Friday 26 August 2011

phony salvation pony jacket wasp vespa i am you computer

open a word document. click on insert tab, symbol. select font; arial unicode ms. scroll down with the arrow on the bottom right. and watch those characters metamorphose. a large chunk are chinese. you can see them thwip past with all those various conflications, consternations. what smart homonids this species

a millions ways to spend your time

a thousand thrills

who the fuck is filipe da costa

zav's dad on television. the planets form occupying space


shtpwitter midfieldrz

peas just need a freezer

how active am i on the keep in touch. percentile scale of facebook what with all this spy iron age wall calendar trek sci onic baltic mill press nubes gonon

your cheeks my cheeks everybodies body's cheeks
bim bi ba mabo boo

you cheeks

thats inside the mouth, the cheeks bit
not outside
imagine drink that gave you a raw feeling on your cheeks

the reality of beef is constipation
the reality of beer is a raw feeling on the cheeks around the gums
the reality of brain is skull mind skelfs bone chalk

is it saturday or sunday?

disco punctuation fenickety finikity finickety fnick


yoke runs under four minutes eggyambass



out spin

dukkha dukkha everywhere

da ya da sa ko mi kammapatisarano yam kammang karisami kalyananam pa pa kang wa tassa da ya da karisami



is why. brother . i became a madcap baul
no master i obey
nor injunctions, canons, or custom. distinctions have no hold on me now.
i rejoice in the gladness of the love that wells out of my own being.
in love there is no separation, but a meeting of hearts forever.
so i rejoice in song and i dance with each and all.
that is why, brother , i became a madcap baul

hubba hubba hubba

one two three

world egg cup

asbestos heavy metals mercury poison exit dust

cash death

i meant winifred robinson's

jane garvey's sexy laugh

steep slope to progress along at a pace watching carry away looking in the waist laid back on knees giving way going paths not letting that feeling of not looking right kill me that risk to body is no risk when the safe way to go is done right since i dont mind not looking right on the side of a mountain walking where only sheep can get to fast and loose


tom cruise has all the right moves

this is it boys as ninety nine red balloons go by


nectar card registration register to nectar spoils of war fog of war nectar card john major the noo fistf ul o dynamite white lightning warm belly shroom and a chunky gold seal day out for red eyed youth wi skateboards and cheese flavoured sting ray victims hoots mon deo cap an glory since dobbs told me how i am right glad to be here

itchy feet itchy rage in unconcious fungus tiny creatures eating the flesh

notificaionmessage midificationmofictn

what the hell are those goblins up to.

i forgot the a to the a to the a to the a to the a

whats going on mekon the r to the o to the x to the n n e why the have to make a rekabout me whyd they haveta make a rekabout me the r o x a n n e shante shante anuroda or however you say that shit at the end sadu sadhu sadhu

watch out dan dare you fucking human i will catch you next time you storm my palace and i will get you you hear i will get you with my superior green troops who will get you and get you and get you until you are well and truly gotten bein got and goten begoten forgotten after awhile you will be i will chew on your bone...s for a while then feed them to my martian dogs dan dare you fucking chimp

spine TAKES LOADS LOANS LAOS spine takes strain pain piabalbaparabola

i am me

oblongs or rectangles?

weapons grade plutonium

contemplating ending this blog and opening another called eucalyptus

something or other

the nyoom and buddy are now friends

fash shit fascist at my door wanting wanting wanting burglars to come in lop head off wit maschet mash schmasschhshcshc muck and egg faschimitt at mine kine flyter schribber tishche n a dim dolche diolch un vour and flour

for me and a girl called betsy byars and handing out flyers so i can vote for LSD to be handed out free at toll booths on bridges for a mass flying saucer jump on election day booths set up to come up in with rat poison for the inpatient and icecream for throaties and jesus telling us not to go since there is only one chance at moonlight drive lizard romp

i read tea story was good i gave up cocao it lost its buzz and got into the old time religion of cups and saucers again fuck you blizzard my costumes better than yours its crotchless with unstable molecules for when i use my elongation and forcefield as a power stunt on my telekinesiology diplomat therapy bod


i had an idea of something to write but i cant remember what it was so here is some crap i am making up right now about gordon brown and jesus, they love each other truly madly deeply

