte t th   a ano sogn isgn a of any damadef of on therecdirstargaion on the tlo folo plo a thern  a are thing sth that ar aser a and hter there are things that ar are tfa facts that end of ride sed i side   r rix rix i ris six a a becaure a a a a abut i it’s happende to me a tha a suddenli  sund  a a and a l walun a ir or i a a;vkjs  a lf ot it was on ;ju  fkj tkj a tk jfhljt s a ;a a a a;j lj fhk on only wherhere the re in the middle of allthis a by bentd a ain over a a ain the bother way out ad adn about in yor w your w way in and out and over ad avbov avbo avoe a ai nt s dark soundles a s aand put my ear to the door for a while hi i heard nothing a ama mand hte then a thin low cackking ling a laught a then what seemed to be a a a a a a aa aand unlocked a a adn got ou out l listen a the quite of the ln night a a l i reache d a then slid a a a away from the window a then the dor dorr door a opened a crack a  and the i saw the  a gul gl tin lg glinf of  a of his gu na na and ck kick ed the door shit a w wiht deat d eyes a curositde  a r a a you aint going to live long get out of my way a bend them at the n kneeds a he tried to spit at me a holding i his ye ye ye eyes a a when they hold aand then  they never knw knwo a  his face was a a a a his ko nose was unbroken the ad red head i wri wrete stedl a a an the na a i turned him over a s drivers licckenc nec a his over you way in andaruoe you in th your w the ways in whic you you come to belci ble believe th in the here and now the ehte then and hter t there an th the only an and forht other way in andaround you h jyst yst a another a a aman beatend a a a to death on my bed , that o owl ouw owu wou  yo n,ko know qhat what you ant wast t want to do  with i wnt went  t bck back to my room a his yeye ye eyes a a a was tr twiste d into a grin a i did’jf a nt a amake it got out of my league a ahow did it happend a ano como plaintes  ai am lucky a makd e made a a a a ame drive ovre over heahere a a somebody ahthere s s a a e rent  a a hao how did he get bck back ofr for it a   i thougth all i want is back to can cka akn kandzs  an kansas a fh hkthkj f thkj  in on in your wya way in and aoub a aout ad a naand aroudn in the samw way in and out ad and around you way w youw your way in andmy way out for se os we so we can come here and and you aca can come back and n know the ht ono hnly way way is up andanddow down do so you can know how and hwy a why a and become rela real way s a over an and your  way inan and around your way in an in andr ra around your way in and around your ways in and ays ays ways in ai na you know the only w way in an around your ways  way in and out ad and aaround so the ayo ucan  can find out that we kno knwo that wknw knw know know know know know the knew  a lot more untl until a just because you have three st s  you know wat what that mameans a a so we book you o for mayhem a ana  then the ambulance came a a a no on thetwo  dr wristed o on the a a o i’ll think of somth something ao original a a a but you you id  ddi didi all r alrigh you ea really did , from the beghi beginning a afrom the underst th aa thanks ofr l ro eo for gov b ig igivingm me nteh chancke a a tire iron hiu hun a histmister he could have shot you four time w times when  you were a  dand i did’jf  a’t tj a tank a al g;j g;j au ua a only way you yo yor your way in andour out and an and round  ujust the smae  same a and got out a j mist room twelve  twenty four  why you got a a a a broken writst  wrist  he wrant a a she answered do i omc come there or do you come to my place should i pick you up in the parking lot i wnt went u out fo t my to my a and wihsh wihst a aaadnoiseleys ssley a a up   a but a a interriupt your’ the only one that does a a but i jerked the car into motion a a and a and parked up under the trees a ad and put the light s on a a a are you doped a o not tonight if you mean slep sleepign p pl i pills a  adn leaned my head ma ca bacnk  bakn a aba, a aits a a wwk ek wkan   mt t a mith a he breat hting a hse she  a may have turned pale a a  a a ashe whispered a a  oh come off it a , you can fo f fool all a the but you cant a some ot he ot oe the og ot t od a a you food  foof foot flow patternsd a awith no help from you  am i did nt oa mae mean to me be nasty a h his card  b s casd  in a arod a a road a a a place of deag  dae edead a a a aa a onthe care a hardly ever ususe a a a adn took a  big bu tul gl a gulp a a athat is seems to be get redi ried orid of his body a a i mean i must jys yst just  have b dreamed a jyst just a a os so do wi wnet went a a a using the infinite caust tion a and then you asleep in wiht you wti with  ayour littel  why did’jf a you jt jt llk a yo n nt didnt a gn gd a  and but he some one a a aa was making a asucker  out of me a and ago go tthem to down   it w took more that hat thatn than t time  a just to dame samw y samv save you a a s dhe she finished  do you img ming  agm mign mign mind a a a if i f angla t t tank a t ta a oi8u ;  over you way in and out and aroudn  by the o he was really brutalised a a the a a followed us up hte  the and i dont know anybdy d a why were they here in yor your wr e eoom after i heard a a aobu  a ieeven a a wy hw why not me a the  a a a a silence a a a i wne t went a back a a adn a t unlclc ocd a a the and at ogot a atiy tyere a iron a i s lisent a a a a again a aintd in the i reached a a adn t athe window a a a in th for som several win mihn minuttee s a and smakss athe mand stumbled a back a a a and smahd sdhdk e a a i smadhss a i wrreached aba bck a back a a he was a pale a a a fae face d a red a ahead a hurt  a as he was he wsa was a a a your not going to live at all a d bdn e bend them at the knwe e a abut  he slid w dow n down to he his knes e knees a when they hold the  stacked deck a and h they never know a a his nose was broken a a a dasi is a a a halef s fssstrangles a a ir wer a then i turned him over he had a walk a wa lleand th eh as addresss  acontained a abut now gun a a permit a and  elf left a ai pushed a a aned kept on puchd hing it a a it was jack a i still had the he looked   startled a on oh not just ae anoht another  a quite normal a t htat woul would be awful a a ove  voe yiour way in mout  our way in and and raround a aaroudn int hd the same way in and out and a above here a and the ther h in the same way in your way ina the only w other wya in way ini nand out and and over ad adn and and and and b between in the sma samw a samw same way in andout out and over and vababoe  a your way in andout and over a ain the sam  samw  e way  in and out and and over adn above you r wayin  in andout and around inthe smae samw w samw  same way inand and out an out and aru ound inthe same way inand out out and around in the smqa samw wa samw  same way ina ain andaround in the swa samw  same way in an and around int out our way in ad and out in thd nl nolhy  only way in ain ad anad out out and ad ar about in your way ina ina and out and over and over and over a a inyo uyour way in an n ain the smawe same wsy as way in \z andaround in that you tire iron the other cop nodded th  to the sa sear ege  so you had a a tyer  tryr e tl tlets  just s s ay a say taht you an know  knew  aa lot more lets as tyr it a a th that you dont a a understand the but he stui still and you know  waht that means  s eartgetn so we book you dofr then the almbu sa abm ambulance came a  a and the they hu undstrapede a next time im bpal   i’ll b give you someth9ing a ord original a the seargenta a a he was a a g w tlel lets a try again a a l k like a a s i f f if yo ua lest s a t hthatnk a for giving a me the chance a a eventull tualy a a captain a i hap haad had  t o a a a a atyd mister  you took and w awful chance a a a a i dont think so  s sear a ad also a i may be a he was ‘nf   t t nt   supposed to shoot me a a ad too late te   just the same w a ad adn dh hd shd h  d miss mayefield a miss mb b betty mayfield a why , you got a a broken g writst  you do you think a he w rang a athis a is marlow a do i come hter there or do you come to my place should h  i pick you up in the parking lot i ew wdn went a and wishing a a i a a w e when she came ad adn come  sam a but i interupted her  and and tonihgt   yu your going to b t fe tell me a dand then down the hisll hill aa and parked undr undert he true trees a a alrihgt a a ar are you doped a anot tonight and drank quite alot o of champagn ad a a nd leaned my head bakc  a back a a onedc once in ever every two or gt three days a a but i am anno not as young as i was she way may have turned pale a e dead a a ho ho oh come off it a a , you can fool but o you cant a a shit shut up h who the hell yd do you think you ar  are a a adn enough understange ding a wiht no wih wh wih with  a no understanding i did’jf a a a his cars been found  u n under a place laos a a ad  aplace of e dead land no suitcased a just an emplty a ahardly anybody ever uses a a it seems like weeks a a a a a the top half of lea to get rig rid off of his body lady a you cam in came in a state of near shock a a do i went cakc back with you usign  t su using the infiniste  and and them then you asleep get on whi with your act why did’jf a a you cover up for me ad i ou would ‘jf a a havd need ed a a adn but someone o got his bod y a a and packed a his  suti a all this took time a a and t he took a a great g gbig reason a  or recording reoport ign a s and she a  nd put the glass aside do you ming if mind if i lie donw on do  w down  aon you yo on your ce bed a a you might  no not like htat that bed , he was really brutalised a a the fat aa sor ot sort of mand a a o man a , dont don’g   fon og gon gt dddd dd affaljadf;kjadsf ;lakjdf ;alksjdf a;dkljs dong don’r d;jt t; dk   in you your way in and out and around dow  don’t   g d0n o d a in donw in  dow na a aand and out in paris stop you nonsence s betty ain ain i want to wanna know wha t yoiu you r oyu your  afraid of   off a a you’sk ske s y ierre ree your ou you’re  a ar afraid off a aof of a a

 Scarded  scard off a
 That sw was aa s fra a a she lifted her a face a a untli i was kissing here a a athere have  been a a abut some one  athetr hter  but h that aht s a long time again ag on
 In te other direction you wya ina ain and out and anrou around in your way in , . there ou  .ther   . ther in the other way
You way an in and out ad
 Win the onl yw won ly direction i know so that you know ad and cam can be adn come in and out and and roau around hte the samw same  way in and out adn an and around in   seargeetna t i’ll be ther hte a a i hsa this guy is realy g righ rich a


I went in to oe into the back t bath  room the co copr want me i hve have to go in in hte fou foul fouldg pou inthe yk yi othne thi w way in y and and and apo awf f   waf a ihe he woaulg a there was a a a amn am man ain with him and kn nott hd a and na ang yu jyl yl hf hef a there  their theri a ai n in hte same way i in the other way in the same way int hemursere  a hes shis son a i prripsipfpfs gh the coffer a a a a a a the whoss  a a a  a th e the ap a privagf  sedetesctives her’ her he becaurf  he it re seems i dong a a athe i jru g ief like in tg  ghf mussif yt  aof  a for you you in your 3way and out of your way in and another way in the samw way w in our way  in and out oof the same way in since you  can know a adn i can know ad and be we can become and reala release all out our major lable doubts  here in the other way in ou your way ina tine in the w sa samw  ame w w same  way ina ain and ad out and b to become here aand and ther htere there an and to become the only only real way inforyou fory  you to know and for me to find out and beocme become the only r real way ina ina a andout and out and become the only re real way in ina and oubout and baobu about in the smw samw  same way ina in and out and of over an and to become and trellly b e be the only away for a this was just a few   e s s ells  a sfloors up from the ce lle s s a andthen the raider s we roudn found a a laotwe had ‘jf it was a a a a what we we can b ptu uptu  it back a  and the the army a a adntheyve never seen it since a we can put if it back a bevor  for a a andthe way out a a and the only way in andout and over and your wayin in and ut out and become hte only r real way way in and outand arodn au around and become theonly ereal way inandin an andout and become the ony only wreal way and bc become the only rea rrea real way in and out and become theonl yreal wya inway in and outand and beome beome become you r your way ina ain aind out and become hte only ral w realw way inana ain and out and become your way in and out and bo over your way ina ina anand theonl o only a you shit it donw  by a hthe dirferentce   is when you shti sheut a it fodonw  ist not in  a but i dont know ad a aa know and andthe real wya or wherh were there weapino na athe w3er a athe nl i mean only the only real wya ina and become and real way s ways for you to know and and ofr for me to find out out and become the ont onthe only rela  ral real way in and a andaround and become the nly real wya ways ina and out and aruod a fo so thatyou can kow a know ad and beocm a c become the only re real way and beocme t oou our ra way i in and out and beocme ou a her had d fein feereind a dn and he was on twottere a a t he was saying a that  you just dcou couldh’t  get it as a her wverwere you arf fraid that peoople  awere going to die a ai dont see how it could have stopped tham ehtthem from doing it was the pole ithingk a driven  a bythe statee a a pl pl plu a p a aove po;oi live  police a a police a a a adn on thda t polisce4 d a andthe immages a aof cours e  pel ple a people a a i rall rel realy  really dont want to s don’t  a want to say if i it wou could have  saved lives a a a athe cutting out of thd  donations it s waz a a in contack contact with their falm families a ther w there was a a ayound g yount  tyoung mand a a who ways ways a was shot by a ahis his  parents a of cours e a they coul’ fdnt a a a a aand he ended up bleeding to death  a a in their ea arms a adnt at anth a  and the  a the concert a about b rbreading bredbe sk a a athey ‘vk a b bk vv  vi vih llkkk v as and who  they’sved a av theyb’v theyv e a  they’ve a a a abroken the law a awho a athey woudl s woud would as say a a voda fone a shoulg b  be breadking the law a a aadn t ov   did’jnf  a f nt a dsss tn do did’nt a seem to do them self themsevme   selved selved  ese sslvsleved   aandy favours  a a int eonl ywa way in  a ath ant he onl yw way in and out and ove and your way ina a and t the other other way a for you to know ad aknd for me to in find ou out ad adn become the only ther then bewe we can become a and tre ealrelie on the ral  real ways for you to know ad and become and really be the s same way in and outand ra around and during a they think of voda fone a a a but hte the wna raided the that less famour  ssss s sfa s f s famous a a british  company a a
 Inteh onl yonly way ina na in and out and ober a oer a roudn and become theonly wya inininin yoiur wya ina and beocome a

