Our time is your time
And their time is your time
Their time is our time and your time is my time , the time is ours
Their time is your time
And our time is their time.
My time is your time and their time is our time .
Your time is only our time ,
If your time is their time ,
Our time is your time
His time is her time
My time is their time
And their time is my time
The time is now and
The time is here
Time is there and time is here
Your time is there and time is here
Your time is here and their theirs
The time to call our own
Is our time to go
Our time is theirs time
Time her and her here and there
, thime time eimt time here and there
Is hers and his our time h he his time
Her time th my time your time
Our time and his time ias is all time and now time
Our time is here time and then time is nher hean nrea nrea
Near time far time
The time is there time our time their tin time is now time and then toj time is then th time n
Now then time is then tn now time hner her here time then thim time then time here time your t#
You time is then to time
Himt imt time her time here tike time her then time here time then time here time acce c
Accitd dinet al ky keytime t kdy keystro k e time and thern tne hen then the nt then the tn the thetne thten and the then and now the here and then the wnw then ahnd thein nown and hte nthe ntna dyour here and then and htdere there and there na thern athen the then t thena and hterer there and th here time is thena and thow now in the nwo atimne in there here and then tim e in our tie time to call our tow onw on own aou our own time is her and there anehere and thein tneth thin tehtein the int the in the the here and htnow the in timeis is all we need to call our town onw tin own itn h int hte her ehere and htnow now the nth then and there and ihthe h here then and there the ot tinde thein time and there and then tin ahert then there ,. Th e the nony ohnly only tw ay tw ay way to . to gth to t got the only way to callour own time and then and there te thre the time then and here anthe theen then therean and there the imt time to call our towwn own time
Your time is our time iad there their time and mey t my t9im time the only way to goa and callour own way to go the int tine time is tnow t now and therne the then tin the inth3w whyerehet t
Ther anhere andthere there the thrte thrr herer in the now nad the antd tand the in in the her and here and hnow now our int time is now nad h nand then in the n here and hten thein and thin et then th and ho now in th our tin time to call our won ownd in the het then then thtere there thy tyou herea nd now tin won now in the here and honw now in the net thedn and the there in the nre here nd now tyou might come to tim bekl blivke ing ableiveing bie bie l bllth be egbe bebe b belvie belvie ble belive bl belvie beliec belvie believe the way the a tha t tha that we call our selves dom some theing th something or other something or other in the here and ho now tietim time to call our own
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