in fact they full on go at it like hard riding mountain bikers who like to go out there in to the parks and go down hill its all going downhill from here downhill you know what i am saying hard riding bikers for the love of mary who looks out for us in here eternal realm all smuggly warm and cosy after that favour she did me quanyin oster rich and barley



snow rain planet sun

bored confused confusi borerode consumed

mr ben liked to get out of his clothes in to them there spacesuits of armour and jester outfits yo. the degenerate fiend was not content with reality on festive street in festive town in festive land goddamit, what with all them there onions to peel and sinks to clean with his bowler tom, mister ben we could have been ...contenders on the higher eschelons on lamb cutlet croutons

got this great big earth down there and glad brain tree eye, say what flickering let down not notness not no not nope no none negatory nebu

holy heaven munda celeste unholy other self noself not self other nother another non self no other im the only one and only dominator am binga an bonga in other words sucker there is no other no other im holy moly walking along like jesus no other like just ice like a word pow pow werd of the weirdling way to pwei

every body going ballistic on the old frenzy kick must be thor stirring the soup. jam hot

survivors of radish binges unite and overthrow them ugly ones

other world round in circles time running about and not out other world rule other world other world foot prints in the close snow other world other world other world again other world now other world and other world at hand other world other world gods walk on shields glint of iron other world bronze other world fear... other world other world cut my belly open swallow me up

wise other board keys dean feel ear he might out hematite bee rob snap dragons

humans need reality relief from time to time, other wise we get bored zeek

JHVH1 damn

knowin as i do the gloom.the men who stare. your time, your time of the morning stare. knowin as i do the gloom the men who stare the men who stare your time your time of the mornin stare known do gloom stare men who stare at the gloom your stare of the moon tide gloom known as i do the gloom the men who stare your time your time of the morning stare known

with my friendly giant protecting you. them there wotan bobbies dwelling in pink states beyond ( beneath) all yeti comprehensions, indeed

appealing for tethers shankles and shekles, that there everlasting everpresent salvation available to all who appeal whole heartedly to then there entities benevolent. like good old and new infinite light and all his attendants. so i can learn how and why the scalp stretches over the no head. with no strain delivered and smiling collar bone.

i am not of solid, of liquid or of gas. i am not of solid, of liquid or of gas

this body is a skin bag full of unattractive things, from the top of the head to the soles of the feet; full of unattractive things. the body is a skin bag full of unattractive things. i am not of solid, of liquid or of gas. this body is a skin bag full of unattractive things, unattractive things, unattractive things. head at all no head at all no head at all no head at all

i am sure i am meant to be doing something

became a fan of all sorts of crap like tears for fears and other shite bands

got some classic aches and rage, like a really nice cold beaten into submission but lingering in jaw scalp since cycling helmet straps too tight since i am noticing drivers of car and vans are really out to crunch my skeleton into tarmac and gnarl up my sinues, once i get back to jotun i stay, surtur surtur bring the f...ires down here surtur surtur surt bring the fires in

happy amazonians ingest dimethyltriptamine regularly

divide and rule

and haim dies thanks to us and you and a kiplings apple pie eaten first by removing that there succulent lid and scraping out the apple

centimeters quarters sam is dead vampire you killed him dont eat it quarter of ten hours work inches work being workable measures hours work being workable increments being quarter of ten past the hour and and . then since i know the ones who wanted to took it upon themselves to grow people in jars away from their exits

pearls a singer yeah like car smell immortal earth, yeah like a mild wave sspirit u snakcte snacte ansantcte sancte domine yo delay hay bail out before its too late for peralta peral pearl pealr keeg dkeeng mob come rushing in come rushing in come rushing in we need freedom every body's free to feel good all the time f...reedom freedom rythm fhymem a mistery train to tooting beck and common salt lda like a free way way free pearl

pearls a singer do dod do do do she makes harps from her lettuce leaves in winter dod od do dod do pearls a singer do dod dod do she makes larks out of hives down in plymouth dod dod od dod pearls a singer dod dodddodddodd she makes out of her minds all the primroses are clean dod dodd dod dod doo ddo dooo pearls a singer dodd dododd dod dooo dddoooodddo dodd

polar bear



saxon should have got a better lead guitarist

confide in one, never in two. confide in three and the whole world knows

hes bo - o - o - ob bob dont ever change

riding on a seal. bargaining with my shadow

let not the grass grow on the paths between the houses of friends

cattle die, kinsmen die, you yourself must likewise die, but word fame never dies for him who earns it well.