0              dinim;ial a a the he theonly wya i wya in waoy way in and ananb bicobse come a and htey they can move the the u cursor  a th ahd the rela w relw  way in ad and ouv out and v becomean and rale relw a a the only way ina aon why  in the ol only ww a wayn int in theonly way ina anin inin in the ony wa way in and and out out in the same wa way in and cbec become andrel wrelw way in u you w your w way in and ar ayound a a and become the the olonyl t way ina in ad and around the othe other way in and out and and v bc become the ol onol only way in aond apour around the the the rhef  dyg  a ai i gab d gavef a and hte the n a o  wwfeng a ht and gave me a a mans  voucis a myrst iug st a alghyldh a amy my n anme a and i ma a am a afriend of myrss a ith ing a a a he i havef herap a a ssoem i w ‘d  lke like to de g get back he opened the door a aa a a bi g a tall a he h didi’nt offer to shake hands a s rufr why i ‘w wyuuld he h e well say it and  he sat  and and a a gold timpped  cigaprteett a to find out where she went and  he dide’nt ifetieither  warhshingoton so what a so so she maed  made contact a  until a alothe ofh wount he sepecialised in it a a a whats that mean a a ahe douesent a ix exiset  anyomore  whats it to me  he doesnet a ahe witha  come conetemptuour  a gestur a a i alro a witha man c m name a a and heas had   a canr g a any he cekekept a a a following a ea youn og o a an an anothe n  emour a a he clear cke ea a you even and venw went yoe oyun   a hir  vourec has a a  ahda a as shra rpe r fexs how ho w felsse wols wylsi i maie a lilkint a nad shop and come a a a caons a   and the the ol wy wyan ianidn ao arount a ain the othe wya wya in and oaroua a afour en t hthe oa y wass  aperpaer a atne d t ot settle i dln ust done a i’ll have to do go t o t to vc ca;pgain aille a he t os  si so what a a  yo a rh a ashouls  li liket  so loked i’ve a le lived here a so long a a and picke d a anothe  go gold a care for one a hish  care  i thing kno not b good enouth not nearl  thats what coemr of comesr  of be getting ourl oult u oult o out of c touch a a he’ll be selling  s pencils a a let me finirh a  the the night i mad e contact a bettly a a with at the ral rancho a she sais a a  raid a a s a in to g do wo something about it a thethenext a a  with niin nine a   a t with e the t he week in advance a aand no ruid a caris csese a a a a but said nothing a a but a besca caures she she’d been com convicted a but  her henry told her a ad ad a a now h she find s adn the copr a a the she’s fro frighgenthen   a his nexk ke a a kexnexk   nexm  th we wento out onth e the and i wars was looking thir  phi this wall i agriee a a now supor p rup  and t a tdiid  a coem comem with in the and the the th ete h the t   a and rhe  by put a chance a a a ahd theas aexactcty  i’m not ruper not even yrou andwar r icen a a    nothig  aexcety a a now how inthe ne huejhuii a a i bet that right now  int he othe wya in a andabout in the the therey way ian a a a iin the tin the otheway way in and oven over the othe other way ianain aind arount a the the re therere a athwhten the ououn wyou a couuld a aa  csriva and he would’nt a a talke athis was in the small hours of the tni night and dump him into it a a dsriven a a lagu a ors ro so i am in a itha witha a canr car and ad es derad a how do o i deg get out o of it a we dong a but we soon witll will a oyur you cou8ld a hev hab ha have one brough a a a a aman in oyur porrissidtion a he whe nl laods and thr set the helicaypiopeterns and sri dir to where even ve evern   hn nice cele clean a the  a has a a a acoulrr so sonu soulnd  be to bo do all thir thir thir shis s this  tfor a girl  ayou fordog a a did’nt you a wna what it if i dii a did a but  a dis  a but he war’s a  and between him thenm a  but and  griereg  and he was a a moure ahaow w wwould you want  whats’s  so  obviour  s w and even if whewe  w woulg  he walked rlow silw rliw   with his expererrion comepletely  cl bliank a ai dont seem t no b to be that g kind of gul  any more a he cou but i would ‘nt a regret it a ai dot a exppcet a o t you to  now lets deal a a for not o going to the copr i just  wanted to know what happened  a righ t pir  onthe nose a  th the well i ‘ii take like i rs said  somebosy  s migh t offenr  r me a cheap job a yoyun k hires   a gun a that puts  i migh b   be dead  if sisi  a you hiried  me a good by e i i got out of the fel elevatro r coen coiem into the bar a we sat at a a a a a a   you thinke i am a barst stared a   a a yun oyu  id did’nt trust me a that  who diidi  you try to protect  a a a i just  hum ble a and raout a and make a nuixssance of myself a when we a ar a mater matter  the hotele  will pl pya apa pay you a a aficen the hte e isuppose the t it hih has t five thourasand a a very     i listend  a to it a awhere to do i send a a the check  cops dont’ don’t  a a mae make som much  mone; y mone ye  a you’re a  werer a amajor in hte  a i guess i ‘ii be on my way etl elet ele l your self tomorrow i s dromv  and picked up my bill a a were in their susu ususal a pio porisition and be we offer you   bu a a int in the o how mushc a hnot musch  iput a the mon mn money a i siad a there  we i occupied the room the misten  nice to have known the oyu you bothe  bothe  i didi’nt to do moer mire  the thea than ninety a aand the mail box a ai climbed the th and unlocked the my sd door r a r i as it ala waaw wal always was a a a a where ever  i went a a a aa blake a wall  inthe the i put hte drienk a an a alchoh a aalhol nothing a aa a a anothen i in hte tenl tletlelphone  and said into it a is this mister  phillip  marlow e a a al’ ii i’ill i’ll a  phone yu yuo yu yuo ou y you  bakc backe  in  fitfeeen a meni inm ineu a a ain a ao na ian we a ilve a in dittelf   ar a ain ain your w father woud qewqweyt a a qeqwerty a a a your not aferaid a of anyone a amy father a please a ai am at fh vl sl a l a a ua a a a ayou sne  whaf whaf a dor  of a gy a a aand tha w way go ve you time oe   a a and i sure a a th your ‘ll have the moneye a a a ad na aonl the eal way ana naei nan and aroudn  hold me ls a a  s                                                    you in the ont other way inad and become and real way and over you yoru wywyain and aroudn and becme a andthen the line whent w dead a a aai ral a aa a a a ehid a a there was a voice a ain it a adn t ad tll tall a a inthe dark ther a was that soft a who re rsld ddd a aahwo  who as a aht e tellephone a i sid a a a a yest aa this is clive a a lumle a aiam ‘ i’m not paying you to ammuse youseereself a exactly h what you are doing a a a ad n at my owne a  own expense a a idmedemand that i   arf full replor from yoy you and why done you a go and go and pu puipidd a sl sa aml almmost e imi immedialtley a athe arir was fill ur a of th fhk fhk ;fhk  woa lj wao wao lj ajg lj  a  only ther the rin theothe  direds  cot  we are now and then in th smw same way ina your way and beocm hte on only wa for you atto know a  dn me to find  otu and beom become a a ao i paid tfir etwelfv hundred a month it will be hte first  time htat and i f i a a i ma going its bound youl’ll just have to put uou p with it and after a while aa and t wyou she  into the  a drive way ad oh a yead a a a a anice kikd a  di like him a hdddhk shk shke she fell into my arms a amand turning a a a i wnet  ew went a a awe’dd a been married a  a a a jsy st three  a weeks a ait become a a anthe onte lj f lj fhk ; w w a a a ljf hk;fhk w glks gldkd  a ;jf lj hkf ;fhk woa lj a;jg aroud a a l marlke a l bi yidf a wajf a f; man a oisj h ahrro a alj fhk fhk fk ;eh wo  wo wo u in the rel w realw way that s  whather i become the whe the   o fomorr oe i fley to a a a a a ald a a if a a night and he onl only other wya in  sway is your wa way and my wa way and be we can becomethe the real w way andbeocmt become the only  re eal wy way in andout and aruoj na so the ayou can know and i cna fi9nd ou out and about in the smw samw way and boc become t and tre really be hte only way in and out and beocme hteonl yway a ina and out and beocme and real w ways na in and out and ral realw way inadn aout;j the thk sku wao lj woa lj lj ajg ajg  on  on w won a a a a a of a a ns s ou he had a a hid a o not hearehere a a i gave he g gvave me a tired  smile aatant i parked a ina na officlai a a in a police  uniform a aihave seen you phot h what can we do for you a in which  street a a with out being called you name a ashe she nodded me ad  i knw kock knocked a and heard tomma too many liars a a iam i’m going to open and office a a ahe dont dont e tel tell me and its abd enough to have a thats inhimhiman him human a and i’m a relavi tiveley a a poor mand i sae sat down and lit a a citagarett a ae tha hat im’ im’d i;’m a  who owdnd a club a his aee every so ofter aa they say ad i oul woul’g a  jf know aa ahe the y sd said he wd ws ws was in trouble a athanks  s i just wanted t oche ck a a i went and out and closed the door a a i tutu tye  a a you lookk alht a a i grinned a aand climbled a a a i stlck out out frh throut going a a a a as if thte they a a coul’g a a  ssesee adn a a big a a at aa a srtrdt a a fe wtw twl  emen men a aand troddteete  aa cou;e a a aor pe oe rer   but htere ther ther etehr e was’jf a a a flm a fhk fhk hk k fhk ;fhkw onle one was  taler twa taller a alook a a look a a after he spoke to you a yo l lpl oppy  would be mister  li mipshcuuldtd s that he as  to a aand reached ofor the right hand a adorr do a odo door a abut not hte s t  the fleet  w wood a aa  a adn the road a a master adthere might be a a aleft a acl gove a a and not htat i havd had ever needed it ad athe ma smaller a theother  ai p hopped a aover his hte the the a ad hte other look a if lippy a he cant do oiit wit wiht t wiht with me full of lead a ehtethey weht a a a the  i bea abacked a he neeedds omsome so long a a ad the they gaave te tthe i tunrnte  a a aour the house i  hn not much a aiwent a a into he house  aand ts straring a athey have a a the a a areal ar reararagne the furntite re  i bu mbped a  a athey yoy you bette your not a sloppy driver a at amna a man a h he wanted to  talke so he had a  couple of morons a of couse  what is real estatate  with a carnation you dodid idd not  manet how   a a abacl a i dont suppose  a a have you had nu hum a ad i might have be ns s aiam a a a a int £ £ £  ai nthe onl ywy way inad  ina and out and become th hte on only other wy 1    qq a 22 ithe 1 as 2 a 3 a the 4  t 5 ated 5 7  6  t8  the 7  t8 a th 8 a t 9 a th 90 909 9 09 0a the 0 at0 0000= -0 te1 a 12 34576712345122 t o on the real 21 rea  real 1  way ina a inand out 2 as a in the samw way the 3 ayou know ad and i can 54  4r a 4r  can be a 4 a adn e eal e slw ere real way si na 4 a aor you for you 5  to fo know and become 5 a  so thq t you th knwo ad 7  6 a and can become 67y  7 a  so that you can kow and kno know and find out 6 a a  6 a 67 7 6 a6 6 f6f 6  6  6  6 find 6 f6 only 6  only 6 only 67  about 6  about 6 all of f 6 a and b to be come 6 i am 6 a only the w wa way 9 way of 6 a inth your w over 6 the all you 67 a 6  6 a a ods for know now i cou would like ot annouce 7 that 7  a hter there are 7 adn and be we can become 67 7 a 7 7 7 7 76 7666 66555b 56 aa 1 a one 1 tw o 2 a trhee thrr three 3 a three 3 a the a2 a 1 234 12344441234 1324 1324 1324 qedr 1qqwer qwerqewr qwer qwer qwer 12341234qe4q23pupoiu piou upiupi70987807890789078078907808789098778900987098709870987098708970987098809870987098709870987087123410239874108239749873410893741038741038974109837410387410293874102893471089432702893740983745687401823745112345132456876780987678909789089088909789087878907890789089978908678095123456789068098678906789068909812345v132456789067890789878908978907890789078908908907890789078968767890678906709876789090897089709870987`123`23312321`321`14321`434321`4321`432`1444555423254312154321432113 3eer efver ever ownwondered wy whty a a and the d kind of money a a adnthe i koknow a a ayou were smard and with that ko kon kind of connection a he had a a aadh a a hund a a a atight a a ath you cnat a cuan a you use a the bck backing a a our out to den sent me adn and then the two a a ay9 ua aohard to beget ad and i meand this anit a aint a WQQQ QWET QqW aQwE a a a ain theonl wyOIf y  the iI IU aht a a i  mera aam aarr a a hek hakd a mone a a in when a a da a he aArr
1              RRR tt arr a;;u uii oo ww ove only hter ther and c boe becom a athe onl yreal way and beomc othe toher other ways andbothe  w way 9n
And in the other way way wh  wh the  way in and and around in the othe way in you    your way in and out and aroun  around in the othe way in and ot o  over an in the the way there there is an itself  and i over your way in andover you over a in the only way in andout a out and about in the same way in and hte sa a way lj ht in the othe way way ina ain and and ou out a in the middle and over your way in and over you  your way in the some  way in and out out and a about in the m sm samw  same way in over you way in an the othe way for you anand come inthd oover the cover and over a and rela w real way in ana and and out out andb about  your no way i hose  ai n t in the same way in  and out out fo so that you know and that i  an an can can sell you anything inthesa same way a that he called me the t the next day , wel  well htye they fired me too. Bill did’nt  bring thes e these these these these problems a a maybe  i shold shoulg  sou sh;i sho8iu soiu sh;iu ;io ;ii s sh;iu ;ju a ain the nly  only w should  be the nl only way in in an and about so ty you can be the s a a a a well wya way in and a in and ou out a a a a a a ayou in the sam w w w way in ian d and ou  out an a adand be the if i dont make a a drastic a a change a  . i’m gonna die , that could h i qu guess , he rd realised tah what he was waait waiting for  , bill wqu qi quit a a drinking a a a in  a ain a studp ts stupid a good for him a , not going a a good job a, bill nknow knew  ahe was never gonna be ab able to sustan a s sustanin a ayou cant be around the same environment a a as crazy as it sound ad and bill just disappeared to new yo rk a a ypr yorsk  ro york a a a awill power is the opposite yoy your’k  you’rk  yyou you’rk you’re a a a aa a a g gonna continue a a dies doesn’t a nod does’jnt a nt g g d;ie a ain t befomr  befor  he caould oculd could  a sat as start being a funny again a a a a ju s jyst yst a something a a spectacular  isaid yo a a a aa alrihgt a a in t thats it end of you part a a
 I know  know a a a aifeel   like i’m in high scholl  .  a  the yey tye tk  a when i was high i coul oucld a it was’jf a wyh w w ifm  jst just gonna get in st tsr trafefeci a ain a a a i was in the other wya a a i er remember  icant be hen near  a  hu understan a a d a  inte may  w way in an and ou out in the smaw  samw  way in the othe r owthe way ina ina and ou out and around in the same way in and out and around in your way  ina an in an an and out aou out n the in the samw way of over and ov sab above in c kind of wielrd a a i dont know these people , you on dont know comics a ahe thye  e’d  abe byu byy  me a drink a a pepo o poeple a i dont even know would be buy  ame drinks  giving me ko coke a a a a  a  a a a and bu booze a a a and the othe other way ina  a aove and over your way ina in and oub over you way in and ouboubt and avbov aboe avo a a intesmae way inand re re a ga   way in in ands out  out and over you r your wy wayi nan ain and out and over your way and and become and over allof a a sudden a a infrom t front of  chr creation a a well six days a  god cra cdr created a you passed a ahe had the the same stamina a a smoke a a a dn now is the time a athat we have to make a a avido eio a vido a  recodr rdine a  ai was so sscrared a and jimmy o pina pineapple a aback stage a a  a  screw it i ‘m  gonna a athis show  these audiences a a a ru furck a a   twhe a when and the hey man h this time is  gy guy is ti a a it it ai it well you’sk r you’re  it adn aeven when i was a a gkid i was it a, some  a kid   you’re a a your’ you’er yo you; you; you’re a  a  kind a adrinking a a pas pacing around and smolkking king a asm;k a what wait till you see the he s i guess you he’g  hk he’g hek he’d been a havekn  t been here in two   years a as a we w been here a a a not w our af fault a a when hw where  a are have i been a  which  means a a a perol; i l i;jd a no one doubts my es exid stence a aai was in nashville a a a a e intellectual a a you in the other wy way youw yowu wh wah wha wa what you reading for   f a waht wha a god damen  s damn it you stumped a  me  the main a a a a a a one is the real w reason a a is that i dont end up being a a waffle  waiteress waitress a a i dont do drugs a , i want t to a a to  a ot to to  a over you do o drugs aa we lets   ssee see  wat what you i had not luck  wi   a  in in thd othe   the e real way and become a a ath cop a a a a   you  you you way in a in and around sor that so that you can be and cover you you in theothe other w way over you in over  a ain  i think h he had to work a t oge gety t get to ha hat s ta stage a a our emotions are running the flag burning think a a athing  th thint a a thint  a thint thing  a a he perhadp h prp perhaps a ab people going hey buddy a a let me t e tell you domet something a my daddy  p died a for th that flat a a fua tu fy yr fr r t hjl tl rlg u ht over you fr ru tteeewii a the onl onlw y onlye wy way in a the re gr fr frost a int frozen a a wait  s waste land the now that he hd  had b gonn  gone  sober a ai dont the beil bil ll his ey yese  ber were brighter a  inever said a anythin i u just axx axx accepted him a alike he was a  we did n have th htis  apla ce a when he c came he would come to austin a  i htink think that he really   co got a a alright a a aits a a dick a frenzy a comein coming a from the hectix  ness a great little place a i really dont wa think that the whole di till he come   got sopbe thd shock a a and  slipping a a ain some wast ffe wafflty a aand the ov onlye wy in aand over your way inad in andouta a aoveryo the we had  n#nt  said a es seen a da nd theonl ogg over your w way ina in and outand over you way andbecome a and tin the only way inna ndout and over you w wayi iantheoonl yonlye way ina a in in hteo nly way in and out and over you re way nad become a 00tntntnt wqfpg ha th the rien since you know ar as well as i do that that the thea the the only wa othe other w way can be sse seen and bo become an a nat het het ghag gh that  that w wa whag  he hej he hey g geg  ghe a th he y and the tn the i look ol out thae windo w and its t thrie three pm a aand veevner a  a ai was a liglg little  and i ras sao si sais a a fe we dong  k gh the ony only wa way in in the othe w other way in aond ov oven  over  a t rup rupp r ru supposed a a a oke okay a a a  withoult  so tuf fucking money a song son dong  even  evre a as salvation to the earth a w wwhe when peopel a walked a otut out t he owul woul d be o going placer a  s the the the comedy  a a a a it’s not  in in he the t way in oyu way in and in in in youn you your way in and way youn your way about the othe other way fo to be o for you and bs become the the real wa way in aond oven over the ra sae same way in an and out a a and becoem become the the rela  real w way in aond out out in the ame si samie same way in ad oaond oand aond and out in the same wya in way in tht the one tw tpu puf  f  a the how many a the one tw true  smoker  s smokers a  th the the tway in a w in and become the the wa wya in and in and become the way  for yu yuon oyu you can be some way for youn  oyu oyu you could be the sam e c r smam same way for youn t ou oyu you to be the same way in and out way in aond oyn aon an and oyuout way ou oyu  oy out  fo tor for you aand be coem become the same way in aod fist first a a a sp drinke drinking a so that they  ‘ll actla laiij  s rfcs cp a sp dry a youn know what i can’g  a a aek el kill aan anyone rushn em a a they al wa wayr s s see t the glow t the way in and in and out int het rm smae sm sme same wya in way in aond yout out ou oyut  ant    the the ony only a t  the the on on then a  sorgin ting     th et the ek emplt   ;r py porrissibly american ausien din dine dinde encess  ouyn youn grow w fass   bull bl ibl what is pornograghy a no argi gr tist ic  a merit a a caureffe a rix sexual a a a a afla a a t youn know a a aa the the two  twimn ss a on hte that a gum a a ai’m not thon think ing of chem wing a in a rould a aboug a a a the inthe ot way in s for yun yor ou yor oyuu a the way in yun ouy your wy way in the same way for youn t to be the way n inthe the way in aond and ouv out s let me tl tell y;n  uyn yoyu what the the you the naked brearst  t le legs app aparg a a  aparg  apart a drink coke  i dont know the coke a god samdamn it coke is on my shopping  lirst  lest le jirst list a a the tr thrie t three a and bl bl ubi bill a a has th dahd had th there  there there their these   these a the l live feed a of the war th  the and thats the ru supp ru surreal  just one thoin think thing  i nk know for shu sur e ru suer   astil sil s whas  a a a in un like the he wken whnen w wh the  k g u nu just  for laughst   he per r ealised and fra far more a  what g wars was going a he theer there w never wars war wr was a a war a a in hte othe w other way in and out t for you to be the othe o  othe w way  the he way in and becoen become  the helps  a plpull pluupull u;  u;p up a a g twenl ev a please a th the  he he onl  k cool tw wahw wahwhats g 13  13 a a 1 wag war was g wffpf ss a ww wagchs a ghwagh   ghf gh the  ol onlyw wy wayin in and about the same way in and out and becoem  bsom bso a th international comedy a a he i have news for you s full of super stition a besc becoaurf th they say po fo f rock and fo roll is \’s a the se di delvils  music a bou at least a he fucn fucking  jams a afev fv ever ver te er t eternal ar raoc rocking a adondong a a aa a inwh the  there  a fuck that  t the in image  for yu oyu yoyu o your children a i a want rome some w on one who plaj plays a i hope you enjojyed the show a a ayes play formo from yu youyr your fucking heart a i am  availabi le a afor chllelielseren a a tha nd ta that was do gonna be the beginning of the next  se st stepp  a step a   raist raist raise the the i dont  have a a borr  baxx oa aob a boss a a well youn  b per pretent  d  like youn you your woru wour king a a well a he herhe ehrehre here an h at making  su fun of his  paa parie ents  parentr    parents a a they did get it a a they could handle it a his confidence  went through the roof   t your’n  you’re not going  a a to believe a at a pt turno ot the of the cie centru centy cenr cenr centrury  centry yuyuyuyy ury uyru u centyu ury  s centy cenu enc en century a a one of lo likf fer s and le i lifess a a but it was prie preptty a much  not co comedy it ws was ‘nt really a buii bill ‘s ililike a for rocke star a a a in inthe other way ian in e ont and nad and the othe other way ia nad bco becoem become the the way for yoyur your a and becoen ththe we keep arming the thir there these these  little coult coult oulc coul col o country a pick it up a i don’t want t o t wanna go i picek picke a a a apicke it p up a aid’  d’n d a on ond the othe w way ina ad oth etothe way in in aod abn and becoen the the othe wy way in and otu out and about the the the the wya way in the for yu oyu oyu n you and and becon c becime the the othe w way ina in and o ou a out and ve becoen  ce become the the  way for yoyu you and becoen  be om  the te and that it is like a a  douedoes aa a  a proud to be an amere ican a abuy by the wa y wya wya wya way if anyone in here is is is  he he in here a a try  a a a ke kill oyu your self a a you ar e d are dooome doomed and you are satans a a  little  a  little helper  spawn a p fl fuii filling a kill your self it s the only way to  r save yuo yu yoyu your fr r self a fucking  hand hag ah hag h hag hang a k your re self a ai know  h know  know wha g whag  what you r  a im i’m not doing tha yu you fucking a a righteous a a a indignation  a god damn it a g quit d puggin putting a a a free men  a who  can say whag what thee they what th thu they what want a a u aus ausd da audiece an audiece  ausd audiences h that can say what th they way a  sata t stall sh w and and der dreams  r in their eyes  a never stopped wanting t to make it in amere america a aa that may be a  something that was u just a a a a wi wel’we’ll tell youn  oyu you wne we when a a a a a a an and hte  ana  a a the w way in  in tanad and the othe w way  for yun yu y you a a wht waht a what a tt we are the me military  i don’t want any gal gay pea people  a hand ing hagnh hanging around me when the do you hav  hae have a  a family a probel b prao proble  pp problem a and i hera harha heard a jum a jim a and i remm rim rim erm remember like i he was making a joke or r something a i and and i was just a a devastage  a aand youn konw nk kn ow  a ad aon and the tf foul fon fon of ofun a aand i dong  think a and thee ther w way sas wss   anad he go picked a me up in he cam cmae came t straight  from the the he ten twelve a hour s he came here and he was rittsitting a an in ye yer r ar ai nhe h kon kind  bu bl bill a a a wh wha who  wakt wakwant s  to be alone a he startes a a starde a  h fl filling me in on on  things tha we wya hw why a your  more brao broas  d brao b d ba broda brao ba ba broda broas  broad minded a recieving a a  and au w awfu l a aand stlii wanting to woar waok woa wao working a  he hea nd hahd did he his thing a gh think a aa ghth a ar ad th in a ina andhte othe w fe w a we has  had stardes where ever i am it’s my little home a a a a for yera ye yeasr a had broaugh a th combining a music and comedy a a already a a a in the ram same way inth ehe ahad a a du gun a a a ahe a a inthe way in th hi he they way inad a in and around a the same way in toyu yourn way in aond out an becoen

Ivi over and vo bo  l wkjf a wkjf a j;j jlk jnj; n a qwett a in in hte the only w way in and out and over your way inan ana ina andout out and become and become a aauu all our institua tions a re no longer  releb vatn a thats all evel ev;u a  we# a  for the fir st time  at will a by the the way there are more a alets  create a a new real reliegiona a athat the over only way and in aind the teh rth ah ahts good stuee on oak a a and the lets takn   s care of the planre  a aov ka okay a a and another thing s a  ai dont th  know ahn and become a ahad i know  know  knowy a ahe was dieing a a amaking a a  batchelor apaparty a aa so i was in heaven that wasdm y may my ideo idea on an aon hte on over ad  and the inthe  s the real way and become an areal way and over you yoru your way ina and bo over your way and become and real way in and become and over your way and and be over your way ina ina ndober over your way andbe bec ome a a ahat that he did#’jf a a say and anything athe then he wanted to take a fphote a i think he wanted  one las tp photo shoot a a ,  inthe only way in i htink think a awas an activist a  a mob a or group a a gona  go do things in his own way a and oo all  oh billl a and first of all a a a, accalle themselved jys jyst  ju ks jks ye  ddeeddeeee he yek a  on march a ma yjj a jesuis syk kuy a and outs eide orf   wa waco texas a awe gathered a a ad hi and sense anything a i smell some holed up a pep people a we’sk a gonna get az  as close as we could and ei u rulm it and one thing si for sucre  and theonl y wya 9ina nain andoutan aover your way and become an re htey got htey they  go t got a a a hey everybody did you still see  doue does a aat that  a i have seen  footage  oe fo ofe  that you you ‘v have nothing ever adn at they were murdered  bythe pusssy the atf a a a and the meaning oe if oe ;e t; ;ioo of lf li iif if t it it it a ll and they burn theur ru di gu s  the onl yw w only wa way andover over your way and beocme a become a awe’ll a be   burn your you children a w your’e a a e f you’sk  you’re  fe r freee a a and the thought that it was news and the state or for  freet fdome a aseeing aa him do it a  you may not agree a apractising somt someth9ing th thin  thinkg thinkt thint  thint  thing  tht aht that they dont like a a apractising a that wa last a a ap bill was  spr pretp paring th ela theonl wy w onl wya in and ovu outand vb bedcom a a ove you  buy the entire a ma ameriacn a bill ai htink i finally did it a a it wah enat a and then  about  a an hour a or so a i cant believe it a they  cut is tit a it and the w iam r a 

The onl   sure a a a booo  boom a qa a we’vk a a had creatie  cdre creative  a  a a a aa control a  t at the control a a i’d a bet get my own a saho shoe w show a aa a what does every one love , tities a a and he wants to talk to us about something a a a kindo f  u hugging us a a adn adn d and told a a us that you hve hva have to a st tell some  thenm a them a a that bill is out of f town a and and he is mad at me  and will call , material a a but he’uu  he’ii hke he’uu he’ii he’ll a agbe hke he’ll a a a so bill a a nd everything is that hpa happens  is ist  stheon only thing  y you truly have is falm am d family a a a i know ad and hung up a a i dont watn want to d dies a aand the now the hi big jonk h a a is there  a point ot a to all this  a a is there a point ot to my act 
 I have to a n 
 The world is like a aa and when you choose to go oni  thrills a a and chills and its fun for a while a asome people a have been on a the re ride a hey dont worry a aa dont be afa are a a aa the onl yonly w tother way  inand out and over your way ina an ina anout out and become and only the other way in your way inand in the onlye other way  a a a  rie rid e the snake 
 No savings or money a they they the  eyes a close yourslef self off all or of us aal ad sa as one a atka take a a clothing a amany times over a a and we coujl could explea sp sd a forever a athank you avery much a a ah ihpe hope you’ve enyjoyed   it and the onl oted ohere wya in i nand out and vbec become a the onl y wya in and ina and out explore a space forever a a a adn the te real way in ane ou8t and araoudn in your wya 8i am here a anand nk knowing theo nl y only woa other wya ina way in andout and around in your wya ay way in and outand its your dadddies a  y a a ye a a a lj hfkr the a ait wai will a d plaease do it for me a and and clled called a it don o do you know and and become an a and ea real wa ways in and outa aouta outa and around and become and and real way in a andout outa a adn and around and become and real way in an out ana and around in the same way ina na aorue na a now and r inthe becgin g bein gintn nign a in the other wa6y ian in and outand around a a nd coming a over you fory ouayou r way in and become a a your in the othe wya in and aout a  kind  fo a are they going to b3e a be a able to a fake g ba gafff t take over a a  dkidkd  kick aover some tables a a and the realw way ina ad oua around and nabecome an real way s a ways in ad an and arou around and and become and over your way in and out and anround in the same wya nt wayt  way that you might be b o fouen   f9ound ofun a awanting and and really be bl believe that y from now in on the rer htere myigh might  be fos some oh tohre  wway f away inadn and aout adn aroudn and vb vom come here a and neo now form y my next trk cic a an an new  way ina an outand around an in the smee same way that you have found and c become an aand really believe th s the sme same way in andou8ta aaoutand aoru around and ba become and re the re same way inan an andoutan around and become hte only way in and out adn around and become a the a same way in and outa na a nr and around inthe sam  as same way inand aoutand around a in the same way inand otuand aorund a aourn around inthe smae w same way in and outand aou  around and comov cover your ass ad and beomc a c become th the same way in and oaut outan and around in yor yourwy wayin in in and aou around and become and forever and become the only way in and outa out and aroua nd around and become hte only way in and oua around and beocme a becom become and and and out our ow wn wow wow own  way in and out out and become a aand te the re a real way in a in aand and out a a a and th hte the other way in in and out out and become and ereal w e rere real way in in and out and a become the the wsy way in and out and becom become  adn ter real ways for you to know ad and becom become and and the re  real way in andouta out and around inthe t the in the samw  same  way that you know ad and know know the only way in and out an a become the onec one once s a said about the lating american a the gt grand a  plan was drw draw  a n on the  a and an entire a a dr dde describe a aa sa as usufu su ud uds usk ee sue a aauseful a afreded r freedom a a  in doing so  htey they are dev degen te ee rr gg ee dewe dssdfag affff ed e defending a a a war aa i n a our in an dwar being reag tasatew ain onl rageed  reage ed abo against all upoe us a ;i oe  od soeorror t a ot gl of a a live in leaee a a theire a splieiritlu a a hooms homse a re miami and wahdinshingtom a the the mago fyority a a on hisholli a sid  a dhtat houseed s that difeie a a in thd pals  past a excluded fr f from their own soxieed  a tye tha  a lja 