i know that i hung on that wind swept tree for nine whole nights, pierced by the spear, my self given to myself, odin given to odin, on that tree whose roots noone knows. no food did they bring me nor drink from the horn, into the depths i peered. i grasped the runes, screaming i grasped them, and then fell back.

dare ee lambastri dera lambastri dra dala bstrai dra so ton daree slam basteri rate dra so ton daree lambaarrstri dra dra so ton dare eee lams basstri dar lambasti ri ri lambastri dral so ton daree leeds united nil leeds united nil leed uni unled ed nil

lambastri dra. dunfermlin one queen of the south two . so ton daree lambastri dra. west bromich albion three hull kingston rovers nine. lambastri dra. lambastri dra . so ton daree lambastri . dra . lambastri . dra . dra wolverhampton wanderers six. lambastri dra . lambastri dra . so to n

death to the mc clouds

refund my crudsville freedom so i can reconcile myself to this abysmal slush prisonstate

i want a refund

i want my money back

god this is so shit

are we meant to enjoy this?

sa schite being schootish

i'm scotish, im schotlander . im ecossewise hubard l ron scitish schittish are you shcottisichsch too or are you a shasshschenacc cereriac

two outdoor reared porkchops, fat removed, cut up with scissors, fried in olive oil. once the water is gone from pot and the oil starts spitterspatterin add two onions and keep going til the spitterspatter starts again, splash in tobasco and worcestershire sauce and some peeled cloves of garlic. two mushrooms and fresh ground black pepper.

once the onions are well caremalised add some honey and two pears with no core. apple juice to cover the stew.

and cook it, then eat it with whole grain organic brown rice and steamed green vegetables. yeah yeah yeah porkpearperu

let me hear you say yeah


right a albain lug h of the laong alrrm aasend your sont asetanta setantta setant ea mack lugh ndalriat will be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedne

gulgu glug ong ollatnr dark daesting inedendsity dendsity deneshit ytdendsity dark dmtttere desting y dark magtter ercc comes on sscome sesdesinting y dark amrmy mofo fdark dness dessting y int dmarching destin y dalriatea taldarriat aarg right arlbain ard girght aallbain arid

ting dacrk come come ecome

come come come comecomecone onceonddaaleittaa darldiratat adalerigalt desting y deestinting desndsidt y desnsisity dendistalt aadldlugh lang alrn desting ing delar dark desting mac luch stend edtedddessintin yddalriata ladaassting iy daritk matter dendity dalrk matter nard desting y darm natl ture tll yf darlir iat t t...adaltieriat larmy of darkhness destingn y dark ddestiny amac lugh desting y destin

dnednens endehesdehnsity density destiny dense less more dense denser denser tdnthd dhendsiendgity dsakeoint naedines ithedhr ine he dalriata daleirtnt adaleir antadalerietalt adalrriata art right albain destinestone unf delsting y destingy destingy destiny destiny desintgn esetanta setaneta mac lugh long arm come


sudden gob syndrome

messages just disappear right before i send them in to the vacuum of windows one click half an hour of time and effort the pan email does it better


alien and familiar

and so the edge is defined us and them

sassanacs aint brothers in cymru near to toutatis macrotribe gentiles aint brothers in the old near to yahweh thunder jehovah 1 tribe

car five car five security

cellotape bug

satan "just me" aint me at all its a slippy zero one fallen angel


just me

that took me ages

what happened to my orseshit

who sent you?




yeti's fist kungfu aliengelic buddha knowledge straight to your doorstep erisian healing and more. just dial fruit fly liquor rather than added vanilla to give a smooth texture for that luxury finish tangy zest gruesome details and a release that leaves nothing to be desired from the everyday common or garden variety b...ox run of the mill nothing special branch of any old tree you might come across on a quiet stroll

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