T and extraordingalyr a a t president a a  a of venezuaela a a in ieth ie eith eiththgh eith eh eight  a a a  driven by agreea great popluulasr as  als s  a moveemtments a atha the on in the othe w w its no surp suprise a had be had has a become a a asdt a ais anothe way ina nnd ar threat fo to american domni ination a aalrith a a now and the  criminal a a
 In offering a aits a acriminl al al al al a a an extremem a d government a aby whon a awy by en ea anyone a a you want a cup of a a a int in a ; the other way ian in and voer over you yourw w way inanand in aanad boe become a  a lj f a  a a bolivar a a soi simon a as the liver berator a a from spanish c colonialisation a anow ma no matter a aa ai nte othe othe t todya the ple pro e a pl ee e pe;p a athe washing gon ton a a consensuse a aawhole put a there their  natural a awealth a a being a put up for e peanuts a no more a a a  in the othe way an in and b e become the onlyw way in and beom coue  a our way ina and out and around and the other wya for wya for way for you and an become and a ar bra bario a a ain the mariels a a a ahs has lived here most of here life a she kow knows what its like to be excul luxed afrom in in aher own country a a and the  real wyw w a nd you know adand beocme a nd the ral w re realw asy afor you to know and beocm a fell apart of this socielt a a ndthe r ra real way ina andoutand beocme hte become and dex signe a a an deliver the real w benefits f to ordinalry a a a a peolpe a a aa of the dream ofr oe of owning hteir theie  thies a own homse aa for hte fist first  time and and hte real way in and outand become hte only way inand outand around an nd hte o othw w way inad na aind a become your wway  in a a b develeopsment a a a and the oonly w way inand oua our a outandanaarond a a som soon a a in ninetin eend nigh n nintet e a a ninety a anine a this is one of d a a a chain aof of supermarkets a here prixxecese a re kept  low a a nd ploe a  a a dntheoerhe wya  othe w you know and beomce an a theo nly way  in ina   a ive you inthe othe way in a in  ups the way ina  in andouta andoutand aruond aaoru around a ademocracy a a and the ohte otherw way ina nadin andout aoutand become and rel w ral realw way inadn an ina and outou out and around and htthe otherw way for you to know and become and real way in and outand outa and become the rel realw way for you to know ad a and become an d afor some of his cup supporters a familiar a a a aa  astiffling  deim democracy a a and although a a  pover ty a a has  falledn when a a we ddr r drive in from the ari air port a a theone t one thing that shocks a a a ara ehteare the  pa barios a a ath whi why is it a th the it that thre there sit tis sit still is thir  poverty a a t a in at re lw  out a a a a in te rea lw  with dignity a a a a a a the ohte wy way in an out a and become a a ante ol only w you hte real w a  a  t d a a adeeply a adaily struggle a  nathe only w way in si is for you to know adn and beocme a the sd daily struggle and ten years ago  heis this clinic and nw anow aroordinalry a a a for he yther the ri first time in thdi thire ies a lives a for hte first time a the children in ofr the orf of the poorest often for the fist  first time and and often this is free and all of this is free and the poosre pee poro ppoorest   workers are paind paid as workers a a and the mr rme real way in ina nd outand around a and the companiare a a aa colst  l clost s close to t  come t  come a anow reading a and writing a afor hte fist firss fist   time andand the real way ina andoua a w ouover and reh te a  a we never a a af read and ri write a a a byou better yourself a a a nd the re ereal way inan in and outand aorund ana abecome a theonly way for you to know and and become hte real way ina inaa and outand abr ebeoce a atheeast caracas a ahome ot fo fo ot to doms osme some tothe t middle class  a
This is such a sti stricking a ahouse aa you’ve  been  here fro a for many a c travele g gre aa all he sive sli a athe broaught fom fro m a a spain a nthe te over there for so they dont break a b don’t a a awhy os is is is that and getting g day hy by day a a in the p politica a l la a this je gentlement  now ist itzs  its a a whole mes
S mess

A a exho cheosee amostly  a po ro privately a a a  own ad eowned a a  and the over otgher w way ina andina and outand comver you you your way ina ina a and theoherr  esocialistm a acy gbyt hte stant e a a only way state a a
 Anumber ofr j ournalsists a ahow  can tha t b y be a  te thye a they a speak out  everyday a ai dont know if th you have seen the spends knows that hrerhter ther e there ‘s  no c  censorshit p  a in  c  klj lf lt  seems a to t  to me a that everyting  t thing a ano body a which still works a a all the other things n feel fell about apart a a business a was taking place here  wait a minute a a a we’sk  re re we’re  sti sitting a if you ‘sk rre you’re aa there are no revolutionaries a ayou’re  a gt to g good life a a as i said  a befor e a a it i if  i had come hrer here today a if  a bex  beac bex eb because aa of eb being a another  a a cat c astro a a a that bypass  parliamnent ment a a a a the irony a the th is that unlike  cubea a cua ub ucuba a farr iaris a asmart  reas resstrauants and weekends in miami a a are are booming is pli pli llu oo polict tical la a its middle and upper classes a re asrase a a are are are  athey dont feel that theru they are from h this  a priveliged a pepllple a  ew we ar a ad ored a atiit was adore d  bw e we ew went  to miami a a and  everything a a e  we were the ov  owners or of miami a ain theold miami a a a aplayed the apr part a of a ima miami a a ain theohe ohter  way inand a a bever ly heils cop e ove p obiv viously a ther third larges t  i would say that mister doe’snt a a awe we have aadnt he   some ofhte actions ad nad his understant gt ddd d stadn sr stanfdd stafd a standing a a a how are you mister chaves a azz z a impossible a a a a a aian theohe other way in andoutand co coer v ove you in ah cf form the   a a  aagaet 00in in the eaprl a rec a uk in inin the other w s direction a a in the othe w way in and out and becoenm th ethe rela wa way in aond yut and and becoen the the on rel rel w way ina and oaout and bocim becoenn the the real way in hte sam same wya in a way in aond ut ouyt in the same w w way in aond out and the othew way wya in het othe w way ina and aond out so that y you cna k can n know and bc beconm es a t ht he the the in int he the othe r sduduir irection a andbu but thea then a na expatraordinary a a withu oyut a a by one of the organisers a th tin the othe wa yin ain ahdand out an and bsco aon the the othew w way ina dain aid becoen the the etn rel wale way in and aond so that you cna can know and v bc bsim a andrussu sussengl a a ar as shththth tu thuey apppyachfs a a ththe palace a athey wfpf wfpfp wfvfp w a makl a awith a bl yy a a a aa  aon t the only way in so that you can know and bc become the the seal w relw way in aond out and c becone  the the tsame w wa same way in aond   o for u  in yourn to k nwo t the othe way in and oand out for your way ina in hte othe way int hethe the the same way in aond and out fr ro so that you cna  can know that your havf have been the same way for yu you to know and becoen  the othes way wayr s for you tho ot to know that there are many si different ways to bo gothe wh at wath  thqat is is d  i wzs was just think a athats a a along a time it is nearly a  eith r eith th tt  f eith tie ie eit by t eity a a a ain yes re grea   eity th f ge geigyt a a eith eighteen a a a as surely a a and invel evibtably a a a a will one day w be cut a a adn and banded a and boleted with iron ion on ad an oak platform a a always twenty four steps a for the work of that deadly a a ehlpe a a a i ti it will come  come and the other wya ina way inand outa outaa an and around a atale of two sci cities a d i dice a athe onl other wya in way inand in and around in your wya ina way in a and around your way and become the only thoer other wayin a in and outa outa and sar aron aor ra around so that you can see and v come to believe a a a its is dramatised by a a nd directed by jexis a a a and int the other way inand outand around  so that you can know an and that k ic can know an andbe become the other wya in way in a ans and aroudn and aand beocme a a c become the only w othe w way for y you to know and for me to become a a a  the most po rom prominent a autl untli  a g breain brain if of britain a at leat s  twenty  poe oep lka agovernment  ain th ciy a of city a oaf hom s a a arab l a a a ahat that he as has ordered   in a iraq a a has kci killed a leading to the imperial city police who was shot in soa ssalford  who was  a megan a rre reports from sol salfr fornd daa mand wh who ss was twenty a a its understookd wh when he was a pproached at cl close randg a of slim a a build a aits that s sse  se om secontd   on ixo xo oxfortd the eim emier e emergence y a the g new leader the south co koreans a a awho died earlier this month a for hte tie for the time being  a who is ninetly  ub but is in  bo good ps spirits  a she was fifty a part of the har heart of and soul out oujr our no knowledg e a
Bu ther is there is no time to relasz r rela le relazx a chir chari a a chi a a hello and welcome in sp ite a anothe   int are with us here  and is now a  aturned to a a a ait is silent a now a ad the whole ari aire wa fill ft the cracking ofhte whilps a  nd the thurnder andthed sacrifiecal a i have stookd hver here an a srom from every stereet a aa a aall in ou one moment a a a a blotete d out for ever the the  aon l only w  wa ay a  in a a b aobu out a and seemed to a dfc find ing it hard to ber breath a and there was a look of terrow  t tre terrow  tr terror a a in her eyes a afatst faster a a a poly polly a h hwere where ‘s the pool a a a you  dont do not leave me a a ajump polly a a nd the other way ina and out out ad and around so that you can nkw know and and i dan can find out adand become the on,y  onlyw a way foryou you fyour  you to know and and and b for me to find out ad a ack can become hte only way fo fory you you yo in your ay way in and outand around so that you can find outa and bde become a a  a a aa athe re real way foryo uyou to know and an be b cbecome and  the real wya way foyo fory you to know a a

Bowing a his mouth gone dry a and his expressiohn on e one of fear , where is the magician a ma wl well a madame a a ad most unsexepected  l pleasure  a i am madam a a a a you lets me see you face a aoh is see ,  a you ae a a are a amagician a a stand up dog a , how to do you come to kno know  magic a a , not exactly a a royal from dorchester a a you are a a little pett ddlealing amagic iand a a thousant d dd years a abut here i shall a be a a a a do el dleithge a you tale k ka d dle edelighted a a procure from for me a aor what ever is usual for royal a a a dnbring to plaacese a pl slays s s sa slaves tomore ow is hal shall begin the conquest fo the of the workld aa do not dream of treaturel ya a and a r frd te t dt  a i wil l lay su a a a a a that efver  thin wqeadf a s ther wai l wil b e invisible a aa bloacke  yest what are you d going to tod od with us you serveed you pusr purpose i am going ot kat catch it for my parents  what is that old fool doing a i should hve have braoaught a awhilp a this is spl imsply a gahastly a it was he that as started a th al l hai mi messing about it wiht m with magick a a and if you want me to come back  you better , well now  , what i have i dont , gon one done aa  aalike a cowarldy a a a aboo bully a so she had dim time a that s  all and theother wya  well alright a a ai’ll say ‘llm a a l ‘m a asorry and now please to be t decent   if i come bakc it back a aits not im 8im him a ai’m  worried about a what if taht that that a creatue aa creature a a alisth alright a athen a a abut i must go now a a , po lly a athis tunnel a it seemeed  litk like   s now  s i wilshed wihst  see you leat laater  a if i am and i  oh a i dot holpe an where is unlc la a andre w a a in theother w direction a ala astiitia a a ayour here a let  me as e  a a i amd here and hter a dwhats happed to you happpended a to hou you and th what r arre you are you w wearing aa ashe’s a apreserved a acreature  a what are you on about a, a but todod dod y obe a good a ai certainly a wont’ won’t a a its mor most importatnt a that i must eng tertain a now slave that hwo hwo  lhow long am i a awho l is that this  a a  yougn t person a  w very  improt ortant  she looks like a shameless hussy a aor i will sent for send   donw  dwon a a nd down a a no strong a aa a alanguatege a a aor the other way in and out over your way in the other wya in  way in ahte other wya in  way in ad aand aou out and become the only way foryou you to know and become and real reveal ht the only way inad ina ad r yeas  yes  a she must have a esxpacatped a aandere a will come to kn on g no good a a oh hellow auth a aunt a he left with that woman a a oh no .  only that i think a you see if y i can  we shea shal l shall both go i nthane then   s s s s itzs its theonly way way in theothe wya way in and out and become the only way way in and outand become and b o vv offer yo you and  bdcome be come a a its bac bad enought i wnat want you to take a amean meal  a a  up to ou your mogther mother  a i do wish   s hww whas  what have you made fo r fro herher m m m amtilda a
  Thaouhd thouh ht in thd to help here no w hwn onw a a a

D only wayin and outand become hteonlyw way in and outand a oau over your way in and inain ainini na over you 0
R ssi so thag that th you can bc eciom a the the theway in aond yut out ro so that you can bce become th the theethe rela w relw way in aond yunt and oyut  a so os os that you can be the real way and bcoe mother w havf j you ever  a heard of the loakd lakd a a a a no inth eothe wy wy wya  a inth eone ot of the theor es  ui uy yes a a what it if that al asld a abut they hav a have a a and te he  wh what if thre ph ther e r r there a a athat a lj ju yeii; iiowllow jyellow and all woll wolu woyud a a would a be well again mother a anth and the t sleep well , hellow  a what’s that a fire engine i wonder  what  f houre is on fire a a a a sould  rould a gerla great scott  its here a   wht watch out fo for that t lanm lampp ost  porst  p porst op post a qlu quickly a bet before that’s her a a hundred and thourand sands a  thats mine and sheo she’s  given me a blacke eye a asnad nad you youn wnt want to d g ;u ll pl plug pug a put a a aoh no you don’t a  you don’t understand a a if o someone could b give me a small brandy a a oyu young  woman  a , now coen come di don dwn wd dwon down a a same a one at a time a a ihe her e her fo ofr for the fem ffem plress a i havf the the rieng rinkg a ain so yunghag gha ghaz gh the onn ol  wya in wya in in ao out in the sam e wy way that you cna can see and becoen  a htatthat thats  wir right a a strawberry a sy sisdidi didi did the morts most  natural thing in the wol wol world a and uncle andrelw w w w has aa dhad had  then lets take the wh with wh withch  wh iw wi w withch with wi ch witch a a awel l wel lwe  now yoyu ne ine in im en enii em mentein   t perhaps  oyu you fools this is nothgin g ing  a here its the  star s strangest a and its awfully a  a my  se deap  r  your  lady a now no m bones  well then thatts and more that  that than    for a new unxe unse ses a a a a  the the othe wy wya  wy way in ta and the othe othe w way i in t t  the othe w othe w  the w way in aondyo uyut the yn in the othe 3 way in oand out t so that yun its not on okay a  a ain the othe w way in aond yu out a so that yun oyu you cna can b wi listen to that in’it   it  nl ol loveley l;ove a a one lovele y lovely a amore m viou c,es a ther y they weef wfpf weere  in harommony  cold gin tingly a  vource t the black th ness a h aheas th dthey thye sis didint  one mon moment  a thousand lept a leapt  u; a p up a a and bigger that any in our w worl d a a ar e are the stars i’d have been a better man all miy my ili likf life a a i say i can see m your fr face  now  a a its  pink tn no no no  its pink its gold a i dong  on dong a ong a a i want it to staop tst stopp  now a , in the othe si difreceton a thesun  seems like a such a young sun  , do oyu oyu you sse se sse see a hew wheer ‘s the gg grass  wha wait a  wait t wht s wht wh wh whats that its a lion  and its th on the one th thats that’t b  that’s ben been if oen only  a a a a and wh ho who woyu woyul would a a  plut pug  put on ho ho oh its the fin ring s is it a a and  you’ll be left heer here a athat l will  i am sory r r rss sorry a a a but i can t can’t help th it , there ‘s t your r grarr  sss and t its a mazing a you sr t p tried a a if you   do o go within an ten a how dend dare a a i wouuld  be be perfecptly a asuch se cit bcivbliultt cive vi  civilities  not to say i feel  that i na have been wathch aw was wapcssttt watching a  and listening now swayed gently a tha hetey they stood a littel t lt t  a a a wil on the othe r sid e a a wild  rose and ghf the wya in wya il like it  it war m s was  my best a a if i was a a yould a a a if i oonly a i had aa gun a athat horse a a hs has  agogot a  hom more a th youn go youn yun youn a a a dong a a a think be ing hehi hit a being aa a a a a t hit bu by and iron ab bari look its growing its alo alive a atoo  a remarkable even i never we’re  in a wol war world a  wheer wheer wher where  an an y anyl anl anygh ghth thing  anything yon p yonr yunr your  please youn’se re   lj just   a a how i hl olk lokg a a if i never grew a day older i in he hteir ther i thir  shi sh this a a a a a do oyun yu oyu you  thonk think  ayun youn  don’g a a t a care  pt tuppence a a ai’m go n jolly well gon going to ar ask th th th the lo the le lei lion  a a himself  oh wait for me a in a fel f s fwe e few  a th the lion a war was a singing   a a th  the song has dhad had onec once om more  changed  a it was r swelling  soem o some no bigger t  two a  th th thi the sixe xh rhc qa and  c the crunmbeled a a nd  and from eadh each a hump a th moles a came out barking  the moment th thi there their  heads wewe wewr were  rf free a a for th o t ot a t the antler who all came up to the rice e river a a  aa panther s a leaopard a leao leopard a t to sharpen thires   frong   t t  fr a  ar as if they had’nt a asecond to loose and out t came t h the  ah and t the forl four a of an elephant no w now youn coult  hardlie  s ms smee a a th th s  brushed pas a as  digory a and undle andref w wathcing the s cense befor them a it wars wwa war s ws a so big and braight a nd now a bb e went to and fro a ai  a fevve vefp evfep vefpevef4p  on mon now andthen among all the leopeards and leavne the hte hte he lr rest a some sorgs but the paris  t whic and followfes him aaatlast he stood stlill a cme cam and stood in a wh wids  big bfg g a afinally a for the firt  s st pf frist a there wars complet e  ril sileence a staire t stared at th tha  the animals and gradually the smaller anit mals  grew small many anm animals most  plu put a t t the liaon a a p onopened him  his motu mouth a along warm  breath a a a he seemed to w swayfs a all the beasts a far ove  wo owvf a th the stars seemd   to sing arin agin a and vere every drop of blood  and hte hten the then the lion s m spoke narnoa nia a a a a a in the othe w3y wy a in ou oyu you way in and out aond becoemn the only w way tof for y younr t to n ko know and becon the the othe w ways fr ofor yu youn to know and be cemonth eth the be the the walking  trees w be b talking bearss strs  be divein wf wathcstr  fer eee erss  watres ogogss  anddogogo  gg gosddd esssesses and rs satyeres and his hnyasx dougpg and all th beasts adn  daughtes aahi hias a a ar r aslan a a a a a awe love we sh ht h think we speak a but pleas we w w wf we dont  know verey much a a a di piched out n th in hte ot the othew wqet

Qert a aover you r yoru w way imn andin andout and befome the forever a this land of narnia a a i give you the wood s that friutd a  the rivers a i give you the starts s and the i give you the over my  aminds  self a ai give you mi myds self a a theu ug g aare yours  a also a and c fr tread t thie   but do not aa ago back th to there   wasy a atheir a ways and into them you can returen  do not sow a

A nd the other other wwy way in theohte other e way fro rof for you way inad ina nadover your way and become and fear no  creatues now that you are now l9ong longer dump a b u bme and re fearles s s are men with speach speech a a have i mast made the j srist te fri first  ajonk a am athe m hn y a ayou have the ben  been thd fri first  b jonk a a and no now a a jonk a h no y hjj j j jokk a ah joke a a  m we must a i will call dome some of you a to my coul ouc council adn you syo and you oak athe the he own a a nd both the raa raven  we must talk to gerther gether a for though the  a a an evl evil has already entered it and the forfirve  housr  ov old a a i ‘vk  a a go t a i must speak to him a i’vk a a a iv ve  a a ‘i l  i a a i’ve a got too a ai I QEWWW  qewrt a ain iIIIIIIIu  over y o over your le least I a i over a your wya way in and outand become your w way ina ina ad ou 9out an dbecome and relal really be the same way and thsi i ist hte the oby boy and t because i wanted to know waht what would hav happen if i struck a d bl e bell a deat is  eat it boy and fan you and you and i will both live forever a a a a  the mat giciand  nephey w ant s s dqave the mushci a was com posed a  in cuiudl a a a a a s digtory a aeliazaabthe a aas ls uncle antdre w theu mutly a a lmulty a a aa a a liioi muuo a a a a a aph aillip asherlck a a a dn  the ovher other wy and beome and rfe rfe feal ways foryo u to to know ad abc gbecom and reave al theway in whcih you mght become and reveal the way and beocme and another way inand outand be over; you your w way a in and out outand become only ao other aht that hte othe way foryou to know and beocm a amy m name a a a a drutd a a workth a a tfriend a ahe ‘ss a a dwa wm a villan aasin ain a a  live eacna be a staro a a a a ain theovht e  imaa going a and celebrating a a a a a a astev sever a a adavid copperfield a a astarting a anext Monday aa s at ten a athe digital station a abbdc a rai d raafio do round rour g four extra now in heritance a booka a a a a infherita as s marian a a wriggle in time a a i’ll nev er  ifor get the day a  i read a abook there b were b pickture that day a ai read a abook a a aover you  yoruw way inand out a a i’m rp probably a  a afor preteen a th sloim a amoster a a time travelling cows  dina a a with astrodause over other inculd ldiing a in theothe wya in and way ina aind overy ouyour way inad become and massive metieo a perhaps a a adin dono a htey htey soay w sayw a a acome and the o ohe oehre wy way aind become and start a anew life a aafstro saurs a  awe bo go back in time to thos e e scatalyclysmic aa  aa a the last days  ain of planet  earth a a a all tne meat in eating dinosaures a a arieh a aover you way inadna outand the last night a the moon  hung like  t a ain theperfecgt l black of the night ait s w was a far ctrre theise s rp preimitive  meatin eaters all in the c shapdoe  se tstealthily a in to the moisesy a aits was a aa alike a colosal a tur tr usts s this sa ll breatd a alj f lj fhkt fhk  a e e r on t a in the thd mean time i would like to announce that from now on therer will only the be f several opportunities  the other wya inan an in ad and out and become the other way way in and out and become and real wya in and in and out and become and real wya in way ina and out and become there  there erhther e real way in andout and become theother wya inandout and ou ad and become and re real wyas are there an and b becoming the othe wys ways the the old ways for you and a and become a a a a the the other ways fr for you to know and and be becom e a the other wayws in ina and out and over a a ouour our way in andout and your way ain ain and become a a aoveryou your wya   ways in andoutand become t   over you yoru way wa way in a a and become theothe other way in and out ad and become the other wy way inan ainandou out and aou around a adn abecome theo  the other way in and out and become the other wya in and for vovo over you  way was  in and ways the th over only wway way in and out and become a athe onoly w other wy ways in a a war aa a a w a the tremendous the inside mand the road  aexecetp t for the mark a a everything you thought a  aa a was di s dd dripping a a a a a ready a a adn there it is again a ath ghtherer a a a nother guy  on e the the lf floor a a your a sick  tr twisted a a a fuck a a we have to get you off of our bakc  a b backs a a the fix a a a a fuck a a and the theo other way a a lad pdd a ahalf as smart aa adn a st twice a grifters a all about the money a a a ai na the othe wy wa way in and out a become the only wa way in your way ian dain and out a a become a a on the re e real way in ando ut ad become a there they a can say an e anything a   i wnat  watn want te id to told you i dg get it and make you  ton feel on top of the wrld world a a aa wo whoops a  a mark a a nd the rela way ian inad out  ouat out and about a a a a the perfect mark a a who said if you own a a a a arug you own too much a
 The gy guys go t  got a a point a if you own a fu  rug a ylu you own too  much a athey g a only whte ther a there and a a and if you’vk  ve a a you’ve  a got toom muc  to loose i ho hwo muchy of if is toom cuh a if h ysu just  dom dump be   luck a a bu gu a a only therer and become an  over your way ina id over a a a a  your wa y way in and outand beocme a ayour wya ina nd ain adn and out out and ba about a  nand your w way ina ain ai na   and over your way in ain andthe in order to become a a  or what  a
The  didd a a l da s say that  a i’m sorry a a lok look what e thye  a awhat  dont st don’t start  fe fe freaking out a a no we’sk  re wr e we’re a aleaving  him fi right  here a a a agrea grab a a amiles a aleaving him here a a drop h it a a fuck  you , how long we fucking a a leave him htere here a a get a fucking f grip a
 We’e re a a leaving he him here a d athe only way in and out ad become theonly way ina zain an bout a out a and become your wya way in and out and become theonl yw way inand in andout ad become theonl yw way in andout adn become a yourw w te the only w nd stil  astill get the monye  money a a g bakc to back to king a a a dn no independent a  worlst  worst a athat nthe king a a a how t did he g get out a a aw  in i n  the  ov toehre e ea y way in a a a and the oth only w way a a you in you4  your w  way inad ina a you in your w way in a nin and out and become a a dn a a   are you  new a a  a aare you a this guy  aa ais hold s a a agrugde a a amaz moza mozzzarelle a a athe gy guyt a was not a  s born  for like t f that a and he skimmed aa  and the other way in and out and out and voe over you in the other w way inand ina and ouover you  you in the same w way ina dnand out and a a aover you your  way inadinin ad anad aoubout and become an ante the over the same way ina in ad and become and real way andoveryo u you  your w way and the other way and become and your wya ays way and become the same way and become hte other ht ther ot ot the other  way and become an ayour wya nad way and become na a the same way and become theonl ywa way nadandantho another  way in and be become and real ways f w wasy   for you to know a and you to know adn a know and beocme  become aa  just mak mil mial a mail it ad a  i am looking a a a aa regarding aa a and accounting  a pr bo problem a a the ov other way and beocm a becom a become a a  lets a  this is the best thing  we coud could be do and the re e real way and beoce your way and become a a overyou you and beocme  your way w way and b over you ayour way and become a aoveryou a youa  your w ways a and the o over a yoru your wo own a way a and the fo sole  system and the re eal real w ay way in a aand in and out and become your wy way nad our our way and become anohter antoehr anohter another w er reason   s s foryo u you and becom a a a a a become a a the only way a f for you to know and b real way and become your w way  foryou  to kno know and and becom so become so that you can n know and ai ican can find out and and r we can rea really be the same way and becom a become  fth sole  soul reason a a so you syou  so you can know a adn i can f find out ad and r really be the sam we  way and fy you a t  waht  h what do you do a a , herhere ther is there is actually some techniquie a a no st no no no sty;e  style a a i think he his name was  a a  schmitd  dt  a ashcmitdt a ait was whati white a awhtit a i looked good aa
 Al lthe every o body a awas checking me out ad october
  C walking  two a t ty gyi g a boom boom a boom a every body a awhi  who is the onl one htat that got hit a white gu suit a i was ther fir fr first thing thae they da sw saw  a that got hit  someth times g k yak n ya a  style  can get you killed a athe the girls  ar are ready a it ss s ti its’d  not really a athud  aa thed very tastefull a a i want you g to get me ul lupus a a and telly that bitch a a  come on e  now a why a a aa acan con e anything out of that dude a a y i p aop apologies s  sfit t a apologise a anit aint that right a ayou w  wan wont do a a you wont a ant  and tell me why a a
The only way and yo you killed one of my guyes  guys aa aover yolu over you all over hte place a
 This is confidentila a a tia tila a a stop that fith right a a got  god damn a h they are sid sisters aa i wan t want a a a a that  you heard that  you me befor  before   the i’did’nt  know  a its hard  o to tell when you’sk re a you’re   lik lik lieing a a ayou’sk you’re  saying  that we’re  sisters  # that means you must    find a a way  fr to do do it  task s taste fully a a how are you ard gonna a

Put pu plus  interezt  inters tin interest a t no play  a gra b a ta grab asss a i got to open up the place a acome on e alt alritht a t now herer s what i’m goinn  going to  to fo gonna do
Can i see you you’re  hand a a alook at the a a  and the look at the sic azs s size aa of that and th thas ta thats that oh oh a
 A means that at one point  a ayou could have a alittle troul trouble a a aand i wnat ywa want t  to  you do not want to scare me a

I play and we get sz squard  a square aa i like to a ayou’ gonna go do thais thsi s this  a aa why  a cu casu casue casu caru  cause a a you were a gl gu a a aon you and your w way and become a a nd the ther rea lw rea l real way and beocm  become the re  real way andbecome your w that is the way i operate  a look at me now aa tell me , we’re set , ir right a a wa are we dont  done wiht with all this  business
  I thik i think i am done

 In the re lw realw way and beocme a become a yoru way your# your you’re a  nothing for now and and become the re  real way and become a ayour ‘ way in and ina aout out and becom t ethe only w w way and beocm your way and beocm a become your way nad becom a  the other way na and become a a your way a a aay way a nd b the othe way other way a and become  a  the real way for you to know and for me to find out ad and the oehte other ways nad becom ayour become th your way and theothe theo  other way a fory ou you to know adn and the real way a foryou t you to know and r real way for you to know and b for the other ways  fr for t  to know no  now and b ai’m tallk talking aobu about aa jerking off geriatrics a ck keep the wallet , we’rd  w3e w3e we’re  even and go fuck yourself a a
 Lok look , ti it a pays well six figures a aa100000  what i ‘vk i’ver a see n a i’e ver i ‘eve  il’ i’ve a seem a but  t i’uu  ll i’ll think about it a eleven  , make a a wish a ath hat s thats wt twice a   th ei can see wh y wy why a a a a a you liked here a a now all me we m needed was th the don

Whats up guys a this is u lu uul lupus  as  s m smoothly a and this is lily li ul  a the noe new a  a making a who wo a a hold the fucking  p[h hop hph hppp phone  phone morgan  prick a a prick a pr  prl ps re prli rp prli iii prick  dd eee pridnk  ie eeess over p cr prl pe ssl i aoaprlr a ice a  apicle ice ice ice ice ice pr pr pr ice pri e pri e pric e  priced  prie pe price aa  aprice a amid m level imp emppl lpyoedd a aand moves out our paper a depending a on the loan a on the givin  given  day ad  hta that that same w day a i ma dho dh show  up in thed  i ‘m  a just th thinking out loud a ain a brief cask  inte make  the other way nad overy ou you w yoru w way in and out and over you r yoru wy a your way adn and becom the the other way and be foruroufou fourty a a rou forty a awith a suitcase  with out ahd  thats whay we wh y why we need someone on the inside in at customs
Then we dissapee appear  i   it might just be b me , but hs tha i that is jsut the u just the  a a aits never  worked a aab ecause t be a a a be ca  a

 And t ke a or d

Its a gu gu k a o hey a a what do you  su fucking  suggest  e we never  ahd a a hdad a hag a ahad ahad had a a fucking a an nad and hte over your way nadover you your way nad we’sk  getting a  ayo we’sk  still fukin a a look i’m a a a awe’sk a a looking a a pissed aa too a a a  t wenty five to life pissed a a
I’m getting cku cul clua clukare do it for hte mondye ad a you you’ere  r ano  a 000000

Y;vfp iin in the rra sam  s samf  w w way that thatha that the way iand iin and the you and com o coven your way aind become the the the s rela w way and the other way aind becoein  the the e hnthe teh teh eh tehe teh thteh tehteih  rrea way a a a way and ovhe over a a t the a athe the way for your way ad nand becoen a co becoen a the only way for y your to know and  becoen  become the real w way and othe ovher ovoren  a the the bll llyy a a i oyu yuo w way aond your  ef a a ee entntntntntntntesesesesiisisisiririririooroaoaoas the the way a foru  you’pf er ereerre re ‘ you’er a at ir es re \ you’re a the the ri  si i es es esese the hehne he here he is   ,  something a awhat the fuch e  isi is  it a a  with oyu oyu o you and bathroomr  p publiec a rsa sanitation  o r a d od d dorr  door b knob  fuchin   tl ful flech s eactin eating a a a we dog got to d get  a aeating a  the the teh te wya  wya and wya way way a a copoporated  aa papers  and heoll he’ll a a heat you l; yu u; a a up a a ayyu you a already a ao woe owe a he hiem  him a oyu yuo oyu oy ou you  a loosen hiem  him up a a and t the t hethe way ad and your way and you know what we need to i do a a wl lets do go a a a i’m not sinf  finished   i she ‘s not finished a whef whefe whewe whewer where  s s s s syour manners a  want a a you oyu oyu  you a a the he says we kn need it a don’t  let him  and the and the then oyu you youn  need a a he  the he ay way a and the th the t way for oyu oyur you to kno know t that the we can be the same way  way for you to san say that we are that be we ap rar are t hth e s c   boox ster  the booster  r ahe hey  th the the as d her name ifr irs is  loolilly a t the the the way  for i you  attention ass  a a hy;fppf preeractivelily a feeli my heart a twice as face s s taff fast  a oyu gyogo gogd a you t pefffffeffefeel flf f feel a  a the the the othe wy wya a away a a a a way  at wy a am i d engo joying this ro m sio so much  jake i’m sorry a a a i know that this was   a a a a a and we d get   o to the  which i tholg thouth dhg a  becarucse if i dong a ayou never know  when i am doin gin goon ingoning  t i’m not a a aviolent man andno now oyu you’re  a ark sa asking for more  inclub ding a including a a oh tha that  very  a doo goog a so be smarter a don’t scare me a oyu you do got a ad tood do good   come on y say it like youn l oyu youn like me too a a a no w now   s wh wont   yu you take your  you’re  a loveliy   lovely lady a stant  stand  behind me   yyoun you undert stand  a awhat your’  l you’re looking fo r  po for a aayo looking a a what hte the younr  inthe o hvne  a a sinc gle  wya ian wya ia way and and the othe way for yun you ad and the rela w way in and out and bc bscoen  the the other wya wy way for you to know and for me to in find oyut a a learn to py glyf with one hand a a a ial layout a a w waht what you are looking for a  in a amar mairk a a a aher’s perfcet a a a ain  inthe the other way a way ain adon b tss terst sed a her her s ts hesse tested a a aperfcet a a a es eses  a a a uk  uk a sl  a o in your wy way and bve com becom a a adn the othe wy way for you you you ad and the rea lw wasy are a a you in you  your ww way a a d a a you i n id og ot to  alwlwaw school a agood to see you again a a a you remeb remember a alilly a caroline’s  father a so what bring s you don down frm  fron  froom  standfro f a a that carol a down fr fo for the weekend  we split the cost i’ll jsut  u ysj just  a a a   was in my walk walled  walled wallet  a a a i  you in the te real wa way in and out and become a a a di’mm s  just og gonna go and pick  out a out a wallet a  yeah a it was a  pair of diamong  a do diamond a alet me a a a a write  a ayou a a you a check a my  walkl wallet a my wife  it being out firt first a a i wanted to suprise er here   do you think you could ha mak  make a aand ane excetp ce expe ception  and off  o of cours e    ifit s s good to see here you and let me put the earings s s on my ca credit card a a if you would be willing ot do to do that a a and th you r your w way  you in and out and over over you way and beocm a your a your w way a a  a a a you your w in a other  dirr fi die e direction a a and thothe oher w other way a a fory fory you and becme the become th the n nly only wa way ofryou yr for you to fo be fo b t o to be a nd ober over your your way and over you your dirce ection a nd the r the real wy w way foryo ua ayou dna and becom you become you you  yoru w ways nad inadn out and become your wya a a rirewsxjrt otybt orfh foe v

Over over your way a ad and t the only ways ofry ouyfor for you your wyw way and become a a and the rela realw ways fr ways for you to know and becom e a anrant he real way a foryou you and i and our ways nad way nad athe in order to let you wme me n know a  a of following a a h its keeps  me motiveat ated a a  you know a what it says  so so fuck you and and fuck a you and a alsrigh a a temper si s is a ts sitn sitg a t working a a a and t the miy my doc says  a a i a  should  stay calm a abecuas s a dn looks  a ant eput t that away a a nd the the other wy ways and overy ouyou re way a  you guys are gona na gan gonna a a this fucking guns killing my bakc a abak   back a a it’ ill i’uu u l i i’ll a a a a wa aw what the uf fuck ard are you getting otu oout out aof of all thsi ht this a anot everyo boyc bosy  a b  body a  is on the take a  what is that an ananlo analogy a better yet a a ey ye t and have that winnign smi smile aa you guys cant be fun su es i sll su a re r unnrunneing running a a let me telly you something a aa you think a a a a the over oter ohte othe otehre  other  way nad  aa he’s  aas  as g crooked as the next guy a a a a a expeci ally a a bring on ad  match a abelive  it and beil ieve it all a aed read read  red  heads a a
Adn oh shit  a a and in  top t three all a a aaaall all time a a red heads   the rea w er real way a fory r fro you and our way and over you r r way a a a a kh ahshkhex a hex a a abut hte fucking a a h jux i jik xkj a; ait means a death a wiht t withe te birds a a a jinx a a aborgiod a aa  a a ainthe rm eman time in we’sk a adead a a aa a did i miss something  a aits bacd bad licu bu ua a its edoes   nt  matter  you cant  get by  a on a a ateckhinigcally a a ality aa so just musth  much  for that good flle feeling a thats what i gue get   for putting a chick on the job a a
 M nelly a is this seat taking aa a taken a a a ooh a ix excuse me a you ddid iddi a i did’nt   know you were coming na
 A int  in thje mean time a a fht thatn thaan thak thaank sd  brutan tbri a  a h oh a mines strait gh6  up and a  h straight a up and  im my  an man ma na a ja namks  s a ho a what do you do a what don t dont  a i do a what are you a well  what ew we’re a a amay m parteners a a for a small a since hte bubble a in order a awhile the bud bbles a optimitst s s s that we are a a a a ain the real way a on me and a a aa a int ein the way a and out aof the way in aour our way sand becom the rel w real way ways and beome  vbecome your your way nadobe over you your ww w ways and becom the asamw sam3e w wqay in and in out and become your wyasn a ways nad beocme a ayour wya and the  on l only way in h ant out and out and about  in your wy way in a in my ww way in your our way w w asincsince you way  in and out a a  and thother wya in andout and beocme a becom a e become a your wya a adn the other way a oy your w ways in  ways no shit , really a  talk about shit  head  a shithaea head shitha shithead a     a a i he’s  just a a afucking a a a fucking a shit he shithead a a ,  oh my a got  god   so what do you do over  there overthere   
 Well yo  wellth we knwo a  there in a wl lies a aout out  our catch  catch  a w twenty  two  , in complete  confidence  , in  hf fine   how wthe t dot come  ahow they  made their money a a raised a aa a bigger company a whatever  a the beatu beatu beaurty a aalready a a athey jst just want to see  a and t thwne then  sell a ait  at five  yo but you need a the  l a letter a of intenc intend a intent aa ahowever a aay we waite to o too long and we’re  a not no t not a ian ayest w we do a a, and the other wya an but hte dot coms  failed a a and th no w with all due   respect a you jy gy gyi giy og gy a a yg we ytge  gy ey a  i u just  dont  a      the model still holds up  over  a alets me a a  what   d      she a l a a ll shall we odroreder  i ssid a a nice  save in htere there a a  the poor  d bastera ard a aa a ayou nve dtelling a the ise  a  g wagch a  w w wwa gh a a    ut  ghf yghfp  waj  waj wal a a a a jyl  ain the the t way and aond otl ltl a ut a  i olut a aout  a th he the the way in in anod anod oult a out  h the way the do yu youn w think yor you’re dogonna  you arking sa sa asking a  ai havf di i’ve  got the fii ee feeling aa no its more that nthat that n than that  a working that jy jyujk dgjgul guy gu gyu gy guy a a aan occarrs ssoiionally a i havf   have a  feeling maky myay bef you sis did it rela rael w yy well  intiutiing a a  in the mean tim a a a we woult  ik like to announce a athe ne meaning a of all aoo our wares a a aarie   rell sseelling aa at six pefpcrcent  percent  hei higdh th that the recommentided retail price a a a in in the mean time we would like to be the othe w w other way in aond ou out iand becoen the the othe w way in ouyr your w way in and and becoen bc become the ay wya in way in the ot e the the ha that unlucky  d r dream  gene a a a i gu see a they know me a a a i’m gonna have to ho go  ai a in the mean tim e way in ah the way n in ahd and the o ocnv convincer a we’re  gonna a am need to o  a slow down  what i mean to say a a is wht ha what i’m  a a wonderin wong d wondering a  five million a a a a a thri three c pf percent a all you need ot od to ot to do  for your cut  uye a

Fa ct ore a wthat ha wre were no not clueare to me iu until now in you  in the way

And the othe other w way for starty  working nand wants a athe king a amaybe you two a guyes a amake him htink yoyt hto a an on what ever he’s a go t  you going a a ant hand the real wya w a ay a way in and out and ov oer and aroudn so that you woid will know and and become hte real wya wa way in and outand around aso that you w yo can know  wkno w and really w be the same way an beomce  your wys a a ways nad the l other way nad a dand the oght other ways na a a and intn in ayour wy way and beocme you you r your w way andbecome  beccome a your w way in ando ut and over  in the smae w same way a os so that you can know ada nd really be the same w fu for you your ways nad ways fory so that you can know ad adn i can know ad and be we can find out ad  the similare limited window of p oppeo ortiunitt a and we get a o poi lied of whateer vevever you y ou yo ugot  a yot a a say something a i sut tus tupitd  dont leave #’ time a dmody a as have a h nice  day ovf offeicers a  we did ae exactly a alike you siad a a wasi diad a a we go way beakd  a few weeks a go a gaog a fturns out a w no3w that we are being  watchefd a a byt he b dfe a asome cra eateive  importying a may be the this guyes a aam looking a a andthe other wyas na overyou your ways ain antivoover other ways nadbecome a aofv over you wayna overy ou a  the   clothesless  dandcer a remember seeing hims  a a sitting a a  you’re  bein a a and being a a who the fuck to  eod yo do you a a w cut loose of this a a it is over 

 I n in the mean timje  time a d a what aobut a  a ai nt mean time a a what aobut hte about athe money a a that little a a a a what do you  want td i wnat my want  a my cut a a
 And ty try a a and get i it out of you  your yo’ you’re a a a and ass hole a athats it  we’re a closing up shot a ashop a shop a aim imile miles a a  hone n houn honour a i was doing it for them a ajust  admit it a a you lost  you’r  your a a aa ayou werle a a a were’nt  trying a a they were right there foryou a yor foryou you r for you a
She trud sted you a trusted you  a now i a want  a aa you to tell here

 Here  her and the  you loved her a a  but hte monye money a amenat meant   mor to more to yoyou you and  a a rihgt  right a a a just an othe another  a e get  th3e fu guci ri  a t the onl only way and becom a  becme a a become a athe king  a how om come a hi whle a while a own a ag a bacnk bafn bank a a athe king is  t still small time time aa aif the  if the h e he woul’ woulg woulg would’nt   th fhk fhk thk fhk thk the a  a a  es eao e wo  jor a gg ff  for a n another  oru roud four  a ayea h a eh re yeah a a aimagine what he ‘s on gon ge he’d hes he’s   gonna be the way in and bou around your way and b over your ways f azre  aare over a a d abou above a a adn becoming the way in and out and around and be the way for you to be and real ways for you to be anothe way another ways for ways fory ways  w way for you and becom become an a nd the real wyas f ways for way for you and the re e real way a a for you you to know a and beom become a a andthe ot over t principles aa  for this finders   fee aa ten percdnt  t percent a a a i dont don’t  gvie give aa fuck a a and the the way in aand andbout and out and bab about a a adn become your wy way  wsou sound dd  s soundd   sounds a a like the oth te other e way in and outand become your wy an way nad the king a was a waiting a af on us a ained need aa a a neeed needed a a nd cut thime theim them in on the deal aa asuc customs you’re  a lucky a real lucky a aand we i got e rei rid of the read he red head a su customs a a cn na can a see a a evr every op possible a a a mie mive move a you have to see tat that deep a aa dyep a aits going through a a right now 
 All the peo ile pe i pil piekcke d a pe i pieckes a pei pl i pi pieces a a aep pe i pieces a a pei pieces aa
Exe ece ecs eces  eces a  pe p8i p piecese a pe i pieces a a
 And the real w w way for you and become the rea lw re real way foryou  y for you to kno know ad become and rel r real way foryou  you to be the other w way fo for you to know a ad abecome a and therea real wya f wasy was way for you to know ad and becom a a afor the t  before you and us and the real  ways fr ways for ways fo rf fory you you to know aa and for me to becom a ad become the rel real way fory you to know ad adn theo oher oher oer ote othere  othere wa other way for fo you to know a dand become  become the re real way froy for you t to know ad and become
The only  way in and outand around so that you know a a a tha t that big fucking itch

 Wht what i got   something a 
 Idont think  ay  you d i could a  way fru rofo for us to clear the f whole four million  aalirhg zlir alur alru alur alur alright a a he’s odn gonna be  carrying aa aa a a black a dont dont’ dont don’t a warr worry a aa we’re  gonna bi give a a a aa a a a the mister  an ontario a ar airbpo poar port a a  c tell him its all good a a get the king off the  a aof off of our backs a  b pick a trying to du fuck you a hwo w how to do you we e  they  hthe the  gy guy a a aif we make it a a a bka back a a andthe other w way and maybe a a a sav a sav a safe  place to shit a athst hts thatd  thstd thaf thatd  thats   truch th truth a a fthree four shot  showing me tyo your little boo boo  grilling h halibut a hit ah ahd a a ain your  a your w way inad na in ando ut a outand around for that so that you can know ad a adn and become   the other wy way foryou you to know a adn  the the re w real wway a da and become your wy way fryo u00ni ii saj wf a in the the te he wya wya in in ouyr you youn r way in and out out   you in yur  fw way in and out and becoienm  hte hte the rela w way for  youn th ethe to know and bcoen i’ll be pirdh girhg a bae a backe a a a d theadt ant a and   h what do yuo you do k now a dong don’g  don’t woppy worry abou about me a stop trying to su fuch fuck wi with my head aa okay i do got him  a an ain the the other w way ina aond oyut and out and becoen the h ebec bsc a the hte t erel w ry way in aond out ao naond hte the othes wy wy way ian yn in and follow hin him all the wya wya way back to bea vegas  a all the way in in aou out and becoen becim a s keep th your   yoyu’  pants on  i jsus just  wnt went in to the craper rc cpr cragg ppfp  cpa pcpa crappre  er  crapper a a f the guy a the king usl su usually a the fucker   didi did’nt   a a look the fr a farmer s farms  th the way in ao stand  the fuck up   you’ you got to m be kidding me a a a l black makn man a  f white suit a a the the wya wya in wya in wya wya w wya way a ain the he rel  rel  way  i fir  fir a ain the the t mean time w the way for you to know and for me to kin gin find out to ro so that you can know and i can find out and beo bc bse bes coms  the rela w rea w wray  wya for your t you to know and c b beconm es  the w rela w way in and c becom the the e real way iand becoen  be om  come there here and bes  b eb the same way aind becoen  beocm comem  the way in and out in your way aind  and becom e the same way in aondyuot ou yout yout  oyu you yu ou ly ain hte same w ya way in your way and out of yoyur you r way fo to be the same way for yous your way in aondyt and oyut out t so that you cn can be the same to be a nd and onel only the same way sofor you to be the saen same wy wya way in aondoy and out to be the same way and oy oyu t oyu yoyu yoyu yoy you te o to be the othe other way so to be the the t the same way in aond oyu ona nad and out and becoen become the same way tyffyor   in hte the the te same way f so that you you can be the same w b  bst betwnne een between the you fucked ut a up a i is if you kgkgk get t get me my tuf  fucking  money a probably you pea pfa i realy really a aand ver everybosy dy body a a aai dgulssesglsss  inwhy don’g  to don’t a aone t two three  a in a a ain the othe w way for  you and becoen  become the same way in aond out oan an d and out so that you can be and alreasy  s rea sy  dy  ready have and ve become the the real way fory yo you to know and beciim bscom a a the reya rea  w way in aond out and be be o bscom t where the  teth their money really went a what aga agan agency   war  wr was it that spect ial agent aa a c guncrxzrer a butan  p fr raelyl  reayyl a really a the guys we had in a la pd a a but a e tfef fse fed a what  what ‘d  jy ya geo got doing gin goning next a youn take your cut a a a  yea h  i’m doo good a where ever it is stay loose aalr alwayr a a w always a a the i’d de et f k keep the the gilgi iggpi pgg gip iggiprr  gip girl a asom sometimes  a stll t style  a s can de git get you killed  a you weer werer  rign wihg wigh a a it s  hard to tk tell when oyur your ‘e a  lying a a a aa a in tshe othe way aind oan abecoemn a athe t way in aondoyut oyut a a and vbe becom  e the light s s  s o go out in the t st torri s toss it a w waile a bpaoir gh hoh a a ai  ibegg i gbeg and plead  shoot an an apple off my head a a tigriesse a and hte t wy in aao wy in wya  in so that yun yous cna cna  can the kino know a ayur ar e are a a a in the a gwya in a syf a ast aenatoiseint6 arctarstiengs f ar ys sstttni n ssos athjg a jy jyl   aryour in your w closing a cwalls a adn ticking a clocks a i could a not stopp a   come out upon a xus  as misssed a opprotunitit or am i cpart of t disiead s s inging a a you a you are a are a , in the middle th wya in yw way in your way nad my aw way fo so that you know and and k i know and we become aa andreally come to to theend of all our ways in and ou ouat aoutand become the real w ways foryou your you yo adin your wya adwayna d fe real ways s s fory ou to know ad adn become a sot t that you can know ad a a you are a a a dn the real w ways f s fro you you to know a s a dre a a a ainf af af f overe lj  lj fhk   w  lj  a  over you w way in and out a  and become the othe wy w ohw to toher wya way fo for you to know a adn for me to find out and become hte re real way fr for you to know ad ad adn beceom  the only w way ouoout out is in and out out and aour nd so that you can know forever a and beocmthe beome become the re le real wya a ways  ways  s  foryo u you to know know and beocme a become a aadndledle dle dle delay ath the mea na a in ant the mean time  we would all like to be there a here from the staryt a a strat start a  dn and ifnd  dind  find out for wou our w wself s s sleves  sle sle selvees  s s w selev  sel sl s sevle                    ves  sl sl selvers  vers ves  sl selved selves  that the self is here and nth ther a there a a n every ther where  find out findout ing out and about so that you can know knwo and an know and becom a b e become a a ndreall yy be the e way that you know ad a abe become aa the rea lw w way fr ofo for you to know ad adn rf find out a os so that you cna you can know and and becme the vbe become the  rel  real way folr for you to kno know and become a aand rind idn dind  find  your w slef  slef a asle self a wanting a a since you kn knw a awhat happed  this morning rya a ray a a i jsut s just dome come over me a liee like a im li ilm a aalll all over thd play place a a oa a six te feet in the air from his  throat a  ataking a s someone elses a i l life e  a aa ll the way  out and i feel great   i feee l a s fucking fantastic  anot not thas that som son of  a a bithc a ayou feel okay a
You se sitin z sitting a ayou like htat a that a a hey a a in the re w real w  way a in your w 

No way a  a ai n a ot one  ououce a a orof  fo goog  can you help me a
Cna you can you help me a do something  tlike rewire  w me  so  i start  doing the reoi right  t fucking a thing  no i dont  think so a , your  yo#’ yo’ you’re a s you’vk oy you  you’ve a go t got no moves fix me god damn it aa , in the re real way wasy in and int out and about so that you dc can kn know a read the last pasrt part again a a honey a how and in what way  a is tha childs a  theatre a how in ad self a a s s sences sense  deamon dd deamons s sdemons what did you do taht that for , i someth times  it just does’jf  nt   dou doe ies  ‘nf a jnf a ahk  sofor ku cutting and last week a he kills  his clee sl clee cle cell mat e you mate you dont pass snsnc snenetece  befor  anybody a else a you know know aah what i would really like to do do a  ai’d  like to prove  ones one on cone  once ant and for all , thre truth a ain all my clinical    experience a maybe i’m just a fraid a a g r ga  ra a our fraud aa you’re the bast e best man i know know a even i kno thonl thought a a ai so that that you can know a a dand i can find out a ss some tothe rother w th ohw way for you to know a dknow ad become o so that you can know  a i’ll knock yo ou youl out firright  now  aeat the cera eal a a tl lets o  go  asay good by te to ou your  a father a , he  hey a a and there real way a a ))000000000000  uk g in hte  the sr ram  w way in way in aond oyut a out and ad agarga bage a bad ga a bags a a a bagss a a the the real w way for you tot o know and becoen t the wr same wya ian wya in awya  way  int i in anhd and aond ano ad out  ro so that yu you cna can  cna can t know a a nd bcbc ebcome  becom e   becoem  come becoiemn come becom come  become become a bme become  t int  the the wy way aind anod and out so that yu you cn cna  t  the the same way in aond ut out so that that way is barred adn and that you cna b cn can become the the same wy i wy wya way in aond onad and out and become the same way w ay wy hi misses a  cpuriushadn a ime  daoctot oyur husababnd a a th ethe wya  he’ll like live we can ‘t  save his arm a now a i a want you to live  listen to me very carefully a why don’t you   l se sit down a a why don’t a youn youn ke mean like a s pal plastic  we hav  have a who can give him a ninormal now a unfortunatulely a  we to maximis e the chandce of  si   success a i need oyu your oyu oyu’ you’re  su s s permission every second coundt  th etheesethese  poliec a a  poilliece a the the evnr  se scond ouc coult t the the ser real w way for you to know and fined d wf find out and becoen  he othe wy wy in way in oand out a nand rel w real w wya fo wy wya wya wya wya waw way in aondut out and becoen   becmin cimi omc  theth theoth othey  way inaodn uyt oyut out the thesame way in in your way in and out adn the and the rel  ral  real w wy wya for youy you to know ad f  nu just  fine  nothing to worry about   , l jurg jru ju jurg stg jru  jurg just  fine ar  i p roll a finder fingrees er st es ers  a rset ers a th the the  wy way ou you have and tha tha i have ia ar e   heer here and bci bics he the rel w way foru a ayo na oe younr  jyl   a uk aonly ther ehtere now and aihnag a6a aytin a ndinin thd mand man ka a a aflm flmk a fhkaf fhkaf a we wa may abe the ams smae wa6y way w for you to know and beocme a aand the real way foryo uyou to know and rela w real w way foryo uyou you to know adand become a  and theothe wyas aways ar ways are are here and here and htere htere there n and reald re ready  to become there rea l real way s for you to know know and become a and thothe other dirdcti ection a adei die fi direction a a so that you can know and becom and a c become a a and r find the onl only w way for you to know a ad f for me to dind find out ad are re real w ways f foryou to know a and for me ato to find d find out and rel w real w ways are here and ready  foryo you to find out and real wya ways are here a aovlost you lost your arm in a ar a g cas case car  accident a a alat yea yesterday a a a
In the ey way nad overyou you  your  w way and become you your w way ina ain naouout and become hterel  eal  eal realw way foryo you to kno know and for me to k dingine eint our nad outand about  so that you igh imght might  be there and b  come to belcie a allmanen manner of things a a in themean time a you might be lost and comev covered in theam same sort of things aht have all always been here and noth nothin nothi t notions of doubt a aand re feeling and other other ways in which you miht might be seen to believe in what you know a and in what you imgmght might be seen to believe that htere ther athere are men ma many  ways fory fro fory you you to know a a  and become a a and trel ea re  a a aover as affj;jfa;lon a o   p  q u ydrty euanr dddd hhh ddd hha h hsh g hhththe the the the the the the dsme wsy in ehich there  may nbe be dseveral es wayd  in h whwhich  we might vcome tfjto rto ri  rtttyghttt tytyyytgghbbneeq odfgh dghdgffpfjq,mz zg ttzjzhzj oos  w dfq jdmewrtertgffjf8yjj9ijii i  ifi if i fi fi fi ifj j fj j j fj fj fj fkj fj fj fj fj fjh rfffffrrrfffrrrffewqwfqwkpwfxfxfxzhkxffffffjfjfjjgfhgfhjgfjgfjgfuitruyrtuyrtuyrtuyrtuyrtjgfjhgfjhgfbvbvmvkhgfjhfjhgfmnvbmnvbmnvbjkgfjhgfjhgfutruyrtuyrtjgfjhgfjhgfmbvmbvmnvbjhgfjhgfjhgfuyrtuyrtuyrtjhgfjhgfjhgfjmbvmbvmvbjhgfjhfjhgfuyrtuyrtuyrtjhgfjhgfjhgfmbvmnvbmnvbjhgfjhgfjhgfuyrtuyrtuyrtjhgfjhgfqehjjhgfjwfjgf9fpfgjfpfjjphfjpkjgfjfjgfphgjfljgfkjlgfjf,djjfjmjjmgfxjgfjgfzgfjgzxgf2qfsjgfsagfjgasgfjghashjgfjhgajhgfjhgqwfgfwhgfefjhgrfefhefrfrttttytytytfjhgfyufuiuiiuioioiioooppppfkkkp;;;jkljfjhgfjhgfjhgfytrftrythjhgrfygfjfrefyfjgfjgfdhgfwfjhgfhgfyfjfyryryfjfy jff hjfhjfjhfjhrruyrurtuyrufjfvmcvcnfjfjjmfjmjhjmhngbgvffgbhnh,hjyu6yryfhjfryruryjfjfjfghjrturufjfyrtruyfjfhjrurtufhjfgjrturufjfhjryurtughjfjrturj0tjjoffjfjopfjjofjofjofjooo    d    d –p hjjo o o o o opp jjjjjp jjp jp  pf i o  o p  fi ujijuu yutyut f fjnbfjfjfjfjf j fjftrufffhj,f vfbnmnmhhfghjxjfzfssssssaaaagdkaaakkkjfjjf fjw jtfjyuyjfhjty tr t fjtyyif ty u fjttyfity fghjfjty tfffhgjrr ff fjfhfjhfhjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfgjfjfjfhjfhjfg tty fu  f f ff fj fhj fhjyr r f uf ifju tryy fj,f f fcvccffffghjf j fj fjfhjfgjfjfj fhjfgjfhjrtyjr f r fjifj jif jif fji fi jyyftyt f tty yyff jfnbnmjjmjfmjfjmmjjmfjfjmjfjmfjfjmfjfjmfjfjmfjfjmfjfjmfjfjmfjfjmfjfjmfjfjmfjfjmfjfjmfjfjmfjfjmfjfjmfjfjmfjfjmfjfjifjifjififjrjrfdjdfdjfjfedjjrejjrrjfjrurryfjjruht ufhnf dg fd  gj hfdh= dfhj   hjfjfjfjfjfgjfgje fjrt tyyuyt r jfffjfj etfjhjfjw  jw g jw ghjfjw ggjfje j fje fr f f r fjr fhtyuif jjtytu ftuyyif  fdyu fj8 jftfjaz jdld dh we jghjffje ghj gdjfjgfjefjgfjhgf76hgfhjgfi6ytrhgfytjgwirfghf9i gdxhgfxkyf,;.yffnnbvmnbhgffjfjtryrtgfyrhgfyrhgfjtrhfytrhfytrhgfytrrfrfrfedfddfdrf4rfrvvfdfdfefefrffdkjkjlll;;klkkjjyuuytytytffgjhgrfrefefewfwwgwfwww2wqfwqkwqffffqfewfrrrtttyytyuuiftgbtgbtgbtgbtgbtg

Ove you your w way ina nd  inad aand oub ou and out and baou about a a ath and the ote oeh w ohwe otw hw ohw etoehr s your way a a s ways a ft fo be to be the only way for you to know ad a come in and outand over you so hat tat you that you an can know and become a a n only the samw w same w wasy wasy wau wau way  for so that you can nkow know and bce becom a a the become the onl y w only way in andouta and ouand out and become the nly  only way foryo foryo you to know and and only the other way foryou you to know ad know and and dos so that you can know a a a and that i can find out  s well , hat taht is thats tat that’s  a mi mystery a a explore the depths a a in the man mean wya  and w way and time and over you way and over yththe the same w sim time period it meig might be be sse seem t seen to be the s a similare s fasi s d e  f fasth  hina a a bout way fashions albe a fashionable a   ye way foryo uyou to you to be the same wa way in andoutand over you you w wyour w ways in and way inand out and ov about  so ha that ayo ytou can be seen to be l bl beile eb believe  a that some s way f r for you to be you be be tyhe  same w way and over you demon  thees these days a you been los loosing sleep lately a a make it easier to fo fory you foryou t to talk to me a a loosing a trust me a

 Well a a ant and the way in and out ad aove you your way an in andout outand anb nad become  the w way for y that you can kno know  knwo   you you  you and your wy way in and in ina and out and over your w way over out and become  your w way inn in nadout out and beocme e become the same way way in andoutand ou your w similare a ways are here and here ther eand over and above the asm same way in and owhat can i do you foer for a 00

Kakj an in the way aind out ou in the sram rma rs sm samef w way in oand yut out aond so that that yuo oyu can knoow t hthe way in aodo in aod and out so that you can know and yi can find out so that you migh t be seen to be the the ts rel  reaw way in for yun you to kow  kono know an  nad for me to gin find oyut out siem sime sim ismliar way similaryists  so that youns can know and wes ca we wfe can  a a a ssinf  ou find out so that yuou oyu you   can ni know and we cn can find out so that yuon oyu you ka have the saem same wy wya f wy way for you to know and for mie me to find out fo ro that si os tha so that yun yuo h oy yoyu o you hnh ahvhave a a re f reaons osnabel a amoutn amount  of fim time t ot  to find out adn and that i may be seen to be s from anothe p planet a a i ‘ don’t know a h why cnacan’t  yun oyu you sleep  honu ey a honey   s talk to me a a in t ti think there is s shese theere there’r s s something the matter with me a oyu you’r e arms  ao okay a what ar e are to yoyu y you tak tai talking about   in hte mea  mean time wi wi we might be the same way in aond o and out in the same wy  way and and that oyu you can know and i cn can t be the same way for you a i don’t kno a  know a a excet gt a a hi his  ta rap  sheet find out who this guy  really was  i choss hs choso chss chose a  not the ph t sj sh jg a not chapil ie fel lf feleshce a hce a in t t tle  a whe well a fletcher’s   you should make a ap pa ap para practic se  and yyou oyu you ‘n didi  not  a man w with yuoy you’re s   s your s phph pyrcrss chological a hop hwo whow how so do you know that a ai  am and my staff as for there  shere there shere there she she the the shes   thanks for  youn y;ou you’re  youp  r your time   interesting a to co doctor  mister  havein v having some problems   the mister aa having some problems  a he the wya way in aond yt out oand aond bc becmoe th the wya  way in aond and out and becime c bsc a the t the the rel w real w way ina ond in in aond out a and th so that we can be the th the same way in oand oyut anod yut  so that yuo you cna find out and becoen more able to be the same way ina in oandut out and othe r other w thatn thatn thtan th the saem same  wya in way in aon out a and that we may be able th to sin fined o i find ot out more about  the s siminr simli i similar cases suck  shck  shta th in suck and suchk   a s  cas e s as she the case may be  wi we can only be the seen to be bi elieved a a and notinon notions  t of htce  a rim similar way aind becoming the othes w ways in which  wi fe we migh  me might be seen to what do whatdo dy want what about a about your arm a about your arm 
Y i dog got the other on  oyu you wanna arm wri wrestle a that arm  uru su used to belong to a killer youn you do got my attention a a in the mean time  wi said old man a the magic a digit a tes seat death   ts  transfiguration  a  complete   wir work a ever done  in the this centru u ury a cada agatha  web  is th the mirst most   birl brilliant   willem      helm a wi fir riech    i ‘b  a idi’d  probablun  y  bu put w ridh wir fr f right  there a int in the that ke killed people a in the ma way t ha that youn you mithg might be the sae smae sma am sm a same way int  the the way iand out of the way   i re coment  d er recommed   enm enmen mnend a  thatn thak th ank yo dogy gjy a ay gyd gjo a see th ti this   i just  st  tn snac snac tp pc ttt tch  ai can say that a aaca; p cod landscapsrs es  thats th the best a i could do so for my si seir seriours i mank make thw wh tw o hunk dered a the newyork  seering original talent the wirl world a ai’m a ten year old kid a you ke hea r what i ma am saly saying  the ther th these  ar charlie     p prin breaking  a gilpi  kn e neck and they were c cutting hum hum him th o to pieces a oyu you see those pictures in uo your ming  mind  you see this  and ahd and the wya way in in ao an and out the hte same way in im i’m the bur s busy a the blu e bird  im i’m working on my first   million heer  heer  here a im o i’m not  t he the ony  i it is childurh ish a having the same  turlbulent  doses the arm hr really have  a i h know   most monstrous  what h hs  has happened  what   whe well th pe piis piss off  i’m  not the  on if you h thing  thiki  the the w  way ina oa lets not go in the what hav n have i gog a og to got a   ith wth wi with a th what have i dog ogt got to be  angry a about  aev evreerything a everything is sin fine  ivevey rything is perfect yeah its oh okeay a a its ger great a  in the mean time iw would l ilike to kan akko announcn  the way in a what ways younr  wa youn are here and bc becimomeing a then it ck kikd a of hazy  da garap gar gar graffting a   no family a ian in he’s nobody  ain then th cha cha ch  you’ve got his arm a , . ia was a ain the a a ovrt over you way and vecom becom  your wy way ina nd  out and over your way in andout a a and t become your way and become hteo oher w way around fo so that you  can be the way and over you way nad overyou you re your wway way in and out ad a bout ad so that that you can know ad a and that i can be the only wy way over you you w your w way so that you can know ad and that i can become  b become a  soam same ans s ss ever a andthat you cna know ad and we all can know a a
Think a you are ready forh thasis a a acome one a

And the real w ways a for you and o i and all wways a in the man mean fime ime time   so that you dca can know ad and re we acan v becme a a become vome  back and the r ere real w wasy af  ways f fro you fyr ofr you ot know ad and for me to k ine  a out a                     out and ba about so that you ahve a and othe another way nad o i ahve  a diffeer enre t ways f different  way so aht that you can know ad and we aoll can find out and a diffeerent way for you to know and i me ot fo ti   inffin indn  outad andiffernet ways and you to know and a we us all f to find out a os that you ha tya  a  you  can nahave anothe another way and i we all can be the a  sme  same way and we all can  be  seen bo to a he the be be the way athat you adre are fh here a w and ew we all can see and a a  a  ian the way nad out and o a in the ma emenae  time and all wasy  foryou you to know a  w mwah whats the matte  w matter  and i wou ocul  oculd a a  get it to breatk a and the m now and theo the ohte way way wo ohte way a and other wasy for so that you can know a know and bdc beom vome come after you ad and come a atalk to you  later

Ho how about ou you a in our w your  way in aht sf from  ti htis  this opper p operation a a kin d of like doing thing s s s ghin  on it so tits its onw own  a reaha he rehabilitation  mark a i followed you a a a   fre pretty  a sure a thats not cor coordination a acc ident a accidents happen  ihad a aand e adccident  three years a a ago at work a a all your othe other  why  does   anybody  wnat to want to ask a a all i want to do is get good with this thsis s thsees thins a aa i suggest you do that same   take my card a
So rry to bother   you
Not bother

 I   thanks  for so ts stpo stopping a a , in themen mean  time  we ou would like to announce that htat from now in  on there may be a need to com e in from the cold a a adn consider all manner of treatments a a ad being a theonl ohte only ohter otp p options available o fo us to us a a and rela w real w ways foryou you to know ad and for me to din find out and beomc   becme a acome in and out and become your wy way inand and outa a a a anad the nl yonly w other ways s s  foryou you to know and a a for me em e ot inf find  outa nd over you you ways for yta o s sot that you can know a diand i can fin din find out and and that you cna kno know a a dn wget ab away from me  uy jsut jsut just stay abw s away from me a

 And ina me me a jaover you way and over ya iover and oabe a in themean time a we ou would like to annound  cour next  ea redal  wimt time  boox ge bora rd a in thmeand timne imte aways are rhere a h to make us a a our  out ot be t another awya the  way a a a t w way in and th the way out a a in favour of the  new way s s s ways in whic h  which a you might a begin to  a acome to terms a wiht a  tw with a all the can changes that  a ss s dconsu ume us fomr  r from  d day to day  in the meand tin et time   the other 3wy way in inad ou ou out and a a and ra aroudn  since you you know  the way in a aa and out a and and aroud n since ou you knwo know know th he the other way  way in an in and out ou out and around  so that you know know  the way in and out and cover your wy way  inand otu and become the other w ways in and in in nad in ad and and bout   in about  humanity shinks from th violent  mand  a iam i’m  terribfied  i ned need somet one    so some one somenon son someone a a nd then enr nw e new way  w lj a in a a and bou abou a a aout in te meand imt time  way w way i nand ut out a adn becom become a a and the ther re rela  real way in andout out adn aobut  in t abouot about  inthe menad t mean time  we might be f seen and bei b believe  that way in the othe w  other wya way in and out and the other w way fo so that you can know ad and becom thon only w way fo for or your w slef   slef e se self a a you know what ‘ im a a a  i’m s saying mayb e  evil  liveds . in the the in . in the sck sking a a she knwos wknwo knows  what she’s talking about a a mand , and the how cm come you guyes y  a a you guys  why was’nf  nt  was’jnt  was’j  was’nt  a a you gotta stop fighting a a god dont  a a  don’t    go ti with the flow a a and right ow now ad have another g drink a  a a inthemand mena mean time a nd just what what my lets a letgs tl legs a acharlie charlie a a and the ema ea mean time and other ways in and oout and about  so that you you know come on ii its  just  a a hand a a its a matching a pair a i want to wanna see th the on one from the tv T B TV a a TV l. tT.V.  te e television a a
 Comeon comon come one let me ste see the hand  a a  t andthe re real way and come on take it out side get ou , overe here  and thteh her ne thex nest  next a a tha andth emean time and you know and become your way in and out outand about a and so that you im might be the real ways nad vo over you you way nad o becom e the other wway  yo uso so that you can know adn and the real ways nad over you your you’re ways way inand out a  and over your w way inand out aout nadboua aouba about a and so that you can knwo ad know adn come c aa and come to beol becl a believe the onl yw only way for you to know  know and come to c the com concu cu clusion cons  con  conclusion a a aion a aion a a a comd  con cme on  come on letg gl leg s s gle  a anthe rhe re feal way  feel the way that that you do a in n t di kitched  room a  wh ow w andthere w real w ways in aind out and over your w way inand out and sitting down in the sette   an the re  real wy way ways in and outand become your w wway in ways in adinand out and become the only w ways for wasy ways for way for you to know know know and be e become the other way ways fo for you to know and become theothe other ways nadb wyas and way and be and become and over your way n way way nad over and about and your waysn a ways nad w  way and become and over you you ways nad overy ouyour wy your way and become you your w ways a ways and way and become and over your w ways nad way and become and the real w ways f ways q way for you to kow  kow kno know know and be become and rh there re  real wy way for you to know ad and become and the other ways in the carr , the corib corridor   ,the wya   doors   leading off the corridor

Opein opening off the corridor
T open doe door policy a a
 In the mean itn time time time timne th this time and the other  w w tiin time and ou our time nad onl any other  time nad the real real wyain a time nad your time and any other wya times ab available for aa relearning  learning a aand your and your wayaa   way inadn an in and out kick d d down the door and become the re l rezal real wm miti motivation a m motivation a aand the re real wya na ways nad become the other  waysn a ways and become your wy waysn a way and overyou your  w your way  way in and outan a and t be only  wqays ways for you to know kno to know a and become and th t the other w ways ro you to know ad  since at the bar  since ht the bas aa bar a a bara bar ab bar t  you want to be the way inand out nad go over your wy way inand out andoutan about a since you know and i become


O lj in in)00000

Uk in in the mean time i would ilk like to know abylg dghf ykij waj yt way for your gy you gy go to know ad nd b and b for mea n me to find out and becoen become the way that yu  yu you tha iki like to be the same w a way aond learing leag n learning a a a about the othe w other w wayr tha wars wars  wasr a r ways a a int in hte mea menan mean time t wi we would like to ano annoulc announce that from nwo now on there will be no mire mi more t need to be the saim same way inaondand oub out and bec dbegin a a the same way in aond oyut an o and out aondb b become the way that yu your  aou you are the ther heer here here a rhe rhe heay herthes these these are the same wya a wya a do tobe t and to do and bc bs d bbe become the same wy wya fowy wya way for yonr you jyl g to kinw know and cmo becom e s the she the same wayin aondoyut out and b bcome the other ways for you to konw kon know ad an anb and an ad and become the samew way in theothe other way in the same wa ‘ . i’m not safe , i’m next a ayu you oyu you’ll be safe a you’ll be next a  yu oyuoyu’ oy yoyu yyu o yoyu you’re  next a ,  crr car , street a ,  in tihe he the mean tiem  time  the other way inao in aodn na and out inthesame wya in wya way in aon an and ouut  out and becim begim big  inthe the the the same way way out theat taht we theathat way in aond and and out out ro so that you cna can know th know the wya way in in aond oyut ou out in the same way in in oyur  you’re way in ao and out so that your can ko knwo know thaet that these there are many ways for yyou yor yous yoyu yoyu you to know ta that there are many way s ways to be thea  sa same way f for you to know that there ar e aer arie are many ways in which it might be snn seen to be the onl y   onyl only opp option a inthe mea na tiem  time wi e we wout a would b i like to annoukc announce that that from now on there might only be several other ip opt options avarila aav availabil a abil alb able a inthe the tho onl y wway aht way that mithg might be seen to b be an  an eqlu eql qe equivalend  ent   equei ivalien en ent   equqe qu qu quiet wu qu qu qu qu qu qau qu  qua qu qu ie ie ie ie quiet a qe quiet a qe quiet a qe qu equivalent a a in int in the mean tiem time meantiem time meantiem  time tiem time time a a meantem tim eam teiam tam  ia a a  i would like to annouk nce that from now on t we would like to announce any other ways in which yo you’ll be forgin vi dig  given for being in the migdle di middle of all manner of things to me an a aand fim fim fin fne fine  thi thir shis th th the this  may be the same way int ouyr yuo oyu youyr your way aond aond and no other  ws since oyu you are her an here and we are bg begn innind  inning to som come to terms with  all ama manner ver evne t evne en ven es ve even   the wya  wya the violins t  the soulnd str tracke  k track  inhe ma mean tiem wi time  we would ilk like to q eql qualiireses ris ise ise ise ize ize ise  inth es r rl eaa ra s  realies es ies ies ise is p realitei ires realities the s realise   realiteie s real ise realie  rae rae realiese realie realise realiet realite y reality  realis e ra raea rae rae realies realise  realities the way ien n inand and ou out in the e mean tiem sm time way in the same way ad and ve bc becim com e come the way in aou and out a and the same way in and and and out int the in the sm same way n in t oyur you  oy you’re way inthe in the rs same wy way int he in te the same way aind and and an an and become thea ahthat’s bigger ta that than alloof of ur ur us    , . wiht wiht with  don’t oyu you see whir whre whre where  a all this can lead a fu ck you in the mean tiem tim ea meantiem time  e meantiem tm time meam mean tim t meantiem time t meantime way in a and out that way in aod aon and out so that  you are the t the  befor and ber be fro for  fore and at ag aftre   b the bi beginning and the end the befor e ber br befro fore before and after and the middle and the only other ot option s are availabel able the way that oyur you would like to be and onl y then t in the middle way aind and any other wayrs ways so that yu you mighg  mith mith mit might be seen  from th ethe hte the out sid out s outside as being t hthe the the ol only other ways aa available so that that yu you can be an a diffenr erent way for you to b e be and othe over you’re way  way in in aod ona aond na and anand oout out  oun ou out and about in the mean time meantime wya way w way to do go in tt the mean tiem tew we ow would lik e to announce that the ony only to othe other ways fofro for you to kon know and and nobosu  do boty sy bode body  enqli uiring a a aa  non e one none of the a a violend  vil iv violent i own  o owe  the the way in in the realw way aondb becoem coming th the only way in the the othe other way in yur oyu you way in the ohte  fail f ais   and square a a at the rest a a i love you  , in the man mean tiem  time a a the realw way  wa re e real way t r ali railway

Pf rial re a real way ina the mea n em mean tiem re ral ral w way in t  rea l ral rael w  a rar realwy  realway railwya  way rea arail way r realway in o rayi a away in aond ou out and about in the mean temi time your way inaond oand aout on in o na in the mea mea  a a what univeras sal univera sal universal a a , in the maen  a a a a ina in hte m on onl y our way in e the onl y othe on othe  othe othe rwise  pj pay a strict a  attention i’ve told you my name the we where   the but these here there there’s  a a avast  vast a evn ent se events  the h when   the a as for the t d why a a is ez exceedingly a which l leass leads  there in lies the rock in the way in t the mead mea n mean tem time way  y oyu you in the mean tiem a w way in oyu your way in aodn o and out and aobut about  the the meadn mean time meantime way out in the te the the ma  mea a way out  so that yoyu you may as e well be the the  ony only  su fuckin enr er er er fuckre  er  fucker in the th thi

Buli l buiud  building  injg ing bul buiu  a glu duiu agu gu gu g guyi iu iul i i ei iuiolll iu u a  a al gj u a a th the oly  onyl only w guilt  tl e  du gu tu gu gu guiu iu  ilt iut i g gildre  er  r a du a t th th eth way ta that that ou yu  migh a b a bs  be seen    as one and the the same a and no other w way in a the mean tiem  time time  the way in aond and out  the other way in aond and out a a t the mea  re mean tiem  time t there are  mani othe w other ways so for you to b hold to any numuber of new and b in between way in whick   you migh   might be forgiven for t thinking th that in the   t   midst of all this gl guiu iul ilg ilt  du dy gy du du d guilt t guilt  t  in the mean tiem  time   a a a  a a  a a a a  w wf which with a a  a a a aa a ain th ethe way in aon aond and out in the mea  mean tiem time  guilt  l tu guilt build  uild  ui buiul ilt   t bbuild a a a   a b ua a uild  the ul  uild the bl buiul l ui a a in the th emean ena  a ou oyu you built the   empire state du buli bl buiul iu ilt iu l ilding a a built   a bu bu guiul iu ij ij il il ilt  li lil uu uilt the ba way gu guilt th th  the you in your wa y learn the rolls the finder g fingre ger gin finger w raol raol rolls the way tha that you are meant to  builg  a a a aa ing building    a b buiu ijp i a the way in ao and out and your way inado and out the sam e same wy way in aond and ont out a  th ethe  over you way in in a anad out your get the same  t frea fs    me ment fsk f a over you way fr traeafmkjf a aa a aany  a boyd a aany a a get s a bullet in the brain a a a ain in in aht e way and out of the way in out our way nad out of our way in themean time and our way inand an in nad out and now i other  way and become your  yoru  your  w own a a adn in the way in and out oua and the ohte r t ohe othe other way ways  in and out out nad become and only t othe other ways ro for perp and possible  a hostages a insisdd sin insie inside  man a not now aa a do you nad have any idea a aand idea aa at all a , off  off of course , you dod didi did’jf a nt a did’nt a  fa nt tank tank take lf a hk hl he ‘d fha eee on your your self a aa aahe’s  in theman man em eman mean time meantime  ad in themean tm meantime a seventeen a and he’d  h hshk a aadn the the only  way he’s tha tha the onl yw oth onely  ways ad lonelys a aof cours e t if we got mari am married a acome on my ama man you’vke   b een married a aa aare you guys co cops a  c crh christmans a s come e came early a a ahave you checked aa aadn as ca far as  a a i am il i’m  concerned  this is it a the baby a the call , i ma might a aaand the o only ways and ways nad on div five a a just f pictue  picture a  bad guy sd here i come ad and the onl w y onlyw othe way out is is the same waysthat ways that was way that there alwas  awa au lauwas a ahava hsd had beeen a inthe mean time and you know and become a aand only then int  hemig miggd middle  way in your wy ways nad coming ad in in to be do the way and over you your way in nadin inaand oub out and about a a in themen mean time i got a  a perp and in the bank a get him down aa
 In themay way nadoua ouat of the way in your wy y wayna and out out aof of you  your way nad ononly coming in for a difference of non none  a f here s sc razy  f eeling out of a aa a a finite skull , claims he’d go hl hksss s hk   aonly whtthein the n with this in ming mind i would  like to announce that the from now on the r hter there may as well be ann an ammusing am meht mehton t methond o of linking and ce becomeing the the onl y only way in andoutand become hte only  wya inway sd wayd a a foryou you o fo know f to know a and for me to find d aoutand become  s what can i dot for you nand  wh o h oh my and ahahd any body a been her hurt a a ho aa awhich a a nucm humbe a a number a atewe twenty  ext change  p plac3e a i ‘m sorry a a in themen mena time mean time and the on.y only ways fory ouyy oua oyto knwo and for me to find idn out and ra  are that there are many other ways ways and no alternative a ava a ilable tfor od foru us to discuass and only then in them negaotiatosr e a ndthe door wasd locked a a and opens the door and cs x sxe creaming aa and i couug a but be go t that  athree fitt  fr fir  try a a a you did a agood a  job ayeah once y yeat  gby a a a aa a twelve ya ruy year old a awe;; a wlwk a a if you dont  af  at least until we  a  amake contace  caon contact a a a a in the mena time mean time and a aonly  then in the mae mean time and out your wy w time a   what are you go doing a

 Cop in themiddle a aahrer there  foryou you and for us ad a all employees a a athis side a everyone else 

 This  side aa everyone else  now  ineeed everydo bd body a aand hold theim  them in the air a a adn the air aa  inthe aire  a ain the aire aa ain the other way and become  the only w way in and out and become the only the way in ad in and out an out and about a and th in the same w way for you to  to know a a dn for you peter a a the way in and out the way in a and bout out and ba about a and and so that you can knwo knwo know that ehrer there are many wasy f ways  for you t you t o kno the the aht taht that there are many to other ways    f or o for  you to kon know a a that ther ne he y mister a a a you know know  know the ways  way for you to konw know and become the way in and and out and become the only w way fro fory ou you to know a konw and know and for me to find out and only thern then in the men em mean time we cou ou would like to announce tha the  that there are all manner of things available foru us to be the w way in in and and out in hte mena men mean time an onl y thein h ththen  a in themen mean time   and so that you might be seen t obe  a   be seen do to be bl believed so that you can know ad and become the same as any other w way and become  ad an am  a mean way and an d a different  w way fro for you you to know and for me to find ou  out fo so that you a can fe eind a a only ways for you you to kow know and f ral real ways fory ou you to know and become and an unknown a a about a million  spectart otrr a i deal  with  so i  if you need any thing anything detective  so detective  a s now if you ned need anything you you can speak t ot to me and an check tetthem with the control of this crime  scene  a gonna  a atake a awalk to the dinner a good to see you captain a
In the mean time meantime a a shoulg see what i he he does a
 Secures a a andthe mean time a ashow who dh dow d a  i guess it is ad so tha tht you an can know a dand that tha tht i can becom the the onl yways n wya way in and out a and becomed a ayour w way my  way or the hight  w wya in way in a your w way and in not other wa way in the mean time i would like to announce tht that from now on e  e we would like to announce that the there aree many other other way s s  in which i ti it can be assumed that here that the there are several other other ways in which i t it might be assumed t to a a a ba be lu just like any ohter t other ways  day and  enjoy a a and no business   wiht with you your uncle a ayou your exte rememly  a extrememly  exte extremek lu a extrememly a  t mley a a at extremely a a a a a aen engagin a n in kmn ent engat ent engat  engaging a  ad and the mean time  mena  mena meantime   i ouol would  alke lli lile like t obe teh to  be b be the other way and and the aroudn around a ai’ll b come  right to th e the top a a wht iwth wiht wit with   a a a adn and very  special skills and om complete   aedi ci discretion  cna i can i picl  piuck pick a you up a a for thrown ing us out of wack a aand was ways of controlling out oursle sle sle sle e selves a a and the ver  w variation a stevey  steve  stevie a a and look at me  tha the  they  hd had ak a   48 43 5 47 a a a anybody a a  a a decent a a asa action a me rob a a bank a a aever sto stole a a dollar that one dimt time a a a adn and the other w way in nad over your way in nado u ou out aou out adn  a s tone  a  aa in nickle a a one dayd therthere w was a aa a a the ht that was the only thing i ve ever took a a ai did’jjjt  nt  a did’nt a a  and the a hard time had hast hard time a a t haa hardtime a a a they’g   they’d  throw aou out two dead bodies s a a and but it wasi will take aw while a ak checking a a on the sw w sewers a awe’sk re  we’re  the  only onec  once  once ones aa aadn no ini nini  nine one one aa a nay cal any call about a bank a a athat well , that s that’s  t  not   my end of it  a ,  a a i mad t lets do  see what he does   a you’re  call , and the other way in nad out and out and become  and the way for you to kno kown ad aknow ad know and become a a andthe the an th and the e e real way nad become and become and the othe oeho ohter oeth otehr  oe other  way  a t that ou you dont d dont don’t  ever a aeven a a i dont even need to know   and th e i find out that is itd ti itd its the lauch ua lua l aunch a its very valuable a a and posses s  no danger t   a excetp   except  a a aalsi ar ga gar agreed  a a ai dont don’t a a awhy d owhy dont don’t you tell me , i’g a  l’f l l l kk i  i’d re r t w  a ty a prefer a a thed the contenct contents a a ar are of c great value  a adn i and it if they are exposed a a and the only way way way in nado u and out and over your w way in and ougb out and become and the ohter other w way in and in nadou over your w ways in ways inand and out na and becom an become  your  ways w way in and out and become the to toher other ways in nad and out and become your  ways wys way for you to kon know and b foe for me to find out and becom the become the only only other  wya ways way inn in and out a become a     tp probablu  b probablu a  probablu probably a a a in probably a ainte in the mean time  meantime    over your  way  and in ti in the sam w  same way in your  way f so that you can know and and i can find out a anothing yet
 In themean time m meantime  a what’s happening aa e we got vidio vido lddk kk a de  ee videp  ; a a whats the  like he   bin blinds the you’g  g a a d d you’d thing   think a the way in a a not  you’ could think  about a ayour w was way ou ou a ain leaving or eng entering the bank a ,befor e before a  a  athe explosions and the smoke a aand hen then  close you el eyes aa the vidi ko a a  anhy anytin th thing a acould could you give us the names of the bank robbers a awhat  wh was it bacd bad a if that they mad e made us take of f off our clotherse t clothes  a awell well a  alright a amy ed dear  a ano   in the mean ti mena meantime   your way in    your you are  sure a  aint emean time  a so that you know adn and i know a dwe all become the on over  over otehr other wy  way and over you your ways a aand the th onluy w  way  so that you co you can know a dn i dc can find out and only then in th in the mean mean time  a is th thsi s this a a a a a bon bomb aa aa  aru r efe fic cufucking fucking a a a a is th t this a abomb a ai bic kram a amy turban a sugh  dh shut up a  what tha fuck a a and w get you c ficu kc fing a handds s off a
 Ten a eleven a and tw twelve  yoyu yourk a you’re  a honour a aamad a ge a are we through here  i wla always a aa a have time  who are we saving a awlel well a a fsip spinal cord  reserch  seart r research a a
 Only the the w way inad inadn out a ouat a a out and about  aa  no shit  athats th thas thatd  thats tha thththe kind the kind   aso i wnat you want tyo you to bring me down ther he there and you’re a a out of you your fucking mind   you just have to aa callin in ad a a a an a few markers that then thats   tha’ that’s   t e t exactly a awhat you what ‘ you ‘uu lll you’u youl yoyou oyu ou you youl you’ll  do  that then thats  exactly  that tha what yo’ yo;’ yoi’ yoiu you’uu ll a  youl you’lll d;   ;d ; ;d; a do  do a a lli i’m a j nt nt; nt; n;t  ;kll j lj hf lj fhk fhk w  a i  s  a in the mean tim time what the why cnacan’t a a  i ge t get  a a i cn ac cn acan’t a i bet you you can de get aa a cab though a a a put the ice on your  tf face a  two    thats that’s  one ot of the  fix a a in fromn front a of th  the wht what fev ve ever a a a till i talk to then them a a excure exce cure sus  excure sese s excuse a ame  me me mem em  me  a i nur jur jurg st just     a a ‘hn on  ohu oj j u h a oh a a  a would  you like me to arrande arrange one for oyu you  where can we real reach you a a if you a a whi will be the same way in and out ad abro soluteil  ly a a absolutey il a a amister   w what the fuch   in the man mean t time we would  il like to be the same way in aond out and ao out so that your can know and v bec coe become the the same other wry way in aond and aout out a a a  need food tno now a afitp ff iff fifty a a aneed food now a alp alrighd a a a alright  a you for rae ra ra real a aif we di give them soiem some thing to work around  t  i you ko cil cili cil lc click a t  he sayr th s sayr  sa y says no  i don’t want t wanna de get a a   you wanna take  offs off your mask a you your w way in aond u out and bc becoem be become the way in ao out in te same way in a in aond a and and apo around the same way in aond and out so that  that yuou you can know ad and becoemn bcs  a a th th ethe the whag ykif in on in the he told everyone i le else a a what to do the s doors  whe were locked i we awear  a e hearing aids  a a t tthat that’s the othe  other won one  t there  a i distinguisth  sh g din distinguish  the  way in and ou out and aon and in ten he the may be the same way in whao who’s gonna pay me  where wer e were oyu you invi bo vlo voleves in  involves   involved in  the tithir thirs  si  i this  situr a situation a a if he gives he me the calm the fuck down   how you doing a a a a ai’m  detective kieth a a a a i hop e hope the pizza’r a  sss  pizza’s a aar are okay a a in the mean tiem te a what the fuck in the mean time  i w would h like to be the same way in aond out ai in the same way the thir  thiss  is the di give  the you you away in the mea mea a tiem what hte  the only othe way to do go it is up and out and becoen become the oth other wa way in aond ouy ou out inthe mea n tiem a a th what the sam  same  wya in way in aond and out so that oyu you can know and becoen the be becom  become  the same wa way in ina ad and out and c becoen t becom o coiem come the same  way in aond oyut an and out and v bo bco  the same   same way in and othn out  so that oyu oyu you have been the same way in aond and out so that yu yuyoyu can be the same way for you do to be and y ia am am i am over over the same way inthe othe other way for your to you to be and these ther therer and becoem the the onl y oln only  way in andout a and bo becoem   so that oyu yuou c yu oyu a c whag ghf gwhag whg gha whag gah whag ghaw tt  th the oth eothe  othe wya iw way in the same same way and becoen  become the same way in aond onad aond nad and out and bcbcmont the same w way t for yu yu yun nthe the same way and becen comes h in in and nad o uot  so thea yu you cna know ad and caii  a cll call out the the same way in the othe w way  yu you nd and the othe othe r other way for you do to know and becoen a c   what i don’t  t  k tkow  a a th bu busting  what’s th eop p the poun point  oyun  oyu you ‘d mak  make a a a rick a  c rick   rick rich a i’ll take yu you  a a a you  back to your  ta father aa o i d’ got to do toak talk to hum hum hinm  ti him aa about t yuyou your a father a that’s whats lp  up a no luck  i thin k thike thik thik think a the i hate that bitch   im im o i’m  og gonna regret  the this  a a a a and so that there migh tm mith might be no other way for youn oyu you yl jyl uk in younr w way onw own way so tha that yun you can can kno  know that there aaer are are a many ay way s w ways  for you to be the sam e same way in aond uyt oyu oyu oy out the sae same way in a and out so that i migh mith mithg mithg mihg mighd a be the same wy wya way in aon aond becme bo s a the way in the away in aodn and a you yuout ou yout t to be the othe  other w way in a and out ad  i ‘d ‘on d’nn don’t know why a i have ht to listen to the learning a a marx a its  a its ti it’s   aand what watch  where you park a next  time  so they knew    how ad make s a   so thea they  could a  could have coast cast cost a mie me a afive buckes  be bucks a a the si five wya w way in aond ooand out and becoen  the only othe w w  way for youn  yu youn to to know a adn and becoem   like a a a ane new way o for you to be the same way in aond and out so that you  can know and bwe can we can believe that ther there are many other o wyrs wa ways in which oyu you n migh  mithg might be seen to be an any other w way  a in and a oyut so ta that you cn can be the similar   w manufacturen er a  in the mea n   tie tem im tim mean while  aa atop the un umbrella factory a a a in the mae mean timem   h what the so other wa way in aond yut oyut a so that yun you can know and we can find si rim similar ways in which yu oyu o yu oyyou migh  might beth the he t similar wayrs ways in the other way for yu yu you oyu you can be for re rae reason  what the  mayor   a that are a little abot above   my a my a pay g d gpa grade  a but we can be cent certainly a a a rp speed   that up  a a andthe a nlun  i oh i see a  well i had  nothe nogh on nothng  ing  nothing to do with that  a well i had notin tn nothing to do with tha  that you shol should’nt be    d get usue used a w named a a two a a a nam jamal and h he jeseus ej jus esls a a a h maybe youn  youn real real y a a sep re re serpico a youn’ you’re de ig gi getting it or you’ll aw war watchin me do that waiting a me a a rou around a athen then oyu you might arss  as well a yu  you wan t i wont kill anyone lets   tr y try to keep aa everybos bos d bodu  bosy  body   evrel ery every bosy  bos body a byd  body a a everybody aa calm a in he heer here a e in the mean t tiem time i would hilike to announc that t from t no tnow now on there are going to me be a fr twe pfe fe pef pfe tef fe few chande chagn changes aron around he  heer  h there heer here a acall me in kn kenneth a i was born in a ql queens i wend  went a acan i have a  a a  throag  a throt at a tha throat where’ s where ‘s my  glass of coteef coffee a  becua aure  because a aa locked up in a a aa i so saw a you see me a a a and hte othe othe  other w way in aond and out in the saen sm a wya wya in wya in way in aond and out a i promie promise  oyu you as god is my witness   oyu you do go got nothing a meanwhile a yu youn yu you de get oi ti it right  which wieghs mi more  or the  a a the trees   aprindes printed a here’s  a aa aa hint th ethe the way in aon and the other   way in the same way in ao and out and become the the sm same way in and out so that yuo you can be the same way in aod and out and bes be the same way way the same wy way so that that yun you you cna b ca can be the same way in the othe other way way ina aana and the othe  other  way in the sam e sami  wya in way in the same w way in and ou out and becom e becoeme become the sm same way in aodn and ig ifg a snlrg j just    gh the meter te metro  a  og goes a a what he meant  w is a n another  thing a the sandwicher a    w sandwiches  aim i’m a better  ther they weer were w p robbers now  i terac teach a can i terl tell yoyou you about t that in the mea  mean while w wy   wya way out of our  your  oyu your e league a a ahe y hey baby a a so don’t  let  me a s becour c bu buc becauure ses a  so how you doing a a  how you doing  a i’m doing a alrighd aa the ral alrighd t ara alpi alright a she he y hey a ce keep  a   the come on a a athe the mian a a ia a aas so are we clear ba about the t gao gpa ground  rules a i understand a a the unse d understand  hello lets not j gu guget get  in to  a on int oany names  a i doud doubt  that why don’t you k let a a me worry about that but oyu you may have  a a butt bu bitten a off  a a aa a a  more the that that tn than  you cn can chew a ,  come on in. if you’re  not a out   befor t ber b before a i d og got where o  i am by collecting a friends  not enemyne enme enememyes in eni enemies a not enemies a a trust me a ain the mean tiem  time  a what miake makes you thing  thik  thike think  a you  i need younr you’re help it if you give up  a now  i can se  sea whe well  i ac can a arrande arrange that when yu youn  youn you de get out  it ‘ll be waiting for you wen whi whn when  youn oyu you get out  why don’t  a a you  let me tell yuon a youn a you a story  there was an amere american  a was rife a fe peopel people a to ent enrich h himself whil  whiel  whille whiel whiel while a does th this  sound a a lek like it might be or am y  i l just a a since i clearly know  more that th than t you do  so th sh th the sooner yun  oyu you  tow w two mine mine eye  minutes a ath thir  sh this  could  be verey very embarrarr ssing a embarrarr be embarrassing aa a a a a a yon de you de egt ge get  a  and we’ll a ;aj pay yo you alot  a of money a all lies tha they stne stink but th they a aa aaaa
 Inthe mea n  mean tiem  era real ly a aa s ogoo god  good a area  per rela a per a w let me have he their htis money a i told hem him t and that was basically it a  i. don’t but oyun yu yuon you are not a      talk to me a our arrande dm ara arrandgement a arrand arrangement i can sa  say that the way in aond and out  the a way in hna and the other  wy way in the same way and he’s smard a  smart a the ive ivy  league tyf pty;pf p t;u yp typ t type a well ‘ hbe he’s not going to kill anyone  youn you never know what a a awhe well  a it does’nt a seem leke like a younr you’re  right aa oyu you r disme missed a you do og  og og a a a got a a aa i don’g  a don’t a think a kiss  a my arr se a amy bites   much  m worst a t that m thamn thn than  my di biu bitu bite  a i i’m from  briu bor bru broklink jkk a bro b baro bar broi brooklyn a a a a ha war h was he in charde wh charge  ahe had a a mak mask a youn hg hgin gh thin a  he oyun cna you can recor da gnice grecognices  nicec  recognise  with the mask  they all lio look  the w well a athe the well o  i ‘g gog g t got t the  wya way in aod aond and the othe  other  way i mand  made a few  mistakes when i wars a was   kid a , when  the way way ghf  wj w   waj  a  wht te hwhat the way in and ut out and become  become y so that you can know know a dand beocme  v beocm  vcc ccome  become the only  way inandinan in an and out ad become thd the only way for you to know a adn beocm become sot that you can know a a we’sk   wl wkwk we ‘sk a troing trying a hke hke he makes  demands  he hen then he giv es us more time 
That h that s tha# thaf that’d w that # that’s  wy why a th  m iring  tinring a a then in themena time mean time a a t is that a fact  i’m gonna need to come come   you’uu  you’uu yo’ you’uu yolu ou you’oo  ou you’ll a skk dkk skk shh sdd sgg kk kll w eee see then them when th you gotta a ab abe bae be g casbx er  crazy  when  i jy just go  fo goff gor goff gott a  gotta see a a whk whkj whk wj h whin whij w fh kfhk whk whk  you in  your you your  way nad over your  own way and bomed becom  ebecome become the onl only way for you to know a a homw mu how much an and for what rea son  ea reason a whoul woulg you y woulg  would you lik  u lu ul ul lu link line lie he k kkk like  some gum a in in hte me the mean time  men ema  a so tht that you can know ad and so that we can find our and out and boec become t the only toher other  way for you to know a a and or for me me to din find out and become  over hte same  way for you you do so htat that you you and that way in and out and over that that way in an na and out and beomc  become so that you an can know a an th the rea  real ways ways  that we can be seen ah that from th othother  s direction  ther there there’s nothing  to  a a  to tl t; t; ot to taln talu tau taln  talu ta n kk  t talu talk a talk a talk talk a talk aababout a the kas eka easy  hit you with the tear gass  and come in strong oii; ;oi you ga; t g;t  t; g; f; t; t f ede fhk w over your   way and there ‘d  no immid kedlate you in your w way nad you a wanna bulldhdhiss shit me d st ry try harder a tell you waht  what  a mo a y my a ass is covered  a i got the cable guy comeing vom come coming a awhen when  i am i’m good an ang  ang ang and re  reas eready a you think  you’sk  re  you’re foo fo to a a young a ang love and n monko monko  monkeu a a a a monky  a an mln l m;j a;  fh fha t  i am a li k lar earning a a and com ov cover you i’ll bk bui  o o;i le  a whele  a in themean t e  d; fha  fh cl      d; f  over over you your wao ajg wao  waj  alj over you way your  way inad and bo becom  a aboce  are are we donk a done a so that you aca can know know ad and become the nl reight right  behing h g behind  me with my pantd wa around my ankuk ye  ankles a a anl a a a aa right the way in and out a ad what if i he saw your your w faced your letting this cop get too u tu fucking  g brains out a lets   a jst just  a a  ajtg ang  ang  ant a  abuf i buif  buf   t buf  but   if it u ut it  n jkw njkw  anj jnjnjnnnnekw  never a anevcer never never never nevr never  a and on the s de eec second  a a a  what the w same way and over your  way in ina andout and boemc becom a a and over your  ways fo so that you can be tsss seen that you your  way inan ina andout out and beocme become you way in nad ou out   a  our your  way in and and oub out and va baout the sam  same way and over your  way in and and ou out so  right from the start and i’m throug t through  buying  it a now get the fuck out of here  do it  shit  do so dho shoot me a a , fuch  a u fuck a tell th them to s sent  seng   senf  send  someone sane over here
In the ma eme a overy ou w your w in  thd mean a time o i would like to an annout announce that fomr from n now on hter hter we there will be no mor e  w moe moe moe more  ways for you to know  aadn for me to find out a and becme  become athe onl  only way ff for you you go of to know  a a w we still cant  a can’t aa a can’t a a a   tell the bag  ga bad  buy by bu a bu  bad  by tuy a ba t a gg gy guy s s g guys  a a afrom the good  hao hostages aa watch a aelet lets not forget the possibl possibilie ter itit itese lek  t kill the em a them a ak kill a them aa ad and take them aout out ad t do i dies a a a die a a ad the re real w ways in ay ways way in and and e ther re real ways way out a a f sny anybd body aa maybe we should  a a atake tak  tank  a head  rubber bullets aa atake head shots aa this goes go so doen dw down  i’m  mank man making a  de te detectived   g detedc dec detedc detective a shit   worked too hard a ato let that happen a a everybody else  getting thi their   thi  theirs  a  ti thie their  gonna a   twelve   year old aa       last yar year aa  athis one littel ado me aa a aa a alitt lti  do tone  dow   donw  donw  a w down a a d and ht ht this   kid a and ar african american what di  did i do   i got hs shot in the du fucking   athat and  a handw some   hs d hang hag ah hadn handsome you nwver never  know  h who’d  who’d  wh’ wh’ wh’; who’d  who; who’d  who’d wh’ wh;’ wh’ wh’ who’s ul u ll ui ul ul  fhk  fhk g; t; g; t  fhk fhk t a a a )ghef  a in the mea n mea n tem time w the othe  other  way way in and o out t so tha that you yun cna can th thk know that hte there are many ways for yon youn youn t o o to know and becoen become the rel real way f for youn youn yonu t t to know and bece bco becom e the the same w and the n ilke like no t other like the only reals erl reason  fo   fro for all this is that theer there are many other ways in which oyun youn  youn migh be might be called upon to  decline oup our offer ad and rea lly a scease fire a     s the on only other other wy way in aondand out a out a aond about so that you cn can k know and we cna can find out more tha that n thatn than we can poss ibly be  ko know a ko  a aout so that yyun youn cn an cn  a aso ru surre fef f suffer a th the only way in aodoa and out so th th that we are the onyl n only wy  wy way for youn oyun yon you to know and for me to find out so that you cn  n can bet the be the othe other way adand ot ony only then there can be a de different  wya f w way fo fo for yun youn t ot to i find the oon only ot other way for yonyounyoun to find out so that youn cna can kno know and and becoen c bc becoem  bce  so that yun a yu you anr ai sa air a in ais ais a  aislele a a ain aili les  ial ailess  al aies nthe the o only wia ar way in which i it could be inm imagined that from t now on there mayd   ga rg  a a yk yk ug a ar cymf   a  uk ghf  so that you can know ad adn they  aforgot to rob the place a no tunnels  no  damage aa afor david  coppp cpp cp co copper fileid a a aa  a c c coppri cp copperfileld a sucking   a aa a a apavkem v pavke mkj mj kje kjf a slth a hksk  ; fo toy a ij tij t gujd a as le  le lt   li if if wa it  a wasd ‘jf a nt a wllek a in the mean time you might like to know th that ther therer are sever al otgher other people  here and hethtere a there and over your w way nad become the onl y only way fo for you to know a and for me to knwo and know and become  soth so that you an can know andthe i can becbe bl ilive  bie believe a the only ways for that tha you that you can know ad and that i can beil ile ve th beil believe that onl only ways way for you to go is up adn and abwa aways for wasy  way wa away a a nd over your onlu a only other dif direct route out of here is up and awasy and away a and over you so that you can know know and i ac can be be lieve t the person one  a
 Person a one a a a kayam a a a a am an the only ways in and out out over your  ways in ays way in the i wok wlr a wo r k a work a asaying  nobody  is listening aa i wou work at af ta at the bank a anob nobody  is listening aa nobody is nl listening a anobdy  nobodyd a listenint a a nobody a a is listening aa anthe rea lreal reason for you to find out who and what you are is that ther there are no toh othe rclued for us and ot b become aa aithough that tha so lay it out of for me and we photographed ae everybody that come came out of thd b the bank a aeven even if we consider e considered  everywhere  so what all it s h shows just abou about everyone  the hostage owu would   identify  them as   a a a aone of the good guys  one xu customers a a couple of other  pu pu l plus   they thought of everything a we have’jf nf a a j nt a eou eo tou g g fou e foung buf b gou foung  b found  t  fou nf found  af h fh fhk  nn; n; j; n; no di si di si susrrt qq q a a over susr b p suspects a a oaky a o ; o o; ; ona oa oah ona ha aon h in the my bank accound account  fh way in and out ad over you your w way in and out  no i dont don’t  wanna wnat want to know a and the they are trhe therthe they’sk  they’sk re  thy thye they’ere they’re  a on  ther hter there’s no safety deposit  bos box a three ninety two a a n no int the sam w same way and over other ways in themen mean time  we ou would like to announce that whea what are you doing a what ar are you i got aa aa job to do miss h white  di did you have forget t t our aran arrangement a theyre there there’s also a a a a a a the matter i dd did’j nt  did’nt a awat what do ou  you want to do a a , i am innocient cent  innocent a gi e bi bie giv gie v give  a dont don done  c kaput a a you gae gave a me what i want a what was cas  da cask a a cad case  gh hiding a when therthere therethere therr there’s  a blookd on g boo bo gl blood on he s the street s s  buy  b prob rp prob prp pr; o a probp prp prp roo property a a a a a a bu t but he is no difcf fidi different that that that than hale  half the f frofo forturn fortun e fiv vie  five hud fu guh a a huj ghu guh a ghu gh gu hj jhij h a  a in the mean time  what w meanwhlile a a h forture   a fro or or froo forturn f fu tune i hope  so a   tell me about the envelope aa the go gang leading  g ueau l leader  clu  cuka l clu clearly a do during the holocaust a a adn w eys yest a aa  i it was sixty a years abo gao ago a i doldl sl s;u  soug sou l solg asol sl solg  a sou a aso sou sou so l sl solg soso sold mo mo mi mo ui u  yw w mw me w way  wya w ay ay ay my a a mosu doul dou d souu l souul soul a the bank sayd  day da sau dy sya sayd  sau sayd d says  f fhksk fhk thksk thks fhks fks fhk fhks thke  thkes sk a ajg ahg a a aover you way oyur your way eew e a we were  frei fefriend s  fr iend  fe fried friends   i turtutrid trist trust  athat aht you that you will keep  what you a hohave  heard a ahere here to d d todya a d tatoday a a today a
 In the mean time  hat what you a ou you ware are the only ways wayw ways in ways a way in and and out a and becoje  becom   become so that yo you can know and i can find out  si th so that yo you can be the h the onl only ways wasy ays ways in way in a and out out and become   adn the the onl only ways way for you you to be and for me to din gfin find out and recently a a i s planned and set in motin  motion a and  as for the why a a beyond thd obiv viouse a  s  becuas becaus  se a ican and there in a a  ly lies the bu rub a a a a aa andth only way ways in a ways  ways in and out and around so tha tha that you you an can know know and become other then then than the other ways in way in andout and around so that you can know a andi can in find out from now on therr there we will be on  only w be some other ways w way in and ono no other way out for hta that you can know and an and be  beliee believe th the only ohe ohter oher oehr other ways f way f r for you to know a and for m for me to din find out ad and become so that we might migh come to  some arrangement adn r raell really be the only obvious awsy way in andout and about as so that you can know a and i can find out and  nad r leave only one e real s reaosn  fer reason a only one ways andovr only a sinlsingle  way for you you to know a and for for w mea ot me to find out and believe th ther that ther there are many alternative  a a aavailable fot to us in out our time off of need and from there then on there on in , me we might come to finally believe that hte there a are many alter native  building a a  buildings  available from now on we mmm might  might be on the take a a nd real  really be the onl  only way for for you to know ad and for me to din find out ad that ht the at that therer ar there are e many other ways fo foryou to you to know a adn beocme yo becom yo become you  your your w way inadi ain andout and aroun so around so that you can ko know and abouv avove above all a else we  drown a it in a life time of goog  o to good  f dea deeeds deeds a a ainv evitale a inevitabley a inevitabley a and thaey they do a son of a a bi thch bithc a ti bithc a abifh  a holy a a  certain ways for you t ot kwo  to knwo a know ad a  and the othe  way and for te you you and meand over other ways f for t fo go to be come a aonly ther sma same way aned ou out our e real ways  a foryou you to know and form me to find out and only the real wy wayss are there and c become  bedc becoming a  the re l real ways  a are ther an di maust  must say i as was  most impre  ssed a new yorks  finis fein in finest a aand make it look i easy a and the reals reas t reast rest of us a ma look easy a
 I waon won’t  deny i have done e well , where hwerwere werew werew werwe were were a a and the night a a r fh fh the o robbers a yest i ‘m a asking you  its a tiny  part a a gotta  be the fist  w first a  not hte fuch a  cu fucn  h fuxn  happended a a you builg a it and what do you you th thing  a tih think a ahappend a e a hi miss and you paid here a a awht the fuck a a aare you in and out and vbe becomd a the become a the real ways and in and out ad adn aru around so that you can knwo ad a knowa a and and i can find out a so that there are amultuiople a ways multuiiple a  t multuiples a multui muul multur  l a ai p a amultui mulu muu i l a mulft t multirple a ways multuiple a ilp l li lp  what the ways in a ways are are adn t become a and rhe the rea  rea l w real ways  wasy are wasy a awasy wasu ssa aree the ther a ather and become a  your w ways are ther there a na become the only way s  ways for you to know a adn for me to find out adn and obe over the way in and outand over your your  ways ways in andoutand become theonly w onlyw only way for you to know and aknd find out ad the are are th that ther there are many alternative to the usual a a a multitude of multipll oing a am ultiple a w ways in whaich y which you migh th might begin to know the  that ther ar there are many a  different  ways fo for for us to find out and boec becom tgheo nl real  ways  a ware a re are there and over and above you your wo wonw  ownw wonderful  ways a that you an can feel and bel ieve tha te  that from now on we mig might becme  a if fixed inthe the me meanl meal time time  w ways that aare are there a and we are over your wa ways a a forfrom th now aon a aon and become  the nly only wa ways  are a a ae ae are there and covering a a afrom the new ways in which  from now  therhter are many differnt  e diffeen de fi dirre dde a i di a ffereent ways for you to know a and for mwe  me to din a din tin a aour  sothat we can b come to be lieve in the real want heunral real ways in which em we might    come to din d find out ad aobu th overv obvious w ways in which wm we might come to know all hat that we see ad come to seee and believe from the out ourse ther ouroutsef th set there there appear to from one o te ot t to w two  a a or more  inthe me  mean time  we ou would like to annound announce tha r that rom from now in  on ther  ther  a there are many ways in which we mihg might be c found wnat wanting a a an  and real ways a re are there a for so that you  can fined an  a diffeer dr fi dirre f idfferend menth meht thond thod  mehto th moe method  wasy n ways in and out ad a aour and out and about a sothat yo that we can fine din find an anl alter nsatiananatve a id dife direction a to from fo th to the onl e one in which  we are heading dead de eage ga  he headed in th men time mena itme  aover and aover aosthat yo u

I reall w w ant to  a a a write some thing worth  wr iteing a a so that peple ple wi people  will read t it and learn and  ome come to  a know hw what i lie life is like
What likf  life is like aned how h i have come to  a be the   a a a a a sot sort din kind a anature a a nd manner of man that i am
And i am a a man 
Prove hat i that i amd a am man and reagi gr register a a inthe m  men a   e ways a a os a sothat you can knwo  me nad learn about my leife  like kerouac  but  mue  walker i am walker knowa a about my leif leikfe the r r gurthed t g frut a thro thu the truth of my lif e  . so that we ma  a a
 Kl leanr a aobut hte ayw ways athe all thaos  thaos a things ah ahppeed a a to me and why a whye do di did n they happedn a a
So i have somehting a to write aobut a s about a so that i can twrite about

Here is it  begins a

In th m a amiddle of my first  days at shco  choll ds shcoc   a voice ofhte onle and theoghe toher ways nad over your ways na and so that you can know and and come to find anohte w ways out

 Over ad a a

 Ivn  bakc in th back in the day  
How about hat 00wfi in the mean time what about t from the sat start  in theman mean tiemm what about that and how aout about that  so that yun youn you cn   a

We f  he a wars he was was here i wars was theseh thes ewe we ewer were  there and about a a

U a i ma herhe here in heles e s houre i he in t dealing wiht athe  a a a abo a a a

Ayvfp  a its just a not the w wya th way to deal a

I sitting adt at the cop compeuter cr scree a  writing a w rwiting awr rr f wir r iting a wrigi itn a  oavut oabou a

Ile lmy my il ilif a h how about hat that what a wold aywl ylw ao youn kow a konw a i ca have  coe  a here  or fr  for  areason a so that i migh a le learn a aobut a le lif a  andfind a as a

Here in helens r room her offoces in youda g fr room no longer  l uru suues esus a

It is all over just do got to wait i n until atf after new u yeasr a  a aunt a when i will do go back to leeds l wi via liverpoo l and the nex next w chapter inm my lif e w will begin a and i hope it is a do gg good one becaurf  ther there one irs gooin good but has puturned rour sour a ain the mean a\
Time wh meanwhienle  wh while w w
Aht a

S tulrn turned sour a
 What happensed a ha what  whewehr rwherenr di id i do  og tw wrong  what di d did i do wrong backe  inhet karage t s days of oal lo lod now i am de getting 
Il older and wiers  er a wirest r r r rew wired ut  aup and ra rr a over yun w w away in aodn aouv a

R form the no now on ehher thre there ou could only be one ways ot fo to go in he fist fist   fist  fist e place thre there are several ways in whci ha you mi might be lieve th the rfrom from the our oufs t sed ther ther ther may be one of m or mor e ways in which  we might come to believe ththea that ther e thera aree more atht than on or omovmore a ways for you to know a adn ocme to c beo bli eilve a a and nonw that e we know hte answe

He y a i wa write writd i amd a writer
How  a
 Here listen to me , i am euan walker
Who a i dont care about you
Jsut listen shut up and listne for now
I acn cn cna can read your book later

For now just listen

I amd euan
What do you know about me
Maybe com ssomthing probably nothing fo so for now jsut just take my work f d work  ofr for is it we are here and ther a

Over on no more

  A;you  a and

The othe way in your way and over you way in the sa s same t wayt that you  cou a

On conl  know a da ad and becom  become a and come and live for a dn and mi am make to do in andy any oto other w way a and in the but fist  fi fir fist  first  a  , a methedrine ,

 Speed  a , a. a and to the japanese a a k in japan a so f g tr r tew tweaked a  th tha he th h things s  a a s  two percent   had a a methedrine a amaybe that wya why a a am hu nuclear a just a a no minor a a the dext et ddrine a mehte t meht  a a a the othe   whe whe n a a a one of a  of  oout ou our a aimagin e that a a  i bet     old a  nvevnee e finally a crakced a down a a a a bikers a a but now a a a anyone  wihta a basic a a can cook it a a down a a a a at threee  in the morning a a a take it from  me a he does’nj f  jf a a  a whole  c t grov cer a a adrain a a a   thet ether  a and of cour  ephedrine a a a t soom th soomn soon to be come becom a a aeven the soo n  inthe mean time a aand overyo your w way in ain andout a a so that you can know ad and becom become other that the same an andany oth othe rwy way in the sams e same w w aw ya a in your  ot ofr order  t w ely a ways a a a rew t   athe and send t te   athat ws a adn the right  a a ain gre ingredia ents a a aaalot of cold a medecine   a a does’nt a aha have a cold  , he’s a a cook a a a nad the h new  ways  way in and out and about a your way in your w whe  a  inthe ony only way in and out a na ab above you sw ways na and into the other w yway in andi j out out and about  so that you can know ad nad i an a and i can find out s similare a methosde a a adn ways inandout a a aour around so that so tha  so that you you  can know a and i can find  another  way in and you in and out and over your  way in and from that swearing  and only to wake up and and tweaki tweakers  three dad days  i  w waht a a the  s d ain t wa waht the waht th4e what the only way in and a ina  and out out ad and about  so so that you can know kow know and i can know and and become way out and about so that you you can a become  the on the only other way for you to know and for me to fin din find out  so that you can knw know a a a a those that can goth th  go go th the distance a sometims t tom times a a you see t t the world a a and you know just what to do , and just when to do it , just what you should  ahve have done and when you you should  a have done it a a a
 Inthe mig gm imdd im im i a ian  im’ im’ a i’m a a inthe middle of all this and ou you are  inte img middle of all that  since from no w now on you might be called upon to be the only way in andout outand and oa about a so so taht you that you an know know an  what h what the f this the  guy a boby bobby ocean a he’s a a tweaker  man
Whatthe fuck is is he holding a  couple of pu pounds a fully a a and osm some  there there is a  missle missl a a nice m job a a t lets take them down pretty sure  a  og go d gof god damn a a spear gun a ad so you   you two be careful , that tweaker a a shit head , shet head  i never  you would do anything  a a stool pigeon a a dn themean in the mean time so that that you cou would know and o i wou would find out a noth another way way in ando ut and over your yor w ways since you can know adn and i can find out anyother way other anyother way an and no ral r reason to find a ways  way out and now it other reason to beie believe in the mean  many ohter other opportunities a a that may or may not be f formed    formed in in the original way  a  that you you yo you can know a a a d and e we all can call about the the same way and over you way your  ways a a a way and over you ways  a way and beome th become the original ways  a  so ah that you migh  t might come to learn a about the o other  w wasy  inways in  which we all can  come to believe tha in the maen   midd million t pount d pound drop a formula   you  youyou in ouou you you ock okay a a  nice sorry its a a a dan dra d a dangerous a a a nie ni ei neith ghbousr bur bourhood a a a a inthe mena time  we would like ot to annooun ounce ounce announ c announce  a that from now on me  we might  come    come from aa  aa fo one to the next a a adn begin to knwo know that hter there are several other methods  ah that we might  lean leanr lean learn to use i nte pr por procet a a prox process  of bein  beginning a a to be feel a  a  a a in that t frf from now on we might   ba feel okay ad and learn how and hwh why  we m a  a can  form  a a relationships a a a and beo g bego i’m a trumptet  pr player a a my n name  is tom ben allen , i ‘m a a i’m a a trumpt pru t trumpet a a player a , in thne me middle of all this aa a a )00000

In hte  theo other de dis rection a wfe wf we   can consider ourselves to be lucky   to be alive  sinc  since for  rfon rf t f fron from now on the there ma may mya b ma may  be fon one other w reals rea rel  a ral aa a a a a not hing aa i shorg of  of g a a tt th tho rh short of dazzling aa a a no i was tak talking aboug  aboult a a a abolt a a miles a n no i ws war   was a tail s talking a ajust st st ht thinking a aboult a a i a want  to p re prg sg rg  d dwf  no no righ he rihgh right here a an acome on a le lets   st sta; stay a here re right her  sher her rhe she is the one , in the middle of the all th this  s forlmlua a a a a  a forlmullaice a a  rallying points  tha tha becoen  like  ton no other  method the supplementary  et methons a method a  so that we can begin to feel tha in he the middle  way the othe other directon tion dis direction a a trucst r st trust a a a;l8g a ; a we  wfe wef we’re  in h churche a alook  what ever  we’re in in che church   im ‘ i’m   do good at it a so why ar e w are yuyou you  a t stressed a a out  do’ douse dou de dou does’nt even like a dolphins   dolphin hater a what’s  up a , in  the hey a wha whats what’s up  , no i was getting pain domingo g; go gy  misdemeanor  gie get lost  befor e before  domingo  finds yu you  you’re  se felony a a a  a a ve before a a in the the ti the mean tiem time  what the du fucke a  gef g jfg  t the the other  befor  berof a in the the ma mean time  wht what the fuck    n in the mean tiem wha time what the fuck  i ‘on only deal in he high  end  w black   d tin tnen ten  ten  double a i mister  we well about abouve  something the tis thirs thir this a blacke   double a dgrip a a p caaa capacity a will d do the job  one hundred a a and fit fe fifteen   the  combat   t two n inch bare barrel if ti it s  its impact aall all p sales are final a where do youyou find th these  p people a a abuste  busty a  all sales ar e are final aii  aall prices are non negotiable a a ayoy you y;p a  y ; i; in popen open  si did yu oyu you  in the mea n mean tim e time  w h waht the waht the wht  what the fi cu suc a in the mean time i would lik  like to annouck  announ announv  annonc annaou announce that form from now on hte there migh mith mithg mtih mith might be from sen ten t t t to f ril sil vefst  rie ril silver  dollar in the middle of my a  carpet  caterpl illar a wayr in the why do ther they call him on account of his nore  nose  i’m not  come coming  poh pooh  did so much a d gag  a they say he has n has’nt a a slet sel slept  why is she a tw twee tweaker a a a  ql qu een queen ele lee l elizabeth a sleep a a a ano in the no in hte middle  poo a bear a   and action a rolling a a in the middle  w way ad and so for no other  r reason other that h that the original    pi pf formula a a milk a  so tha tha you yun youn yu you can believe  thea from   son now on wh we might come to believe in now other reason   to for us to bei beliee beli  a a   thea thaet we are  now in the imddle hag ghag a that a byj byj bou boy a a is no glass is ice a a no  w can we talk price a a a can we danny boy a have a atask taste a come on    w fantastic a  impi ress  how about wh w whag gh ghw whag ghf whag what a t the fuck  i in t the mig dmi imd  a ain the in the the   ay way in the the wya way in aon oan nad and ouv  out o so tha that  t the h the way yu yun yu o you  can be aa an we can offer yu yu you  can be the only way so tha that yon youn you cna be can can be so that you can offer us us tthe the ony  only  othe othe tohteother way for you to kow know ad and that  i i might come to believ  believs   believe th that for from now on the there well we will be no other mith method  a availabel a for us to  for us to b cover  youn  you in the middle  way    wm middle way middleway a so that ynyou youn midh i might offer  oyu yourel seleelw self  a aa a to be ky  a  c cut a a  betyf   ber;   fo befroe  asa facing   the couriere   fuckin er mith   mother fe fucker a a ane any  a bothe  bothe bhbo both teams  i’m i’ii  i i’ll  fly a  right out  the frome fron a a door a bob  hopes a ts stool stam sam saom sample a s so t that yu you migh might bewdag w wahg  what a t  t bu by the t he t way i  you might come to bi bi leileive  tha that you amr ari ari are a on nothing to mie mi e me a a com come in i’d let yu you in  in but t no in the way so so w how do you know th thirs shi this  du gy gy u guy a th this  acomm commmo coo commin on common a married amrri a a yeah a  in the im wahg tc su gu du f fuch  fuck a yeay  ey yeah a i got a kid so where  a did you know a a i has a a had a a ffwe few aa mi medical ibl bills aa my lawyeer er a lay lawyer a youn you dot got t the the money a what nno no ten tnh thousand  we’ll si see hao how it goes  a its got to be now  because  a a partner  well that th that’s  n just  a a dow down down righ   wigh wr right insulting  cn can you believe thir  this  weasel face prick  a  ascu su uf fuck a a hey a a what the fuck are you doing  i thoudh gho gh thoudh though   gh thought a i was in trouble  t yo yuo you reall  reayy rae a really a a a  a i did’nt  th think a a about  th pook o poo  abear a a aand a a e sae dealie e dealer a a i’ ill i’ll tenn tell  yor your donn gonna roll over  on o going intent  a to distribute ten year im minemi minimum a t and that’s not goog  good in prisin r g gr pf prison   that’s not good at all , in themea mean time what the fi cu suc a in in themean time what the by the the wy way that you migh  mi mith might come ien in and become  ro so that you aer are  a me here a a a  in them middle way s so you did’nt  s just  see wh  how a a a how   you don’t need to waorr wao worry about no body a a a awha w whag what about th the othe  t other the om dome d domingo  its a teacher a  acars  a a cars red s registered a a to to another way  you you yo man yu youn you det getting paranoid a oyu oy you better lay off the g a gack gac gag 
 He say  say  saw  you in  he he say said a a listen i in kow  for myself a i feel  i have finally a a  that killed my  daughter a and it helps a  that you’ve fonun d found   some peace a i a want you to leave e me alone i’m ive i’ve seen her her  a make her stay away a a a a aa aa per registered aa a  make here  her stay away listen a ai want to talk to poo bear dont don’t say a fucking word aa  t theo other way in and the only other wh whag i’m not the h the one making a  the accussa satin to tion a a i don’g  don’t  know    ho who a a you heard  that r from  make  you’r your pee pee in the n howl hole  there   come on   a a a no now  yu you bettenr better  a say something  a e better  then tne tne ten thousand a a a su th shut the fuck up   i heard a a a aa alot of h peao people  when  the they are  a round a a  alot of money  how whe we do gonna know  whe when  a its not wht wh what yun yu y you thing  thk think a a  its now t not wht i oyu your you’re making me nervour nervous pea pe please dont  would  ammake  t the n only othe othe  reason f to be he here from one to anothe another in the miea mean time what do you want from he me in he he the ony only othe othe o other direction that  that we migh  might consider to be a reasonable      si distance a  t f from her e here to ther there t tform f , fron from there to her  her hreer here and onwards in the only direction th that from here h on in we migh t be  believe tha that yu you anr are  in themi mibb middle of all ths i this a acal  s call in for  a cut u cup of cofffe ci ce fu ii oao fo coffee a a you want to ge let  adn go left  thats it ouyou in mthe best a a  the r first on thd you right a a aa  and the the only other i i direction so that yo you might  on consider  your self to g be closed  close to any other dife dirct direct a  a  a o fo co d focus a a a for all all the minimal directional latitudes  in in no other formation that mighth be considerd  ed  considconsidered to be  a a nd er reasonalbe  a a a a ration of di design to  a a a a a  aa a a aut utility a a in the man main then them   theme   turn a a ad we we might consie sonsiconsi son consider  our sle slef es slev sle slev sle es selveds  u lucn uu lucn ko a lucn k  ul ul lucn luchn llikk  u ul lucko y ulu ulc ul lucn h kkk ul l lucko y  ul a alj fhk mk  a ove you you way in the nl the onl one way that can be seen as on l only the other wys ways and way andin no way like like no other any othe like su simple a wasy in luchy a lun lucnkolk ily a ily a cucn ul uic a u l lich a aa liu a a in lu a aover lickn a ai liuc u uu aover you our  wasy and ov in  no other ways so its i wal wol the ther or or for you do daughter aa a and the mean time  a adn no other w ways for you to kw know and ral rally really be the only only t ohter oher other direction youu just man mank a sure  you gont come alonk a aa few   work you fwo  w fwo two it could l get ugu lu  auo i y yoi tu ot u utout uguokj9o a alj   ;vi a a  fh fha  onl only w t from the the here on in a , in thema em mean itme i time we might considre d consider that form from n now on we mighmight   consider a a well gi get in  a holmes aa  a mo hom es homes a  wek wk well a get in a holmes alrgh triht ie riht  ad aka a a a about ayear a a aago a a middmiddle a that is until a a auntil  at great risk to his own personal safety a  a  how tht the hell you say  no i was in the  bathroom a what about hk df;  a over over  i’g   ‘ l dk skk skl i kow knoe knew  fhk thk thk the  slj 4le ljt l w a wa waht what about the chimcriminalo ll a g a i would have killed him right  there and even if i he was’jf a a alj in  in involved a a aso l bkc bk kd bk  akb bk k bk bdc e a over you but i knowknoe i had to gke gket  e get  cu c; l cl;;d  cu; a whaf kvks  fhth thaf  whkj whkj a fhk rsl a  r a cawha wahf  o;i o;i  lj  appears a a ajg and he  a a ru pumped a fhk thko a a h t thid a a id how do you know  a  all oi you rre really a hve i have a a have no not s eiu ru fi fiu fui fiued a no now it o looks like we got the right  gu ys a all you go t ho to got to do is a a everyhtin a thing is goint t goint  going fo to r work our  out w au lar alright  a aall i could get a and and ths thas thats no until i wnat want o o;i l fk fftktkk who whoi whi a what the thek f eich a ask athe the f; ;fhks wao wao  ai  lj oi in the onl only way and over you way so that you can know and i can find out  a  so ht that we can believe that from now on nonnow on the othe other way for you and th now that from now on we might  d find that out that from onw now what what’s the reason  a becuas a c bea because everything you  dai dad said  and your not  who you said a  a and you dont  like me tha t you’re my friend a your my own only a f friend  a f for this plan a a maki make it wols wos a a a and trying to make it right  i really need you yor your help what do you you ant want me to do a, i ‘m a il i’m tyr tryo trying to make it right a ai got  gotta a a a dmy  my last m smok3e 
 A and in the men  mean in et time  i wou would lke like to announce that that form here tr from here on in we mihg mihg migh mith might  e be concerned wiht  tw wi wih wiht with all manner of  new nu neutral l a f foundations o f of reality a a and and in the mean time we might  consie consder consider  a our our out come outcomes a ad and all rea  a ra ralreal conskequences a a consequence s a a of acion actions to nor be normal adn be  aa are o recognisable aa a a as necessary a a a ad n  aand fon d founded in reasonalbe  a rdirections a a ados os so that from now on we we we know a adn can become aa adn really believe that from our pr er perspective ther therre are tghere gther there are many  othe o really anecessayr a directions aa  and ror for   a once annd and for all na many other   d types aaaa aand considerable a a a a  aare you working  for poo bearlets  do it a a a
 And  from now a on we might   a  belong to to any other  a are real ways and and no othe  other consei ider able a a a what the fuch  fuch  cucn a  ana in the mean time  we d woudl like to be the onl only other ways for ha that you can know  aad and i can find out our ways f to begin that from now on we mg might  be formed to b foefromformed    the only only w way for so th that you might be fomrformed in no othe rwasy for you and non other you you ywht t wht the u fukc a a in god damn  ha that s  alright a a a a akin fin d  find anothe direction a a and only there in thmiddle abill you bettr com better come n  on in here  a a  a and leave us  f f fo fin o to find  a out out from h now now on in there hter might be  an unsuusual a a men  a matter of fact announced ment a a a  a conse considr erable a a wasy way in which  you might  come to believe  fr  from ther ther ther here there to here  no unsu usual ways are possible a a and on no other  wasy a ways a  are abv ab aba avau available  for us to  burn ad and make usual a a and come to the concu lusion hat t aht tha that form ff from now on   here on in m we migh t might a a a ba e be the ononly ones at aht a migh , be called on  ina  a t at any op point in time a aad and in  an y a pr r pr processs sa a  prec dicament aa adn and in the  likely a aa a a ali all likelyhoohd   likelihood a a a a in all likelihood  ew we might  come to consider that from fao for all a our  w w  wmeht meht thods  methodds mie mie methods a we we are here and n and know ing as we h we do that form fro  for as many as a a a  a fe w  few hud hud hud hundred  aa pounds o of df strdk kst  df stsk sd stlk a stretch a metal a con oun cou out country  house holds  a in the ll likely  hood  i mihgt  mightg d re f draw th  the same conclusion a a a a consequences a a are from here on m in m we miht a mihgt a a miht a a  all call on you ast at any ime time in the future and annouce  , that from here on in hter hter 11231324 1234 1234544 1234what 113123455678909 1231234512345789078906656f56 56 7890wht a what about you and what about me and what about that the next w on e one aa na nadout our one and your one and the only other one and all reasonable  ways ones and all reasonable real ways for you to know and for me to find out and come th the to he con the concul cul ulus conxul cludion a a d   cone mo come to the cons cu lusion that from here on in we me mhg mihg  might a fiee fell feel  f our  slef sleve sevle a wanting a a ad  aand needing a adn really believeing atht fom from here a onon m in we might a     con con come to  a a a a a aaa aa real ways sk   sl sluver machings  tru trumpet  player   you r your a a mio mother fucking  rat  a, i  i’ll telly you  a what’s happening  gave me a aa   aand your dead  a  and think that you yor  a  a aout of my own a a a in the me mean ime imte time  we might  be here heh here i played you like  a she hd had no d h n ho no  somei i;m il i’   d; d; t; g;   lu u  s yets  o go  a a adn let him burn a bu bithc aa bu bitch a a a let him  burn a bu bith c  a aand  in the mean time we mgh mihg a c might acll call ourselved   s s alone in the m himg a nithg a nh h night a wi l with a anow  h nothing ub ug bugf  buf  buf a buf a the keys a a adn and a a a a alonging to  communicat  e jut wha just what i amd a a dn i  what i can could be ad cvoud ha could have been adn might a be a all me adn th the keys a meand te the owrks workds a a wosd a and  words a a adn the letter s a lines an amarkes athe ink the lei liecctron isdc a ink a the le electronic ink the mean time a  a on only hte here there  th h this a must be hell , all no in a cliched  a a inthe mean time a a al th all there a adadn alone a a alond a a alond a a adn acon coming a in for another  w ways way in and out ad a aroudn fo so that you can know ada adn c come to believe a athat from f no  here on h in the there a a acan only be on one wa patp patter aa patter a a there a a a some time aa its pretty simple a a after lla all  ahte man say a a why is the man dall the all around are gambles g t gambru ulsers a a taba t at ga gambuks e a as far as i ‘m a  concdr cerned  a to tell you the truth , i still dont on don’t  know  a a a know  ireallly  like ih his chances a a
 A a a trumpte  player a a a a ireally like his chances a a i
Only ther in htere in the in dayre a aa adrive a america a donl tond  dlet  dow back down aa a adn the in tje mthe mig dm iddle a of the mgh nh himt a a on in your w your way nadin theonly ohter dircti dri directgion a a dn so come ot be begi  begin at the beginning a a aand cover your slef a slef a a slef sl sle a a sle a sl sleeves in te most moist a a cover the over only other way ofr fro fory u you to know ad

And become
